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Not anti-lockdown, but I'm just so tired of the way this has been handled. I feel robbed and angry.

I have missed out on so many of what are supposed to be the most important moments of my life. My graduation, my first year of university, my 18th birthday, hell I never even got to say goodbye to my old classmates because I was sick on the last day of school. I was a good person and followed all the health orders, naively believing that if we could all just show some goddamn solidarity and have some of that good old human resolve we could get through this.
Of course Alberta had to do what they do best and LARP as Texas. Feed right into all the crazy conspiracy theorists and drag their feet when proposing ways to manage this virus. Sucks, but one of the joys of living under a conservative government, freedom amirite! (except for those indigenous people on reserves and struggling workers, they don't count)
Something about these last few weeks just fucking broke me. They say they were hesitant about restrictions for mental health, cause nothing's better for the old noggin than a trip to the casino to play some slots and drink your feelings away. Because that is obviously so much safer than having a single, also socially distanced friend over to watch a movie together.
The UCP had the gaul to say that restaurants and stores aren't causing spread and that indoor gatherings are the real issue, when we don't know where 80% of cases come from and tons of studies worldwide have shown this claim to be bullshit. I get banning indoor gatherings, but then restraunts and non-essential businesses should be off the table too.
And of course today Kenney gets up on his little stepstool podium to announce new restrictions. Thank God. Oh wait? What's that first one? No outdoor gatherings at all? You mean the THING THAT NEARLY ALL HEALTH EXPERTS HAVE UNILATERALLY AGREED UPON BEING ONE OF THE SAFEST ACTIVITIES RIGHT NOW?
But thanks Kenney, thanks for keeping my mental health in check. My mental state totally wasn't hinging on that date I planned to go for a walk and look at the lights downtown with a girl I've had a crush on for ages. At least I can go to West Edmonton Mall and spend all my money on useless garbage surrounded by antimaskers and inbred trailer trash, I'm sure that'll keep me off the ledge for awhile longer!
But now stores are limited to 15% of fire capacity, that'll definitely help right? Anyone ever looked at fire capacity numbers? They are fucking absurd. The tiny little Dollar Tree near my house can have 30 people inside and still be under 15%, Best Buy can have over 100. A Best Buy with 100 people inside is still busy, I don't care what the fire code says. 15% sounds low, but it's not, and I can only assume it's a misinformation tactic to calm people down.
If you've read this far I think you might be just as insane as me, but what else do you have to do but stay inside and doomscroll through social networks while the world falls apart. But hey. Mental health is important right? After all that's why we avoided this lockdown until the one time of year where lonely people are known to kill themselves.
I wish I could tell Jason Kenney to go fuck himself, but he already jerked himself off for 2 hours straight today on live TV.
submitted by whatisfoolycooly to alberta [link] [comments]

Wrestling Observer Rewind ★ Feb. 1, 1988

Going through old issues of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter and posting highlights in my own words, continuing in the footsteps of daprice82. For anyone interested, I highly recommend signing up for the actual site at f4wonline and checking out the full archives.
The Complete Observer Rewind Archive by daprice82
1-4-1988 1-11-1988 1-18-1988 1-25-1988
  • The Bunkhouse Stampede Finals and Royal Rumble are in the books, and as a head-to-head it’s best described as a stalemate. Neither show is what Dave would consider among the best cards he’s ever seen, and from the perspective of a tv viewer they were about what you’d expect. No strong overall lineup for either, and what was delivered wasn’t spectacular either. WWF had the edge in glitz, but not as much as usual because of the live factor meaning they couldn’t rely on post-production editing tricks. Here’s a sentence that describes a typical Raw today: “The three-hour show had too many replays and looked like it may have dragged in spots if you were there live.” Dave’s gotten some word from people who were there for the Bunkhouse finals live, and all rated it terribly as a live experience. From the tv viewer perspective, though, it was better than Starrcade despite some major issues (Dave says they owe the audience an explanation for why the Rock & Roll Express and Steve Williams were absent, as well as for the lack of Mike Rotunda vs. Sting which was pushed on WTBS half an hour before the show).
  • Dave’s tired of writing a lot of the same complaints about NWA, but they do seem to be responding to fans. They’re going to start showing the finishes to matches that go off the air on the following week’s show and have made changes to the announce desk. Jim Ross did a great job on ppv and toned back on calling every match an all-time classic like he did at Starrcade. But there were eight no-shows among the wrestlers and on Thursday night they had a terrible show in Los Angeles. Most of the no-shows were guys they pulled from the card to save money on flights. The Bunkhouse Finals were advertised with a 7 pm start time, but many of the tickets had 8 pm printed on them, and the show itself actually started at 6:35. Pm and ended at 9 pm, so those arriving at 8 missed most of the show. Not all the no-shows can be blamed on the promotion (Mighty Wilbur got injured, Rock & Roll Express appear to have up and quit), but some kind of explanation needs to be made for the fans. Between all that, getting chants of “Refund” after the Stampede and Dusty getting booed (which fans watching on tv heard) when he won the finals, NWA has significantly hurt its position in two of the biggest markets in the country in LA and New York. They’re making changes, slowly, but some changes need to be made or they’re going to sink. NWA fans come for action, but you can’t get the kind of action the fans want with the schedule they’re running (contrast to WWF which can get by with less action because their guys are seen as stars and the fans want to see the stars). Doing cross-country double shots on weekends is killing NWA, and they need to make new stars. Turning Flair face, since he’s more popular than almost anyone else, isn’t even something to do right now because Luger’s turn is in full throttle and they don’t have a heel to take up the slack. They could turn Dusty heel and have him feud with the Road Warriors, but they won’t.
  • In the past few weeks, NWA has managed to lose several guys they really shouldn’t have. Terry Taylor is gone apparently because the office had it in for him because of when he left the promotion in 1985. Big Bubba Rogers had become a good worker and had a great gimmick going, but WWF poached him. Rock and Roll Express apparently quit because they were unhappy about their push (though Dave thinks despite their ability and work, they’ve been on borrowed time for nine months now). Dave gives Steve Williams 50/50 odds of coming back and just kind of gestures to UWF as explanation. Sean Royal quit, and Chris Champion, Eddie Gilbert, and Brad Armstrong are all but disappeared. And more are looking to get out. Dave hates writing all this stuff about what Crockett’s doing wrong on the front page, especially when he’s been talking about it for months, and especially because he’s a fan of the NWA. He wouldn’t classify himself as a fan of WWF, but they’ve earned his respect with what they’ve done to take the business to another level and in the next two months he expects them to blow the whole wrestling business wide open. But WWF’s success isn’t the reason for NWA’s problems. WWF doing counterprogramming has made Crockett earn less money than he would have unopposed, and Dusty probably books himself the way he does because he knows WWF won’t steal him (spoilers: WWF gets Dusty in just over a year) and it’s hard to leave the limelight, but WWF isn’t the reason for most of Crockett’s issues.
  • According to the newspapers this morning, Wrestlemania IV will take place in Atlantic City’s Convention Center. Capacity is 16,000. There were rumblings of Vince being close to a deal in Vegas for either UNLV Gym or Caesar’s Palace, so Atlantic City’s a surprise. Wrestlemania is going to be more focused on ppv than closed-circuit this year, apparently. But most of the audience can’t get ppv, so they’ll still need closed-circuit in major cities.
  • Two weeks after Wrestlemania will be the Crockett Cup. Place is to be announced, and Dave thinks it’s high time Crockett re-establishes working relationships with at least one or two other North American promotions in order to help make the Cup a big event. They just don’t have the talent roster this year to get away with doing otherwise.
  • A correction on Starrcade: Dave reported a 6.6 percent buy-rate, but the reality was a 3.3 percent buy-rate. Dave heard they got 20,000 buys and just assumed it was of the 300,000 homes available on cable, but forgot to factor in the 300,000 homes it was also available in via satellite. Dave’s received reports that there were 6 million potential homes for the Bunkhouse finals, but that seems high to him. Even matching the buyrate of Starrcade at that number would mean over $3 million in gross revenue, and Dave doesn’t think they were remotely close to that.

- Anyway, Dave goes through the Bunkhouse finals. An estimated 7,000 were in the arena, and the dark match was Sting and Jimmy Garvin beating the Sheepherders by DQ. Nikita Koloff retained the NWA TV title against Bobby Eaton in a 20 minute draw. -2 stars. Larry Zbyszko beat Barry Windham for the Western States Title, with the match starting slow and getting very good in the last ten minutes. 3.5 stars. Road Warrior Hawk beat Ric Flair by DQ in the NWA World Title match. 3.75 stars. Dusty Rhodes won the Bunkhouse Stampede finals. Lots of blood, a lot of guys going the distance you wouldn’t expect to have the stamina to do so (the match was 26 minutes long), and it was exactly what was promised and was good stuff. 3 stars.

Watch: a brief clip of the bunkhouse finals

- As for the Royal Rumble, the crowd appeared to be nearly sold out with almost 18,000 in attendance. Ricky Steamboat beat Rick Rude by DQ. Heavy with rest holds and stalling before the final two minutes had them trading near falls constantly and getting good heat from it. 2 stars. The Jumping Bomb Angels won the WWF Women’s Tag Titles from the Glamour Girls in a 2/3 falls match. They started behind with Judy Martin getting the first fall, then the Angels won two straight falls with each Angel pinning Judy Martin (sunset flip and double missile dropkicks, respectively). It was a good match, but not great - the Angels missed a lot of moves and seemed to be out of shape. 3 stars. Jum Duggan won the Royal Rumble, last eliminating One Man Gang. The match was much better than Dave anticipated, and the match went on roughly at the same time as the Bunkhouse finals match. Better camera work in it, and Dave notes that WWF seems to have fudged the two minute intervals after a bit. 3.5 stars. The Islanders beat the Young Stallions (Paul Roma and Jim Powers; Dave’s nickname for them is The Barbie Dolls) in two straight falls. He makes a weird joke about a submission actually working on a pushed guy (Haku submitted Roma with a Boston crab) making him go out for “Oriental food” afterwards because it was so surprising. I’m too confused to even know what to make of the line. 2.5 stars.

