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jokes for friends group in english - win

Retreat, Hell - Episode

A/N: Hey, guys! Normally, I'd hold off until Saturday morning to post this, but I'm going to be busy the rest of the week and won't be able to do much posting, so here you guys go, a little ahead of schedule! Coming in at 16,673 words, it's not the longest episode ever, but it's still on the longer end!
In this episode, we get more running, a special marching cadence, and a few big reveals. Plus some bitter-sweet and happy squad feels at the end.
There are only two main episodes left in Act III, then we'll be back into the war with Act IV. I've already got a lot of Episode 16 written, though if past experience is any indication, it'll probably still double in word count from where I'm at now by the time I finish fleshing all the scenes out (and I'll always have a few unexpected scenes crop up before I'm done). How soon that'll all be done is still hard to say. Work is still keeping me pretty busy, and every time I think things are going to ease up or settle down and give me more free time, it doesn't.
On another note, I'd like to hear from you guys on what brought you to RH, or how you heard about the story, and what some of your favorite parts of it are so far. I can't promise I'll give you more of everything you love (and I can't please everyone), but knowing what you guys enjoy, and what you think is good helps me know what I'm doing right, and what I can focus on to continue doing good. I really look forward to hearing your feedback!
Here is the Patreon post for anyone who wants it in one solid block. Now, without further ado, what you're all here for:

Retreat, Hell – Episode 15


“Give me that old Marine Corps Spirit!”


“’Cause it’s good enough for me!”


“It was good for Chesty Puller!”


These people run too gods damned much! Rinn panted as the battalion thundered around the base on their morning death march. And oh, look, here we are, running past our barracks again, getting our hopes up just to dash them… He stifled a whine. At least today they’re cutting the run short for helicopter training. When this is all over and done with, I don’t ever want to run again…


“Hahahaha! And the looks on their faces when we went evasive!” Edison kissed his fingertips and flared his hand as he backed through the bunk room door. “Perfection!”

“Nah, the best part was old Shields here,” Kawalksi threw a heavy arm around Rinn’s shoulders, nearly causing him to stagger into the door frame. “He was all stony faced, like, ‘I’ve done this before, this is nothing exciting,’” Kawalski said, putting on a fake deep voice. “Even as the huey went sideways!”

“I was trying not to throw up…” Rinn admitted, flicking an ear at Kawalski as he trudged back to his rack, sore, tired, and trying to pretend that his legs weren’t all wobbly after the day’s aerial adventures.

“Yeah, what’s the straight-horned one with all the “that’s what she said” jokes, Tyaytyay?”

“Tyehtyeh,” Rinn corrected.

Kimber gave him a “whatever” wave. “Yeah, him. He puked his guts out all over the tarmac three feet after he got out when we landed.”

“Ha! He did better than old Stuffy McStuffyface, threw up in mid-air!” Kawalski chuckled. “Projectile vomited when we went evasive! Though, we were horizontal at the time, so it mostly just went straight out the door!”

“Mostly my ass!” Kimber said. “I was sitting at the down door when he spewed! He puked all over the back of my helmet!”

“Hahaha, yeah, it was great!” Kawalski grinned. “You should probably go clean that off, though…”

“Yeah, no shit.”

Rinn sighed as he popped his boots off, wriggling his toes and savoring their freedom. The human boots fit better than any other pair of boots he had ever been issued, and they had mostly broken in by this point, but they were still combat boots, and didn’t quite match his foot shape. He pulled his shower gear out of his pack, looking forward to a hot soak, only to watch a parade of four Marines scramble past, already half undressed and dibsing the showers first.

He sighed, setting his shower kit at the end of his rack before digging out a pen and notebook. It’s probably best to go last, anyway, now that we get more than five whole minutes of hot water… More time to soak.

“More English lessons?” Bradford asked, leaning over to look at his notebook as he flipped it open.

“Yeh,” he yipped, still amused the Gyani word for ‘yes’ was so close to an informal English word for the same.

“And what’s the word of the day?”

“What is the word for…” he frowned. “It is a place in a home where you build a fire…”

“A fireplace?” she asked.

He flicked an annoyed ear at her. Of course that would be a word they used… “Yes, but… no, that is not the meaning I’m looking for.”


He shook his head. “No, that’s not it, either. The place where the fire is, the foundation, the hearth.”

“The hearth?” she asked, and he sighed.

I should have just led with the word. The words were different, but the meanings were identical. Not everything translated so well, but many words did. “Yes, that is the word. Hirth…”

Hearth,” she said, emphasizing the vowel sound.


“No, no y, stop putting y’s in everything.”

“YI Dyon’t knyow whyat you myean,” he yipped in heavily accented English, flicking an ear at her and sticking out his tongue.

She laughed, then grabbed her pillow and swung it at his head, barely missing as he fell to the side. “Now try it again, you guber.”

“Ha-arth,” he said, drawing the vowel out as he sat up. “Harth.”

“Close enough,” she said, chuckling.

He flicked his ears up with a smile, and jotted down the phonetic spelling in Gyani.

“How did you say your word for it?”



“No, sfyisch.”


“No, it’s not a hard tch, it’s a softer sch.” He considered for a moment. “It’s like a hissing tch. And its yi,” he yipped the short vowel sound, “Not uuhhhhwwweeeee. Stop flapping your big, fat lips.”

“Hey, you got lips, too, dumbass!”

“Yeah, but they’re not so fat and poofy, like yours!” He flicked his ears at her. “You look like you got stung by a bee.” He flicked an ear to the side. “Or a dozen.”

This time, the pillow did catch his head, and sent him flopping to his rack. “Oof.”

“Who’s got big lips now, bitch!” she said, puffing her chest out and swaying her head back and forth.

“I don’t know, was that your lips or your pillow you hit me with,” he said, sticking his tongue out at her, promptly earning himself another bonk. “Oof.”

“And just for that, you’re gonna have to wait until I’m done with the shower,” she said, hopping up and snagging her toiletries bag as a gaggle of half-dressed Marines chased each other out of the head.

Rinn chuckled as he tossed her pillow back on her rack and sat back up. That’s just more time for me to soak…

“Hey, have you guys seen my Switch controllers?” Kimber asked, digging through his pack. “I can’t find them anywhere.”

“Where’d you have them last?” Dubois asked, not even looking up from the boot he was cleaning.

“I could have sworn I put them back in this pocket,” he said, tapping a pouch on his pack. “That’s where I keep them, but they’re not anywhere…”

“You can borrow mine,” Edison said, once again performing surgery on the squad’s GoPro. He gestured absently at his pack. “They’re in the clip-on bag, somewhere…”

“Thanks, man, but… I wanna find mine.”

“D’you think someone might’ve, like, grabbed ‘em by mistake, brah?” Stevens said, pulling on a clean shirt.

“Or not by mistake?” Miller asked.

“Yeah,” Elder said, looking up from his phone. “We had that platoon thief a while back, remember?”

“Dude, that’s why you need to carve your name into them,” Davies said, lying on his rack playing his own Switch. He lifted his hands to show his name carved into the same kind of controllers Rinn had seen Kimber using. “That’s what I did with mine.”
“I had my name on them, man, in sharpie.”

“Yeah, but sharpie can come off,” Edison said, still focused on the GoPro. “Alcohol or a dry-erase marker can do the trick.”

Kimber grumbled something, and started expanding his search area.

“Hey, Shields,” Kawalski said, dropping down next to him. He only had his boxers on, and was still a little damp from the shower. “Teach me more keshmin swear words! How do you say fucknugget?”

Rinn raised an ear and an eyebrow at him. “We don’t have that one.”

“Well, come on, then, what else have you got? I’ve got a new one for you! ‘Twat!’” Kawalski grinned. “Means ‘pussy’ in English English.”

Rinn flicked his ear. “Is that how you use your words words, when walking down the street street?”

Kawalski laughed. “No, fuck face, it’s English spoken by the English, as opposed to real English spoken by Americans.”

Rinn paused, pen in mid-air, and stared straight ahead for a moment. “Wot?”

“Kawalski, you dumbass, the English invented the English language,” Dubois said. Rinn didn’t even need to look at him, he could hear the eye-roll.

“Guys! Guys!” Gomez stuck his head out of their supply fort. “I found some boxes we missed! They’re full of fucking duct tape!”

“No shit?” Kawalski said, immediately distracted by the prospect of creative acquisition. “How much?”

“I dunno how we missed it, hoss, there’s boxes and boxes of this stuff! Different colors, too!”

“Sweet! Grab us all a roll! Jabs, too!” Kawalski paused, then stood up. “What all colors are there?”

“Dunno yet, I haven’t gone through all the boxes, but there’s a few at least.”

“Lemme see…” Kawalski disappeared into the fort. “How the hell did we miss all this… Oh, I see, it got buried behind the fuck tent.”

Dubois looked up. “Why do you have a fuck tent?!”

“Dude, you always need a fuck tent!”

“Who the fuck are you fucking!?”

“Your mother! Heheheh!”


Rinn pulled the earmuffs off his head as the firing line was declared cold. The new earmuffs they had been given had deeper cups with more room for his ears, but they still didn’t fit well. We’ll have to talk to somebody about getting some properly designed for us, he thought as he trudged down range to collect his targets. The Marines had scrounged up a few more of their pop-up metal targets for the “new” range, but they were mostly still shooting at paper targets tacked to wooden frames.

Back at the tables behind the firing line, Rinn looked over the keshmin targets with a pleased quirk to his ears. Their scores were not anything the Marines would consider good, by any means, but even the grizzled Gunnery Sergeant running the range begrudgingly nodded his approval at them being passable. Barely.

Not bad at all, for what little training we’ve managed to fit in around everything else. Lord Anyo is even showing a particular knack for the weapons, at least on the fixed range. Rinn was pleased to note that his own scores had surpassed Anyo’s on the dynamic range, much to the Knight Captain’s chagrin.

Lunch consisted of MREs at the range, and Rinn once again got to demonstrate his “advanced knowledge” of human equipment to the other keshmin, and warned them away from the less favorable MREs. Not that I’ve actually tried many of them, but our pallets seem to match close enough that I’ll take the Marines at their word.

The lunch break was short, barely enough time to heat the food and gulp it down, before they were hurried off to the next event on the range, this one pushing the artificers to their magical limits.

“Cease fire! Cease fiiire!”

Rinn panted, overheated and out of breath, as he lowered his stave. The targets down range were shredded, both by gunfire and spellfire, but this wasn’t a measure of accuracy.

“Most impressive, Ahyat,” Yeshai said as Rinn stepped back from the firing line. “How many armor enhancements were you able to maintain?”

“All twelve of them, Your Grace,” Rinn said, still trying to catch his breath. “But I couldn’t keep up with the machine guns. I could barely keep up with one, nevermind three!” He shook his head, making sure to close his mouth to keep his tongue from lolling, though his ears still flopped a bit. “The best I could do was one enhancement every fifth or sixth shot with two. One in a dozen with three.”

Yeshai snorted. “No worse than anyone else so far, and you did it while maintaining all armor enhancements, a very fine shield, and respectable spellfire of your own.” He flicked an ear. “Any of us might surpass you in single skills, but on the whole, I’d dare say you’re the best of us, and by no small margin.”

“You honor me, your grace,” Rinn said, giving him a bow.

“Your service honors the kingdom,” Yeshai replied, dipping his head in return.

Straightening, Rinn couldn’t miss Anyo glaring at him, but he pointedly ignored the Earl. Sinyan had gone before Rinn, but Anyo had gone before him, and all but confirmed Rinn’s suspicions that the Knight Captain was a sparker.

“And who’s our next contestant?” Gunnery Sergeant Valdez called as Rinn flopped down next to Bradford, happily guzzling the bottle of water she handed him.

“Tyehtyeh, that’s you!” Yenyed called, glaring at the oblivious artificer.

“Oh, right!” Tyehtyeh said, looking up from the spellstructs he had been studying. He barely even put on his false-deep voice.

“Oh, here we go…” Bradford muttered, rolling her eyes.

“Don’t be spiteful,” Rinn said, flicking her ear with his tail. She swiped at the offending appendage and tried to grab it, but he quickly snatched it out of her reach. “He’s made incredlbe progress these last two weeks. He hasn’t admitted it, but I’m fairly certain he’s had no formal education as an artificer, or even at all.”

She raised an eyebrow at him. “So his bluster’s all just a show, deflecting from his … ignorance?”

He dipped his head with an affirmative ear flick. “And the more I give him to study, the less he remembers to put on the act.”

“Huh…” Bradford said, giving Tyehtyeh a newly appraising look.

“Line ready?” Valdez called out. “Shooter’s stand-by! FIIIRE!”

