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[PI] The Death of PhoenixMan – Poetic – 2771 Words

It was a grim, snowy day in November when I took in a homeless man with ice-blue lips and flame-red eyes. What choice did I have? I couldn’t let the only good metahuman left in the world die in a dirty alley, drowning in a pool of his own blood. If even he fell, we were all screwed.
It took every last inch of my small frame to drag his half-limp body up the seven flights of stairs back to my apartment. Each dusty step was excruciating. He barely made it to my moth-eaten couch before bursting into a column of flame. The next thing I knew, a completely uninjured figure emerged from the fading light, looking about as hearty and hale as a homeless man could. I wanted to punch him.
“Couldn’t you have done that in the alley?” I yelled.
“Pshaw,” he snorted. “It ain’t like ya got somethin’ special here, kid.” And with that, he propped his bare, soot-streaked toes up on my rickety table and picked his nose.
I repeat, the only good metahuman left in the world.
It turned out that when people received great power, they didn’t use it with great responsibility. One by one, outnumbered, every meta that tried to fight for the law died gruesome deaths. If you weren’t with the bad, you were against them. That meant regular folk were out of luck.
“Ya got any food?” PhoenixMan asked me one day as he stomped through my door. The lights flickered and went out completely. Just lovely. A pile of mail and fliers teetered precariously over a stack of unwashed plates, which I steadied when I was sure he wasn’t looking. The pungent smell of expired Febreze barely masked the stink of undone laundry.
“Have you heard of knocking?” I handed him a bag of chips. It was all we had.
“I killed anotha’ crazy meta today,” he said conversationally, popping open the plastic and crunching away. “She did this wonky thing where she spit acid. Can ya believe that?”
“PhoenixMan.” I tried not to grit my teeth, I really did. “You can literally convert your body into a flaming phoenix and back. She was probably the one who couldn’t believe it!”
“Nah,” he said, swallowing greedily. “They all know lil’ ol’ me.”
“That’s because you’re the only good meta left! Everyone else got killed!”
“There’ll be more,” he scoffed, peering into the bag. “We’re outta chips.”
One day he came back with a birthday cake. It was slightly crushed and half of it was missing. The vanilla frosting looked a little gray, and cake crumbs were spilling out of the opening like the guts of a disemboweled victim.
“Happy birthday!” he told me, plopping the package down on the grimy kitchen counter and pulling out a bag of red striped candles.
“It’s not my birthday,” I told him.
“Well, it is now,” he informed me gravely. “I had ta kill a steel meta tryin’ ta rob a store.”
“Is the store okay?” I asked.
He laughed raucously. “Yer a funny one, ain’t cha! Yeah, yeah, so I can get a lil’ outta control sometimes. So what? We gotta cake outta it!”
“So, you robbed it from the store that you saved from being robbed,” I said.
He jumped to his feet. “Naw!” he shouted. “I ain’t no crook! The owner said ta take whatever I wanted, and this cake got banged up when I was fightin’ the steel guy! And candles were on sale!”
“Then you should’ve taken more stuff!” I shouted back. “We’re starving out here! Food’s expensive!”
“Haw, haw,” he said sarcastically. “Now who’s the righteous one, eh? Accuse me o’ being a villain, when I kill villains! Pshaw! Now let’s get ta celebratin’ yer birthday.”
It was the best goddamn cake I’d ever eaten. I made a wish on the cheap waxy candles that we could go back to a time when humans never had powers. The next morning, I woke up to PhoenixMan whistling and burning a corpse in the middle of the living room. The smell of charred human flesh assailed my nostrils.
“What the fuck, man?” I said. “Who is this!?”
“Zombie meta,” he said. A stream of fire constantly poured out of his outstretched fingertips like he was a human flamethrower, bathing the room in a hellish glow. “Can’t kill ‘em, gotta turn ‘em ta carbon, or he’ll regen’rate.”
“And why aren’t you doing this…oh, I don’t know…outside!?
He jabbed a thumb at the window. “The city’s crawlin’ wit crooks right now! Ya want me ta slowly cook a zombie out in the streets?”
“Why does it matter? You can’t die,” I said. The inferno was brilliant, and I stared at the slowly crumbling corpse in fascination as flickering tongues of orange licked the air.
“Don’t mean I gotta act like an idiot,” he said. “What if I run outta juice? Then I ain’t gonna revive. ’Sides, that’s how all tha other good guys died, eh? Powers don’t make ya invincible. Brains do.”
“There’s more bad brains than good ones, then. They still win.”
He spat a loogie at me that I barely avoided. “With that kinda attitude, hell yea they will!”