Watch: the finish to the 1988 Royal Rumble match
  • Outside the matches, Royal Rumble had some other stuff. Andre and Hogan had a contract signing for the Main Event, where Andre slammed Hogan’s head into the table and pushed the table onto him. Dave’s amazed people buy Hogan as a face, because there’s just something naturally dislikable about people who act the way Hogan does and he thinks Vince could probably get Lee Harvey Oswald over as a face. Dino Bravo attempted to set a world bench press record. Of course, the weights were as legit as the half a million dollars Dusty supposedly won, but Bravo’s supposedly able to bench over 600 lbs legit. Jesse Ventura helped him with “715 lbs” and then claimed he didn’t help at all (the Road Warriors are scheduled to bench on the 30th and were originally planned to use legit weights, but they’ll have to use bogus weights to keep from looking weak next to WWF’s monsters now). Anyway, now they’ll bill Bravo as unofficial bench record holder, and that should get him heat because of the obvious cheating.
  • Next up then for WWF is The Main Event on February 5. Dave’s told not to worry about Andre, because his back is in much better shape than last year. He and Hogan are practicing daily and have worked out the gist of the match. Dave says you can be sure to expect Ted DiBiase to interfere somehow on the 5th.
  • Stampede is continuing to do good business and nearly selling out all their big shows. Chris Benoit and Great Gama get 4 stars (from Trent Walters, who I guess submitted the reports for the matches in Edmonton) for their Commonwealth Title match from January 9 in Edmonton.
  • [Stampede] Jason the Terrible has been made an “honorary member” of Bad Company, Bruce Hart and Brian Pillman’s tag team. So now in addition to the hockey mask he’s also got sunglasses over the hockey mask and a bandana and a black leather jacket. The whole getup is hilarious.
  • Do you remember Central States? Mike George won the WWA World Title tournament on January 23. They had 800 fans. Match ended on blood stoppage.
  • Speaking of blood, Keiji Mutoh is headed to Puerto Rico.
  • Tatsumi Fujinami and Kengo Kimura won the IWGP World Tag Titles from Yoshiaki Fujiwara and Kazuo Yamazaki on January 18. Riki Choshu and Super Strong Machine were originally slated to face the tag champs, but Choshu injured his knee and had to miss the match. Dave expects Choshu and Machine to face Fujinami and Kimura on February 7. He then goes on about how bad Choshu’s luck has been lately. Dave thinks he was supposed to win the tournament, except the Maeda shoot happened, and he was definitely supposed to win the tag titles (the match was scheduled for his hometown and New Japan actually does nice things for wrestlers in front of their home audiences). And with all the work they’ve put into getting Choshu on tv, it’s surprising they’ve phased him down the card so much from where he was.
  • Lots of stuff about Vader’s look in New Japan. On December 27 he wore long tights and had Road Warrior Hawk’s hair, and it didn’t get him over at all. On January 4 he had a mask and full bodysuit to hide his size. January 11 saw him ditch the bodysuit and keep the mask. The evolution of a mastodon, I guess.
  • Antonio Inoki began negotiations with Fuji TV after TV Asahi scheduled NJPW tv to move to midnight Mondays, and TV Asahi caved. They’ll now be on a 5 pm Saturday time slot. It’s not as good as their old Monday evening slot, but it’s not a death slot like midnight Monday.
  • Akira Maeda turned down NJPW’s plan to have him go to the U.S. Also, he and NJPW are fighting over his contract. They offered him a new contract for 1988 with a 15% pay cut and he’s not willing to sign it.
  • There are rumors that Inoki will wrestle Koji Kitao (the sumo wrestler mentioned a few weeks back) at the Tokyo Dome in April. Kitao is 24 years old and 6’5.5”, weighing 345 lbs. The story of his exit from Sumo is he apparently lost his temper and started kicking one of his sponsors (who is 92 years old) and the knocked his stable master’s wife through a sliding door. Dave’s been told if this match does happen, it could draw very big. Kitao is denying he’s going into wrestling (nope). Kitao was made a yokozuna in 1986, just before he turned 23, because the sumo hierarchy felt they needed a new young star to create interest in the younger generation of fans. But Kitao liked the party lifestyle and didn’t care for tradition, and sumo does not tolerate that. But you can’t demote a yokozuna, and that made him controversial (it would turn out that most of this was made up because Kitao’s stablemaster didn’t like him and felt he was underperforming and wanted him out - more on Kitao’s sumo years here if you want to read it). Turns out sumo is kind of worked too, though not as much as pro wrestling.
  • All Japan is promoting a “Martial Arts Olympic” show on April 2 at Sumo Hall, to feature all kinds of stuff. Tiger Mask II and Giant Baba will team against some foreigners, Japan Women’s Pro Wrestling (the group running against AJW) will have two matches on the show (Miss A vs. Harley Saito and Rumi Kazama vs. Xochitl Hamada). There will be boxing, kick boxing, the original Tiger Mask Satoru Sayama’s “shooting” sport he invented, shoot boxing (boxing + wrestling with gloves), and more. The whole show is being billed as a memorial service to Ikki Kajiwara, who created the Tiger Mask cartoon and comic.
  • When baseball season starts, All Japan’s tv will be moved to 10:30-11:30 pm Sunday nights. Usually they get moved to Saturday afternoon during baseball season, and this shift will lose Baba lots of money and viewers.
  • While Crockett and McMahon ran big shows on January 24, Giant Baba met with their rivals in Las Vegas. Baba’s plan in the U.S. is to send his guys, as well as Bruiser Brody, Abdullah the Butcher, Jimmy Snuka, Stan Hansen, and Terry Gordy to smaller promotions to help them fight against the big two.
  • Dave finally saw Hennig vs. Tiger Mask II. Not terrible, but no heat and little action, he thinks. Meanwhile, John Tenta’s improving well, and Baba seems high on Akira Taue, though he’s so new it’s hard to guess what kind of future he has.
  • [AJW] Yukai Omori’s retirement show will be on February 15. This was announced after her January 15 world title match with Chigusa Nagayo, where she said if she couldn’t win the title she was ending her career. They went 32 minutes to a double count out in the ring after both collapsed.
  • [Memphis] Lawler vs. Hennig for the AWA Title on January 18 had Lawler’s ring on the line as well. Hennig promised to give his dad the ring if he won, and Larry Hennig was there. The Axe helped Curt win, and Curt gave him the ring, but Lalwer stole it back.
  • Memphis local prelim wrestler Jerry Bryant has been diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease.
  • Global Wrestling in Florida somehow turned what was an awful live show on January 22 into a good tv show. They taped on Friday night and by Sunday had it polished up into a good looking product. The miracles of post-production. Issues with the live show included starting 30 minutes late, long delays between matches, the ring mic not working, and bad wrestlers. What they lack in wrestling talent, though, they make up for in knowing how to make a tv show that’s on the level of World Class and better than Crockett or AWA.
  • Continental (Alabama) did a bench press contest between Lord Humongous (not Sid, but Gary Nation) and Doug Furnas. They fudged the weights here, as Humongous did 645 lbs and then Furnas did it twice (his best in competition has been 600) before Humongous pushed the bar down on Furnas and “injured his ribs.”
  • Apparently the Observer was mentioned positively in the Detroit News by Justice B. Hill in the January 17 issue.
  • Since Dave started writing this issue, he’s been flooded with fans writing about the Bunkhouse finals. The reaction he’s gotten has largely been negative, with those there live being extra negative about it. Crockett really needs to reserve three hours for the next time they do ppv - going too short pisses the fans off, and ppv viewers expected the show to last past 9 pm. Another difference between WWF and NWA is that WWF always gets their hottest acts on the mic at some point during ppvs and big live specials (twice in the case of Hogan and DiBiase at Royal Rumble), while at Starrcade they didn’t have Flair, Dusty, or Cornette talk once. Instead Jim Garvin gave the worst promo of his career, Michael Hayes was quiet for the first time ever, and they shoved Steve Williams and Nikita Koloff on the mic for some reason. At the Bunkhouse Finals they had no interviews, and getting mic time for Flair or Dusty or Luger while they set up the cage would have been a big help. More of Dave wondering when Crockett will realize they’ve killed the credibility of their world champion and thus killed the drawing power of the belt.
  • Michael Hayes has apparently quit Crockett and everyone expects him to go back to World Class. And if Steve Williams doesn’t come back, they’ll probably just forget about the UWF Title entirely rather than doing a unification match.
  • A couple letters this week requesting that Dave keep up the coverage of wrestling in Japan. Another couple letters praising how good Stampede has been lately. Canada and Japan, bringing us the best in wrestling.
  • Another letter writer asks Dave to realize how offensive it is to refer to a wrestling match as “a total abortion” and to consider that he’s probably offended many female readers of the newsletter. Dave apologizes and says he’ll stop using the term, before doing a “well, actually” bit. It’s a kind of weird response. Judge it for yourselves.
I apologize for that one and will quit using the term. Actually the term abortion for a bad match is a business term just like jobber, mark, babyface and the rest. But there are a few business terms (mainly for ethnic wrestlers and ethnic fans) which are in bad taste that I don’t use, so I’ll add that one to the list.
  • Tickets for Wrestlemania IV go on sale January 30. The best 2000 seats in the Convention Center are being reserved as freebies for casino high rollers. And as a heads up, this is the location it does take place at. They called it Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino during the show, but it’s the same building. More on that as we get to Wrestlemania.
  • If Dave can find the space next week, he’s going to talk about whether or not “30 minute matches which ‘tell a story’” work for today’s fans. He really enjoyed the Windham/Blanchard match on tv but there was no crowd reaction, so he’s beginning to wonder if this is even a style that resonates anymore.
  • Everyone’s asking Dave for predictions about Hogan vs. Andre. So here’s his prediction (and he is way off on many parts of this):
DiBiase will interfere and Andre will pin Hogan on 2/5, however Jack Tunney will prove he can’t be bought and hold the title up so Ted doesn’t get the title, and order a rematch in a cage at WM4 so Ted can’t interfere (and also so Andre can lose without doing a job). Hulk will win on a fluke, and they’ll run Hulk vs. Andre over the summer in your local cities after Hulk gets back from playing Hulk Hogan in the movies.
  • ”There was a clip in Detroit about Hogan, saying that ‘he’s nice[r] than Kirk Gibson, but not by much.’” Gibson’s reputation is of being a total asshole to fans, especially kids.
  • Crockett is billing FlaiAnderson vs. LugeWindham on Feb. 6 as the first time Flair goes against Lex anywhere. It’s forgivable to forget Lex’s Florida days, but they’ve got FlaiBlanchard vs. LugeRhodes booked for February 2.
  • Apparently Road Warrior Hawk’s neo-nazi line is just a quote from The Breakfast Club. Okay. So I guess the first letter writer was mishearing him and he’s saying “Neo-maxi-zoom dweebie”? TVtropes gives us this, from the October 3, 1987 episode of NWA World Championship Wrestling: HAWK: "WELL, Tony Schiavone, There Are Two Kinds Of People, as far as me and Animal are concerned. Clamheads and Neo-Maxi Zoom Dweebies." (the Road Warriors consider themselves the latter). And corroborating with the WWE Network, yeah, the line comes through pretty clear. Network 4 minutes in, and yeah, he’s not calling himself a neo-nazi. Definitely an error by that letter writer, and what a weird line for Hawk of all people to utter.
THURSDAY: WWF’s Big Four are born; The Main Event; Rock & Roll Express, Michael Hayes, and Steve Williams update; Tenryu wins all the awards in Japan; and more
submitted by SaintRidley to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

Ice District

With the NHL choosing Edmonton as a hub, I find it pretty awesome how much Ice District has evolved and changed the building aesthetics of Downtown.
The city has a LONG way to clean up the safety and comfortability of walking along Ice District. The lands north of Rogers Place are an eyessore with terrible street conditions, a mud-filled Impark lot and to top it off the Boyle Street Community Centre, with regular police and ambulance presence. I know there are plans for the old Baccarat Casino lands so I'll exclude it from this discussion.
It seems to me that it's time to move the shelter as it's a complete contrast of what's trying to be achieved with the vision of Ice District. The vandalism to the Community Arena are pretty evident to graffiti, garbage can burnings, Rogers Place and MacEwan glass breaks and people sleeping on benches near the Community Arena and near the Gretzky statue.
submitted by ominus011 to Edmonton [link] [comments]

[LONG] My Experience with Las Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock - His Brother Says Revenge was the Motive and So Do I (includes links to news articles, credible web sites and blogs, and video interviews that back up every element of the story]

This is an email recently sent to journalists, attorneys and others.
The two people addressed briefly at the beginning of this Email are a Paralegal at the Connecticut law firm of Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder who are suing gun manufacturers as part of their overall lawsuit strategy and doing the same in relation to Sandy Hook and independent journalist Mike Turber, one of the producers of the upcoming documentary Vegas Wrong, along with Ramsey Denison , producer of the award winning documentary What Happened in Vegas
Hi Lorena,
The following is a very good overview of what I know of what happened in Las Vegas on October 1, 2017 - and I venture to say I know way more valid information than 99% plus of the population about this subject.
It was originally sent to Mike Turber months ago. I have added comments where needed, but for the most part it was already very complete and well documented.
Please let me know you received this, there are many links and a few images so not all email systems will treat this as serious correspondence.
Rodney Peterson

Hi Mike,
A week before you posted the videos with Eric (Paddock, Stephen Paddock's brother), I posted roughly 120 to 130 posts on Twitter in succession with links to back up everything I say. These are the original writings I culled those posts from.
Eric Paddock interviews for Vegas Wrong:
On his last day on Earth, just hours before committing the Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Route 91 Harvest Festival mass shootings in which he killed 59 people, including himself, Stephen Paddock won $860,000 playing video poker. Independent Journalist and Investigator Mike Turber has seen the official records. (while this is true, he LOST even more than that. This gives you an idea of just how fast paced and pressure filled becoming an addicted gambler playing video poker for up to 14 hours a day year-round can be).
There is more about that specifically and about Mike Turber later in this email.
Rodney Peterson