Tyehtyeh immediately popped up a shield and sent a triple burst of tight, powerful firebursts down range, before the Marines could rack their bolts and engage. Brief flashes of light rolled down the line as armor enhancements went up.

He still needs to kill that startup flare, but at least he’s cut out the continual glow, and his efficiency is a hundred fold better. He’s barely leaking any mana!

Tyehtyeh hesitated as the rifles opened up, several rounds zipping down range unseen. He rolled his ears, shifted his feet, and every single shot became a visible bolt, glowing as it snapped down range.

More rifles opened up, then a machine gun, then two, then tree. Rinn’s ears shot up under his earmuffs. Every single round glowed.

Then Tyehtyeh brought his stave to bear and let off a barrage that made Rinn’s spellfire look like a peashooter.

“CEASE FIRE! CEASE FIIRE!” Valdez called as the targets disappeared into several plumes of splinters and smoke.

“Holy shit!” Bradford said. “He hits like an artillery piece!”

Rinn looked at her, then to Tyehtyeh, then to Yeshai and the other keshmin. A small part of his mind was pleased to note that he wasn’t the only one whose jaw was hanging open.

“Did I mess up again?” Tyehtyeh asked, sheepishly scratching at the base of a horn.

Yeshai shook his head, the first to collect himself. “No. No, you didn’t.” He looked at Rinn, forcing the field artificer to collect himself. “Second Artificer, you wouldn’t happen to have a metering artifice in your repertoire, would you?”

He cocked an ear to the side, wondering what the Duke was getting at, before it clicked. “Yes, your grace, I do.…” he stood up, retrieving his stave, and walked over to Tyehtyeh with Yeshai. The Marines and other nobles muttered amongst themselves in their separate groups as Tyehtyeh squirmed under the unexpected attention.

“Second Artificer Tyehtyeh, have you ever been officially metered?” Yeshai asked, stopping in front of him.

“Well, ah, no, Your Grace,” Tyehtyeh said, scratching at the base of a horn. “Militia really only ever cared that I could sling spells, didn’t much care for any of the details.”

“I suspected as much,” Yeshai said, dipping his head in a small nod. He flicked an ear at Rinn, then back to Tyehtyeh. “Second Artificer Ahyat, if you would be so kind.”

Rinn nodded and stepped forward, his stave held low in one hand. He didn’t really need it to run this particular artifice, but he suspected the extra precision and peak range it allowed would be useful.

“What’s this, then?” Valdez asked, stepping up to the line.

“The lad has never been officially metered,” Yeshai said, waving a hand at Tyehtyeh, an exaggerated gesture probably for the human’s benefit. “He has no idea how powerful he actually is. We’re about to find out.”

“Will this hurt?” Tyehtyeh asked, his ears nervously twitching back.

“Of course not,” Rinn said. “You don’t even really need to do anything. Just passively channel a mana stream.” He paused. “Down range, if you please.”

“Right,” Tyehtyeh said, turning to point a hand down range. Rinn brought up the metering artifice, set so the measurements were visible in the air. At first, there was nothing, then Tyehtyeh closed his eyes and everything spiked.

“Above and below…” Yeshai muttered as Rinn scrabbled to shift the ranges the meter was displaying. Tyehtyeh blew past the maximum levels. Twice. “You’re a gods-damned savant!”

“What?!” Tyehtyeh squeaked, spinning around and cutting off the mana stream.

“Not just a savant,” Rinn said, his eyes and ears locked on the measurements his artifice was still displaying. “Your Grace, he’s one of the most powerful savants to ever live.”

“What?!” Tyehtyeh said again, this time with a little less squeak. “That can’t be right…”

Yeshai, turned to Valdez. “Gunnery Sergeant, we are done here for today. We need to do a complete examination and assessment of Second Artificer Tyehtyeh’s abilities, and I need to write to the King.”


Scrubbing her face, Bradford trudged around the corner of a building on her way back to the barracks, after dark, and smacked right into someone. “Oh, shit!” she said, stumbling back while fumbling out to catch the other person before they fell.

Bradford kept her balance. The other person he the ground with a yipped, “Oof.”

Looking down, horrified at her clumsy inattentiveness, she found Rinn glaring up at her. “I was hoping to run into you on my way back, but I didn’t mean for you to take it literally!

She laughed, reaching down to help him up. “Sorry, I’m just a little brain-dead right now.”

“Oh,” he said, standing and dusting himself off. He flicked an ear at her. “I couldn’t tell the difference.”

“Oh, fuck you,” she said, giving him a shove that sent him staggering and nearly back into the dirt.

“Abuse!” he cried, struggling not to laugh. “Help! Help! I’m being abused!”

Bradford just continued walking, flipping him the bird over her shoulder.

“That rough a day?” he asked, jogging briefly to catch up. “Too much going on on your surprise afternoon off?”

“Pff, I wish.” She sighed, waving at the barracks ahead of them in the distance. “Most of the guys got the rest of the day off, thanks to Tyehtyeh, but not me.” She shook her head. “Nooo, I’m a Sergeant now, with ‘field experience,’” she said, with air quotes. “Since I happened to be free for the afternoon, I got pulled into another planning meeting for the field exercise we’re doing at the end of the week.” She shook her head. “Normally, these things are all planned out weeks in advance, but now we’re trying to cram that all into a few days…. Ugh!” she scrubbed her face again, heaving a sigh. “What about you? How was your afternoon?”

Rinn sighed, his shoulders sagging. “Probably not much better.” His ears twitched, and he shook his head, letting them flop around. “More testing with metering artifices more precise and capable than mine will be required to know his exact power, but between myself, the Duke, and the other nobles, we were able to determine that Tyehtyeh is a savant, and one of the most powerful to ever live. There are two, maybe three other savants alive who are more powerful than him, and those not by much.” He scrunched his snout. “And he has the education of a quillhog farmer!”

Bradford laughed. “Sounds like someone’s a little pissed off that their spot as the top artificer has been stolen by an uneducated bumpkin.”

“I’m not pissed off!” Rinn snapped. “Not about that, anyway,” he sighed, tugging at a horn. “It’s just- I’ve taught Tyehtyeh a hundred times more in the last few weeks than anyone else has ever taught him. Almost everything he knows, he learned on his own! He’s not just a savant, he’s not just one of the most powerful savants to ever live. I have to admit, he’s one of the smartest people I’ve ever met.”

“Oh, really?” Bradford asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

“Yes!” Rinn rolled his ears. “Now, of course, he doesn’t act like it at all, not in the least, because he has the education of a quillhog farmer! But instead of a bumbling idiot who can barely figure out which end of his pike to point at the enemy, he taught himself how to do magic from scratch, using a bare handful of spells he was shown as an example, and a few concepts he overheard in conversation.”

“Damn,” Bradford said, shaking her head. “Imagine what he could do if someone taught him.”

Rinn vigorously nodded his head, eyes wide and ears up. “That’s exactly what we just saw today! And if he had a proper education.…” He shook his head. “The Duke has written his father and the King, and the nobles of are two minds about what to do with Tyehtyeh. On the one hand, he should be sent to a university, trained and educated. In time, he might become the most powerful savant to ever live!”

“On the other hand, he’s useful now?”

“Yes.” He sighed. “The education he should get would take years, when he is already a powerful battlefield savant, and we are in desperate need of every advantage in the war.”

“So what are they going to do with him?”

“I don’t know. The Duke has a lot of influence to sway that decision, but it will not be made by him. That is for his father, Lord General Yangri, and the King to decide.” He sighed. “Until that decision is made, I will be continuing my tutelage of Tyehtyeh, and the other artificers will provide selections of well-designed spell structures for him to study and master.”

“Sounds like a bunch of bullshit to worry about tomorrow,” she said as he opened the door to their barracks and waved her in. “It’s late enough as it is.”

“Indeed,” he said, following her through the door. His ears twitched as they approached the bunk room. Bradford could here muffled shouts and laughter coming from inside.

Glancing at Rinn, who gave her a smirking flick of an ear, she opened the door. The room fell to immediate silence as it swung open, the bright light of the hallway casting a sharp outline into the dimmed room.

Inside, every other member of Second Squad was wearing assorted styles and colors of masks made out of duct tape. The diversity of styles included cut-out or molded eye holes, teeth, full cheek guards, bikers goggles, a medieval doctor’s beak, mohawks, and more. Holding a wild medley of cardboard-and-duct-tape melee weapons, they were clad in little else besides a chaotic mix of speedos, diapers, vests, and/or a few get-ups that looked suspiciously like pleasure harnesses, all made from a rainbow of duct tape.

In the dim light and resounding silence, they all turned to stare at the door.

Bradford slowly cast her gaze across them as she looked from one side of the room to the other, the Marines all frozen and staring at her in silence, before she quietly backed out and shut the door.

“We’re going somewhere else for a while,” she said, still staring at the door she firmly held shut.

Rinn’s ears, held straight up, swiveled to point behind him. “That… That sounds like an excellent idea…”

“Yeah…” she said, releasing the door and pulling herself away. She looked at Rinn. “Anyone ever show you how to play Xbox?”

“I can’t say that I have,” he said as she pointedly ignored what sounded like Kawalski’s muted shouting behind the door.

“Sounds like a great time to learn,” she said as muffled chaos exploded behind the door. She turned and headed towards the common room. “C’mon, I’ll teach you how to play Call of Duty, and we can see what other games they managed to snag. I haven’t had time to play anything since they set the system up.”


Rinn fidgeted as Echo Company formed up outside their barracks complex. He was nervous. First Sergeant Khatri had found out about his cadence project. He was nervous because he expected to be called on to lead the whole company through his new cadence.

He was also nervous because he was the one who told First Sergeant Khatri about it the night before. That’s why he had run into Bradford on the way back to the barracks. He gave a silent prayer to all the gods above and all the gods below that the squad wouldn’t find out.

“Company! Atten-hut!” Rinn snapped to attention with the other Marines as Khatri marched out in front of them. “Marines! It has come to my attention that one of our augments has been undertaking a little cadence project, translating a Ganlin marching song into a Marine Corps cadence. Is this true, Second Artificer Ahyat?”

Rinn had to struggle to keep his ears from plastering back against his skull. “Yes, First Sergeant!”

“And it is my understanding that it is in a workable state. Is this true, Second Artificer Ahyat?”

Rinn hesitated. He swore he could hear a pin drop. “Yes, First Sergeant!”

“Outstanding! Now, as you all know, I take great pride and joy in a proper marching cadence, and to hear this warms my heart.” He clutched a hand to his chest for emphasis. “The deep, sub-cockle regions of it. Second Artificer Ahyat, you will be leading us in this cadence today!”

“Yes, First Sergeant!”

With the closest Rinn had ever seen Khatri come to a smile, the First Sergeant made a crisp about face and saluted Captain Spader. “The company is formed and ready, sir!”

“Very well. Get them moving, First Sergeant.”

“Aye, aye, sir!”

Khatri pivoted and marched to his place in the column. “Company! Forward! March!”

Feet crunched on gravel and packed dirt as Echo Company stepped off. Khatri called out a basic cadence as he turned their column out of their little assembly area, what the Marines had started calling the grinder, and onto the road.

“Ahyat!” Khatri shouted as the last of the Marines snaked onto the road. “Sound off!”

Rinn cleared his throat. “Yipe! Yipe! Yegh!” he shouted, the corners of his mouth twitching as the Marines echoed back the nonsense sounds. Here we go, he thought, taking a deep breath.

“I left my heart in San’Riiaaaaa!” he called out in English. His t’s were still a little soft, and he still dragged out his vowels a bit longer than he should, but his accent was still clear.

“I LEFT MY HEART IN SAN’RIIAAAA!” The Marines echoed back, and he could hear the surprise in their voices. He smiled and called the next line.

“I left my heart to heed the caaaall!”

“I LEFT MY HEART TO HEED THE CAAAALL!” The Marines’ voices were stronger, more certain, adapting quickly.

“I left my heart to shield her theerre!”


“I left my heart to goo to waaaar!”


“Chorus!” he shouted, before taking another breath.

“We carry on the looong campaaaign!
We steel our hearts and maaarch aloooong!
To keep the war awaay from hooome!
We raise our pikes and neeever yieeeld!
‘Til we’ve freed the yoke from all Gahlaaa!”

He closed his eyes for a beat. He could already tell his throat was going to be sore when this was all done, but he wasn’t going to bungle it. Another breath, and he shouted again.

“I found my boots in Rotiyiiiin!”


“I learned to march in formatioon!”


“In line and square and in colummn!”


“To bear my heart in San’Riiaa!”


This time, a few Marines joined in on the long notes of the chorus.