I balled up my fists. “You really think that there’s a shred of decency left in people? I wait tables at a bar, did you forget? Everyone with powers is a nightmare, and everyone without powers grumbles about not having them. And that’s just the people that can afford food and alcohol! I see people at their worst, which happens to be absolute crap!”
PhoenixMan’s laughs echoed through my apartment’s hollow walls. “You think the powers made people crappy? Nah, kid, they was always like that. When I was on tha streets, before I got ma fire, I saw just how low people can go. Things ya wouldn’t believe!”
“Fine!” I said. “Then stop spewing that bull everyone online keeps regurgitating, that ‘good guys will come back’, and ‘there’s still a spark of goodness left in people’. It’s all fucked!”
He dropped his arm. The room went dark and quiet. The cooling embers on the metal sheet glowed softly like fireflies in the night. PhoenixMan gave me a look, and that’s when I realized how short and sickly he was.
“Naw,” he said. “The second ya give up, that’s when they win. Sure, I heard a lotta fucked up shit. Ya know what? I saw a lotta damn good things too. I saw a group o’ complete strangers team up ta help get a car outta ice and snow. It took ‘em hours, and when they was done they didn’t ask for nothin’. Each went their own separate ways.”
“Not many cars on the street these days,” I said. “Not after the governments collapsed.”
“I saw a woman buyin’ food for a starvin’ man. Tha man took it and fed it to tha person ladling out soup for the needy, who’d been workin’ a sixteen-hour shift with no breaks. He just drank a small bowl o’ soup instead.”
“Some good that does with all these metas,” I said, throwing up my hands. “We can open all the soup kitchens in the world and it won’t matter!”
He stomped over and grasped my shoulders, looking me straight in the eyes. I smelled his rancid breath and heard his rasping voice. “I fought next ta one spoiled kid from a rich family, back when heroes still tried. He had the stupidest meta I’ve eva seen. Can ya guess?”
“Nose picking,” I said.
“Naw. He could make cheese move a lil’ bit. That’s it! Not make it, not shape it like a lotta metal metas, just move it a lil’ bit. That didn’t stop his dumb ass from followin’ me everywhere like he was Supaman in tha sky! He dressed up in spandex, but let me tell ya, he grew up right fast and fought like a banshee. Bravest kid I eva knew.”
I snorted. “Brave, or stupid?”
“Stupid woulda been if he didn’t think he’d die,” he said, voice trembling. “Like ol’ Cygnus, who actually thought he was good ol’ Supes with his laser eyes and super strength. Didn’t last long, did he? Cheese dude knew he could die every day he put on his stupid ugly suit, and he was scared, let me tell ya! But he still did it! He still ran wit me as long as he could, and the fucker had the audacity to apologize to me as he died!”
PhoenixMan was shouting, tears dripping down his weathered face. He coughed in embarrassment, dragging a dirty arm covered by a dirtier ragged shirt across his eyes. For a moment, my stomach dropped from under me into a pit of shame.
“So don’t fucking think that there ain’t good peeps out there! There’s gonna be more people like me. They’re too scared right now, but they’re here! I just gotta inspire ‘em. Kill enough villains ta make it safe for people to be good again.”
I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I didn’t believe him.
I lost track of how many fights PhoenixMan got into, how many nights he stumbled back with the rags on his back torn more than before, how many times his injuries forced him to flame out and crawl out from his own ash in my cramped living room.
PhoenixMan stormed in bruised and battered one sullen evening, hurling his pack against the wall. I didn’t flinch. It wasn’t the first time.
“I can’t fucking catch that bitch!” he yelled in frustration.
“Which one?” I asked, typing away at my banged-up laptop. “Solace? Lazor? Cerulean? Which of the Invincibles did you fight this time?”
“None of ‘em,” he grumbled. “Blink, the speedster. I wish I had backup, jus' one person! We could trap ‘er, no problem. It’s just so damn difficult on my own.”
I looked up to see a hopeful expression on his face. “Uh, no. No, no, no. God, no,” I said. “I don’t have a death wish. I’m not like the cheese guy.”
“Ya wouldn’t be in danger!” he said. “Just a small trap! She’d never see us comin’! ‘Cause her eyes are closed, hah! Get it?”
“Ha, ha.” He couldn’t know. Could he?
It was a frosty morning in February when I woke up to shouting in my ear. I was about roll over and go back to sleep when my fogged-up brain realized that the voice sounded scared. PhoenixMan was never scared.
“There’s a bloody friggin’ meteor comin’!” he yelled. “I gotta stop it! Get a notice on tha web fer all metas ta get ta Center Square pronto! Just me ain’t enough!”