You can also find an extended interview with the shooters brother Eric Paddock, who is speaking through Mike Turber on this video, and myself on the You Tube page of Weg Oag, who has posted many videos about the Las Vegas shootings here:
All of that is true. If you read my comments beneath, and there are many of them, you'll see that I've answered all the inconsistencies and reasonable objections anyone brought up.
All of the interview and all of my writing is first and foremost based on the following. Without this, it's very unlikely I would have remembered meeting Stephen Paddock, let alone what he said with regards to wishing to extract revenge on the casinos through extreme violence.
I did not remember it right away, it took several days after I read the comment below and it was not very clear at first. It took probably right around a week to actually remember everything accurately. Here it is copied and pasted from the Los Angeles Times website at which it was published on October 17, 2017 - two and a half weeks after the shootings where it was posted after an article about Jesus Campos appearing on the Ellen DeGeneres Show:
1 year (s) ago
Quite a while back talked to that guy in an Edmonton casino about how the casinos cheat their patrons. Not a Muslim terrorist thing at all. Same guy Filipino girlfriend. Lived in a hotel in Vegas. Asked him why he came to an out of the way place like Edmonton. He said just to gamble. He mentioned he was a retired accountant. Talked about nothing you can do about the casinos cheating if you tried to sue they would bury you with their lawyers. He said he tried that once. He said he was going to do something about it. He mentioned something about a AR 15. I said I didn't know what that was (at the time) I'm retired military what would that be in military talk? He said M16. When I left I thought that guy is an American so he can't get guns in Canada. Can anyone figure out the dates he was up here. I recall he said he drove in from British Columbia and was on a 2 day stopover from a 19 day cruise when I met him. Maybe 30th September 2016???
Compare that with my conversation with him, which started as just being at the same Blackjack table where he and Marilou Danley were in the Excalibur, staring at me for half an hour or so while I played, then complimenting me on winning money as he noticed the mathematical progressions of my betting patterns, then his bizarre rant about the casinos cheating, and finally this exchange when talk of cheating became talk of revenge:
"How? How are you going to get revenge on the casinos? They'll have you before you get ten feet on the floor!"
Couple that with having nearly the same set of mental issues as Paddock. The major difference is I became obsessed with music and movies, not guns and not gambling 14 hours a day. I'm sure there are other differences as well, my contact with him was limited, but in retrospect, there was a ton of common ground. The types of personalities he and I have are not in the slightest bit desirable or advantageous. Especially when every effort is made to deny a problem even exists, as is the case with him. Anyone with these same issues and real introspection abilities would never have carried this out, they would look inside themselves first. He couldn't even blame himself for his own gambling issues, let alone anything else.
How he even thought for a minute he would survive such a heinous act uncaught, unpunished and with impunity is probably pretty good proof he couldn't ever accept the reality of his predicament and mental disabilities. The reality is from what I know of him he didn't attempt to deal with problems in any constructive way and just let the anger keep building, it's toxic. Lots of people with these same issues snap violently and always will. Largely because of the introspection he apparently lacked, I know I would never get away with such an act, even if I wanted to, even on a much smaller scale, no matter how much I tried or wanted to.
I knew immediately that comment was very important, it literally checked many of the boxes of what I instinctively believed, as well as had been originally reported, and urged the writer to contact the FBI. I had no idea when I read it I would have a similar story to tell, to say that was shocking when I began to remember my own encounter with Stephen Paddock is a huge understatement.
You can find it at the comments posted underneath the linked Los Angeles Times article here. To find it click where it says Be the first to comment (I don't know why it's set up like that, but it is) when you do comments will open. Keep clicking until the comment above appears.
Here is the link to the article:
It's extremely detailed as you can see, plus EVERYTHING FITS. A couple of important points - a retired military person would not have to know what an AR15 is, maybe they didn't have a huge interest in guns. And maybe they knew what it was but didn't know what it was called exactly. And the part about the two day stopover from Vancouver is irrelevant. ALL 19 day cruises to Alaska end with a two day stopover in Vancouver. That means Stephen Paddock had already disembarked, and did not have to go back to the ship at all.
>>>>This would be easy to prove by checking passenger manifests for 19 day Alaska cruises that began in early to mid-September 2016 from the port of Vancouver.
My experience with Stephen Paddock was very similar and is written in detail, particularly at Instagram. Telephone, text or Twitter are the best ways to contact me directly.
I suspect he has aspergers as I do. That explains his obsession with numbers and math. That was why he wanted to talk to me - he saw I was using a mathematical system to win money. No one, before or since, has ever wanted to speak to me about using progressive math to win money, and that’s counting hundreds and hundreds of Casino Blackjack games. Very few people ever even notice it.
Being obsessed with activities and collecting stuff is part of the aspbergers, I believe, another part is the math. He collected guns and gambled 14 hours a day at times. My obsession is not about those things, it’s about collecting music, movies and television series, on every conceivable format at one time or another. But it’s part of the same pattern of aspbegers.
He’s unfriendly, he was annoyed I sat down at the same table he was playing at. He stared at me for a good half hour while we played, hardly saying a word. So he was both annoyed and studying the math I was using to place bets, which I didn’t know until after the game had ended for me, and he started talking about how I using math to win money. He thought that was smart.
He is incapable of blaming himself for his problems. He lacks introspection. Losing money at gambling is not his fault, the casinos are cheating him. That’s what he told me and I disagreed. The casinos don’t need to cheat.
He flies off the handle quickly. Disagreeing with him sent him into more of a rant about the casinos cheating, getting revenge, and finally when I asked how he was going to do that, yelling about shooting out of windows onto the Las Vegas Strip. It didn’t make a whole lot of sense, and even though he mentioned he lived at Mandalay Bay, which sounded like bullshit and I pretty much didn’t believe him, we were at The Excalibur which I’ve never thought of as a place with large windows, so it sounded even more ridiculous.
All in all, it sounded like a fantasy of revenge that would never happen. Yet, clearly, 15 months before he did it, he already had a clear plan of how to proceed. I believe that over the next 15 months it gelled from an insane idea to a workable plan.
But he still made a ton of mistakes. Otherwise, if he knew what he was doing when he shot at the jet fuel tanks, it could have been way, way worse. Just as an example of how inefficient the entire plan was.
It is extremely frustrating not to get real traction on this part of the story being reported, and it seems to be a deliberate decision possibly made by people in power at various institutions that have an interest in not divulging these details. These include MGM Resorts and other casinos, for certain, which in turn have a large degree of influence over the FBI and Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, as well as media outlets, especially the Las Vegas Review Journal which is owned by casino magnate Sheldon Adelson.
There are new stories being investigated and confirmed that concern other angles of this story that are not being disclosed by MGM Resorts. This includes MGM gifting security guard Jesus Campos with Real Estate in the form of Las Vegas condos to sign an NDA and not talk about the events, including that management knew there was a huge quantity of guns in the room but chose to ignore them because of Stephen Paddock's High Roller Status. This is according to his former brother-in-law, Luis Castro, and is partially documented in the article mentioned below.
See this article, one of many written by Doug Poppa. It’s important to note his background is in casino security, while my story revolves around my experience with Stephen Paddock, and examines both psychology and a very strong case of explaining the motive as revenge against the casinos, which is what he told me in person.
Here are a couple of newer posts I’ve written at You Tube with relevant information about what Stephen Paddock told me:
Regarding what Paddock shouted “LOOK ALL AROUND YOU! WHADDAYA SEE?! WINDOWS!!” and Doug Poppa saying he’s never seen windows in the Excalibur, he wasn’t talking about that casino. He was talking about the entire strip. It was pretty obvious.
In fact, when he said it the image that came to mind was that he would shoot out of the windows of a central location, like Aria, not Mandalay Bay and certainly not Excalibur. Although he did tell me he lived at Mandalay Bay, which just added to how nuts I thought he was. People do not live at Mandalay Bay, and yet, he actually was very close to that, but I didn’t believe him.
Naturally, when I remembered all this I felt horribly guilty I never reported it. But now I know thanks to the efforts of Doug Poppa interviewing Luis Castro it wouldn’t have made any difference at all. Mandalay Bay knew about the guns in the room and ignored them. They weren’t about to take my word over his no matter what I told them on July 6, 2016. He was a high roller, I was not. I didn’t know he was a high roller, of course, I just thought he was a disheveled angry nut.
The interview also includes comments by Eric Paddock, who tries to negate my testimony in two ways. First, he claims Stephen Paddock didn’t play table games. Second, he tries to negate my memory of Stephen Paddock with a beard and mustache by saying he’s clean shaven. In both cases in the comments section I link to articles and photos that prove he did play Blackjack - for up to $2500 a hand. Photos of Stephen Paddock with a beard and mustache are easily found searching Google for images.
All reasonable objections and any time I misspoke during the interview are addressed in my comments - there are a lot of them. A lot of people asked questions, but some were redundant and others just will not accept that this tragedy was not a conspiracy, or that it didn’t happen. Of course, it happened. And it wasn’t a conspiracy.
Here is an early article from October 7, 2017 printed in the Las Vegas Sun confirming Stephen Paddock did indeed play Blackjack:
Excerpts from that article specifically about Blackjack:
When one blackjack table dealer at the D Las Vegas first saw Stephen Paddock’s picture on television last week, she thought it was Paddock that had been shot — not the other way around.
Upon later finding out Paddock was responsible for the deaths of 58 attendees and the injuries of nearly 500 more at last Sunday’s Route 91 Harvest Festival on the Las Vegas Strip, the dealer said she was surprised that a man she knew to be calm yet reclusive was responsible for the largest mass shooting in modern United States history.
“He wasn’t the nicest guy, but he never came across as threatening,” said the dealer, who asked not to be identified. “Unpleasant in general, but he didn’t go out of his way to be rude or go after other people.” “I never would have thought he was capable of something like this, not him,” she added.
The dealer was one of several to speak with the Sun about Paddock, who owned homes in Mesquite and Reno but spent his retirement years and the final weeks of life frequenting the tables and machines of downtown and Strip casinos.
An avid blackjack player, Paddock also played video poker, interviewed dealers said. His girlfriend, Marilou Danley, enjoyed playing video slots when the two came to the casino together.
Another female dealer at the D Las Vegas, who requested anonymity, said Paddock had been a regular at the casino for “many years,” gambling as many as four days a week and sometimes spending an entire afternoon shift between gaming tables and the upstairs video poker room.
Despite betting up to $2,500 per hand on high-limit blackjack tables, Paddock was a poor tipper at first, she said. But he eventually came around when she gave him a hard time for “being cheap.” “I told him, ‘Steve, it would be nice if you started tipping me,’” she said. “From there on, he always left a fair tip.”
Three other dealers at the D Las Vegas said they last remembered Paddock at the casino on Sept. 26, just five days before he opened fire from his 32nd floor hotel room onto the 22,000 attendees of the country music festival.
Independent Investigator and Journalist Mike Turber has seen official records confirming Stephen Paddock won $860,000 on September 30, 2017, just hours before he committed the Las Vegas shootings. However, that figure doesn’t include losses for the day, which are right around $890,000.
Mike Turber, along with Ramsey Denison, who produced the documentary What Happened In Vegas, have interviewed me extensively on camera and in person. Mike Turber has stated that he observed my body language and other factors as a sort of lie detector test to determine if I was telling the truth without my knowledge which he states in that You Tube video. His conclusion is that either I am telling the truth or I believe I’m telling the truth.
Mike Turber can be contacted here:
[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
I believe, based on behavior, both Stephen Paddock and I have similar mental illnesses and Asperger’s syndrome. I believe that’s why he instinctively talked to me and noticed I was using the same type of mathematical formulas he did and was familiar with. (It works too 98% of the time the problem is it doesn’t work 100% of the time and that’s what you need). So was he crazy? Of course he was crazy! So am I. But instead of guns, my obsessions are artistic – movies, music, media production, and the like. There’s nothing I can do about the Asperger’s or High Functioning Autism that’s part of this. Like him I’ve had it all my life. You cannot fake this.
I would never have even remembered meeting Stephen Paddock, let alone what he said to me about wanting revenge against the casinos if I hadn’t come across this post written after an article about Mandalay Bay security guard Jesus Campos appearing on the Ellen show. Everything here fits:
1 year(s) ago
Quite a while back talked to that guy in an Edmonton casino about how the casinos cheat their patrons. Not a Muslim terrorist thing at all. Same guy Filipino girlfriend. Lived in a hotel in Vegas. Asked him why he came to an out of the way place like Edmonton. He said just to gamble. He mentioned he was a retired accountant. Talked about nothing you can do about the casinos cheating if you tried to sue they would bury you with their lawyers. He said he tried that once. He said he was going to do something about it. He mentioned something about a AR 15. I said I didn't know what that was (at the time) I'm retired military what would that be in military talk? He said M16. When I left I thought that guy is an American so he can't get guns in Canada. Can anyone figure out the dates he was up here. I recall he said he drove in from British Columbia and was on a 2 day stopover from a 19 day cruise when I met him. Maybe 30th September 2016???
You can find the original at the comments posted underneath the linked Los Angeles Times article here. To find it click where it says Be the first to comment (I don't know why it's set up like that, but it is) when you do the comments will open. Keep clicking until the comment above appears.
Here is the link to the article:
It's extremely detailed as you can see, plus EVERYTHING FITS. A couple of important points - a retired military person would not have to know what an AR15 is, maybe they didn't have a huge interest in guns. Or maybe he knew what it was but didn't know what it was called exactly. And the part about the two day stopover from Vancouver is irrelevant. ALL 19 day cruises to Alaska end with a two day stopover in Vancouver. That means Stephen Paddock and Marilou Danley had already disembarked, and did not have to go back to the cruise ship at all.
Any FBI investigator or private investigator could prove if what Stephen Paddock told that commenter is true by checking passenger manifests for 19 day Alaska cruises that began in early to mid-September 2016. Unless Stephen Paddock and Marilou Danley were on that cruise, this person couldn’t have possibly known about it unless he was directly told by Stephen Paddock, as he says.
THE FOLLOWING IS ALSO VERY IMPORTANT TO MOTIVE. THIS IS WHAT STEPHEN PADDOCK MEANT WITH REGARDS TO THE CASINOS CHEATING, NOT TRADITIONAL CHEATING. I don’t play Video Poker, so I had no idea what he meant by his talking about the casinos cheating that morning unless he had explained it to me, which he didn’t do.
Here is another recent You Tube post I’ve written which details more about Stephen Paddock and Video Poker with links to yet more relevant information. There are several posts by myself near the bottom of the thread. Just like on my Instagram page, Rodney4K, you can see how the details of the memory of meeting Stephen Paddock was not at that time completely clear and changed as I remembered more and more of what happened.
There are very rare video poker machines known as 9 over 6 Jacks or Better. If played perfectly they give the player 100.8% payout. But that's no guarantee. Someone figured out that in order to have a 90% chance of winning $140,000 you need at least a six million dollar bankroll.
There is a whole thread about this and Paddock in one of Anthony Curtis columns on the Las Vegas Advisor website. Of course, beating the house long term is close to impossible. Even the Sheriffs department admits Paddock had lost a considerable amount of wealth prior to the shootings.
There's also a report that he won $860,000 on the day of the shootings. But that figure doesn't include losses, which are reported to be some $890,000. Mike Turber knows the details of this.
I have several comments in that article. Just like on my Instagram page, if you read them, you'll see how they change more and more as I start to remember meeting Stephen Paddock and what he said about getting revenge on the casinos. It was a very bizarre few days as that memory returned:
Because that blog is about gambling, many of the posts are about how much Stephen Paddock did gamble, his odds of winning and related subjects. It is this post from the above thread that appears to be the most accurate about the level of Video Poker Stephen Paddock played nearly every day:
What everyone is forgetting is what kind of bankroll is required when playing 9/6 Jacks or Better at $125 a hand. According to Video Poker for Winners if you bet $125 a hand and you get 0.5% slot club return, which I think is generous for a strip club casino in 2015, you need over $6 million bankroll. And that is for a chance of going broke 10% of the time! If the average gambler can make this calculation so can a casino. There’s no way a casino is going to give you free rooms, food, shows, etc and at the same time let you win $5 million over the year!
You can see how complicated it gets. Did he win the $5 million? Sure, probably several times. But at a cost that probably was more in the neighborhood of after 6 million dollars of losses.
Another insightful commenter provided this information about changes in tax law under Donald Trump which would be something that could very much upset Stephen Paddock to the point of taking these drastic actions:
I am surprised nobody has commented on an obvious angle to the Shooter’s profile. He had millions in Royal Fushes each year. At Tax Time those wins were undoubtedly counter balanced by his losses. Anthony Curtis related in the latest issue of LVA that the last 2 books purchased were about Taxes and Gambling Law.
Under the Trump tax plan guess how much will be allowed to be written off as losses?? ZERO!!!!! That deduction dies and so with it will any AP (Advantage Play) play on VP. The Shooter was an accountant, he had to have knowledge of that reality. Anyone who plays VP, at any level above a $1200 Royal, would have to be an idiot to be in action under those conditions.
The winning sum of $5,000,000 has been used in previous posts, Can you imagine having won $5,000,000 and subsequently losing that back plus an additional $500,000? You would not only be stuck the $500,000 but also owe the IRS another $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 in taxes on your non deductible winnings.
How come nobody in the casinos is screaming about this? It will kill destroy $1 and up Slot and VP play.
According to Mike Turber, who says he has seen the records, Stephen Paddock won $860,000 on September 30, 2017, just before the shootings. But, he also very likely lost $890,000 that very same day, according to the full accounting.
This is also very important, in that besides my testimony of what happened when I met Stephen Paddock and when Robert Roberts met Stephen Paddock, here is a CNN article quoting his Caesars Palace host that says that when they switched out the high payoff machines, he stopped coming altogether.
This helps give credence to the motive of being angry at the casinos, wanting revenge, and his belief the casinos were cheating. They don't cheat in the traditional sense - they don't have to, and that's why I disagreed with him and why he became angry. But, in his mind, switching out the higher payoff Video Poker machines for the ones that gave the house a better edge after years and years of playing them-I can see how he would equate that with cheating:
This is an excerpt from that CNN article:
A man who worked for Caesars Entertainment who had known Paddock for years said Paddock was a regular guest for several years but Caesars took out his favorite video poker machines.
Paddock was a skilled gambler, the casino host said, and he stopped coming once those games were taken out.
The host said Paddock was an odd guy who either came to one of the Caesars properties alone or with his girlfriend, Marilou Danley. Danley was in the Philippines at the time of the shooting, and police said they don't think she was involved. Paddock, who killed himself, acted alone, police have said.
The host said there was one incident years ago in which Paddock yelled at him over late luggage, something the host thought peculiar. When asked to specify why he thought Paddock was odd, the host said: "He was just weird."
I'm also on Instagram where you can find more information. The Instagram account is not active, I can’t respond to it or anything anyone else chooses to write there, or edit or remove comments from others, but there are several posts there that are relevant. The top of the page explains which posts to look for by date that are relevant.
I also have a Twitter page, which is active, with brief tweets and through which I can be contacted for communication or chat:
Rodney Peterson
submitted by MusicologistinLA to inthenews [link] [comments]