“We carry on the looong campaaaign!
We steel our hearts and maaarch aloooong!
To keep the war awaay from hooome!
We raise our pikes and neeever yieeeld!
‘Til we’ve freed the yoke from all Gahlaaa!”

A few more had joined before the chorus had finished.

“I donned my armor in Toiyooo!”


“I wrapped myself in clooth and steeeel!”


“Re-enforced with maail and speeell!”


“To shield my heart in San’Riiaaa!”


Marine voices started to overpower his as he drove into the chorus once more.

“We carry on the looong campaaaign!
We steel our hearts and maaarch aloooong!
To keep the war awaay from hooome!
We raise our pikes and neeever yieeeld!
‘Til we’ve freed the yoke from all Gahlaaa!”

“I grabbed my pike in Mol’Raiii!”


“Enchanted bright and shaarp of biiite!”


“I lift it up and hoold it hiiigh!”


“To guard my heart in San’Riiaaa!”


The Marines had picked up the chorus this time, and he could barely hear his own voice over theirs.

“We carry on the looong campaaaign!
We steel our hearts and maaarch aloooong!
To keep the war awaay from hooome!
We raise our pikes and neeever yieeeld!
‘Til we’ve freed the yoke from all Gahlaaa!”

“I earned my strips in Riiun Paaass!”

“Blood stripes!” someone shouted in the brief gap before the rest of the company echoed back.


“At Koilay, Bruhl, and Sai’Li’Unnn!”


“In blood and fire I baattle throuuuugh!”


“To win my heart in San’Riiaaa!”


This time the Marines beat him to the chorus, and he straightened in pride as voice was drowned out by a company two hundred strong.


“I yearn to see my heaarth and hooome!”


“Family, friends, and soomeone mooore!”


“I promise one day too retuuurn!”


“To see my heart in San’Riiaaa!”



“I left my heart in San’Riiaaaaa!”


“I left my heart to heeed the caaaall!”


“I left my heart to shield her theerre!”


“I left my heart to go to waaaar!”


He held the last note to signal the end of the cadence. The Marines copied the long note, and it trailed off as they made the final turn, approaching the rest of the battalion’s formation. The First Sergeant timed that well… he thought, but felt one last call was needed. “Royal Host, Never Yield! Two-Five!”


“Company! Halt!”


“Guh, my head feels like mush,” Bradford said as they trudged into the gym. “I swear to god, if I have to go to one more strategy seminar or training planning session, my brains will all ooze out of my head and have to be mopped up off the floor…”

“Don’t worry, Jabs,” Edison said, tapping her arm. “We’ve got your favorite activity to make up for it: Picking up heavy things and putting them back down.”

“Damn straight!” she laughed.

“Raaawwwgh!” Edison said, flexing his arms in front of him. “She-Hulk STRONG!”

Laughing, she gave him a shove hard enough to send him staggering off to the side. “Stronger than you, pencil-arms.”

“Why do we keep having to sit through all these seminars, anyway?” Kimber asked. “We’re Marines. You don’t put us in classrooms. You give us a gun, and point us at whatever you need destroyed.”

“It’s to figure out how to train the next guys,” Bradford said, stepping over to a weight bench. “Got my spot?” Rinn and Edison paired up by a couple of benches by the dumbbell rack nearby while the rest of the squad dispersed through the gym.

“Sure,” Kimber said, stepping over to the weight rack. “How much to start?”

“Fifty on the bar to warm up a bit, then up from there.”

“Cool,” he said, grabbing a weight. “And what do you mean, figure out how to train the next guys?”

“The next guys,” she said, locking a weight on her side of the bar, then settling down on the bench. “The next group of Marines and Artificers, or Soldiers and Artificers, or whoever the fuck else gets sent through this program.” She took a grip on the bar as Kimber moved into position at the head of the bench, and with barely a grunt she heaved it off the rack and started doing reps.

“When did we get put into a program?” Kimber asked.

“We’re not in a… program,” Bradford grunted out between reps. “We’re… pathfinding it. The training program… that integrates artificers and the U.S. military.”

After several reps, she shoved the bar back up on the racks and stood up, wiping sweat off with a towel as she switched places with Kimber.

“You think they’re making this a program?” Kimber asked, heaving the bar off the rack and starting his own set of reps.

“Fuck yeah, they are. No putting that cat back in the bag. We’re just kind of the pilot, fumbling our way through, figuring shit out for the people that’ll come next.”

“Hadn’t really thought of that,” Kimber said, putting the bar back up on the rack after his set.

Bradford snorted as she grabbed more weight for the bar. “You’re a Marine. You don’t get paid to think. Good thing, too,” she winked at him.

“Damn straight!” he laughed, locking a matching weight on the other side of the bar and moving back to the spotter position.

Their conversation tapered mostly to insults and encouragement as they added more weight with each set.

They were just locking another set of weights on the bar when Kawalski called over. “Kimber! We need you! Gomer thinks he’s the wrestling champion!”

Kimber glanced back at Bradford, but Edison spoke up. “Go ahead, man, I’ll spot for her.”

“Ha!” Bradford snorted. “Spotter needs to be able to at least help lift the weight that’s being benched, and that ain’t happening with your pencil arms, and I could probably bench Ahyat for reps.” She glanced at him. “No offense.”

He shook his head with a dismissive ear flick. “None taken.”

“Ha, I bet you could!” Edison said.


“I can’t, man! Jabs is gonna bench Shields!”


“Jabs is gonna bench Shields!”

Bradford laughed, glancing at a bewildered Rinn.

“Man, I gotta see this,” Elder said, elbowing his way to the front of the crowd that spontaneously formed around the weight bench. It felt like half of Echo Company was there.

“Hey, how many reps you bet she can do with him?” Kawalski asked, hustling the crowd even as it formed.

Bradford looked at Rinn again as a pair of Marines lifted the bar out of the way. He was shoved towards the bench, and his ears drooped in defeat.

“No,” she said, shaking her head. “I’m not benching him.”

“But, Jabs-“ Kimber said, before she interrupted him.

“Dude. He’s, what, one ten?” She raised an eyebrow at Rinn. “One fifteen, soaking wet, with a brick in your pocket?” He shrugged his ears, flicking the end of his tail at her. “I just repped one thirty,” she said, pointing her thumb at the bar, “And upped it to one forty-five. I’ve got nothing to prove by benching Ahyat.”

“Aw, c’mon, Jabs,” Kawalski said. “It’s not about provin’ nothin’, it’s about bein’ funny!”

“I said no, Kawalski.”
Continued in comments...
submitted by Ilithi_Dragon to HFY [link] [comments]

The most read fic on AO3 has been dethroned. A fic about Minecraft Youtubers is now the most read fic of all time.

Previously, the English language fic with the most all time hits on AO3 was a My Hero Academia fic called "Yesterday Upon the Stair" with 1,548,534 reads, but it has been replaced. The crown now belongs to a fic called "Heat Waves," a work about two Minecraft Youtubers / Twitch streamers with 1,588,455 hits in total. This is absolutely insane, and here is why.
  1. This fic is from a fandom that began in earnest maybe almost a year ago when Dream (one of the people in the ship, who is a 21 year old anonymous Youtuber who makes Minecraft videos) started gaining subscribers in earnest. Now, this fandom - which is relatively unknown to the general public - has outpaced anime, boybands, Kpop, Harry Potter, TV shows, and countless other well established fandoms to produce AO3's most read fic.
  2. This fic is 4 MONTHS OLD. The author posted the first chapter on September 20, so the 4 month anniversary was Jan 20 - just over a week ago. This 4 month span even includes a hiatus of a month or more in which the first part of the fic blew up and the author temporarily paused writing because they were overwhelmed by the response and unsure if they should continue it.
  3. This fic is locked, meaning you must have an AO3 account to read it. Only one other fic in the top 40 is locked, for context. The fact that this fic blew up so much that hundreds of thousands of people created accounts just to read it is mind blowing.
  4. The song that the fic is based on - Heat Waves by Glass Animals (a british psychedelic pop band) - has experienced a huge boost in popularity. It currently sits at 119 million streams on Spotify, and was voted the most popular song of 2020 in Australia. Articles covering its win attributed it to the fic's popularity - you can read about it here:
  5. What is most interesting however, is how well Heat Waves has been received by the people it is about, and it is pretty much unique in that regard. The ship is between two real people - Youtuber "Dream" (a 21 year old Minecraft player from Florida who is anonymous, only revealing that his first name is Clay) and his good friend GeorgeNotFound (a 24 year old Minecraft player and Twitch streamer from the United Kingdom). Typically, when two real people are shipped (ie popular boy band members, for one), people are encouraged not to talk about it online because it may make them uncomfortable. However, Dream, George, and the rest of their friends know about Heat Waves, and at least two of the people in their friend group - George and Sapnap (real name Nick, 19, also a Minecraft Youtuber) - have actually read it. Beyond that, Dream and George has both said they are 100% fine with being shipped (in a podcast and on Twitter), and often reference their ship name - Dreamnotfound or DNF, a portmanteau of Dream and GeorgeNotFound - in their streams and Youtube videos. I'm completely serious - lookup their ship name or anything related and you can find countless complication on Youtube, Tiktok, and Twitter of them making sexual jokes to and about each other, acting like a couple, etc. Heck, George's last Tweet says he kissed Dream (, and both of them in the past week alone have replied to DNF fanart saying it's "Hot" (that is a direct quote) or liking it. I cannot think of another ship pairing, particular an MLM one, in which the two people involved have embraced it to the extent that they have while not actually being together.
  6. Heat Waves has reshaped the fandom and the popularity of the ship. Before it was published and people found out about it, most people avoided talking about DNF out of respect for the content creators, but since they gave their blessing and the fic exploded, talk about the ship is everywhere within the fandom. People make DNF fanart and publish DNF fanfics; the two guys and their friends reference it on stream. It's wild looking at the attitude of the fandom towards the ship (supportive but not vocal) last summer as opposed to right now, where it's basically universally accepted and supported.
Anyway, I just wanted to write this to say that the popularity of the fic is absolutely insane, and I would love to hear you all's thoughts on this development. One year or even 3 months ago, I don't think anyone would have predicted that a fic about literal MINECRAFT YOUTUBERS would become the most popular fic of all time on AO3. Its rise has been been utterly astonishing, as has its impact on the fandom. I'm absolutely shocked that this happened, but it goes to show the power of a fandom. Kudos to the author - whatever she did, its going down in fanfic history.
submitted by rosy_glasses to FanFiction [link] [comments]

Megathread: Many are now migrating to Signal as a result of WhatsApp updating their terms and privacy policy

Hello everyone!
We've recently started to receive lots of similar posts as a result of recent news regarding WhatsApp updating their terms and privacy policy, which will take effect on February 8th May 15th, 2021. Any WhatsApp users who do not accept these changes will be blocked from using the service. As a result, many are now migrating to Signal. We’ve decided to make this the designated thread for all things related to this topic.
Here is a direct link to Signal's terms and privacy policy (last updated May 25, 2018). Don't worry, it's not very long. For those wondering where Signal's revenue comes from: "We are a 501c3 nonprofit. We're not tied to any major tech companies, and we can never be acquired by one either. Development is supported by grants and donations from Signal users."
Some related media coverage:
Some topics you may want to discuss below:
We will be updating this post as events unfold. Be safe, and always remember the human.
Edits 1–38: A brief summary of events, by day:
Wednesday, January 6:
Thursday, January 7:
Friday, January 8:
Saturday, January 9:
Sunday, January 10:
Monday, January 11:
Tuesday, January 12:
Wednesday, January 13:
Thursday, January 14:
Friday, January 15:
Saturday, January 16:
Sunday, January 17:
Wednesday, January 20:
Friday, January 22:
Saturday, January 23:
Thursday, January 28:
Welcome to all newcomers, but also THANK YOU to all of our regular contributors who have shown up to sort by new, answer questions, and provide help! ⭐ As a reminder, this is an unofficial Reddit community (or "subreddit") that is run by the user community. We are not affiliated with or endorsed by the Signal Technology Foundation or Signal Messenger LLC.
submitted by redditor_1234 to signal [link] [comments]

[Discussion] 25 great albums you might have missed from 2020. Spotify playlist included.