I bolted awake and watched him blaze through the window in his phoenix form. A pinprick of light high in the sky grew larger and larger right before my eyes. Fuck. I hastily posted a warning notice to the city-wide bulletin before racing out the door.
By the time I could see Center Square in the distance, the wind was picking up and churning debris through the air. Reports were coming in that a meta from a different city had gotten bored and launched what could be considered a small mountain into the atmosphere.
PhoenixMan stood alone in the middle of the city, eyes trained on the meteor streaking towards him. He glanced around at the empty, abandoned square. Not a single soul was in sight. Although he was far away, our eyes met. He smiled sadly at me before fire swallowed him whole. A blazing phoenix surged into the air like a rocket ship, burning so hot I broke out in sweat.
The falling missile melted and broke apart as unstoppable force met unstoppable will, impact rings blasting outwards. The sheer power he radiated melted chunks of the meteor into slag that dripped harmlessly into the square. He was going to save the day again!
And then I watched in horror as the rock stubbornly pushed towards the earth, fighting PhoenixMan all the way down. The twin titans slammed into the middle of Center Square. All windows shattered. The ground erupted. Shockwaves hurled me back twenty feet.
After the ringing in my ears finally stopped, I winced and pulled myself up shakily. “PhoenixMan,” I yelled, coughing out dust. No response. I staggered over towards the square, clutching my ribs.
A homeless man sat in the middle of a large crater with his hands over his knees. He had ice-blue lips and flame-red eyes. He looked up at me. I ran and tripped and slipped down the side of the smoking hole, past small divots sputtering with fire.
“No more…flaming out,” he croaked when I knelt by his side. His voice was hoarse and unnaturally quiet.
“What do you mean?” I asked, touching his skin. He was burning up. “We need to…gah…get you home. Come on!”
“Naw,” he said, looking past me with a glassy expression. “This is tha end for me. I can’t…can’t revive again. Not enough energy.”
“Then let’s get you some energy! You can’t die,” I pleaded. “You’re the only one who can fight for justice, remember?”
He chuckled quietly. “Naw, kid. Times change, cities fall, and people die. Ya wanna know…what’s never gonna change? What never ends?”
I gripped his hand tight. “PhoenixMan.”
“Naw. Heroism. Tha good…tha people can do. That’s never gonna change. There was heroes before me…there’s gonna be heroes after me. It always begins again.” His eyes found mine. “There ya are. Give yer hand here.”
I put my hand in front of his face and he managed to slap it weakly. “There.”
“Baton pass, kid,” he said. Cracks spread over his skin like spiderweb fractures over a frozen lake. Chunks of his body collapsed like the grains of sand in an hourglass. “It’s up ta you now.”
The one and only PhoenixMan crumbled into ash in my arms. I didn’t even have time to cry before he was gone, his life extinguished like any other candle.
One crisp and chilly sunrise three years later, I sat on my raggedy old couch humming the tune to some song I heard on the radio, gazing at the urn on my broken coffee table.
“Mornin’, PhoenixMan,” I said to the urn. “Spring’s here. You wouldn’t believe how many new metas are joining my squad. It’s practically an army. A big, powerful, dysfunctional family.”
The urn sat there quietly, but I didn’t mind. PhoenixMan was a good listener. I glanced around at the apartment, basking in the clean glow of shiny countertops. There wasn’t a single unwashed plate in sight.
“I killed Blink yesterday,” I told the urn. “Turns out you were right. So much easier with more than one person.”
Talking about the speedster made my eyes water. It feels like it was just yesterday when PhoenixMan was ranting and raving about her.
“I wish I’d listened to you back then. I wish I hadn’t hidden my…my powers. My telekinesis. I could’ve made a real difference, and maybe you wouldn’t be dead. I was…”
I bit my tongue hard, almost enough to draw blood, and averted my eyes.
“I was a coward. A damn fucking coward. I should’ve stood by your side, but I was too scared of getting killed for standing up to them like mom and dad. And I’m still scared. Scared every day that I’ll mess up, so scared that I want to puke.”
The urn didn’t judge me. It sat there peacefully, soaking in the morning rays and collecting a few dust bunnies.
“But you gave me courage. And I’m still out there every day like you and cheese guy were. It took only a year for another meta to join me and come out of hiding. And then another. And another. And now…just look at us. You were right, you know? Heroism and good people will never end. I teach that to all the newbies. If I fall, someone else will take my place and begin anew.”
I slipped into the charmed jacket that Wiz Kid gave me. I slid on fingerless gloves made from cold living steel, a birthday gift from Smith John. I celebrated the same day he brought me that cake all those years ago.
“I’m heading out, PhoenixMan. As always, don’t worry; I’m coming back for you.”