My Experience with Stephen Paddock the Las Vegas Shooter and a very strong case of the motive being Revenge

The two people addressed briefly at the beginning of this Email are a Paralegal at the Connecticut law firm of Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder
who are suing gun manufacturers as part of their overall lawsuit strategy and doing the same in relation to Sandy Hook and independent journalist Mike Turber, one of the producers of the upcoming documentary Vegas Wrong, along with Ramsey Denison , producer of the award winning documentary What Happened in Vegas
Hi Lorena,
The following is a very good overview of what I know of what happened in Las Vegas on October 1, 2017 - and I venture to say I know way more valid information than 99% plus of the population about this subject.
It was originally sent to Mike Turber months ago. I have added comments where needed, but for the most part it was already very complete and well documented.
Please let me know you received this, there are many links and a few images so not all email systems will treat this as serious correspondence.
Rodney Peterson

Hi Mike,
A week before you posted the videos with Eric (Paddock, Stephen Paddock's brother), I posted roughly 120 to 130 posts on Twitter in succession with links to back up everything I say. These are the original writings I culled those posts from.
Eric Paddock interviews for Vegas Wrong:
On his last day on Earth, just hours before committing the Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Route 91 Harvest Festival mass shootings in which he killed 59 people, including himself, Stephen Paddock won $860,000 playing video poker. Independent Journalist and Investigator Mike Turber has seen the official records. (while this is true, he LOST even more than that. This gives you an idea of just how fast paced and pressure filled becoming an addicted gambler playing video poker for up to 14 hours a day year-round can be).
There is more about that specifically and about Mike Turber later in this email.
Rodney Peterson

You can also find an extended interview with the shooters brother Eric Paddock, who is speaking through Mike Turber on this video, and myself on the You Tube page of Weg Oag, who has posted many videos about the Las Vegas shootings here:
All of that is true. If you read my comments beneath, and there are many of them, you'll see that I've answered all the inconsistencies and reasonable objections anyone brought up.
All of the interview and all of my writing is first and foremost based on the following. Without this, it's very unlikely I would have remembered meeting Stephen Paddock, let alone what he said with regards to wishing to extract revenge on the casinos through extreme violence.
I did not remember it right away, it took several days after I read the comment below and it was not very clear at first. It took probably right around a week to actually remember everything accurately. Here it is copied and pasted from the Los Angeles Times website at which it was published on October 17, 2017 - two and a half weeks after the shootings where it was posted after an article about Jesus Campos appearing on the Ellen DeGeneres Show:
1 year (s) ago
Quite a while back talked to that guy in an Edmonton casino about how the casinos cheat their patrons. Not a Muslim terrorist thing at all. Same guy Filipino girlfriend. Lived in a hotel in Vegas. Asked him why he came to an out of the way place like Edmonton. He said just to gamble. He mentioned he was a retired accountant. Talked about nothing you can do about the casinos cheating if you tried to sue they would bury you with their lawyers. He said he tried that once. He said he was going to do something about it. He mentioned something about a AR 15. I said I didn't know what that was (at the time) I'm retired military what would that be in military talk? He said M16. When I left I thought that guy is an American so he can't get guns in Canada. Can anyone figure out the dates he was up here. I recall he said he drove in from British Columbia and was on a 2 day stopover from a 19 day cruise when I met him. Maybe 30th September 2016???
Compare that with my conversation with him, which started as just being at the same Blackjack table where he and Marilou Danley were in the Excalibur, staring at me for half an hour or so while I played, Then complimenting me on winning money as he noticed the mathematical progressions of my betting patterns, then his bizarre rant about the casinos cheating, and finally this exchange when talk of cheating became talk of revenge:
"How? How are you going to get revenge on the casinos? They'll have you before you get ten feet on the floor!"
Couple that with having nearly the same set of mental issues as Paddock. The major difference is I became obsessed with music and movies, not guns and not gambling 14 hours a day. I'm sure there are other differences as well, my contact with him was limited, but in retrospect, there was a ton of common ground. The types of personalities he and I have are not in the slightest bit desirable or advantageous. Especially when every effort is made to deny a problem even exists, as is the case with him. Anyone with these same issues and real introspection abilities would never have carried this out, they would look inside themselves first. He couldn't even blame himself for his own gambling issues, let alone anything else.
How he even thought for a minute he would survive such a heinous act uncaught, unpunished and with impunity is probably pretty good proof he couldn't ever accept the reality of his predicament and mental disabilities. The reality is from what I know of him he didn't attempt to deal with problems in any constructive way and just let the anger keep building, it's toxic. Lots of people with these same issues snap violently and always will. Largely because of the introspection he apparently lacked, I know I would never get away with such an act, even if I wanted to, even on a much smaller scale, no matter how much I tried or wanted to.
I knew immediately that comment was very important, it literally checked many of the boxes of what I instinctively believed, as well as had been originally reported, and urged the writer to contact the FBI. I had no idea when I read it I would have a similar story to tell, to say that was shocking when I began to remember my own encounter with Stephen Paddock is a huge understatement.
You can find it at the comments posted underneath the linked Los Angeles Times article here. To find it click where it says Be the first to comment (I don't know why it's set up like that, but it is) when you do comments will open. Keep clicking until the comment above appears.
Here is the link to the article:
It's extremely detailed as you can see, plus EVERYTHING FITS. A couple of important points - a retired military person would not have to know what an AR15 is, maybe they didn't have a huge interest in guns. And maybe they knew what it was but didn't know what it was called exactly. And the part about the two day stopover from Vancouver is irrelevant. ALL 19 day cruises to Alaska end with a two day stopover in Vancouver. That means Stephen Paddock had already disembarked, and did not have to go back to the ship at all.
>>>>This would be easy to prove by checking passenger manifests for 19 day Alaska cruises that began in early to mid-September 2016 from the port of Vancouver.
My experience with Stephen Paddock was very similar and is written in detail, particularly at Instagram. Telephone, text or Twitter are the best ways to contact me directly.
I suspect he has aspergers as I do. That explains his obsession with numbers and math. That was why he wanted to talk to me - he saw I was using a mathematical system to win money. No one, before or since, has ever wanted to speak to me about using progressive math to win money, and that’s counting hundreds and hundreds of Casino Blackjack games. Very few people ever even notice it.
Being obsessed with activities and collecting stuff is part of the aspbergers, I believe, another part is the math. He collected guns and gambled 14 hours a day at times. My obsession is not about those things, it’s about collecting music, movies and television series, on every conceivable format at one time or another. But it’s part of the same pattern of aspbegers.
He’s unfriendly, he was annoyed I sat down at the same table he was playing at. He stared at me for a good half hour while we played, hardly saying a word. So he was both annoyed and studying the math I was using to place bets, which I didn’t know until after the game had ended for me, and he started talking about how I using math to win money. He thought that was smart.
He is incapable of blaming himself for his problems. He lacks introspection. Losing money at gambling is not his fault, the casinos are cheating him. That’s what he told me and I disagreed. The casinos don’t need to cheat.
He flies off the handle quickly. Disagreeing with him sent him into more of a rant about the casinos cheating, getting revenge, and finally when I asked how he was going to do that, yelling about shooting out of windows onto the Las Vegas Strip. It didn’t make a whole lot of sense, and even though he mentioned he lived at Mandalay Bay, which sounded like bullshit and I pretty much didn’t believe him, we were at The Excalibur which I’ve never thought of as a place with large windows, so it sounded even more ridiculous.
All in all, it sounded like a fantasy of revenge that would never happen. Yet, clearly, 15 months before he did it, he already had a clear plan of how to proceed. I believe that over the next 15 months it gelled from an insane idea to a workable plan.
But he still made a ton of mistakes. Otherwise, if he knew what he was doing when he shot at the jet fuel tanks, it could have been way, way worse. Just as an example of how inefficient the entire plan was.
It is extremely frustrating not to get real traction on this part of the story being reported, and it seems to be a deliberate decision possibly made by people in power at various institutions that have an interest in not divulging these details. These include MGM Resorts and other casinos, for certain, which in turn have a large degree of influence over the FBI and Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, as well as media outlets, especially the Las Vegas Review Journal which is owned by casino magnate Sheldon Adelson.
There are new stories being investigated and confirmed that concern other angles of this story that are not being disclosed by MGM Resorts. This includes MGM gifting security guard Jesus Campos with Real Estate in the form of Las Vegas condos to sign an NDA and not talk about the events, including that management knew there was a huge quantity of guns in the room but chose to ignore them because of Stephen Paddock's High Roller Status.
See this article, one of many written by Doug Poppa. It’s important to note his background is in casino security, while my story revolves around my experience with Stephen Paddock, and examines both psychology and a very strong case of explaining the motive as revenge against the casinos, which is what he told me in person.
Here are a couple of newer posts I’ve written at You Tube with relevant information about what Stephen Paddock told me:
Regarding what Paddock shouted “LOOK ALL AROUND YOU! WHADDAYA SEE?! WINDOWS!!” and Doug Poppa saying he’s never seen windows in the Excalibur, he wasn’t talking about that casino. He was talking about the entire strip. It was pretty obvious.
In fact, when he said it the image that came to mind was that he would shoot out of the windows of a central location, like Aria, not Mandalay Bay and certainly not Excalibur. Although he did tell me he lived at Mandalay Bay, which just added to how nuts I thought he was. People do not live at Mandalay Bay, and yet, he actually was very close to that, but I didn’t believe him.
Naturally, when I remembered all this I felt horribly guilty I never reported it. But now I know thanks to the efforts of Doug Poppa interviewing Luis Castro it wouldn’t have made any difference at all. Mandalay Bay knew about the guns in the room and ignored them. They weren’t about to take my word over his no matter what I told them on July 6, 2016. He was a high roller, I was not. I didn’t know he was a high roller, of course, I just thought he was a disheveled angry nut.
The interview also includes comments by Eric Paddock, who tries to negate my testimony in two ways. First, he claims Stephen Paddock didn’t play table games. Second, he tries to negate my memory of Stephen Paddock with a beard and mustache by saying he’s clean shaven. In both cases in the comments section I link to articles and photos that prove he did play Blackjack - for up to $2500 a hand. Photos of Stephen Paddock with a beard and mustache are easily found searching Google for images.
All reasonable objections and any time I misspoke during the interview are addressed in my comments - there are a lot of them. A lot of people asked questions, but some were redundant and others just will not accept that this tragedy was not a conspiracy, or that it didn’t happen. Of course, it happened. And it wasn’t a conspiracy.
Here is an early article from October 7, 2017 printed in the Las Vegas Sun confirming Stephen Paddock did indeed play Blackjack:
Excerpts from that article specifically about Blackjack:
When one blackjack table dealer at the D Las Vegas first saw Stephen Paddock’s picture on television last week, she thought it was Paddock that had been shot — not the other way around.
Upon later finding out Paddock was responsible for the deaths of 58 attendees and the injuries of nearly 500 more at last Sunday’s Route 91 Harvest Festival on the Las Vegas Strip, the dealer said she was surprised that a man she knew to be calm yet reclusive was responsible for the largest mass shooting in modern United States history.
“He wasn’t the nicest guy, but he never came across as threatening,” said the dealer, who asked not to be identified. “Unpleasant in general, but he didn’t go out of his way to be rude or go after other people.” “I never would have thought he was capable of something like this, not him,” she added.
The dealer was one of several to speak with the Sun about Paddock, who owned homes in Mesquite and Reno but spent his retirement years and the final weeks of life frequenting the tables and machines of downtown and Strip casinos.
An avid blackjack player, Paddock also played video poker, interviewed dealers said. His girlfriend, Marilou Danley, enjoyed playing video slots when the two came to the casino together.
Another female dealer at the D Las Vegas, who requested anonymity, said Paddock had been a regular at the casino for “many years,” gambling as many as four days a week and sometimes spending an entire afternoon shift between gaming tables and the upstairs video poker room.
Despite betting up to $2,500 per hand on high-limit blackjack tables, Paddock was a poor tipper at first, she said. But he eventually came around when she gave him a hard time for “being cheap.” “I told him, ‘Steve, it would be nice if you started tipping me,’” she said. “From there on, he always left a fair tip.”
Three other dealers at the D Las Vegas said they last remembered Paddock at the casino on Sept. 26, just five days before he opened fire from his 32nd floor hotel room onto the 22,000 attendees of the country music festival.
Independent Investigator and Journalist Mike Turber has seen official records confirming Stephen Paddock won $860,000 on September 30, 2017, just hours before he committed the Las Vegas shootings. However, that figure doesn’t include losses for the day, which are right around $890,000.
Mike Turber, along with Ramsey Denison, who produced the documentary What Happened In Vegas, have interviewed me extensively on camera and in person. Mike Turber has stated that he observed my body language and other factors as a sort of lie detector test to determine if I was telling the truth without my knowledge which he states in that You Tube video. His conclusion is that either I am telling the truth or I believe I’m telling the truth.
Mike Turber can be contacted here:
[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
I believe, based on behavior, both Stephen Paddock and I have similar mental illnesses and Asperger’s syndrome. I believe that’s why he instinctively talked to me and noticed I was using the same type of mathematical formulas he did and was familiar with. (It works too 98% of the time the problem is it doesn’t work 100% of the time and that’s what you need). So was he crazy? Of course he was crazy! So am I. But instead of guns, my obsessions are artistic – movies, music, media production, and the like. There’s nothing I can do about the Asperger’s or High Functioning Autism that’s part of this. Like him I’ve had it all my life. You cannot fake this.
I would never have even remembered meeting Stephen Paddock, let alone what he said to me about wanting revenge against the casinos if I hadn’t come across this post written after an article about Mandalay Bay security guard Jesus Campos appearing on the Ellen show. Everything here fits:
1 year(s) ago
Quite a while back talked to that guy in an Edmonton casino about how the casinos cheat their patrons. Not a Muslim terrorist thing at all. Same guy Filipino girlfriend. Lived in a hotel in Vegas. Asked him why he came to an out of the way place like Edmonton. He said just to gamble. He mentioned he was a retired accountant. Talked about nothing you can do about the casinos cheating if you tried to sue they would bury you with their lawyers. He said he tried that once. He said he was going to do something about it. He mentioned something about a AR 15. I said I didn't know what that was (at the time) I'm retired military what would that be in military talk? He said M16. When I left I thought that guy is an American so he can't get guns in Canada. Can anyone figure out the dates he was up here. I recall he said he drove in from British Columbia and was on a 2 day stopover from a 19 day cruise when I met him. Maybe 30th September 2016???
You can find the original at the comments posted underneath the linked Los Angeles Times article here. To find it click where it says Be the first to comment (I don't know why it's set up like that, but it is) when you do the comments will open. Keep clicking until the comment above appears.
Here is the link to the article:
It's extremely detailed as you can see, plus EVERYTHING FITS. A couple of important points - a retired military person would not have to know what an AR15 is, maybe they didn't have a huge interest in guns. Or maybe he knew what it was but didn't know what it was called exactly. And the part about the two day stopover from Vancouver is irrelevant. ALL 19 day cruises to Alaska end with a two day stopover in Vancouver. That means Stephen Paddock and Marilou Danley had already disembarked, and did not have to go back to the cruise ship at all.
Any FBI investigator or private investigator could prove if what Stephen Paddock told that commenter is true by checking passenger manifests for 19 day Alaska cruises that began in early to mid-September 2016. Unless Stephen Paddock and Marilou Danley were on that cruise, this person couldn’t have possibly known about it unless he was directly told by Stephen Paddock, as he says.
THE FOLLOWING IS ALSO VERY IMPORTANT TO MOTIVE. THIS IS WHAT STEPHEN PADDOCK MEANT WITH REGARDS TO THE CASINOS CHEATING, NOT TRADITIONAL CHEATING. I don’t play Video Poker, so I had no idea what he meant by his talking about the casinos cheating that morning unless he had explained it to me, which he didn’t do.
Here is another recent You Tube post I’ve written which details more about Stephen Paddock and Video Poker with links to yet more relevant information. There are several posts by myself near the bottom of the thread. Just like on my Instagram page, Rodney4K, you can see how the details of the memory of meeting Stephen Paddock was not at that time completely clear and changed as I remembered more and more of what happened.
There are very rare video poker machines known as 9 over 6 Jacks or Better. If played perfectly they give the player 100.8% payout. But that's no guarantee. Someone figured out that in order to have a 90% chance of winning $140,000 you need at least a six million dollar bankroll.
There is a whole thread about this and Paddock in one of Anthony Curtis columns on the Las Vegas Advisor website. Of course, beating the house long term is close to impossible. Even the Sheriffs department admits Paddock had lost a considerable amount of wealth prior to the shootings.
There's also a report that he won $860,000 on the day of the shootings. But that figure doesn't include losses, which are reported to be some $890,000. Mike Turber knows the details of this.
I have several comments in that article. Just like on my Instagram page, if you read them, you'll see how they change more and more as I start to remember meeting Stephen Paddock and what he said about getting revenge on the casinos. It was a very bizarre few days as that memory returned:
Because that blog is about gambling, many of the posts are about how much Stephen Paddock did gamble, his odds of winning and related subjects. It is this post from the above thread that appears to be the most accurate about the level of Video Poker Stephen Paddock played nearly every day:
What everyone is forgetting is what kind of bankroll is required when playing 9/6 Jacks or Better at $125 a hand. According to Video Poker for Winners if you bet $125 a hand and you get 0.5% slot club return, which I think is generous for a strip club casino in 2015, you need over $6 million bankroll. And that is for a chance of going broke 10% of the time! If the average gambler can make this calculation so can a casino. There’s no way a casino is going to give you free rooms, food, shows, etc and at the same time let you win $5 million over the year!
You can see how complicated it gets. Did he win the $5 million? Sure, probably several times. But at a cost that probably was more in the neighborhood of after 6 million dollars of losses.
Another insightful commenter provided this information about changes in tax law under Donald Trump which would be something that could very much upset Stephen Paddock to the point of taking these drastic actions:
I am surprised nobody has commented on an obvious angle to the Shooter’s profile. He had millions in Royal Fushes each year. At Tax Time those wins were undoubtedly counter balanced by his losses. Anthony Curtis related in the latest issue of LVA that the last 2 books purchased were about Taxes and Gambling Law.
Under the Trump tax plan guess how much will be allowed to be written off as losses?? ZERO!!!!! That deduction dies and so with it will any AP (Advantage Play) play on VP. The Shooter was an accountant, he had to have knowledge of that reality. Anyone who plays VP, at any level above a $1200 Royal, would have to be an idiot to be in action under those conditions.
The winning sum of $5.000,000 has been used in previous posts, Can you imagine having won $5.000.000 and subsequently losing that back plus an additional $500,000? You would not only be stuck the $500,000 but also owe the IRS another $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 in taxes on your non deductible winnings.
How come nobody in the casinos is screaming about this? It will kill destroy $1 and up Slot and VP play.
According to Mike Turber, who says he has seen the records, Stephen Paddock won $860,000 on September 30, 2017, just before the shootings. But, he also very likely lost $890,000 that very same day, according to the full accounting.
This is also very important, in that besides my testimony of what happened when I met Stephen Paddock and when Robert Roberts met Stephen Paddock, here is a CNN article quoting his Caesars Palace host that says that when they switched out the high payoff machines, he stopped coming altogether.
This helps give credence to the motive of being angry at the casinos, wanting revenge, and his belief the casinos were cheating. They don't cheat in the traditional sense - they don't have to, and that's why I disagreed with him and why he became angry. But, in his mind, switching out the higher payoff Video Poker machines for the ones that gave the house a better edge after years and years of playing them-I can see how he would equate that with cheating:
This is an excerpt from that CNN article:
A man who worked for Caesars Entertainment who had known Paddock for years said Paddock was a regular guest for several years but Caesars took out his favorite video poker machines.
Paddock was a skilled gambler, the casino host said, and he stopped coming once those games were taken out.
The host said Paddock was an odd guy who either came to one of the Caesars properties alone or with his girlfriend, Marilou Danley. Danley was in the Philippines at the time of the shooting, and police said they don't think she was involved. Paddock, who killed himself, acted alone, police have said.
The host said there was one incident years ago in which Paddock yelled at him over late luggage, something the host thought peculiar. When asked to specify why he thought Paddock was odd, the host said: "He was just weird."
I'm also on Instagram where you can find more information. The Instagram account is not active, I can’t respond to it or anything anyone else chooses to write there, or edit or remove comments from others, but there are several posts there that are relevant. The top of the page explains which posts to look for by date that are relevant.
I also have a Twitter page, which is active, with brief tweets and through which I can be contacted for communication or chat:
Rodney Peterson