Edit: From the L2T mod team: After much discussion amongst the mods, we've decided to re-approve this post as a rare exception to the rule. u/mgraunk puts in a ton of work every year, and while the sub does not officially allow playlists posts, u/mgraunk has worked with the mod team to thoroughly vet each artist included to make sure they're within our limits. Thank you to everyone who commented sharing your thoughts on the decision.
Spotify playlist is here
2020 was a crazy year, so it’s understandable if you had a hard time keeping up with new music releases. I was in that other camp of people who found themselves listening to music even more than normal. I continued my (admittedly obsessive) tradition of listening to as many new albums as possible each week, and once again I’d like to share a few hidden gems.
These are not my top 25 albums. These are just 25 albums that I felt were sorely overlooked, based on the criteria that (almost) none of these artists have more than three songs with over half a million plays on Spotify. Hopefully we can bring their music to a wider audience. Without further ado, here are 25 great albums you might have missed in 2020:
1. Keleketla! - Keleketla! (Released 7/3/20, Multinational)
I’m going to break the rules right off the bat by including my absolute favorite album of 2020, which includes contributions from internationally famous recording artists like Tony Allen, Antibalas, and ColdCut. But in addition to these names, the musical project known as Keleketla! features many obscure and underrated artists, both from across the African continent and from members of the diaspora living around the world. It may not meet the letter of the law, but it certainly fits the spirit of this community. It’s a funky, jazzy, groovy blend of musical styles that’s truly unparalleled among album releases this past year. The vocals are carefully selected and powerfully performed, with lyrics that serve as a reminder of the many perspectives often overlooked by western-centric media.
Standout Tracks: Future Toyi Toyi, International Love Affair, Freedom Groove, Crystallise
2. Frankie and the Witch Fingers - Monsters Eating People Eating Monsters... (Released 10/2/20, California, US)
If you’ve listened to my playlists from the past two years, then you know I love me some psychedelic rock. King Gizzard and Tame Impala are great, but the field is really broad right now, and there are plenty of lesser known acts like Frankie and the Witch Fingers who can hold their own. Despite putting out several albums in recent years, this was the first release from Frankie and the Witch Fingers that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed from start to finish. It has a reckless energy, as if the performers are trying to thrash the life from their instruments before the album ends. Given the ongoing absence of live music in my life, this was one of the few albums from 2020 that almost managed to deliver that raw concert experience to the isolation of my apartment.
Standout Tracks: Activate, Sweet Freak, Simulator
3. Gooral - Ethno Elektro 2 (Wolno/Fusion) (Released 3/19/20, Poland)
This album seems to have been released in a couple different formats. When I first discovered Ethno Elektro 2, it was as a 6-song mini-album released in March with the subtitle “Wolno”. But on Spotify, there is an earlier version of Ethno Elektro 2 featuring a completely different tracklist with the subtitle “Fusion”, categorized as an EP. Discogs, however, lists Ethno Elektro 2 as a single 2-disc record containing all the tracks from both Fusion and Wolno. Long story short, they’re both uniquely amazing records, and the album works perfectly when listened to from the first track on Wolno to the last track on Fusion, smoothly fluctuating between EDM-tinged pop and eastern European folk. In addition to techno and D’n’B, Gooral draws heavily upon Polish ethnic styles to create a dance record that is seriously unmatched.
Standout Tracks: Spod tego jawora, Wadi rum, Cas siy nom uodmienić
4. Thy Catafalque - Naiv (Released 1/24/20, Hungary)
Back in the before time, I got together with a friend to make sausage. It was our first attempt, and we were working on a recipe he’d found for “hot Hungarian” sausage. I told my friend I had the perfect record to occupy us while we worked, and put on Naiv, which I had not yet listened to all the way through. We were surprised by just how suitable it turned out to be, and it quickly became my go-to album while working, doing chores around the house, and during further sausage-making ventures. The driving melodies and distorted growls are great for motivation, while the epic choral vocals and diverse instrumentations keep you from getting bored. But if you have a minute to pause and pay closer attention, you’ll also be able to appreciate the unusual time signatures and top-notch production characteristic of great progressive rock.
Standout Tracks: Embersólyom, A valóság kazamatái, Kék madár (Négy kép)
5. Suzie Stapleton - We Are the Plague (Released 7/31/20, Australia)
She may not have garnered much attention yet, but I’m really looking forward to following Suzie Stapleton’s career given the strength of her debut album, We Are the Plague. The album opens with the lyrics “We are the plague / we are the execution / we are the caged / we are the revolution”, and I’ll be damned if that isn’t just the perfect way to sum up 2020. What follows is a murky expedition into the gloomiest manifestations of western popular music - goth rock and dark folk tinged with blues, delivered by a rasping voice that’s equal parts Janis Joplin, Beth Hart and Lucinda Williams. The lyrics conjure images of desolation, destruction, and loss. This is not a happy record, but it is nonetheless a beautiful one.
Standout Tracks: We Are the Plague, Blood on the Windscreen, Don’t Look Up
6. Yuri Gagarin - The Outskirts of Reality (Released 1/31/20, Sweden)
Sweden is known more for its black metal and death metal than for spacey stoner rock, but Yuri Gagarin proves a welcome exception to that stereotype. The Outskirts of Reality hits the ground running with two lengthy jams over ten minutes apiece which together make up the bulk of the five track album. Laboratory1, the shortest track, creates a similar effect to the ambient middle section of Pink Floyd’s “Echoes”, developing an atmosphere that becomes progressively more eerie and unsettling, only to pull you roaring back when the album’s title track kicks in to end the record. It’s not a long album, just under 45 minutes - but that’s enough time for at least, like, three DMT trips, right?
Standout Tracks: Oneironaut, Crystal Dunes, The Outskirts of Reality
7. Aging - Sentenced to Love (Released 5/1/20, England, UK)
Sentenced to Love seems to embrace the notion espoused in the early days of How I Met Your Mother that “nothing good happens after 2 AM”. It is a soundtrack to dastardly deeds committed undercover of the night; the kind of jazz you might hear in a seedy strip club under a freeway while a shady man in a trenchcoat and fedora stares you down from across the bar. There’s an ominous undertone to the album that keeps you on edge, almost paranoid. If the movie Drive were set in the 1940s, this could be the soundtrack. In fact, one look at the album cover should adequately prepare you for what you are about to experience. As someone who works a graveyard shift, this album really resonates. Not the dastardly deeds part though, I swear.
Standout Tracks: The Trapped Man, Sentenced to Love, The Shadow On My Name
8. Ajate - Alo (Released 3/6/20, Japan)
An album like Alo is the musical equivalent of a British television series - it hooks you immediately, and then just as quickly, it’s over. Put it on repeat and you’ll have an album of a more satisfying length. I promise you won’t get bored listening to it over and over, though you might find yourself cursing the universe that there aren’t more bands fusing traditional Japanese and West African dance music, much less on homemade instruments of their own invention. There really isn’t a single other band in the world like this.
Standout Tracks: Uka, Galar, Mammamelie
9. Blessed Black - Beyond the Crimson Throne (Released 1/17/20, Ohio, US)
If you like metal bands that draw from desert rock, grunge, doom metal, and classic Sabbath, then put your bong down and pay attention. Now pick it back up and put on Beyond the Crimson Throne by Blessed Black. It’s derivative in all the best ways, accessible enough for the radio but with enough credibility for the metalhead purists. Expect catchy riffs rather than intricate solos, and clean vocals in place of growls or screams. I daresay this is the best damn butt rock record of the decade.
Standout Tracks: The White Wolf, Arioch’s Bargain, Stormbringer
10. Smoke Fairies - Darkness Brings the Wonders Home (Released 1/31/20, England, UK)
Smoke Fairies is not a new band, but their latest album is definitely their most polished and complete so far. Taken as a whole, the album has a great atmosphere - dark and mysterious, as its name would suggest, with rich harmonies reminiscent of Cocteau Twins. Without the context of the album, the individual songs still stand up. Each one is distinct and engaging, and despite the album’s brooding tone, there are a few good earworms in the mix.
Standout Tracks: On the Wing, Out of the Woods, Super Tremolo
11. The Cool Greenhouse - The Cool Greenhouse (Released 5/29/20, England, UK)
Most of the time, I prefer strong instrumentals over strong vocals. Much of my favorite music is entirely lyricless. The first time I heard The Cool Greenhouse, I wasn’t thrilled with the repetitive 3-note riffs that characterize this album. I almost wrote them off until I started picking up on what their vocalist (I hesitate to call him a singer) was listlessly droning on about in the most unapologetically British way possible. If John Cleese performed slam poetry, I’m not sure he could deliver as scathing a critique of western culture and society as The Cool Greenhouse. Their biting sarcasm is underscored by the apathetic delivery and appropriately low-effort guitar work, but the songwriting is actually pretty brilliant. The more I listened, I realized that what I initially heard as sloppy and uninspired was in fact quite intentional. It’s punk rock for the Doomer generation; the righteous anger is still there, but it manifests in a very different way.
Standout Tracks: Cardboard Man, Life Advice, Smile, Love!
12. Angellore - Rien ne devait mourir (Released 2/14/20, France)
The notes on Angellore’s bandcamp page describe the recording process of this album as “burdensome and depressing”, and while I can promise that listening to it will provide a much more enjoyable experience, this album certainly does take its time to get where it’s going. It doesn’t immediately hook you, but it promises a journey that will be well worth your while. The opening track is 20 minutes long, and starts with a Gregorian chant. From there, it unfolds like the plot of a novel, gradually building to some intense and compelling moments that don’t require any understanding of doom metal growls to be emotionally effective. And there are enough diverse vocal styles over the course of the album that even those who are turned off by unclean vocals can appreciate the vaguely necrophilious lyrical cliches of gothic rock.
Standout Tracks: A Romance of Thorns, Dreams - Along the Trail, Que les lueurs se dispersent
13. N to the Power - Autogenesis (Released 9/4/20, New York, US)
This is some weird, trippy jazz. This is some “don’t put it on until you’re comfortable with the headspace of the acid you just took” jazz. It’s not an easy listen, but it’s not hard to make the time for just five songs. There’s a lot to take in if you can give this music your undivided attention and just focus on the interplay between the different instruments. Each composition expresses a distinct musical idea, and while there are some common elements between them, the album is more an anthology of vignettes than a single theme. But with most of the songs over five minutes in length, none of the songs seem rushed or incomplete.
Standout Tracks: The God Particle, Marrakesh Mesosphere, To the Jackpot
14. Bambara - Stray (Released 2/14/20, Georgia, US)
Stray is a gloomy concept album that combines shimmery surf rock guitars with the gritty imagery of a Rob Zombie or Robert Rodriguez film. There are traces of neo-noir and western in the loosely connected stories of the album’s dismal characters, and also in the music, which vaguely resembles both Nick Cave and Ennio Morricone in trace amounts. While the album is best enjoyed from beginning to end like a nonlinear rock opera, the self-contained stories in each song stand on their own as well - particularly the final track, “Machete”, which would make for a great horror film if the name weren’t already taken.
Standout Tracks: Heat Lightning, Serafina, Machete
15. Tidiane Thiam - Siftorde (Released 5/15/20, Senegal)
There’s not a whole lot to say about Tidiane Thiam. He’s just a guy who taught himself to play guitar, plucking out simple melodies without adornment. His straightforward approach cuts to the heart of the innate human desire to make music. This album is as close as recorded music can get to capturing the experience of sitting around a campfire with your closest friends while someone noodles on a guitar, and the ambient background noises further contribute to that illusion. We may not be able to locate each others’ hometowns on a map, but the universality of this album tells me that we have something in common.
Standout Tracks: Djatasoun, Douga, Yeery-Mayo
16. Zenobia - Halak Halak (Released 6/5/20, Israel)
The duo of Palestinian DJs known as Zenobia make some pretty wild dance tunes. They combine elements of EDM and synthpop with various styles of Arabic pop and folk music that I’m too American to identify. If you’re accustomed to the rhythmic patterns of European and American dance music, you might find this album refreshingly dissimilar. I don’t know what the current slang would be, but in the words of my wife when she’s trying to get under my skin, “this one slaps”.
Standout Tracks: Edine, Halak Halak, Funky Egal
17. Gwenifer Raymond - Strange Lights Over Garth Mountain (Released 11/13/20, Wales, UK)
Not only is she the best primitive guitar player since the OG, John Fahey, Gwenifer Raymond is also a professional game designer and holds a PhD in astrophysics. So she’s got that going for her, which is nice, but neither of those other pursuits have any significant bearing on this album. Her guitar playing is front and center without any vocals to get in the way. Strange Lights Over Garth Mountain is colored by Raymond’s Welsh background, but also draws from the full spectrum of Americana styles and beyond. If you’re yawning at the prospect of another instrumental folk guitar album, just listen to her shred on “Hell for Certain” before deciding this album isn’t worth your while.
Standout Tracks: Hell for Certain, Gwaed am Gwaed, Strange Lights Over Garth Mountain
18. Malena Zavala - La Yarará (Released 4/17/20, Argentina)
I’m going to break the rules ever so slightly again, because Malena Zavala does have three songs with over 500k streams, two of which are different versions of the same song, and none of which are on this album. Her debut was decent, but Zavala’s sophomore release is a lot more polished in performance and production. She displays confidence and purpose in her vocals without sacrificing the emotion. The rich instrumentals reflect her diverse musical influences, with a variety of electric and acoustic instruments that keep things sounding light and bouncy even when the lyrics tend towards more melancholy and introspective topics. A tropical ambiance seeps through on every song, making this the perfect soundtrack for drinking away a bad breakup somewhere on a sandy beach.
Standout Tracks: En la Noche, Company, Ritmo de Vida
19. Ak’chamel, the Giver of Illness - The Totemist (Released 3/27/20, Texas, US)
What even is music, maaan? This album is more like a sound collage, beginning with a relatively familiar psychedelic rock melody that quickly fades to the background amidst distant bird calls and other sound effects. By the end of the first song, an eerie, whispering voice is pulling you deeper into your trip, and that’s when you remember that you aren’t even high. If it weren’t for the percussive instruments providing rhythm and meter, you might even forget you’re listening to an album at all. It’s a sort of new age parody, twisting and distorting the tropes of meditative music into something conspicuously unsettling. If you get anxious easily, you may want to avoid listening to this one when you’re all alone at 3 am. Unfortunately, I speak from personal experience.
Standout Tracks: Firedriver, The Funeral of a Woman Whose Soul is Trapped in the Sun, Dark Hat
20. Ka - Descendants of Cain (Released 5/1/20, New York, US)
As much as I enjoy the genre, hip hop albums don’t often rate very high on my list. A lot of hip hop albums feel bloated and uncurated, with too many filler tracks that rely on lyrical cliches without offering fresh perspectives. Ka’s Descendants of Cain is an excellent exception. The 11 songs center around an allegorical theme that compares the violence in economically depressed communities of color to the Biblical story of Cain and Abel (“brothers killing brothers”). Throughout the album, Ka reflects on his upbringing in cocaine culture, taking every opportunity to insert religious allusions through brilliant wordplay and double entendres. I can’t count how many times I’ve listened to this album already, and every time I pick up on clever details I haven’t noticed before. You don’t have to be a hip hop fan to appreciate the artistry on this album, although it might help to have an English degree.
Standout Tracks: My Brother’s Keeper, The Eye of a Needle, Sins of the Father
21. Matthieu Saglio - El Camino de los Vientos (Released 4/24/20, France)
Matthieu Saglio plays the music of the Mediterranean on El Camino de los Vientos, which features his own cello playing in addition to the contributions of various international collaborators. From song to song, the album travels around the entirety of the Mediterranean Sea, with stops around both Europe and North Africa. The individual pieces are distinct enough to sound as though they were created by completely different composers, but as a whole, the album is a cohesive masterpiece that bridges the cultural gaps between disparate styles of jazz, folk, and neoclassical composition. My wife tells me this album makes her feel like she’s in the “old country”. She doesn’t have an “old country”. She’s under 30 and has lived in the US her entire life. All the same, I can’t say I disagree with her interpretation.
Standout Tracks: Bolero Triste, Amanecer, Sur Le Chemin
22. Dool - Summerland (Released 4/10/20, Netherlands)
There aren’t enough truly great prog groups these days, especially female-fronted prog groups. Dool fills that niche quite nicely with a 70’s-flavored driving rock album that falls somewhere between Rainbow and early Heart. Dool may not have the instrumental virtuosity to place them among the greats, but they have an abundance of psychedelic guitar licks and instrumental jams, with enough catchy hooks to stick with you after listening. There are also elements of contemporary hard rock and metal, but the album isn’t particularly heavy by today’s standards. Summerland is a broadly accessible album for rock fans of any generation, hearkening back to the days when groups like Led Zeppelin were viable for pop radio. And if you have no natural affinity for classic rock, you can at least take solace in the fact that this style of dad rock isn’t likely to catch on again anytime soon. I’m just glad someone is still out there making it.
Standout Tracks: Sulphur & Starlight, God Particle, Ode to the Future
23. Cambriana - Hedonism (Released 12/18/20, Brazil)
A last-minute addition to my favorite albums of 2020, Cambriana’s Hedonism took me completely by surprise at a point when I thought that the year had nothing left to offer. It’s an album of artsy indie-pop jams in the vein of Glass Animals and The Neighbourhood that crawl into your brain and make themselves at home. The songs are simultaneously more delicate and more textured than most of today’s pop hits, with muted drums, shimmering guitars, and layers of synths. The album is immersive even at its slowest moments, and while it never gets too boisterous, there is a restrained energy on songs like “Induction Bread” that gives you the urge to get up and move.
Standout Tracks: Induction Bread, Gamma-Ray Burst, Huge!
24. Sa-Roc - The Sharecropper’s Daughter (Released 10/2/20, Washington, D.C., US)
For most of hip hop’s history, female contributors have been largely overlooked as serious rappers. Sa-Roc has the chops to compete with any of the greats, and a wisdom to her lyrics that would make Tupac proud. While a couple tasteful features provide the opportunity for some interesting back-and-forth dialogue, the album is overwhelmingly just Sa-Roc without any assistance. Lyrically, she surpasses virtually all of her peers in terms of staying on topic throughout the album, keeping her laser focus on topics of social justice without resorting to lazy sex jokes or excessive braggadosio. Not that there’s anything wrong with those tropes, but in 2020, a hip hop album the sort of substance found on The Sharecropper’s Daughter was both welcome and needed.
Standout Tracks: Gold Leaf, The Black Renaissance, Goddess Gang
25. Will Wood & the Tapeworms - The Normal Album (Released 7/10/20, New Zealand)
The first thing you hear when you put on The Normal Album is a darkly hilarious parody of 1950s doo-wop that flawlessly transitions into an Elvis-esque rockabilly jam over a wailing saxophone, then back to doo-wop. Thirty seconds later, you get a sample of what it might sound like if Tom Waits collaborated with the Mr. Bungle. That’s just the opening track. Suffice to say, the title of The Normal Album is a goddamn lie. Will Wood, the multitalented multimedia artist behind the Tapeworms’ music, lays out his relationship with mental illness and the world around him in the most eccentric mishmash of musical styles imaginable. His quirky artistic vision puts him in league with singer-songwriters like Ben Folds and Regina Spektor, though Wood seems even less constrained by the stylistic norms of popular music. His lyrics are dense, but even before you have the chance to decipher Wood’s musings on life and society, the absurd theatrics will suck you in by subverting your expectations roughly once a minute.
Standout Tracks: 2econd-2ight-2eer (that was fun, goodbye.), Laplace’s Angel (Hurt People? Hurt People!), Marsha, Thank You for the Dialectics, but I Need You to Leave.
Have a great 2021!
submitted by mgraunk to listentothis [link] [comments]