I snuck another glance at the urn. My telekinetic engraving was a little sloppy and I was never great with haikus, but I bet he would’ve liked it.
Here Lies an Old Flame
Though Time May Forget His Name
In Us He Lives On
submitted by RemixPhoenix to WritingPrompts [link] [comments]

[Table] IAMA 23 year old male who suffers from a common, but socially devastating skin condition called Psoriasis. AMA.

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Date: 2012-04-15
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Questions Answers
It on your face? Is it painful? Is yours a very severe case? My case is severe, the dermatologist actually photographed my legs and arms to use in a journal for severity. However, that is also based on perspective, it's not on my face, that would be exponentially worse. Psoriasis isn't painful if you look after it. However, if you don't moisturize your skin they become cracked and inflamed. It almost feels like paper cuts all over them, like my skin is on fire. There is some days where the pain is bad that I just hate everything. My case is severe, a dermatologist took a picture of my arms and legs to actually use in a journal and put into textbooks. I am literally the picture of Psoriasis.
What treatments are there? There is no cure for Psoriasis, however there are tons of treatments like injections, creams, UV light treatments, skin wraps and some work for other people but there is not one standard treament. After years of trying, I have given up. I just use trusty old Vaseline to keep my skin hydrated.
Have you tried biologicals/injections like Link to or something like that? No! Thanks for the link, I will look into it!
Maybe. I'd just like to share what my father told us before we started school: Because you're different, people will say things that are hurtful. This is not necessarily a bad thing, because it will give you the advantage of knowing exactly what type of person you're dealing with. Exactly, I've met some amazingly kind people and some awful awful people. I can't count the times on my hand that kids have tried to hurt me with it. In grade 6 they came up with an entire story of how one kids aunt died from Psoriasis and how it will kill me and such. It was heartbreaking!
Does yours ever bleed? They bleed all of the time, I live in a dry climate too, so my skin dries out horribly. It sucks because my sheets have these awful blood spots because they can break open at night.
What have you tried? I've tried almost everything under the sun that my dermatologist recommended (steroid creams, UV treatment). One day she recommended that I use this drug that they use to treat cancer patients and I drew the line at that. After years of doing it, I just gave up, I'd rather live naturally then die from cancer when I'm 50.
Are some parts covered worse than others? One thing you should try however, is vaseline on your ears after a shower. I find that it helps keep the moisture in there and really helps. Seriously, vaseline, its the most effective and it stopped mine from becoming dry and inflamed.
Thanks for the tip! I'll definitely get me some vaseline then. It's just getting ridiculously irritating and gross.. it bleeds and gets wet and icky and then I wake up with my hair plastered into it because it's crusted over when I was sleeping. It's one sexy skin condition we have! Vaseline will be a game changer for you, I promise. Just remember, shower first, then apply it.
Another quick question if I may.. does anyone else in your family have it? I know my cousin has it and I think my mother suffered too. I was just wondering if yours was in the family too. I can trace Psoriasis back generations, my father has it, his mother has it, her dad had it... It sucks. But the good news is that that whole side of the family has longevity in it, they usually live to around 90 or 100.
What treatment(s) are you using? What has been most and least effective for you? I've done everything under the sun, but as I said before, I was tired of being a lab rat. Every dermatologist would look like they stumbled across a gold mine and recommend recent studies to try.
I just didn't want to go through it anymore.
Honestly, the most effective treatment has been showering then applying Vaseline to keep my skin moisturized. It is the best and it cuts the pain down that is caused by dryness to nothing.
You may have it bad, but you don't have it as bad as my cousin's best friend. That's horrifying... I don't have it that bad for sure.
I went bowling once with her, my cousin, and another cousin, and people were staring at her like she was the ugliest person in the world. I wanted to kick so much ass that day. Poor girl, honestly, that is one of my biggest fears. How does she cope with it? Does she have a stronger personality or crushing social anxieties?
Another male with psoriasis here, although it's mostly on my chest and back. Do you have bad joint pain? Sometimes, oddly enough if I cut myself badly Psoriasis will take over that spot eventually!
Psobro!!! I have psoriasis and I had(have?) it fucking bad on my scalp when I was in high school so through some stroke of wisdom by parents decided I should shave my head all through high school to let it "breathe". Terrible fucking times were had. Oh my, I bet you could tell some stories that could help people get through even their most awful days.