submitted by MusicologistinLA to conspiracy_commons [link] [comments]

[Unresolved Disappearance] William Lynskey of Whistler, BC missing now for almost a year

William Lynskey was last seen in the evening on April 11th, 2017 at his Vancouver apartment, having moved away from his hometown, Whistler, to attend BCIT (British Columbia Institute of Technology) in metro Vancouver. He was about six weeks away from graduating his computer programming class there. Friends and family, who often refer to him as Willy, never heard him say he was too stressed out by school or from whatever else may be in the picture.
The next day on April 12th, 2017 around 7PM, CCTV in Vancouver captured Willy boarding a Greyhound bus to Edmonton, Alberta where he has had zero previous connections to. Now the next date varies article to article but from reading all 5 available and understanding how long it would take a greyhound bus to get from BC to AB, Willy was seen checking in to Century Casino and Hotel on April 13th from a surveillance video.
And on April 14th, 2017, his cell phone had pinged in Calgary which is 300kms south of Edmonton. This was the last time Willy's phone was ever used. His social media pages and bank accounts also remain untouched since the beginning of his disappearance. This cell phone ping was enough for the Vancouver Police to consider him safe and closed their missing persons file on William Lynskey. Thankfully, Whistler RCMP opened their own case in May 2017.
In November 2017, Willy's ID was found by a maintenance worker in the cushions of a couch at Cascade Plaza mall in Banff, Alberta, which is only 130km west of Calgary, easily attainable by hitch hiking in my opinion. This find was reported to a Facebook page dedicated to tips on this case and it's unclear whether this information was posted in November 2017 and only made aware to RCMP this month, March 2018 or if the information was held by the maintenance/janitorial persons and only posted this month. This led to Willy's mother flying out to Banff to look for her son, disperse posters, and speak to various people throughout the town she said reminded her of Whistler. With it came another piece of the puzzle.
Employees from the Food Resource Center confirm they had spoken to Willy on approximately September 7th, 2017 and provided him with donated clothing, "...which included a brown checkered shirt, a puffy vest with horizontal stitching, a larger sized Osprey backpack and a pair of newer Timberland boots."
It has now been nearly seven months since there's been any confirmation of Willy's well-being since it's unknown when his ID was actually placed in the mall couch. This is my first write-up so I apologize if my writing is rusty or if it sounds odd but ever since finding out about this case, it feels close to me considering I've spent time in all of the places he's been spotted or spent time and I really want this to get out to more Canadians. I've seen some people speculate that it could be late-onset schizophrenia and or depression. Do you think it could be something darker, possibly crime related?
submitted by bentl3y to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

WWE Network Updates: 04/30/2016

The following shows have been added to the WWE Network today:

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The wiki pages with all WWE Network content has also been updated.
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submitted by WWE_Network_Bot to wwe_network [link] [comments]