My Ausländerbehörde adventure, part 1

Today, I went to the Ausländerbehörde to renew my freelance visa. Despite being pretty well-informed about German bureaucracy, and being well-prepared, it went poorly.
If you just want to know wtf you have to do, read How to renew a German freelance visa.
Here's how it went
I showed up early, waited for my number to be called, walked in, unleashed my nicest "🌸 Hallo! 🌼", and took a seat. The guy was about my age, jackpot.
I took out my carefully sorted documents, and handed them one by one. My confidence was growing, then he just shattered it, hit by hit.
This whole time, he was a real cunt about it. He seemed annoyed because I didn't bring documents that aren't requested anywhere. He called me unprepared, and condescendingly repeated words in English when German was just fine. Buddy, I understand what you say. I'm just dumbfounded.
After biting my tongue through a salvo of petty criticism, he offered me a 1 year visa, or a new appointment to gather the documents. I took the latter.
As soon as I became someone else's problem, he softened up, and suddenly became super friendly. It was surreal. I got to ask him questions for the website, talk about his job, crack a few jokes etc.
Here's what I learned
Moving forward
In a way, I'm happy that I met the worst possible employee, because I'm also writing a guide for future applicants. It shows that the official website doesn't prepare you at all for what's ahead.
I called my Steuerberater, to say I need a Prüfungsbericht in 5 days. His answer was a laconic "motherfuckers". He called the whole situation unbeliavable.
My health insurance broker echoed this sentiment. He confirmed that the Bescheinigung from the largest public health insurer in Germany should be enough, and that it usually is.
I bought a ream of paper, and I'll start printing all my invoices, and ask for something that looks like a contract from a dozen partners. I just hope that the next Beamter doesn't have different requirements.
See you in a week for part 2!
EDIT: part 2 is here
submitted by n1c0_ds to berlin [link] [comments]

Femcel exit : becoming the worst of myself and wanting to stop being this way

Hello !
Yep, I am a femcel, and more precisely, a MentalCel. Sorry for bad grammar, not native english speaking.
Our sub had just been banned. I don't know if that's right or no. A sense of community or belonging for ugly girls was great but I agree that the sub wasn't productive. Well that's not what I am going to talk about today but feel free to debate.
I am here to become a better self, because I am not a pretty good person actually. I want to escape incel mentality, become a positive person, become more successful in general no matter what I look like. In the first part I will just tell what got me there, what made me this way and then it will be more about asking for help to become a better person. IT WILL BE LONG, I apologize. I will make TLDR.
First part
I have been bullied for being ugly since childhood : people would ask me on a date for a joke (it happened three times), been called 3/10 by boys my age, was called ugly implicitly by my family (and sometimes openly), was shouted insults on the streets, be the weird fat girl that we feel good next to in all my group friends. When I watched an Hollywood movie, each time I've seen a girl like me, she was mocked, she was the butt of the joke, she was stupid, crass, and she needed to become pretty to be worthy. I am very lucky to have nice and smart parents but I've kinda took the place of a social worker in my family, moderating some of their arguments. My father is extremely mentally ill and does not want to take medications because it doesn't bother him. That's my background. Harassment and isolation fueled up my anxiety and depression. I've got guys interested in me but I was extra afraid of being the "training girlfriend" : dating an ugly girl to become a better man and then the man date the pretty "Stacy of his dreams". That's something that men do in my country. Or targeting an ugly women to get free sex. I want to be loved and respected. I don't want to be a sex doll that men thinks are too ugly for them but still uses them for sex. I don't want them to say " I've fucked that ugly b because I was horny and I'm not proud of it" behind my back, you see ?
How I look : I tried to get lenses instead of my glasses but got an eye infection instead, so now I'm back to glasses. I've got trendy ones. I am chubby even if I workout 45 min a day. I am European chubby, not American chubby to be honest. I am curvy but where i live it's stick skinny or nothing. I have frizzy brunette hair and got a greek nose that's very appreciated in men, but not in women. Well I care less now because I am proud of my mediterranean origins. I try to dress well because that makes me feel good.
I tried to date one of my soulmate, he accepted but I rejected him in a cruel way by fear that I wasn't good enough for him and i was too mentally ill to be a great partner. I still feel extremely bad about it and apologized to him ... one year later. There goes the "bad person arc". I've joined countless of horrendous hate groups, not because I agreed with them, but because I felt respected, loved and accepted in them. Each one of these phase lasted 2 weeks because I self reflect easily but still... I've hanged out virtually with questionable persons just to feel the sense of community.
The femcel community felt like a home. Lookism is a real thing. It's insane on how people worship you based on your appearance. Especially when you're a woman. In movies in pop culture it's "be pretty or get bullied and deemed unworthy". Femcels are different from Incel because we were taught that we were unworthy of love since the beginning. Being an ugly girl was seen as irredeemable. Hollywood taught men that they need to do things to be loved, not to look pretty. The average guy fight the bad guy and gets the supermodel, and then the End. That's why we don't have the sense of entitlement that our male copartners have. Our Education and socialization were different. It was the beauty and the beast : female = beauty = pretty, male = beasts= personality. That's what girls are taught. Also most of Incel on "Incel~with~hate" and spend their time complaining that only ugly girls (like us) love them... We want our looksmatch that will love us and cherish us. I would kill for a loving boyfriend that have the same defaults as me. I know that not all incel are like this. I've met some that were like me and all my love goes to them.
The phoebe's comics made me feel less alone, and most of them were kinda wholesome.
I've became a full blown mysandrist during Covid 19 : I was angry at how women were treated in our world ( which I think is still right, I mean : sex trafficking , bad media representation, harassment, objectification ...) and had violent thoughts towards men ( obviously badyep, it's not like killing a man will destroy patriarchy). This was clearly fuelled by social media that got me into mysandry. On my for you page I only had "Kill all men stuff" and "men are superficial stuff". At this moment, I became an online troll. My morning was hate, my afternoon was sadness, my evening was hate. Proof that if a person is trolling, it's because their lives are shit. I don't think I've posted things that were that horrible next to others trolls , but I've said online very despicable things.
I felt so bad about what I posted. I was a hater. I believe that "hate is a disease", one of the philosophers from my country said this and I really agree with it. Today was the last straw because I've posted another mean comment that I don't really think twice about it and I got mad insulted . i've posted " Pretty girls should go with pretty guys, pretty girls needs to leave these ugly guys for us ugly girls". It was so mean ... I won't lie because I think this statement is lowkey logical but... not nice. That's femcel mindset.
how many times I've cried for being ugly and bullied for it... My sister is a stacy also. It's insane how better she's treated.
TLDR : little girl bullied for her bad looks because people thinks that's the only thing that matters for a girl evolves in pathetic low cost mentally ill hater.
Just want to say that I am suicidal and I've been in therapy for 3 years.
I've destroyed my academic success due to looks obsession but still trying her best in college; Crippling social media addiction.
Last Part
I want to change hater + femcel mindset. I want to never be a hater again and solve the belonging need. I want to be successful and stop these thoughts. Can somebody help and give me suggestions ?
I've already planned to spend my time playing piano or drawing to shut off my thoughts when I am not studying. Bought a gratitude journal today. :) I am working out everyday to get those endorphins.
submitted by femcelthrowaway76 to IncelExit [link] [comments]

My first personal incident with racism that still bothers me today.