I had never seen anyone with this condition before a few minutes ago. I am always wary of asking people about things like this. If I met you in public, would you be offended if I (not knowing anything about anything) asked you what was wrong with you skin? Also, I think some of the apprehension people may feel could come from fears of contamination. Perhaps if you told people you weren't contagious, they would be more at ease. However, I have no clue really. Do you have 'outbreaks'? Does the psoriasis come and go? I don't mind if people ask in a nice way... if they ask out of spite, like I don't deserve to leave my house or if they have a disgusted tone in their voice then it gets pretty hurtful. Psoriasis stays day in and day out, so no outbreaks, just always there. People do usually get better once you tell them its not contagious, but I know I can never have a job in the food industry.
Have you been checked for coeliac? or any other kind of digestive issue? Also, see PM. No, I will for sure look into it!
I feel your pain, I have atypical contact dermatitis, coupled with dyshidrotic eczema and an overactive immune system. Generally once a month i get all the fun of recovering from second degree burns to my hands, arms, legs and belly, without the fun of actually being burned. recovery time is about 3-4 weeks, at which point I get a few days of clear, non-embarrassing skin before the cycle repeats. The steroids are no longer effective, so they're thinking of starting me on immunosuppressants. The best part? I work as a medical professional. There's nothing like having your patient ask if someone else can treat you, but not wanting to explain why. How many times a week do you have to sweep/vacuum your bedroom? I just vacuum the once a week! Yours sounds so much worse. Sometimes I hate skin, Doves skin slogan where they describe how our skin protects us infuriates me!
I sympathize entirely! Thanks for the AMA! Stay strong and moisturized! lol. I would upvote this comment more if I could! thanks!
I have an older brother who suffers from this. He has it on his face and scalp. I understand how devastating it can be, as he faced much bullying growing up with it. It was early on in life are we had heard that a kid was losing his hair in my class from the stress that he lost his parents in a car crash that I realized everyone has their own cross to bear in the world that I started to feel better about mine. Once I was able to own the fact that I had the skin condition and start living the way I wanted to I found that friends just came to me. People are attracted to confidence, if the bully is offering them a chance to feel safe they will take it. If you legitimately try not to cut yourself off from everyone and just be honest with anyone who asks it will make it a lot better for you in the end.
Were you a victim of bullying too? If so, how did you deal with it? I think with anything in life you have to own your condition.
I have severe eczema which is not the same thing but is also ugly and painful. I'm sorry you have to deal with this dear, mine is so sensitive that washing my hands with regular soap will cause my hands to rash out, crack and bleed. I hate it when I get it on my face. What bathing/moisturizing products do you/can you use? Thanks! Just regular old Vaseline after a shower, which is embarrassing to explain to friends and girlfriends when we hangout in my room!
Do you hate it when strangers ask? That sucks that you have to live with this. You're no less of an awesome human being regardless though. Thanks for posting this. I'm sure there are more than a few people out there who can relate. I hated it when people first started asking me about it, especially strangers because as a person you just want to be normal so badly. I don't mind anymore though, I find that when you lie about what it is, or try to minimize it from people you just make the problem worse for not only them, but yourself. I find now that when I give them a really enthusiastic answer about what it is and how its not contagious people respond much better to me as a person. However, you can tell the difference between when someone is asking out of fear that its contagious and when they are asking solely because they're curious. If its for fear of it being contagious, it's still hard to deal with sometimes because it still feels like they think you're a pile of garbage that shouldn't ever leave your own house. If it's because they're curious I become totally helpful and understand completely!
Thanks for answering this. I'm curious about everything in life and I find it hard not to be ridiculously social in meeting random strangers. Is there a cure at all? Also, rice or noodles? No problem! It took me overcoming my psoriasis to become a social person myself. I actually forced myself to start taking drama and debate as my options in school so I would actually have to face people. There is no cure, but as you can probably see from the thread, everyone and their grandma has a remedy or a drug to recommend. It's actually kind of super cool to think about, because its true that it is an autoimmune disease then everyones body has to fight it off differently. That's kind of neat. I am an noodles man through and through, although jasmine coconut rice is fantastic!
Great answer. Are there any foods you have to avoid eating? (hopefully not noodles or jasmine coconut rice). Jasmine rice is da bomb. Apparently there is a ton that I should avoid eating... but I would find that harder then living with psoriasis I think. I could never give up carbs which from this thread today I guess is the biggest one!
How bad is it medically? Like do you have side effects, do you suffer a decreased quality of life (not socially), certain medications, etc... I always compare it to having paper cuts. Paper cuts aren't that bad on their own, but its the constant pain and burning that kills you after a while. It's most definitely a decrease in the quality of life because it brings you down emotionally and physically.
I am considering maybe not having kids for fear of passing it on to them.
Do you ever pick at it? I just got the strongest urge to rake my fingers across your leg. I have skin picking issues. Yes, yes I do. I unfortunately would also experience the wonders that is a skin infection, which let me tell you, is not fun at all. It makes you feel awful and takes your GP months to figure out what's wrong with you.