Two Faced

Have you ever looked in the mirror and been utterly disgusted with what stared back at you? A bright smile, pressed suit, a clean house. What does he have that I don't?
I guess I should explain first. You see, I'm haunting myself. Not in a "I don't like what I've become" kinda way, either. More of a "I don't even own a suit, what the hell is going on?" Sort of thing.
It started eleven years ago, on my sixteenth birthday. A week prior, my mother packed up the campsite we lived in and decided drugs were preferable to her child, leaving me to fend for myself. As I wandered the streets of Edmonton looking for a shelter, I saw a pillar of smoke pouring out of a second storey window. I got closer and an old woman appeared, yelling to me for help. At the time, I was mentally unprepared and I'll always be ashamed of what I did.
Nothing. In fact, I did less than nothing. I heard sirens in the distance and assumed they were for the fire. I looked up at the lady and said "Someone is probably coming. Try not to touch anything hot in the meantime." Then I put my headphones back on and walked away, ignoring her cries.
What was I supposed to do? Run into a burning building? I was sixteen years old and in a VERY unstable state of mind. I would have ended up a corpse like Grandma Crispy.
Those sirens, unfortunately, weren't for the fire. It had spread to two other houses by the time anyone showed up and had killed four people. I learned all this the next day, reading a newspaper in the shelter washroom. In a vain attempt to wash my conscience, I laid the paper next to the sink and splashed some water on my face. When I looked up, however, I wasn't greeted with the forlorn look of a tired, beaten young man.
I was smiling. Or rather, my reflection was smiling. I assume my face was showing horrified confusion and panic as I threw myself into the corner of the small bathroom. I must have stared at that mirror for an hour, just outside the range of my reflection. The only thing that was out of place was the headline on the newspaper in the mirror: "16 year old hero saves senior citizen from burning building."
I considered admitting myself, convinced that my stress had finally made me snap. Telling someone that your reflection moves without you is a good way to get the softest room and the tightest jacket. I couldn't do something so drastic without being certain first, though.
For six months, I watched every mirror I came across and nothing happened. No fake news, no shit eating grin, no mental breakdowns. The only thing that seemed out of place was the look in his eyes, but that wasn't enough for me. If I went to the doctor and said "Help! My reflection has a glimmer of hope in his eye and I don't like it!" I'd get locked up for a whole different set of reasons.
One night, I returned to the shelter after a drug deal gone wrong. Bloody and beaten, I rushed to the washroom to clean up. As I stuffed paper towel up my nose to stop the bleeding, I was startled by a voice.
"Finally!" I spun around and stood face to face with a reflection that was very different from reality.
It was me, technically. But the bloody face, bruised knuckles and torn clothes were replaced by a shaved chin, cut hair and a crisp polyester shirt with a grocery store logo on the breast. He had gotten a job.
Stunned because I could hear him, I stared in awe as he continued. "I'm finally over feeling sorry for myself! It's time to grow up and take care of my own problems! No more slinging dope, I'm a real man with a real job. All I need now is my own place and I'm set!"
Whether or not this was real stopped being an issue at that point as I couldn't help but laugh and reply. "I dont know what's going on, but are you kidding me? You think stocking shelves makes you a man? That's not a job, that's a joke! Maybe in a year you'll be able to afford a rope so you can kill yourself!" I didn't know if he could hear me, but it was still satisfying to watch the smile drain from his face.
From this point, I started seeing him almost every night. It became a sort of ritual to berate him and I found myself getting genuinely upset when I didn't have that release. It went on like this for several years, though my reason for it changed over time.
At first, I was letting off steam and laughing at a coward. But while he was furnishing his new house thanks to his supervisor position in a casino, I was figuring out how to cheat a piss test at my shitty general labour job. Eventually, it felt more like I was laughing at myself. It was only two years ago that I was able to get my own place through public housing. And by "place", I mean "room".
Livin' the dream, amirite?
Since I moved in, I haven't seen myself in a single mirror. His house is all I get, and if the door is closed and the light is off, it's black. Trying to shave using your phone camera got old quickly.
For a while, I just dealt with it. I still yelled at him, but after watching him pull himself up, calling him "human garbage" and "spare parts" started to ring hollow. Eventually, however, this daily, one-sided confrontation started to wear me out.
Last year, I was in my washroom applying a cream that was prescribed to me after a regrettable sexual encounter. While mentally reminding myself to make sure the girls I take home have ALL of their teeth, a noise from the mirror caught my attention.
The washroom was dark, but I could see his bedroom through the open door. He was standing there, unbuckling his belt as a petite blonde in her underwear watched from the bed. This would be the straw that broke the camel's back and I left my washroom distraught.
It's not that he's banging models while I'm stuck with meth heads, it's deeper than that. Having a shitty life is one thing, but having a daily reminder that it's YOUR fault; that it's YOUR choices that lead to YOUR issues is another thing entirely. Add in that some supernatural force has decided to show you what could have been... It's makes me wonder how I held on for as long as I did.
A couple nights later, I finally reached that point. I spent the day learning to tie a rope and cutting away the drywall in the ceiling of my washroom to expose a stable cross beam. At nine pm, I was waiting for him to start his nightly routine. When he walked in, I let loose on what I assumed would be my last words.
"You win. I give up. I dont know what this all is, or if you can even hear me, but I'm done. Watching you live the life I could have has been a daily reminder of my mistakes and I can't get over it if I can't forget it." I stepped on the chair, looped the noose around my neck and tightened it. "If you were really me, you'd be a decent person and try to help me understand what I'm doing wrong. If you have any advice at all, please... Now is the time..." My reflection spit toothpaste into the sink and for the first time, made eye contact with me.
"You want some advice? Kill yourself." The blunt statement nearly threw me off my chair. "You know why your mom left you? You're a burden. All you ever did was get in her way and gave nothing back. Same with society when you were slinging dope, and with me for the last decade! I don't know if your world exists or not, but I doubt anyone would care if you disappeared. I, on the other hand, would finally get the last monkey off my back. So just kill yourself and make the universe a better place for once."
Something changed in me after his speech. The sadness and regret that ran my life was quickly replaced by anger, and I didn't want to kill myself anymore. I wanted to kill him.
"For a long time, I thought I was your evil version," I replied. "But even I would NEVER tell someone to kill themselves."
He scoffed, interrupting me before I could continue. "Are you dense? This is the real world! There is no good or evil, only motives and intent. You can't be 'good', only better. And I'm better than you in every way. All you are is my depression and I learn from your mistakes. Now hurry up and teach me about suicide. I'm curious what I look like hanging from a rope."
His harsh words confused me. I'm his depression? What does he have to be depressed about? Then it dawned on me and I felt a sly smile slide across my face.
I took the noose off my neck and stepped off the chair. "Actually, I'm not gonna do it."
"You heard me."
"I'm testing something."
At this point, he lost control. "NO! Fuck your test! You were supposed to fuck off and die!"
"Not until my test is over."
Screaming nonsense, he threw his fists at the mirror, the view splintering as he smashed the glass on his side. Streaks of blood ran down both the mirror and his arms as the shattered glass sliced into his knuckles. I walked out of the washroom triumphantly for the first time in a long time.
Depression is more than just being sad. It's a lack of the feeling of self-worth and the drive to better yourself. A lack of ambition. As much as I hate to admit it, him and I really are the same person, I just didn't have his determination. By performing the slightly ambitious act of not killing myself, he devolved into a raving lunatic. My strongest weapon against him is giving a shit about myself.
Now, him and I have been locked in a battle of ambition for the last year, but I don't think he's caught on. He hasn't done anything significant in months and the quality of the people he brings home has dropped while I'm now a foreman with my company and have been with a wonderful woman for five months. It's also not uncommon that he wastes time yelling at me like I used to. Eventually, he'll get to the same point I was at a year ago.
I don't need to hear him beg me for advice though. All I want to hear is that chair hit the floor and the creaking cross beam.
submitted by radclive to nosleep [link] [comments]

[drinking] Party @ Empire Ballroom! [Dec 16]

Empire Ballroom (Flr 2, Near Entrance 9 and Casino)
Dec 16, 2011. Doors Open at 9pm, Guestlist is on name Reddit and it works until 11pm, you just have to say Reddit, as guestlist name, at the door (its $10 cover without guestlist), if you are running late give me a text (780) 910 - 0634 and I'll take care of you :)
Hey guys, your fellow redditor and owner of is throwing an event, EuroLife at Empire (West Edmonton Mall) on Dec 16, if you guys are in, I'll have a guest list for you, no line no cover, if you call Reddit at the door before 11pm, if you are late text me (780) 910 0634 and I'll meet you at the door! :) Thought it will be good times to party together!! :)
I'll have a facebook RSVP set up soon Ill post it in comments!
PS: Dont be shy to bring your friends :D
submitted by hosmos to edmontonsocialclub [link] [comments]

Subreddit Stats: edmonton top posts from 2011-09-11 to 2016-08-15 18:04 PDT

Period: 1800.10 days
Submissions Comments
Total 1000 42145
Rate (per day) 0.56 23.41
Unique Redditors 611 5328
Combined Score 118529 165531

Top Submitters' Top Submissions

  1. 4008 points, 36 submissions: Vinsher
    1. Waking up in Edmonton this morning... (311 points, 35 comments)
    2. Ed Sheeran crashed a 13-year-old girl's performance of his song at West Edmonton Mall (198 points, 25 comments)
    3. Welcome to Edmonton sign from 1958 (193 points, 25 comments)
    4. 15 Bang for Your Buck Belly Bursting Meals for Under $15 in Edmonton (185 points, 43 comments)
    5. Nathan Fillion helps raise $131,814 for the year-long reconstruction of the Varscona (161 points, 26 comments)
    6. Collection of photos from Cst. Daniel Woodall's regimental funeral (150 points, 39 comments)
    7. Some of the absurb signs at today's kudatah protest at the Legislature (140 points, 192 comments)
    8. Stunning shot of Rogers Place this morning (135 points, 11 comments)
    9. Light fog over Edmonton this morning (122 points, 10 comments)
    10. Nope (121 points, 29 comments)
  2. 2859 points, 21 submissions: gtsomething
    1. I've always loved those city skyline photo with the reflection in the water, like Toronto or Vancouver or Hong Kong. But Edmonton doesn't have a big body of water, just a tiny river. But it'll do. (239 points, 13 comments)
    2. Spent the last 2 days just south of Fort Mac trying to get photo coverage. We can't get in, but this is some of the photos I've gotten from around the area. (237 points, 26 comments)
    3. Tried to find an angle of Downtown that hasn't been photographed before... (207 points, 30 comments)
    4. Double Rainbow (192 points, 20 comments)
    5. So...these came out for Remembrance Day at 1:26 AM. (167 points, 19 comments)
    6. Crrrrrrrrrackle-KABOOM (161 points, 21 comments)
    7. Everyone's probably sick of it by now, but I thought I'd sneak in one other Crashed Ice photo. (152 points, 11 comments)
    8. They're fainter and harder to see over Downtown, but still very possible. [Northern Lights] (145 points, 20 comments)
    9. Canada Day Fireworks from the Legislature (137 points, 8 comments)
    10. I don't have a title for this. I just wanted to post a photo I shot of Edmonton this past September. (130 points, 22 comments)
  3. 1917 points, 16 submissions: bilalhouri
    1. Newly installed rainbow crosswalks on Whyte Ave (173 points, 43 comments)
    2. Edmonton during the North Saskatchewan River flood of 1915 (166 points, 21 comments)
    3. This thing is creepy. (155 points, 49 comments)
    4. Jasper Ave & 109 [1909] (148 points, 26 comments)
    5. Introducing Edmonton, the Underdog of Alberta, Canada. A tourist's review. (143 points, 36 comments)
    6. The High Level Bridge in rainbow colours tonight in celebration of diversity and inclusion (135 points, 19 comments)
    7. Here's a photo to remind you how beautiful Edmonton will be in a few months [OC] (134 points, 17 comments)
    8. Rogers billboard in City Centre. So many spelling mistakes! (119 points, 26 comments)
    9. Edmonton saxophone player learns to walk again after 25 years in wheelchair (115 points, 13 comments)
    10. An awesome find at a thrift store in Toronto! (111 points, 16 comments)
  4. 1855 points, 3 submissions: fakemath
    1. My neighbour is getting a tree taken down tomorrow. Just got this in my mailbox. Well done, tree guys. Well done. (1560 points, 57 comments)
    2. Rudeness at the Mill Creek Dog Park (206 points, 42 comments)
    3. My friend went to Ireland and I was supposed to look after his dog, but she escaped this morning in Millwoods. Her name is Lela. Please call 780 907 7255 if you find her! (89 points, 17 comments)
  5. 1013 points, 7 submissions: Phayze87
    1. Last Night's Storm. I got destroyed by mosquitoes for this shot. Worth it. [OC][1920x1080] (366 points, 91 comments)
    2. Bloodmoon from North Edmonton, Best Shot I Could Get! (183 points, 27 comments)
    3. Took this about 30 minutes east of the city. Last nights aurora was spectacular! (142 points, 43 comments)
    4. Last nights Aurora Burst, picture doesn't even do it justice! What a sight. (90 points, 6 comments)
    5. Manning Drive This Morning. So Calm, So Beautiful. (87 points, 11 comments)
    6. New Years Eve Aurora! [Timelapse Gif] (73 points, 23 comments)
    7. Last Nights Aurora in GIF form [Camera died] (72 points, 10 comments)
  6. 967 points, 7 submissions: robbethdew
    1. This will be Alberta tomorrow, if you vote for the NDP - According to the PC Party (248 points, 69 comments)
    2. Fort McMurray is being evacuated - Wildfires (213 points, 162 comments)
    3. This is what happens when you follow to close. (149 points, 117 comments)
    4. Can't I text, while I sit in my parked car in an empty parking lot? (106 points, 96 comments)
    5. I just finished my first week as an Uber driver in Edmonton. My thoughts... (98 points, 157 comments)
    6. Anyone else tired of 'Oil Pride'? (77 points, 220 comments)
    7. NDP wins majority! (76 points, 64 comments)
  7. 900 points, 3 submissions: Mindtaker
    1. Driving on the Anthony Henday. (464 points, 63 comments)
    2. Every. Freaking. Year. (223 points, 66 comments)
    3. It's about damn time! (213 points, 11 comments)
  8. 839 points, 9 submissions: MisterSnuggles
    1. Edmonton entrepreneur designs a cafe for table-top games (120 points, 124 comments)
    2. Amarjeet Sohi named to Trudeau cabinet (117 points, 22 comments)
    3. Edmonton, we need to start saying no (99 points, 63 comments)
    4. Christian counselling centre no longer permitted to teach sex ed in Edmonton (97 points, 27 comments)
    5. Edmonton makes National Geographic’s top 10 list of best summer trips (86 points, 26 comments)
    6. Man arrested for drinking beer atop crane in downtown Edmonton 'just wanted a selfie' (86 points, 19 comments)
    7. Albertans will be asked to be an organ donor when renewing their licence (81 points, 83 comments)
    8. ETS to link with Google for real time bus information (79 points, 15 comments)
    9. Edmonton to be one of first Canadian cities to test electric transit buses (74 points, 82 comments)
  9. 820 points, 6 submissions: jstock14
    1. There's a separate bathroom for well-endowed gentlemen at Northgate mall now. (247 points, 27 comments)
    2. "2016-ish" (167 points, 21 comments)
    3. Brilliant sky tonight looking east (127 points, 8 comments)
    4. How I felt today at the Ice Castle (97 points, 14 comments)
    5. So gas prices jumped... (92 points, 25 comments)
    6. Mill Woods "Libray" is closed until further notice. (90 points, 39 comments)
  10. 816 points, 8 submissions: JakeTheSnake0709
    1. From the front page of /wtf: Edmonton drivers everybody... (245 points, 75 comments)
    2. Edmonton based video game company BioWare has a Goose Cam set up outside their HQ (97 points, 25 comments)
    3. Nearly 20 000 Fort McMurray evacuees expected to arrive in Edmonton (85 points, 24 comments)
    4. Stantec tower now set to be tallest building in Canada outside Toronto (83 points, 50 comments)
    5. ‘The community is already movie friendly’: actor Danny Trejo praises Edmonton film industry (82 points, 15 comments)
    6. This should make us proud. (79 points, 10 comments)
    7. 13-year-old who met Ryan Reynolds in Edmonton dies after cancer battle (74 points, 17 comments)
    8. Man lights himself on fire inside Workers’ Compensation Board building (71 points, 90 comments)
  11. 799 points, 7 submissions: DeadliestSins
    1. Albertans opposed to allowing unvaccinated children in schools (218 points, 181 comments)
    2. Today's WTF moment: Prentice says all Albertans are responsible for getting province into a financial mess & everyone has to help clean it up (147 points, 135 comments)
    3. Alison Redford resigns from the Alberta Legislature, effective immediately (99 points, 57 comments)
    4. WestJet expanding in Edmonton: launching new route to Nanaimo and adding more flights to Kelowna, Regina, Saskatoon, Grande Prairie and Calgary (95 points, 20 comments)
    5. Ripple the weather dog (and Internet sensation) has been adopted (87 points, 4 comments)
    6. 4 tips to eating well on $4/day: Edmonton woman designs cookbook for people with limited incomes (Free copy of digital cookbook in the article) (79 points, 2 comments)
    7. Food bank visits spike across Canada – in Alberta most of all (74 points, 40 comments)
  12. 734 points, 7 submissions: sahlgoode
    1. New street art on 96th street is pretty great. (150 points, 28 comments)
    2. Eye on Edmonton v2.0 (149 points, 20 comments)
    3. For my cake day I present the Low Level Bridge [OC] (114 points, 10 comments)
    4. Alley Cat, and other small breweries exempt from the tax hike. (87 points, 25 comments)
    5. After giving the heads up to my fellow /edmonton redditors, this is what I snapped off. Sorry for being tardy. (82 points, 4 comments)
    6. I don't even know where to start. This is insanity. (78 points, 61 comments)
    7. Ambulance stolen from Royal Alexandra Hospital (74 points, 19 comments)
  13. 732 points, 5 submissions: legitprivilege
    1. Not just a suburb of London (239 points, 55 comments)
    2. Pushing the boundaries of "mildly interesting" - line of sight at 112 St. and 87 Ave. (228 points, 38 comments)
    3. Ice floating down the river (125 points, 8 comments)
    4. 1950s ETS Ticket (72 points, 8 comments)
    5. Scary van full of carcasses spotted near Capilano (68 points, 47 comments)
  14. 707 points, 5 submissions: muffin_squared
    1. Vaping on the LRT (191 points, 120 comments)
    2. As the snow melts away (154 points, 35 comments)
    3. Censorship on edmonton (154 points, 86 comments)
    4. Can the top image of this sub switch to something more Winter-like? I think we've all had enough of Spring. (124 points, 11 comments)
    5. Why do Edmontonians litter so much in the winter (84 points, 84 comments)
  15. 698 points, 2 submissions: doniveson
    1. I'm Don Iveson, Mayor of Edmonton. Ask me Anything! (355 points, 296 comments)
    2. I'm Don Iveson and I'm running to be the next mayor of Edmonton. AMA! (343 points, 164 comments)
  16. 668 points, 5 submissions: Mandinga33
    1. Today's weather (153 points, 13 comments)
    2. Another view of the fog from this morning from the Global helicopter (152 points, 5 comments)
    3. Nathan Fillion helps raise money for Edmonton’s Varscona Theatre, where he got his start. (149 points, 19 comments)
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    5. So my neighbour got a new truck decal. Classy. (98 points, 47 comments)