Hey guys! I am new to this subreddit and I hope that everyone is doing okay. I wanted to talk about this for the longest time and what better way to share it with other people who may have had a similar upbringing as I did. I'm not sure in the direction I want to go with this so it might just be a shitshow lmao but here we go.
I am 21 years old now and this happened when I was 14 right about to go into high school. I'm Hmong and from the midwest so there is a relatively decent Asian community from the state that I am from. I feel like my school was unique since I grew up just outside the metropolitan area, so my school was very white and suburban but still had a handful of minority and hood kids. This particular incident happened when I was at gym class. I cannot remember what game we were playing but I was just minding my own business and talking with some friends. During the game, this white kid (let's name him Billy) starts cracking up some "jokes". He starts with some very lighthearted things at me like "oh look, it's short round from Indiana Jones" which made me genuinely laugh since kids in my grade used to joke around and dish stuff back. The game goes on and he's talking over and over and over. He starts to cross a line where I wouldn't say that they're jokes anymore. I'm talking about stuff like "My grandfather was killing your ancestors in 'nam" "Speak English, Oh china boy don't speak Engrish? So duh sorry". This is all happening in front of the substitute teacher btw. She's standing there watching the game and there is no way that she could have not heard it. Five minutes of this same banter goes on and I could tell most of the other students were uncomfortable and a handful of Billy and his friends were laughing. At this point, I am absolutely livid. He is turned around talking to his group of friends and I give him a hard shove from behind. Billy is much bigger than me so he falls down but not hard enough to be injured. He turned around and starts saying shit like "Woah! it's just a joke man" and all of his friends back up. I start screaming at his fucking face and he looks absolutely stunned. I can't remember all of what I said because I was so pissed off at the moment but I remember telling him that if he doesn't shut up, I would cave his fucking face in. In reality, I probably would have lost the fight but I think he was so shook being cussed out bad by a skinny Asian kid, he didn't know what to do. I keep screaming at him and saying every cuss word in the book when the substitute teacher yells at me "Hey! there's no room for that language here!". I stop and snap back at her saying "Did you hear the stuff that he was saying?" and she replies with "I don't care what he was saying, there is no excuse to use that language in this setting. Whatever he said, just ignore it." Think about this. She was ANGRIER about the fact that I'm disrupting the class by calling out and cussing out this ignorant prick, than Billy going on a racist tirade against me. I feel like this experience is so prevalent among my Asian brothers and sisters, particularly ones who grew up in more suburban areas. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard the "it's just a joke" excuse. The substitute teacher is like how mainstream media reacts when us Asian-Americans speak our voice on subjects that affect us culturally. It's taken as a joke and sometimes by other POC sadly. I was never the same after this incident and it opened my eyes to racism and how angry it made me felt. If you made it this far, thank you for reading!
submitted by Minnypop to aznidentity [link] [comments]

AITA for calling my boyfriend and his friends a group of idiots?

Obligatory English is not my first language
So, a little background here. There have been a few instances where I have been suspish about my BF cheating on me, but usually I just let it go and decide to trust him. Examples of this are:
1- Him hiding his phone everytime he is on it and I enter the room or hiding it when we sleep together.
2- Me finding tons of photos of girls and theirs profiles on his gallery (just to clarify I didnt go through his phone, he fell asleep with it in his hand and I just grabbed it to block it.) I did no go through them but when I asked him he accepted he had them and he said it was his group of friends the ones that sent them and they were saved automatically from *Discord*
3- Him lying about discord saving automatically the photos and then saying that I missunderstood and that his discord group also has a whatsapp group and that is were all the pics come from
4- Him not wanting to take me to any eventsbecause he says I would probably embarrass him .And saying he never says he has a girlfriend because he doesnt see the need to unless someone hits on him.
These happened in the last 2 months.
And this problem actually come from that specific chat-group of friends mentiond above. The thing is that he showed me something on his phone and a message of a <3 and a kissface came from a chat that said "Mechanic". Idk if this happens in every country but here itscommon for men to hide their lovers contacts with names such as mechaninc/plumber or any other "male" profession. He doesnt even have a car, so I asked him about it.
He laughed and said it was his friends group-chat and I asked him to show me and he did, it was. I asked him what was up with the name and he said that his friends decided that it would be fun to name it that and just randomly send <3 or stuff so when the few girlfriends saw them, they would freak out.
Here is where I might have been the AH. I got really angry at that and told him that why would they want to make such a cruel joke, and called him and all of his friends idiots. He said I should chill and just laugh, its only a joke, but honestly I couldnt help it and I said pretty mean things, like how could he and his friends have less that a brain cell and that I couldnt believe they had such stupid ideas, stuff like that, and told him I didnt want to be close to him until I calmed down because I felt like he was playing with my trust, so I left (and now I'm at work). He was pretty upset himself since he said I was making a whole drama over nothing, it was a joke and its not like he chose the name of the chat.
I talked to a friend about it and they told me that I was being ridiculous by getting mad, that it was just a joke and I took it out of proportion and that I should apologize, because at the end... boys will be boys and they were just joking around, it was not that hurtful. But I did feel it was hurtful for me.
Was I the AH for being too mean to them ?
submitted by LittleMikat5 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

My best friend (29) won’t speak to me since I (29f) got engaged two months ago.

So as the title suggests, my best friend has not spoken to me since the beginning of December.
Molly (name changed) and I met three years ago on social media. We had been following each other because we have similar interests and live in the same town. One day she messaged me asking to be friends and the rest is history. I was very excited because I don’t have many friends and it was so nice to have so many things in common. I already knew of Molly’s long term (10 years) boyfriend, Tony, because he is a semi-popular musician in our town.
Molly is an angel of a human being. Hard working, caring, a real catch, honestly. I would frequently joke to Tony that if he wasn’t going to put a ring on it soon, I would...and that leads me into this whole disaster. As I mentioned, Tony is a fairly well known musician in our town. He is also known as an overgrown 12 year old. He is basically your annoying little brother, just taller and with facial hair. I don’t dislike the guy at all, he is very talented and fun to be around (in small doses). Do I see what Molly sees in him? No absolutely not. He farts and burps at the dinner table, insists on blasting while we’re trying to have conversations, sleeps until 3pm, is unnecessarily loud, demands Molly to cook for him 3 meals a day, has never unloaded a dishwasher or cleaned a thing in his life, etc. Molly is way out of his league, honestly. Yet, she loves him and thinks sun shines out of his behind.
The first time I asked Molly about what she wants out of life in the future she immediately said marriage and kids. I asked about where Tony stands in that area she said he obviously wants the same. Tony even has his grandmothers ring that was given to him to propose to her. I asked “do you guys talk about it?”. That’s when it came up that he basically shuts down or changes the subject. She doesn’t see anything wrong with him responding that way because he just “doesn’t like serious conversations”. This worried me for her, but at this point we didnt know eachother well so I didn’t say anything. As time went on she would talk about wanting to get engaged. She would send me links to rings she liked and ask me to send them to Tony. I did, and every time he would either threaten to block me or ignore me. She sent me her wedding Pinterest board. I sent it to him, he ignored me. She sent me this really heart wrenching message about how the anniversary of their first date was coming up and how special it would be if he proposed, I told him about it, he told me to shut up.
I stopped sending him things after a while because to me, it was very clear. I don’t think he wants to commit. I will admit I never actually said that to her, although I don’t know if she would ever listen. She always told me I don’t know nearly as much about relationships as her because I was either single or not with my boyfriend (now fiancé) as long as she was with Tony.
I met Noah a year after I met Molly. I wasn’t looking for anything because I had come out of a long term abusive relationship a year and a half prior, but Noah is something else. He is a total gem. He treats me so incredibly well, and although we took things slow, I knew he was the one quickly. Molly was really happy for me and we ended up hanging out as a group often. Noah and Tony became pretty good friends too.
As my relationship with Noah got more serious and we moved in together, Molly joked a few times about killing me if I got engaged before her. Noah and I talked often about our future. He is 3 years younger than me so it was important that we were on the same page. I want to be married and have kids before I’m 35. The only thing that we don’t agree on right now is I want to elope and he wants a huge wedding!
My town has been in and out of lockdown for a year now and while we haven’t seen our friends often at all, we have kept in touch daily. Since Noah and I have basically been alone together this whole time we also have been talking more seriously about our future. I had no idea he had a ring and was going to propose to me when he did, though. He surprised me with my dream ring two months ago and I could not have been more happy.
I called Molly before I called my family. She didn’t pick up so I texted her a picture of it. I waited a while and didn’t hear back so I called my family. Hours go by and I haven’t heard from her. I thought it was weird but was in complete bliss so I posted a picture on social media and got drunk with my now fiancée and went to bed. Next morning, still nothing from Molly. She did see my picture on social media though.
I talk to Noah and that’s when he tells me she was cold towards him when he showed her the ring he wanted to get me a few months earlier. I text Molly a few more times, and call her multiple times. She has not spoken to me in two months as of today. I reached out to Tony to make sure she was alive and she is, she just won’t speak to me.
I completely understand that she is upset. And when I reached out after the ring picture I told her that. I told her we don’t have to talk about wedding stuff even. I’m not trying to plan a wedding any time soon. I just want to talk to my best friend. I’m completely heart broken.
Noah thinks I should stop reaching out because this kind of behaviour is selfish on her end. I disagree personally, I can see why she is upset I just want to talk to her.
Should I give up, say something specific, move on?
TLDR: best friend has not spoken to me since I got engaged. Her bf of 10 years won’t commit and I think she’s jealous that mine of 2 years will. Should I move on or ask for her back in my life?
EDIT: I accidentally left out that every time Molly asked me to send Tony something I screenshotted his responses. Whether he told me to shut up or ignored me, she saw it. When I stopped sending things his way I told her that I didn’t want to anymore because he clearly isn’t interested.
edit 2: Tony is 38 and Noah is 27
Edit 3: English is not my first language, I’m sorry for any grammar mistakes!
submitted by thrownawayfriend91 to relationships [link] [comments]

My thoughts and experiences after 5 years in Switzerland as an expat.