Were you born with what it is like now? Or does it kind of grow over your years? It grows over the years! I was completely normal and awesome till I was 10 years old. It started slowly on my knee and eventually spread all over my arms and legs.
I've had a pretty severe case of seborrheic dermatitis all my life, not anything as bad as yours, so much respect for your positive attitude. As someone who has seen many doctors and done endless research on my own to no avail I feel like there has been very little progress on most skin conditions, only the occassional balm or steroid that is for example 30% efficacious on 40% of sufferers. I imagine with the severity of your case you've had a similar experience, so why do you think there has been so little progress not only on surface treatments but on targeting the causes, whatever they may be? Only 5% of the worlds population has psoriasis. I think the money just isn't there for big Pharma. But if I ever won the lottery, you can bet I would invest a ton of my winnings in a research study.
Have you ever tried the baths in budapest? Never! Budapest is so far!
Not sure why i was downvoted, lol but anyhow the public baths in budapest are known for being great at treating psoriasis Link to Thanks Buddha! haha, I will look into it, don't know if traveling is in the direct future though!
Man that's twice the size of my spots in your picture. I really wanted to make this day a good one because the sun is shining after a weekend with thunderstorm and hail so i decided to listen to some ska music and lurk through reddit. And right now i am laughing and crying at the same time. Thank you for being frank with us. You covered a lot of my questions that might help me deal better with my psoriasis. Might be sad on the one side but internet keeps you alive ;) Edit: Oh one question (might read over that). When people ask me what stuff I have in my face they often tell me that they got "neurodermitis too" after a lengthy explanation. Any similar experience? Oh yeah! I think because psoriasis doesn't look like just one type of illness that people can't really easily identify it. So when you explain that its not contagious and its just psoriasis I think people will try to relate to it in anyway that they can. A lot of the times I will tell someone and they will be like "yeah, I excema too!" and I just laugh. But it makes me happy, because it shows me the better parts of human beings and them wanting to show you acceptance. Once I got over the fact that I had it and came to terms with it, my life got so much better. I literally love the summer because I am brave enough to wear short sleeved shirts.
I also have psoriasis, so I understand exactly what you mean. However, I only have it on my eyelids, and have found a cream by clinique that really helped. Have you found any medications help? No, I just use Vaseline! But I can see that wouldn't work for your eyelids. However, I do know that demonologists can recommend a steroid cream that could clear up your eyelids. They didn't work for me because I think there was too much on my legs and arms, but I know that the cream cleared up my ears and nose like nobodies business!
Ever tried a paleo diet? No, I live with my family still when I'm not on the road, so any kind of diet that they don't want to be apart of is kind of out of the question and when you're on the road eating anything but junk food is tough unless the other guys are willing to try harder to find better food.
I have tried thousands and thousands of creams, but I started using cliniques: all about eyes, and have never looked back. I still have some scarring on my eyelids, but they are mostly healed and no one would notice unless I mentioned it :) Hmmm! Clinique is going on the list!
Surely they will try to help if they can right? THEY don't have to eat it. You do. Yeah! It's no excuse! I will make the change!
I used to run a tanning salon, I had some clients that tanned to manage their psoriasis, have you tried that? Haha, i don't have time for that! Super busy schedule! But I have heard from many people that it helps! I did try UV light treatments, it helped, but was so hard to get to!
I used to know this really cool kid with full-body psoriasis in big patches, like my dad's. We both went to the same summer camp by the sea, and every year after about the first week, his psoriasis would have totally calmed and he'd tan out vitiglio-style. He chalked it up to the sun, sea, and happiness. If only living on the beach and messing around all day forever were covered by my insurance, haha. Long-term treatment plan, maybe...? I've actually heard that before! That's crazy! I think it might be called life after death and not covered by HMO. Or for the atheist redditor, it's called the internet.
Wait, how do you not have time for that if it could potentially drastically change the way your skin looks? I dated a man that was writing his dissertation, in a fellowship, and teaching at community college but still "found time" to go tanning every week because otherwise his psoriasis outbreak would be extreme. If the condition is devastating (which I believe) than how is 2 20-minute sessions so outlandish that it's not worth your time? You talk about how you're sad about not being able to go to water parks--if you can't go tanning to fix the problem, how do you miss an activity that would take like 4 or 5 times as much time-spent to enjoy? So confused. I guess I should have elaborated, I spend a lot of my time on the road for my job, usually in a different city every night so it's tough for me to nail down a plan like that. When I'm home I usually don't think about it, but now that you brought it up I think I will try to wake up earlier and make it happen. I guess it's so easy for me to convince myself I have no time for it instead of actually just doing it! Thanks for the pep talk! I will go tanning TODAY!