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[Table] I am a mover who worked for 6 years. Both good and bad areas. Ask me anything

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Date: 2014-03-19
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Questions Answers
Have you ever had a customer get really upset? What happened? One guy called back an hour after we finished, screaming his lungs out. "YOU GUYS BROKE MY FUCKING CHAIR AND DIDNT EVEN TELL ME OR TRY TO FIX IT!!" "What's wrong with it?" "ITS FUCKING SNAPPED IN HALF" "the red lazyboy?" "YEA NO SHIT!!" "The backs come off for easier moving, sorry we forgot to re attach it, just line it up and it will fall into place" "OH...well...good to know"
That's kinda funny, you can see why he was pissed but I'm glad it worked out. Yea we had a good laugh. How would we expect to get away with snapping his favourite chair in half without him calling back haha it was a honest mistake but he was a dick about it
We hired movers last year and the first thing the driver says to me (after showing up 2hr late) is that normal tips are $50 per person. We had budgeted $20/person for tips and after the work they did that was more than they deserved. They tried to hold my tv hostage in their truck until they got their tips but told them they weren't getting shit until they brought in my only thing of actual value. Fuck those guys. How the hell do I find movers that aren't shady as fuck? Holy shit. I guess this is why so many people treated me like dirt. Look up reviews of the company, if you can't find any, call them. Just ask them about their insurance policy. That question can break owners or managers. The insurance, at least here, is by weight. It doesn't matter how valuable the item is, we are only legally required to cover its cost by weight. It's nothing, I can't remember numbers, but basically your 5000 flatscreen will only cost us 50. If you fish out that, or some other honest answer, stay on the line. My boss would follow that up by saying some shit like "listen, if we happen to break on of your valuables, we will work something fair out, I have a budget for that. I have no doubt that we will deliver your items with the most care possible" and we did. That bit him in the ass sometimes, but always saved face. Just ask a lot of questions, if they truly want your business, they will answer. If they get annoyed or brush you off, move on.
What is the least amount of items has someone requested you to move? Edit: I just noticed I didn't answer your second question. We did a lot of piano moves where it was just that. Also did some odd stuff like a electrical bed to storage, and people sometimes just hired us to move stuff around in their house that they couldn't.
Who has been your most interesting client? I got my finger pinched underneath a lazyboy chair I was carrying when the foot rest popped out. When I finally got it out, my finger squirted blood all over their carpet. Whoops. Went to the doctor for stitches, lied about where it happened, then went back to work. Another time we were pushing a dresser into the truck and it got jammed on my thumb. Link to I drove myself to get it popped bam in, then went back to work. I also had a dresser fall on me but I was not injured because I'm a tank. I was waiting for somebody to ask me your third question. I've moved nicklebacks dad, and the head coach of the oilers. I didn't know it was nicklebacks dad until the end of the day. "You like nickelback?" I SAID NO "oh well I'm chads father, want signed pictures?" So I took one and sold it to my friends mom haha.
"You like nickelback?" I SAID NO "oh well I'm chads father, want signed pictures?" So I took one and sold it to my friends mom haha. Easiest 5$ ever made. Truth
Do people give tips? Rich people never tip. Old people, and people who work physical jobs were the only tippers. That being said it was pretty rare, maybe twice a month.
Twice a month?!?!?! I get tipped just about every other job. I've had weeks where damn near everybody tipped. I've had a few good weeks like that, but yea I kid you not. You usually work at the same time he cable guy shows up. I've seen customers tip him for drilling a hole in 10 minutes, but tipped me nothing. I learned very quick to never hope for a tip because I'll be disappointed more then not. I did get a lot of people buying pizza, giving beers, offering water etc. That was more then enough for me!
Seriously no one tipped? I always tipped my movers... At least like $20-40 depending on the job. Yea man tips were very rare. Good for you though, it's nice to know not everyone is cheap! I'm starting to think maybe my boss pocketed a few 20's...
I am also a mover in new zealand and tipping here is amazing i can get 400 a week in tips had a job last week and my crew was tiped 500 before we steped in the door was only a 3 hour job I don't know if I should be happy for you, or sad for myself...haha. That's awesome!
What would you recommend as an appropriate tip? Flat amount or %? If you want to tip I would say flat amount. Maybe 10 bucks for a small job, 20 for a 8+ hour move. Only tip if you feel they earned it though, don't worry about breaking some unspoken law if they are dicks or mess up a bunch.
That doesn't make sense to me. Did your boss deal with the customers while you wait in the truck? I've done unloads and the cable guy was there. Rarely have I had to work around him though. Yea I would clean the truck while he squared up. I would always talk with the customers as soon as I finish, and go through the house with them. That would be when I would give the tip..but you have me thinking he probably pocketed some. The ratio of nice people to tips seem unbalanced now that I look back at it...The cable guy always seemed to be in our way. Alway leaving boots in the middle of the doorway haha and that cable guy probably has come across more asshole movers then I have. It felt like a unspoken rivalry hah.
I always feel like half a man, or less when movers are picking up refrigerators that I struggle to move an inch. Has a woman ever made fun of her husband's physical inadequacy in front of him? Haha yes there was this adorable older couple where the wife was teasing her husband. It was all in good fun, but it could have been taken wrong. "Oh Gary you only wish you were as strong as those lads" "I could lift that" "oh Gary you couldn't lift that 30 years ago, let alone today" hahaha.
Have there ever been any moving jobs where you said, "no, not moving that." Also, do you lift bro? There was one mattress that stunk of foul death. It had a weird yellow and green colour stained onto it. It was also a king, so you have to bury yourself in it to get them around stairs that turn 180. I didn't feel like getting HIV so I refused to touch it. There was also a homemade gun safe a guy built, which had loaded guns in it. He argued with us that there is no danger, but web he admitted he's not sure if the safeties are on, that was is. We also moved a hoarder but we actually moved her so I guess it doesn't count. Fuck that was gross tho
Hoarder? So if the TV show is right, you moved about 70 dead cats and two tons of expired food? That's totally was more like 33 dead cats and 4 flats of expired kraft dinner, let's be real here.
kraft dinner. Canadian alert. That's aboot right eh.
What's the most insulting experience you had as a mover? One guys kid was watching us struggle to get a fridge upstairs. He comes up to his kid, picks him up, and says to us "I bet you wish you studied harder now am I right?" How about I'm working this god damn job to save for my schooling. My boss supports his wife with 3 kids and he's the only working one. I hate how much people looked down on me.
What is the strangest thing you have ever seen in someone's house? I was finishing up a bedroom in the basement, only had the mattress and dresser left. When I ran downstairs to grab it, I saw something underneath the box spring. A little glass dildo. I run upstairs to grab my boss to show him, and I pass by the customer. She asked me "have you gotten everything out of my sons room downstairs?" WTF gross so my boss picks it up with vice grips and puts it in the dresser. Didn't want to ruin moms day. When we are carrying the dresser at the new place, the sons there. He hears this little glass thing rolling around in his dresser. His face went blood red. Also one customer had a holder for her kitchen knifes just loose in her kitchen. It was a figure of a small baby, with a knife going through the head, two through the eyes, one through the mouth, and one through the neck. The strangest thing was that everything was completely normal.
What are the strangest warnings (besides the don't drink the water) you have ever received before starting a job? Did you have to do cross-state moves? And where/ how long? Good question! We did a move in a seniors home one time. While we were working, a nurse lady came up to me and said "hey can you just keep a eyes on the door? Some people try to escape" WTF. I'm Canadian, the farthest move I did was from Edmonton, AB to Victoria island, BC. Those were the best, do half a job then hit the road. I would have my computer and watch movies while getting paid. Boss pays for hotels and food too. Driving the mountains in a truck at night is kinda sketchy. If I was not feeding my boss 5 hour energies, we probably would be dead, no joke. Long moves were the best, get paid for 2-4 days with only one load and unload!
Have you had an crazy ex stories? or divorce moving catastrophes? I saw a lot of divorces. Usually only one of the couple is there when we are. You can tell if it's a divorce if there is one guy home, a bunch of nice furniture and decorations...but we only take the big screen and a couch haha. One move we did, the lady said her husband cheated on her, and she's putting his stuff in storage. She had to work so she gave use a quick outline of what goes, then left. As we were clearly moving only this guys stuff out, he shows up. He starts freaking out when he sees his shit in our truck. He started to walk up the ramp, so I blocked him. It's your stuff, but it's my truck, and I'm not going to be responsible when you rip something down and killyourself. I told him he should call his wife. "EX WIFE" he shouted lol. After a heated phone call, his ego was checked. He politely asked if he could have a look in the truck to make sure she's not pawning off all the junk on him. I let him, he accepted what was happening, and left. My boss told me a story where one angry EX showed up, blocked his truck, and started makin threats while holding a shotgun. My boss locked the truck and called the cops lol.
That is one smart boss! thanks for answering so many questions! No problem! I will answer every question this thread ever gets hah.
Who was the worst customer? We moved a hoarder one time. Her power lines were sagging so close to her house, we couldn't get the truck close, so it was already extra shitty. We go inside and it looked like a bomb went off. First thing she says is "don't drink water from the tap, or collected some drinking water in this (gross ass) jug". The stuff she wanted moved, was literally piled up in the Center of the room. Each room was like that. Rust everywhere, stepping hazards, mice running around, flies in your face. She also smoked in the house the whole time which is another awesome thing people do. Words cannot describe how gross that house was. To top it all off, she wanted a discount because she overheard us complain about the mess. Some people are ridiculous.
Were you allowed to fire that customer? We fuckin should have lol.
Oh, i so would have.. man.. thats a health hazard!! Yea we had to actually wash the inside of the truck after that one. I went to sweep it out and everything kinda just...smeared. My boss said next time we are turning around if we see anything close to that again. I think he really needed the money lol.
Nobody is that desperate lol. I think the fact we did the job speaks for itself.
What is the hardest part of having a job that is 100% physical labor? Probably how little most people appreciated how hard I worked for them. I worked hard- non stop- so we could finish as early as possible. Most people don't understand how hard it is to safely move an entire household without damages. You would rarely get thanked for not screwing up, like perfection is expected. To bust your ass all day, only for the customer to be steaming mad about a small scratch on his wall he could fix for $1, is hard. Or when peoples water is already turned off. I always brought water but relied on filling it up at the customers house cuz I drink so much.
Have you ever thought of fabricating some sort of easement device to make moving easier? I.E. moving a big item, piano, bed, desk, etc. Think smarter not harder sorta thing. How much can you deadlift? :P. Honestly besides straight up pulleys and 4-wheeler dollies, there isn't much to fabricate. Me and my boss discussed this a lot. There are just too many X factors at every house that would prevent one fabrication from being applicable to everything. Besides some sort of exoskeleton. We thought of a design of a collapsable conveyer belt for boxes, but I doubt it would work IRL lol. There is a machine I saw that can move a piano with just one person operating it...but only to places with bigass spaces for it, wouldn't work in houses. I don't know how much I can deadlift because I never went to the gym haha. I could handle big tvs by myself. Customers would come running over when they see me and I would have to say "I got it" like 100 times. Never lift beyond your capability, you wont last long.
Where do people try to hide the sex toys? I saw a surprisingly small amount of sex toys. I didn't snoop through people's stuff so I probably unknowingly moved a lot. The people who do have them always seem to forget to check behind dressers. Just like when you were kids, your toys get forgotten down there.
Are you also a shaker? What.
A mover and a shaker. A business person who gets things done. ( too obscure?) Oh I see what you mean. I'm really good at talking to people and knowing what they want to hear...but I've always enjoyed working with my hands. I enjoy the fulfillment you feel after you work your ass off. Makes me think I earned my beer haha.
I read you're saving up for school. What do you want to study and what field would you like to find a job in the future? :) P.S. It's awesome you're replying to all the questions! :) I'm going to be a welder. I enjoyed it a lot in high school and the money is there, so why not haha. I have some buddies in the field already too. I'm hoping to get my own truck so I can contract. It's like printing money. Hey no problem, isn't that what these things are for? ;)