This might not be of much practical use to most of you, but I though it might be interesting to see the experience of an outsider. Especially as I am one of those evil anti-smoking expats that the community at 20min warned you about.
Originally posted here.
EDITED I clarified a few points that came up in the comments. So if a comment looks like they didn't read the text they actually did.
It is now just over 5 years since I (32/male) moved from the UK to Switzerland. There have been many surprises along the way. I moved here with a 1 year temporary contract and had vague plans to work, see the country at weekends, and then move on elsewhere after. During this time I have moved house, moved job, been unemployed for a few months, explored the country, met and worked with Swiss people from various parts of the country and Expats of various backgrounds, oh and gotten married to a Swiss person.
This is not an all out guide (there are plenty of those), more my reflections and a few lessons learned.
I have posted before after 1 year and after 2.5 years.I have also written pretty extensively about travelling here and Switzerland in general – an overview post of all that is here.
I came in knowing practically nothing other than a frantic check of anything I needed to do to avoid being kicked out.
  • The book “Living and Working in Switzerland : A Survival Handbook” by David Hampshire, is very useful.
  • Various dedicated websites with more serious official information, and, and to an extent websites like SwissInfo.
  • Various websites with more unofficial but helpful information. The is a treasure trove of information and experiences. But there are endless other places like Newlyswissed, and Swiss and Chips that vary between useless fluff and very useful info.
---Why and how---
  • I did a PhD in the UK and as I was finishing it up and looking for a PostDoc I basically just got a job here in a place I had never heard of through chance by a chain of contacts. I had been looking to move abroad but for some reason Switzerland had never occurred to me.
  • Initially I arrived on a 1 year contract with Firm A, with the strong likelihood of it being extended to 2 years. It ended up as 2.5, by which time I was moved in with my girlfriend and I was set on sticking around. Job hunting was slower than I expected, so before starting on a new position at Firm B I applied to unemployment benefits for what turned out to be just a month (not sure I need to be so secretive really, but why not).
  • I basically just moved with my laptop and as much clothing as I could fit in a 60L backpack. I didn’t botheforgot to declare anything (not that I brought anything of any value with me).
  • I got lucky with housing, but that could have been the biggest problem. Initially I had been expecting to stay at a flat rented by the company for a month or two until I found my own place. This got cancelled at the last minute and I found myself trying to find a flat to move straight into. In the end I staying at a hostel for a week and moved into a shared flat found through before the end of the week. There are not many shared flats where you can quickly jump in compared to the UK, and applying for a flat of your own often feels more like applying for a job or dating with the process dragging on for much longer than the “You like it? OK pay the deposit and sign here” method in the UK. Starting early and getting help from your company is certainly advisable there. The only time I ever use my Dr title is on job and housing applications.
---Bureaucracy, Rules, and Paperwork---
I had feared this would be a slow and complicated torture, but to date this has all been very quick, easy, and painless. In large part probably because I had a job already, I was an EU citizen, and I had an address lined up quickly. I know it gets more complicated for non-EU citizens.
  • Dealing with the local authorities has always been fast, efficient, and friendly. Other than collecting my residency permit every so often when a contract has been renewed I have only had to deal with them very periodically, but any phone call or visit has taken no more than 20 minutes with very little waiting. This might just be because I live in a small city – maybe in Zürich or a tiny village it is different.
  • I had a slight delay in getting my permit and bank account activated as I waited for the landlord to approve my place as subtenant and give me a contract for proof of address (despite the fact I was already living there). This didn’t create any problems, my firm just gave me an envelope stuffed with bank notes for my first payment.
  • Setting up a PostFinance bank account was easy (even with a language barrier then). 20 minutes of filling in a form and showing a few documents.
  • Despite the reputation for rules and order I have not noticed much difference to life in other industrialised western countries. If anything it is more relaxed in many ways. There are some stricter rules like having to use pre-taxed bin bags or minimal noise on a Sunday, but these are mostly reasonable enough. It is nice not hear endless lawn mower engines on a Sunday afternoon. The only rule that seems pointless is having to tie up paper in a perfect bundle for recycling. Maybe if I ever try and build a house or plan an extension the rules will get more complex and painful.
  • You are supposed to swap your driving licence within a year, or unable to drive in Switzerland and be made to repeat the test again if you want a Swiss licence. I didn’t apply at first given that I never intended to drive here or stay much longer at first. When I did apply after 2.5 years through the standard process (just to see what would happen) I actually did just get given a Swiss licence without being asked to go through the whole testing process.
  • The mandatory health insurance is easy enough to set up with all the big companies offering English support. I have mostly done the bare minimum I need to do here and have yet to start being truly Swiss and chasing the best deal every year. The cost is painful, but the health care system has always been efficient and effective for me.
  • Tax was originally paid at the source (as is standard for foreign workers up until you are on a C permit) which made life very easy there, but now being married and treated as a combined legal entity I am paying tax through the standard method.
  • Going through the marriage process was also easy. Being an EU citizen marrying a Swiss citizen helped. There was some confusion when they asked for a statement from the UK govt saying I was not married as this apparently has not been given out in years, but a quick chat resolved that problem. A British friend who married a non-resident Russian had a much harder time.
  • I make roughly 100k CHF per year. This is more than decent by Swiss standards. Given my education and experience I could get more in another firm/position here, but I am happy with my workplace and would be very reluctant to give up my scenic riverside commute by bike.
  • Saving money has not been a problem. Even bearing most of the household costs with a studying partner. Not having a car, pets, kids, or eating/drinking out much helps there. My main non-essential expense is the general train pass and food/accommodation costs for weekends around the country.
  • The high prices take some getting used to at first, but when you work here it isn’t so bad (once you learn to stop converting them back to your native currency). The positive side is that when you leave Switzerland everything is suddenly so cheap.
--- The Swiss ---
I like the Swiss.
  • I have never had any problems with the Swiss; despite the number of comments I see online bemoaning the fact that whilst Switzerland is a beautiful country it would be terrible to live in as the locals hate foreigners. I have never had a moment of hostility and experience less general rudeness than I would expect back home in the UK (even with language/culture barriers to push the patience).
  • I am however white, from a north-western European country which doesn’t have many expats in Switzerland, and educated (outside the expense of the Swiss people). So I am probably not going to be the target of much racism or xenophobia.
  • Whilst not the warmest people in the world there is a certain friendliness, especially in informal situations. Put a Swiss person in the countryside and they will be friends with anyone. In rural restaurants especially sharing a table with strangers and saying hello/goodbye to everyone there as a whole is standard practice.
  • I am amazed by how relaxed and trusting they can be. Once for example whilst eating outside at a quiet restaurant I asked for the bill and a coffee, the owner left the restaurant wallet on the table with me and went to get the coffee. Likewise I went to a bike shop I had never been in before, said I was interested in quickly testing a 3000 CHF mountain bike and they just handed it over and told me to have fun - no request for ID or anything.
  • I am also more on the introverted side so a quieter and orderly country is probably more my sort of place than some of the commenters.
---Making friends---
My friendship group is a mix of Swiss and other expats. It is easier to integrate with other expats, though I find that the younger generations of Swiss are much more open than the old jokes of knowing a Swiss person from birth or for 40 years to be their friend would suggest.
Moving in with a Swiss man of my age right away made this much easier. I basically got an instant friend and guide to all things Swiss.
I have written fairly extensively about Swiss-German before. Though I do like Swiss-German and I much prefer High-German with a Swiss accent to the standard German High-German.
  • I had some very basic German in the distance past from school. Then started learning before I arrived. Now I am B2/C1 with German and (very slowly) working towards A2 with French, with the aim of having at least some very basic Italian.
  • Oddly even living in a German speaking area it can be hard to use it, especially now not being out and about much. My work is in English and it is conducted between workers in German or whatever language most people in the meeting speak (which is typically English), my home life is mostly English as I met my wife when I didn’t speak much German and we got too used to speaking English together.
  • I didn’t need to get a language certificate (still don’t really). Partly I put it off thinking I would wait until the next level, and partly that the grammar and me are not friends. In the end the updated rules for my canton meant I needed evidence of my language skills to get a C permit rather than just staying on the B. So I have finally taken and passed the TELC B2 exam for German which more than covers everything I need (including citizenship). Long term I am thinking about aiming for certificates for C1 in German, B1 in French, and A2 in Italian – but those would just be to help set goals rather than be requirements.
  • The Swiss are very patient with language. I got one or two comments from shop workers that I should learn German if I was going to live here at first – but nothing that felt like it had any bad intention or resentment to it. If anything I have a problem getting the Swiss to speak German with me, many of them will switch to English as soon as they get a hint of my accent. I expect that in a touristy area like Interlaken, but it happens everywhere from the butcher to a remote farmhouse restaurant in the Jura. I am never quite sure if they are being polite, want to practise their English, or can't stand the idea of dealing with High-German.
  • As noted above English is very widely spoken.
  • If you live in a city and work in an international workplace then knowing the local language isn’t really needed. Once you have a flat and bank account all the interaction you need is self-service machines at the supermarket (and even those you can set to English). Though I certainly don’t recommend doing that.
  • It is natural to think that everyone here speaks German/French/Italian fluently (and maybe some Romansch), but that is far from the case. Some do have all 3, many are fluent in 2, but very often English is the preferred common language outside of their mother tongue. Likewise the way the language regions tend to have very hard borders without much overlap was a bit surprising at first. I often find that French speakers would rather (or can only) speak English rather than German.
  • Being in a country with multiple languages will never get boring. Especially somewhere that actually is bilingual like Biel where it isn’t uncommon for a shopkeeper to forget what language they were speaking to you in and switch from German to French.
  • Those bastard fancy landscape photos didn’t show the fog did they? From September to February temperature inversion means that much of the low lying middle of Switzerland can be sat in/under a thick fog. How bad this is varies by location; some places barely get any whilst others turn into Silent Hill for weeks on end. Already shorter winter days can be shortened by hours as the light is swallowed. The plus side is that above the fog you get super clear views, but it gets depressing after days of daily life sat inside it.
  • The country is much livelier than I expected. The stereotype of a grey serious place might have been true decades ago but certainly isn’t now. Especially in summer there are constant music festivals, lively bars, and flotillas of people floating down the rivers in inflatable flamingos. Granted it still isn’t Latin America.
  • I was not prepared for Swiss-German, my then basic German knowledge didn’t stand a chance. I have been working on this and managed to put together as comprehensive collection of resources as you are likely to find anywhere for Swiss-German.
  • Sometimes it feels like being back in time. Shops close early (or don’t open at all on Sunday) and at some cinemas they pause the film and have a 10 minute intermission. Things that went away in the UK before I was born.
  • The Swiss love to shake hands. For me they are something for the first time you meet someone, or maybe for professional acquaintances you see infrequently. Not for everyone in your group of friends at the start and end of the evening. Kids shaking hands with the teacher everyday is still a strange concept to me.
  • The Swiss see summer as BBQ season in a way that makes the Aussies look like amateurs. I have seen people lighting up fires on tiny balconies in Zürich to BBQ on.
  • How much there is outside of the Alps. Maybe it was my ignorance before, but I was surprised by how many beautiful spots there are even in the topographically boring parts of the country.
---My Swiss Achievements---
  • Aromat on the table.
  • Making a fire in the countryside to roast a cervelat.
  • Phoned the police to lodge a nose complaint (the Bünzli award). It was 2am on a weekday and the 5th night in a row. I haven’t started to phone the police because my neighbour sneezed too loudly on a Sunday (yet....).
  • Raclette grill and Fondue caquelon in the kitchen.
  • Waking up at 3am for the Morgestraich in Basel and tolerating other parts of Fasnacht like bands outside my window at 2am on a Tuesday morning.
  • Swimming and floating in lakes and rivers during the summer.
  • Visiting more places in Switzerland than most Swiss people I know. A new country is always more interesting than your own backyard in fairness.
---Why I am still here---
I certainly never thought I would be here 5 years later, but I am very happy to still be around.
  • It is a beautiful and safe county with nice people, high quality services and infrastructure. Having put in the effort to understand the culture and learnt the language is an incentive too.
  • I keep finding work. The Swiss level income is a nice bonus, but it really isn’t the thing that is driving me to stay here. I am not very career driven, so long as I have enough money to enjoy myself and find the work interesting enough I am happy.
  • The thing I would find hardest to give up is the freedom of the landscape. The extent of the paths and smaller roads around the country that are open to anyone is amazing. Making it so easy and carefree to get out and anywhere, especially by foot or bike.
  • It is much more varied than you would expect. Both in landscape and culture there is plenty of different things to see and take in so there is always something interesting to do.
  • I also dislike driving, so the extensive public transport system is fantastic.
  • The self-service machines in Supermarkets are actually used in addition to normal checkouts rather than a replacement. And they actually trust you and don’t weigh your goods and shout at you if anything is 1g out of place. It might sound like a strange point to be so happy about, but compared to the UK shopping experience these days it is so nice.
---What I dislike---
Not much.
  • Less smokers and more Australian like rules on smoking would be very nice (eg: no smoking in areas where people are eating, including outdoors). It would be nice to sit down on a terrace at a restaurant and not worry if a chain smoker is going to sit down at the table next to you.
  • I still have problems quickly picking the right coin out of a pile of change. Why half of them have to be so similar is beyond me, especially when the notes are so vivid and clear.
  • More exotic food and longer shop opening times would be nice (seeing the supermarkets closed at 18:30 was a hell of a shock at first) but I have gotten used to that. I don’t demand 24 hour shopping, but until 20:00 would be fantastic.
  • Jobs are mostly advertised without a salary, which you then discuss in the interview. For me at least this is rather awkward.
  • Not getting a language certificate earlier.
  • Not joining a social club. I have looked but nothing has taken my fancy.
---Changes with time---
  • I have gotten too used to the landscape. I still admire the view from the train window, but it is never as special or exciting as during the first few months.
  • My town has seen a dramatic increase in English speakers. Mostly due to the growth/arrival of a few big MedTech firms.
  • E-bikes are increasingly everywhere. I had never seen one before I arrived and was surprised to see them all over town back in 2015. Now they are all over the countryside too with mountain E-bikes being very common in places that were previously only the domain of the most hardcore riders.
  • The climate seems to be getting warmer and drier every year. The amount of snow in the flat land isn’t that different to the UK these days.
  • The amount of rubbish and anti-social noise (especially blue-tooth speakers) seems to be getting worse. People seem especially unable to bother carrying their empty cans and disposable BBQ with them from the riverside during summer. The increasing number of people (not even just teenagers) who need an absurdly loud speaker at all times is sad, thankfully it isn’t common in the countryside (yet).
submitted by travel_ali to Switzerland [link] [comments]