What's your favourite colour? Black or navy blue!
See also: Link to
I cant help but ask, have you tried Blue Start Ointment, the one thats guaranteed ASK FOR IT now available at Rite-Aid? Never, I've started a list of everyones recommendation though.
Tried hempseed? A couple spoonfuls a day can give you all the EFA's the human body needs... this can help a lot of things. But, I have read that some Psoriasis sufferer's have had relief, sometimes overnight, after applying hempseed oil. Hmmm, interesting, I will give it a go! Thanks!
Do you smoke? No... I was always lucky not to get the habit.
I feel terrible for you, I have it very mildly and it's only on my hands and feet. I'm good at covering my feet when it gets bad, but my hands are covered in band aids most of the time, and I'm always getting ask or stared at when it's at its worst. What type of medicine do you take? I go all natural! Only moisturizers!
You don't want to go to water parks anyway. they're full of people much more disgusting than you think you look. This comment is made of win! Thanks! But I mean, water slides are pretty much the most bad ass invention of humans ever. It was like once we got a basic knowledge of physics, the next step is build giant tubes filled with water that you can ride. My only regret about humanity is that there isn't more slides put to practical use in the world!
TIL everyone on reddit had Psoriasis. Lol, apparently only 5% of the worlds population has it. But a lot of them are in North America. That's funny, I'm actually shocked and humbled that so many people can relate!
I have psorasis. However it's mild, but along my nose ridges, behind my ears on the top of my head I flake. It isn't red, or obvious, but it's there. I'm glad its not a nuisance for you yet. If I could offer one piece of advice though, I wish I was more proactive is stopping it before it became wide spread. It took years for me to get this bad. As soon as it starts spreading you should tackle it before it takes over your arms and legs!
I heard olive oil can do the trick to make it better if you use it regularly. Interesting, I will add it to the list!
I am 13 with eczema. Do you have some body image issues or are self conscious about it? I know the thirteen year old me would never have taken off his hoodie no matter how hot it was.
No, its not that bad. The only time it gets real bad is when it breaks out but thats usually in places i can easily hide, such as my shoulder or lower back. Otherwise it just looks like red goose bumps all over my body. This is currently the most active part on my body(arm): Link to Hmmmm! Well keep fighting the good fight!
There are tons of physically healthy but psychologically weak people who are depressed for no reason and have never truly suffered a day in their lives. If they all had Psoriasis, then half of them would commit suicide. I'm glad that you guys are stronger than these people.
Yeah I wish more people had your attitude. Thanks! That means a lot! But from doing this AMA I could never have believed so many people suffered from it with such great attitudes. Not to mention all of the people who suffered from it then got better!
I feel your pain. Unfortunately, I suffer a different yet also devastating skin condition called Ichthyosis :( Oh my god, I google image searched that and I saw all the photos of babies and it broke my heart... Was it like that when you were born? How do you live with that? I think you should really be doing an IAMA.
I usually just say i have dry skin, and leave it at that. Real friends don't care about your skin conditions! :D. I'm so glad, thats what I finally decided in the end!
I just want to say props to you. My childhood BFF had it since he was around 5 and i have seen many people make judgements based on his appearance. It takes a valiant person to go on reddit and share your experiences and thoughts on the matter. thank you :) Thanks! But you guys make it easy.
Congrats on the sex. Thanks! This is kind of what it was like: Link to
I only ever had one partner who saw me at 60% coverage, but he was a WoW boyfriend who wanted to propose three weeks after we started dating. So, you know, got my sexy on but maybe he wasn't emotionally stable either. I am laughing so hard. Surprising my girlfriends just got physical with me without even asking what it was, now that is ballsy! I don't know if the spots had been switched if I would have been able to do it.
I've been told that cutting out carbs often helps. I don't know if I'm willing to cut that out! Scott pilgrim and I love garlic bread.
Not really a question but this is pretty much my life except that I'm 20. If you can believe it my legs are worse than yours. I understand brother, I understand. That's crazy, I'm sorry man! But this whole Thread has some crazy suggestions to try! So I'm excited that it worked out that way!
I hope you see it too, its beautiful and definitely a weird feeling to float there weightless and unsinkable, like the water is a lawn chair. I sort of wish i had taken some of the water back in a bottle, not even sure if thats legal. There is always time to go back right? ;)
Post a pic. Done.
My psoriasis is really, really minor. :/ nothing like this. Makes me feel bad for complaining about small skin stuff like acne that can be easily treated. Hey, but at least now you can look on the bright side when you feel down. I guarantee a lot of people on this thread have felt worse at times and would trade with you in a heart beat!