Fun AMA, How many people actually have nice well put together stylist homes? I would say like 60%. You have exceptions though, I've moved this women who's husbands own casinos. Her house was like a movie. There was construction going on but they had the all stone deck with big pillars and lion statues and such. The rock on this ladies hand was the size of a small meteor! Also moved some people who had secret rooms, library's with sliding ladders on the shelfs, designer bathrooms, man caves and more.
Did you ever have clients who broke down in tears when they saw you moving a sentimental object? Yes one lady had a small 2 foot angel statue in memory of her grandma who just passed away. She teared up when she asked us to be careful with it...which was not easy by the way. We spent extra time wrapping an padding the shit out of it after that.
How often do people say I don't need this item in my new place do you want it? All the time, but it's usually junk. I took three broken tvs.. I have gotten a few good things. Got a small popcorn machine movie theatre style. It had matching popcorn cups too. It worked for a bit lol. Got a glass oilers nightstand, but I'm not into hockey. Everyone has a couch or a bed or a chair they want to pawn off on you. If they don't want it for some reason, you shouldn't want it. That "I have no room" line is usually a lie haha.
Am I supposed to tip the movers??? I've never know the answer to this question. You tip them if you think they deserve it. It's not a job where the real money should come from the tips. It's not like how you should tip your waitress, in my opinion at least. If you see the guys working hard and they are friendly, a tip really makes them feel rewarded. If they are lazy and are making less-then-honest mistakes, don't feel bad about not tipping.
What is the grossest thing you have encountered over the years? I would say the hoarders house, but ill give you another answer. I had to clear out this guys shed, it had tires in it. The tires had spiders, isopods, ants, and other bugs ALL OVER IT. I'm a big guy, you would have laughed at how squeamish I was getting those tires. I still feel the webs in between my fingers.
What's the average people tend to have your type of job before they have to quit do to injury? Well most people who get into the moving business don't last a week, let alone long enough to be injured. There was a football guy my boss hired and he quit the same day lol. He stopped hiring people after that, me and him were all anybody would need. A third person typically just gets in the way when moving a single object (hot tubs excluded). However, you have people like my boss, who started the company and have been moving for 20 years. I can't believe that old man kept up with me. His pace would slow near the end but he still blew me away with what he could do. His hands were like sandpaper. Whenever I thought something was heavy, I remembered he's on the other end, and id be fine haha. You learn very quickly to lift properly. Doing anything for too long will eventually cause strain. It's not as hard on the back as everyone thinks, as long as you lift correctly!
Edit: Still blew me away. Not "Still blew me anyway" hahaha that's a autocorrect almost worth not fixing.
Whats the most messed up thing you moved? One guy had a life-size butler mannequin statue. The face was super weird, it was trying to be funny, but was more so creepy. He was holding a silver platter with a shoe on it. The guy said he uses the mannequin to show off his favourite shoe at the time. He had a name for it, and kept it in front of a mirror because he was "vain". I swear that thing would lock eyes with you in the truck. I didn't need to, but I wrapped pads all over his face so I didn't have that face poking through when I went to unload hah I never said anything because I'm pretty sure he had some issues, but it was still strange none the less.
I was expecting someone else! But it kinda made my day so take my upvote. Haha there was also a freezer we had to move one time. It was full of game meat, and we needed to get it on its side to get it out. So we grab a box and start packing the food. I came across a package small enough to fit in your said "vagina lips '04". The other meat was deer so...deer vagina lips? Any idea what the hell that would be doing in there? The family was from Poland if that helps...
Now it's getting intresting! Please continue! :D. I found a ladies missing cat she was missing for 2 days inside a treadmill. She asks us to keep a eye out for her before we started. I had to take the arms off the treadmill because it came down there disassembled and in a box. The wires go down through one arm into the base of the treadmill, so I had to unhook it. When I was taking the faceplate off the base, sure enough, there was this little kitten chillin in there. I went to grab it and it ran upstairs. Brownie points. Now I gotta save some stuff for other people ;) stay tuned hah
Poor me :( Ok well looks like no more questions are coming in so I will give you another story. This one is kind of gross, fair warning. One time I was late for work, I didn't get to do my morning routine. Including my morning shit. On the way to work, the grumbling stopped so I thought I was fine. Big mistake. About a hour into the job, the bubble guts hit me. I didn't want to shit in this persons house, they were always walking around so I knew they would notice. So I see a chance when they are busy, and I run downstairs to poop. I filled that toilet in 20 seconds flat. Wipe my ass and flush. It didn't flush. It started backing up. Panic hits me, I grab a plunger. I managed to fix it before a overflow. Phew. Leave the bathroom and both customers, and my boss, are standing outside the bathroom chuckling. All I said was "it's ok nothing broke". more chuckling. FML haha.
You seem to have an intresting job. If I would have lived near your company and I would move I would call your company to move and I would want you as a mover :p. Are there any embarresing stories for the costumer? Haha one job had a lot of expensive pictures. We wrap the shit out of pictures, and usually keep them wrapped until we finish. These customer were too excited. They stopped me at the door when I had something light, and they would take it from me. I told him it's fine but thanks, he insisted on it. This included pictures. I was bringing in one without a glass cover. He took it from me and started opening it. He started talking about how expensive and unique that this painting was. As he was taking it upstairs, he tripped. He fell on top of his painting, destroying it. He left the painting there, and walked downstairs. He was not waiting at the door anymore hah poor guy shoulda just let us do our thing.
Easiest job you have ever had as a mover? In a apartment, moving 4 suites down. We rolled everything on dollies haha.
Have you ever had an experience where you almost died/got hurt while moving something? We had to move a cast iron fire place down a set of stairs that turn 180 degrees. Don't know the exact weight, but if you know cast iron, imagine a 3 foot tall fire place lol. We had it strapped to a piano sled, and all padded up. The only part sticking out were the feet. I was going backwards down the stairs. When it went past the tipping point, I found out I was not Hercules. It came flying down the stairs, I managed to keep my balance, but it pinned me against the wall at the turn. Two feet went through the wall, and were about one inch from both sides of my stomach. That would have stabbed me no doubt. Another time we were moving a big entertainment unit upstairs. The stairs came up to a wall, with a room on either side. So the person at the top (my boss) needs to lift his end up. The person at the bottom has to stabilize and lift it when it hits the tipping point to get it on its side. He didn't communicate when he was lifting. Luckily I had enough strength to catch it last second. If I was ANY weaker, it would have fallen ontop of me and took me down the stairs with it.
Edit: get it on ITs side, not MY side lol.
What does your name exactly mean? Everything of mine is bigger then yours...haha.
Edit: the PFFF is me blowing air in a unimpressed fashion. I meant to put PFFT lol.
I'm not technically, but my uncle is a contractor so he calls me up if he ever needs extra help. That was maybe a week of working with him when that happened though. Ah I see. You are his lifesaver then, I can appreciate how valuable a extra hand can be, it would have gotten us out of a lot of jams lol good on you.
Moreover, is tipping something that is expected? Edit: Phrasing so I sound less like a jackass. Edit 2: So I sound less like a hookd on fonix gwaduaet. One customer tipped us 10 bucks and said "I was not sure if you are supposed to tip movers, so I googled it. It said if there are stairs involved, then you tip them" I told her I've had some crazy hard days with no stairs, and thanked her. I never expected a tip, but if your grabbing a coffee or lunch, offering makes me want to work harder for you.
I worked as a mover for a few months during school. I was only tipped once, but people would buy us coffee semi-regularly ... usually the same people who had everything organized and hassle free when we got there. Go figure. Yea I loved it when people prepared. I mean, I have no problem if you want to pay me to take apart your bed, unhook your electronics, clear off your furniture etc...but from a customers stand point, those are really easy things that can save you money! I don't know how some parents had 4 able bodied teenagers in the house, but let them sit around. Again, it's my job so it never bugged me, but from a parents stand point? That's free labour right there!
If you could rewind time to 6 years ago, would you of still been a mover or consider doing something else? No way bro, I have so many stories to tell. Not to mention my back and triceps are waaay to OP.
No offence but are you tall, skinny and amped up on uppers for most of the day followed by 6 beers later in the night, followed by 4 hours of sleep before you start work the next day? I'm tall, with a belly but a jacked upper frame and tree trunks for legs. I never worked while on any drugs, not even pot. The only thing I did on the job was have beers with the customers when we finished if they offered. I WOULD have six beers SOME night, but still usually passed out within a hour or two of getting home. Then I would sleep like a baby. Hard to believe right? We charged more because we gave a shit about our work. That's why people on a smaller budget would still use us. Nothing but good reviews.
Myy buddy worked for a few companies and everyone was as I described, strong like bull and worked their asses off. Yea I mean I did have some nights I probably drank too much. I never missed a day of work though. If I was sick or hurt, I would come in and just do what I can. Even if it's just taking light boxes. It was just me and my boss so if I didn't show up, the job didn't get done. I have a killer work ethic because of moving.
What kind of company did you work for? Was it an e-move company? Naw it was a little company my boss started after he got his business degree. I was the only employee, and I got paid in cash weekly. It was better money then I could make at any big shot moving company. He even let me drive the truck out in a never busy road. It was a stick, and the weight was a lot to get used to!
Man you should have started your own. They are easy as hell to start and you don't even need a truck. I was actually talking to my boss about taking over park moving. I was 18 at the time and already looking at owning a business lol. However after a few discussions, I found out he was in some financial problems. They weren't business related but they affected the business. He wanted way too much. He was proof you can have a house, put three kids through school and hockey, go on vacation twice a year, with only one moving truck. I know the money is there if I played my cards right. I just don't feel like working that hard my whole life haha. On top of the physical side, it's a super stressful business. I'm sure my boss is going to look like a pretzel when he's 60+. I'm glad had the job, don't get me wrong, but life long career? No thanks haha.
Fuck. I love it. I'd argue that keeping active keeps you young. That's true, but we weren't exactly just going for a little jog everyday haha. 5-6 days a week with 6-12 hour moves will catch up to you pretty quick!
What was the worst injury you had at the job? I've already discussed a few injuries in my earlier replies, check them out. There are a few more times where I was hurt however lol. When I first started, there was another guy working with my boss. He was such a burn out. When we were carrying the ramp to the front steps, I was going backwards. It was winter, and he's basically jogging so I have to match his pace. As I'm telling him to slow down, he ran me into a bunch of rocks. I fell backwards, head hit the concrete. I was pretty dizzy and had to sit down for awhile before I could walk straight. The ramp also fell into my guy and left a nasty bruise. The other guy didn't even understand how that was his fault! He's lucky I didn't get hurt, or feel the need to hurt him haha. I always communicate a lot when I'm carrying something with someone. Eventually you don't have to because you know what each other is doing. Pretty soon it was just me and my boss haha.
In case you're curious, this is in NYC, and the apartment requiring the COI was a fancy one in Manhattan. Oh I see, thanks for the insight. It's interesting to know how stuff works in other areas.
Have you ever told someone you wouldn't move their stuff because it was too disgusting? I've told customers that certain items were to dirty to take, but never a whole move. We COULD and SHOULD have not moved this hoarder one time, but whatever lol. I wouldn't move anything that was suspiciously wet, had a weird coloured stain, or smelt foul. I never felt bad doing it either, it's not fair to make movers grab your kids piss and shit stained mattress, do your kids a favour and throw it out!!
What is the most fucked up shit you saw in a person's house? The condition of this little girls room. The house was a mess all over, but even their small child's room was gross. Band aids and Kleenex everywhere, thick dust everywhere, dirty broken toys, bug carcasses, dirty mattress...I regret not calling CPS on that person. It was so bad I would classify her room as a hazard. Pretty sad stuff to see.
What is the nastiest thing you ever found in a house? This one guy had two pitbulls. He let them, or refused to clean, shit in the basement. There were at least 4 distinct smells of shit in the basement. We lay carpets down usually, but if that's how your floors are, forget it. I'm not bringing a shit carpet to the next house!
How many sex toys does the average household have? 69.
Last updated: 2014-03-23 23:10 UTC
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