That being said, everyone fights a tough battle, yours is no different than ours.
I'm sorry. That's all I ever wanted to hear.
People are way too fast to judge. Do you have psoriasis?
No I don't. I'm just an everyday teenager, who feels your suffering. You've made making this thread totally worthwhile, I really thought it'd be cool to show regular people that its not something to be afraid of.
But I also fear you're the kind of stand up person who doesn't need persuading anyway!
Thanks for being a great person!
It seems like you've gotten a few suggestions that you haven't heard about yet. Please give us an update later on how any of those things may have helped you. Good luck! I will do! I will document the journey!
A suggestion: Dovonex (by prescription) and cocoa butter. You're welcome. For someone supposed to make it difficult, you've made it very easy ;). I have used Dovonex, it didn't have any effect for me! But I will try the cocoa butter.
Dude..............................I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND. I do all of the above too, it just took me a lot of positive thinking and a real re working of how I viewed myself and my body image to get it.
I have psoriasis too. It isnt socially debilitating for me though. I have a girlfriend, friends, and have no problem swimming or anything, But it does suck have to take time out of your day to treat it. I used to wear long clothes everywhere, even in blistering summer heat. I think it forged me a stronger personality in the end though. Fists up for living life to the fullest.
My father has psoriasis and it was also passed down to my brother and I. The best thing ive seen for this crap is to eat as little unprocessed foods as possible and travel to hawaii to bask in that water. Hmmm... I don't do either of those very often, but when I do, skin... WATCH OUT!
You are what you eat. I AM HOTDOGS!
Thanks for the post. Now that I think about it I think I met someone with this a few years ago, I just assumed it was some kind of wierd, crazy burn he got as a kid or something but now I know better, thanks! This comment made doing this IAMA so worth while.
I had a councilor at my camp with the same condition a few years ago, I've always wondered what it was but never asked him. Always thought it was exima. Now you know, and it is not terrifying.
My mother in law has psoriasis as bad as yours too. She recently was told about a new drug from her doctor called Stelara. She got her first shot last week. You may have already heard of it, but if not: Link to (And no, I do not work for the pharma company LOL) I'm completely terrified of taking prescription drugs, obviously my body has it for a reason. Might as well live with it.
Just remember that there are always strangers on the internet out there pullin' for you, man! Thanks! It's nice to see such a community around it. We should really set up the subreddit for advice on this. I spent many a lonely teenage years wishing for just one friend to talk about this with. I met this really popular girl on the bus who had psoriasis but told me to shut up when I brought it up. I wasn't even being creepy or weird. Plus it was only us on the bus! Heartbreaking.
Sorry for your suffering. Link to No, I know what I'm watching after game of thrones tonight!
My father has psoriasis. It covered 75% of his body. I'm not sure what he takes, but most insurance covers it I believe, and its price depends on your weight. I think its Remicade. Also, he has arthritis associated with psoriasis. Can't walk some days. Sorry if this sounds odd, I'm tired. It's okay! I might try it! I keep hearing about this arthritis, I'm truly horrified.
I now feel bad for whining about my eczema. My sister has a rare skin disorder called Epidermolysis Bullosa so I understand the staring at water parks. I am well practised in giving people returning death stares. My sister always said she would prefer people to ask rather than just stare though. Me too, the staring is the worst. That's why I wanted to do this IAMA to raise awareness about it, because it seems to me that people could really learn a lot from this!
Picking was the most difficult part for me. I would CONSTANTLY pick my skin because I just couldn't deal with the layers. The soft but raw skin underneath always made me feel better to touch because at least it wasn't a flake. Then I just got into a bad habit. This sounds like the start of a very violent self mutilation episode :(
Hello. I know part of your pain, as I have lesions under my knees, on my ankles and my back. I just want to let you know that you are not alone in this world. Thank you, it mean's a lot! I feel bad that they're behind your knees. That must be horrible during the summer :(.
My math professor has this I never knew what it was until now. Well I'm glad I enlightened you. It's not contagious.
The best thing you can do is let the other students in your class know what it is if they ever ask.
Don't bring it up around him because I guarantee his is probably self conscious about it.
We got pretty rowdy and offensive when cheering on our high school basketball team. There was a very pale white kid with what I think was psoriasis or something on his arms. I kept yelling "SWEET PSORIASIS BRO" "YOU BETTER GET THAT CHECKED OUT" yeah I'm going to hell To each their own I suppose.
Last updated: 2012-04-19 22:29 UTC | Next update: 2012-04-20 04:29 UTC
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