AITA for plagiarising a drawing

Recently a friend in my group has been feeling very overwhelmed, with work and covid. He also does content creation on the side is busy. He's long expressed his love for Cthulhu and I decided that to cheer him up I would make a drawing of Cthulhu for him! Now, I'm a creative person, but drawing is not my forte so what I did was find a well done Cthulhu drawing online and traced it. I changed the background and everything to my own but Cthulhu himself, was copied. I spent many sleepless days copying this, as I wasn't watching a tutorial, just looking at a drawing, plus the background I did myself. We had a meeting planned in a few days so I wanted to get it done in time. Almost all my friends knew I was working on the drawing and had complimented me along the way, saying it looked great and that he would love it. ALMOST all my friends being the key, mainly the ones I knew the most (it's a big group, due to him being a content creator).
Then when our friend group finally met up I decided to give him the drawing. I was working on perfecting the background until the last minute, the second I finished, he rang the doorbell. I presented him the drawing, and he was almost moved to tears. Everyone else also liked it! I felt the moment was great, and everyone grew closer. Worth to mention is I never once claimed the drawing to be original.
I had to leave earlier than everybody else ( we met at a friends house, I brought the drawing with me) and returned after a few hours as some of my friends were still there. The guy I made the drawing for had left and I entered jokingly saying "Welp, I'm back to work on another drawing" and one of them replied "Oh yeah you found another drawing to copy?", laughingly. I really felt that one and one of the people I didn't know too well was sitting there with a smug look on her face.
She pulled me aside and showed me the photo I had copied and said "Oh I found this, I wonder why it looks so familiar". I found it weird how she found it as I had searched for quite a while to find a drawing I liked, and she must have had a reason to search up drawings of Cthulhu after I had shown off mine. Like trampling me down, or so it felt. She then said "Oh, so you own up to it ok good to know, you just seemed so adamant earlier when you showed it off, didn't want to put you on the spot" and laughed. I sat there not talking to anyone for an hour, just being on my phone afterwards,awkwardly, until I had enough and just went home.
So Reddit AITA? I don't feel like it. My reasoning being, my drawing was copied, yes, but it made everyone happy. It gave people joy even if copied. I also did some original things, like the background. And I spent a really long time on it, sleepless nights at that. Also why didn't she just ask me personally if I copied instead of telling everyone when I wasn't around? Did she target me? I'm writing this still a bit depressed from the event, so I hope it all made sense.

EDIT: Some people have brought up that what I did was use the picture as a "reference". This fits better with than "tracing". English is not my first language and i misspoke. The video I watched as well ( it was a speed drawing) encouraged the viewer to draw along.
submitted by SeximalThrowaway to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

[Barterverse] Wealth of Planets 2: Real Estate

This is now a McDonald's fanfiction. And no, this is not a joke.
In some parts of human culture, there is a sacred drink: coffee. Knowing that, it should come as no surprise to any non-human that the largest of all coffee vendors, Starbucks, is a massive multinational corporation. It is worth over a hundred billion dollars with incredibly strong brand loyalty.
Other than their well-paid advertising department, one of the ways Starbucks cultivates repeat customers is that their baristas scribble their customers' names onto their cups. When they complete your order, they don't call a number; they call your name, which is supposed to feel more personal. Whether it actually works or not, it's become so widely practiced that this is how people expect to get their coffees.
However, there is exactly one Starbucks location on Earth where baristas never ask customers for their names: it is known to some as Store Number 1, or the Stealthy Starbucks. To others, it's just the coffee shop in the lobby of the CIA building in Langley.
Cathy, who works in the Corporate Relations department, was standing in line to get coffee. Contemplating her order and the row of appetizing blueberry scones on display, someone came up behind her and whispered into her ear. "So, what have you done for your country today?"
She turned around and cracked a smile, "hey Mark, what you working on?"
"Mark" was not his real name. Not everyone in the CIA gets fake names. In fact, most don't; most people are like Cathy. They work in ordinary support jobs vital to the function of the less ordinary parts of the building. Like the place where Mark works upstairs.
"Just alien things. You got a minute?" Mark said as the smile dissipated from his face.
So, this was business, Cathy thought as she followed Mark into a windowless conference room.
"How are our contacts over at GC?" Mark started asking as he took off his jacket and opened his backpack, referring to Galactic Credit, the human currency and payment network that carries the entire galactic economy on its back.
"It's… robust," she said as she sat down, preparing for a long meeting, "they know what we do here. And if they didn't, we've got a few people inside who are very aware of what we do here."
"Good, good," Mark said then took a breath before continuing, "we're having a bit of a problem with one of our planets."
"Not this one, I hope?" Cathy joked.
"Zakabara Prime."
"Yeah, those bird faces are up to something, and we're pretty sure we know what it is," Mark continued, "but we'd like some sort of money trail. To connect the dots, so to speak."
"And you want us to call GC up and ask if they know something?"
"Well ideally we'd want them to shut them down, but we both know that's not going to happen. Today, we just want them to monitor accounts on and off Zakabara Prime to see exactly what they're importing."
"They can do that," Cathy replied automatically, then frowning, "but it may be hard to monitor the billions of customers they have there now, though. The birds are using credits now, so they can't be all bad, right?"
"It's complicated," Mark sighed, "they like our stuff, just not us, or the way we do business…"
Then he pushed a heavily redacted document with a list of account numbers over to her, "we have a list of suspected troublemakers. And we want to know where they get all their stuff from. Here are the accounts of the operations we want to take a closer look at…"
Gophor, Gakrek
"UNINTELLIGIBLE GAK," said Enrico as he came into the dining room where Rey and Grood were chatting as Grood made wet rice. At least that's what Rey's translator detected. It certainly sounded that way.
Grood laughed like he just made the funniest joke in the world and completed their good morning ritual in English.
"What the heck was that?" asked a bewildered Rey.
"It's how you say good morning in Gak," Enrico replied and seeing the 'why' question plainly written on her face, he quickly added, "one day, your translator's gonna stop working, and you won't know what to do if you don't speak it at all."
"Do you know how to say anything else in Gak, other than hello, good morning, and thank you?"
"That's not the point!"
As they reached the spaceport, Rey realized that some vendors she saw were different from the day before. When asked about this, Enrico replied, "yeah, some of them only come every other day or only when they have enough things to sell."
"But how do they tell who sets up their tent where?" Rey asked, curious, as this would obviously affect their idea of setting up a restaurant.
"I think it's some sort of first come, first served system," Enrico shrugged as he replied, "but some merchants group up in the same areas every time to make it easier for shoppers to find them. And the fresh food people are always in the tent to protect their goods from spoiling as quickly."
"So there's no pre-assigned spots and there's not some kind of permit system?" she asked.
"Permit system, haha. No, they pay some kind of fee to the spaceport when the spaceport feels like collecting, and they used to also pay fees to Grob and a couple of other security guards. But Grob said they can't do that anymore," he said, sort of knowing where she's going with this.
"Hmm, so hypothetically speaking, what would happen if we were to come real early one day and start building a permanent structure? Like right there in that empty space between the food tents and the luxury goods vendors," she asked, pointing at what she was talking about.
"Ah yeah I see what you're trying to do," Enrico said nodding, "at first, some of the bolder vendors might try to move in. But then, we'd just get Grob to tell them not to do that. And after a while, it'll just become established and nobody will need any reminders. For example, everyone knows that the shipping crates spot belongs to the raw material vendors."
Interestingly, this "find your own spot and don't be a jerk" system is also how it worked in many Earth markets for centuries. And in some less developed areas where there weren't enough merchants to justify setting up a centralized management system, it's still how they occasionally work.
"Ok, good, now hold this end," Rey said, pulling out a measuring tape and a sharpie.
"Wait what? Now?"
Rey measured out a 50ft by 100ft rectangle on the concrete-like material using a pouch of tools Enrico didn't even realize she was carrying in her backpack. As a few Gaks in the area started staring at what the weird humans were doing, she marked the corners with her marker, and then stepped back to admire her work.
"Did you learn to do this at the Hamburger College?"
"Very funny. Hopefully, it won't rain in between today and tomorrow. But mostly I just did that to make sure we could actually fit a building in here without pissing off all the other vendors," she said.
"We're gonna start building tomorrow?" Enrico asked, incredulous.
"Yeah, what are we waiting on, a zoning permit and a soil study?"
Rey had charged him with finding some local construction workers who could help them with building a structure. Up to this point, Enrico had felt mostly useless following Rey around, and here was where he could shine.
He was so buoyed at the high of being asked to do something meaningful that he didn't even realize he didn't know any construction workers, until he walked away to start on his task. Heck, he didn't even know if they had construction workers on Gakrek.
So, he went back into the food tent, where Ghili was peddling home-baked bread again, "wanna buy some bread, Enrico?"
"Not today," he shook his head, "Ghili, I have a weird question."
"Ok, what is it?" There aren't many things as effective as applying a label like "weird" to get kids invested in a question.
"Who built that mud house for your dad?" he asked in a low voice, almost secretively, like he was embarrassed he didn't already know the answer, which he was.
"My dad! He built it with mom and some relatives before she died," she replied matter-of-factly, if not with a hint of sadness for her father's loss.
"Ok," said Enrico. That doesn't help him at all. Then, he tried a different question, "how about the other people? Are there Gaks who only build houses?"
"Gaks who only build houses?" Ghili asked, as if that was indeed the weirdest question she's ever heard, grinning, "everyone builds their own house, silly! Why would someone else build your house for you?"
Ah, shoot. Maybe this was a harder task than it seemed at first.
The problem Enrico was encountering was also common for most of human history: lack of specialization and capital. Most farmers and peasants built their own houses, often with help from their neighbors. It's a process that takes months to complete, which is why farmers would do it during the winter season when there was no other farm work to be done.
Luckily for Enrico, that didn't mean absolutely no Gaks had advanced proficiencies in construction.
When he posed the question to Grob, he didn't know either, but an older security guard he was talking to piped in, "construction workers? Do you mean the people who fix the spaceport when there are problems?"
"Yes! I didn't know that was a thing, but where are all those Gaks?" Enrico asked the guard.
He shrugged, and took his best guess, "I think most of them work at the quarry now."
East Gophor Quarry
Enrico got Grob to abandon his post by paying that older guard two bucks to cover for him so Grob could drive him to the quarry.
It turned out that there actually were skilled craftsbeings in the quarry who built or fixed structures for a living. He found fifty or so dusty Gaks who were busy putting up some new scaffolding deep into the quarry.
Enrico walked up to the guy who appeared to be their informal leader, introduced himself, and asked, "do you guys know how to work with brick?"
The fore-Grak nodded and listed their skillsets. These guys can work with anything from concrete to wood. Brick was no problem. They even knew how to scaffold and work with new plumbing equipment and techniques coming out of Earth!
"Ok, we want to hire you to build a two-story brick building for us."
The fore-Grak looked at him with a slight side-eye and asked, "what's in it for us?"
Not knowing how to best negotiate, Enrico fell back to a buzzword he'd seen on a job application once, "the pay is competitive."
This got the fore-Gak even more suspicious, "how many potatoes does competitive buy?"
Trying another tack, Enrico asked, "um, well, what do you work for now?"
"The miners over there," the fore-Gak nodded towards another group of beings resting on the side with pickaxes and some other tools he couldn't identify, "they used to give us two days' food for one day's work. Now they pay us in credits: twelve credits a week!" A week was six days on Gak.
Looking at the proud expression of the Gak, a horrified Enrico with his first world sensitivities offered without hesitation, "we'll pay you double that money to work with us! And you get weekends off!"
"What are weekends?"
Meanwhile, Rey was on Traders Only, trying to find space truckers who would ship construction supplies from Earth to Gakrek. As it turned out, most of it didn't take that much space and wouldn't be too expensive.
She wasn't an architect, but she had a good idea of what sort of basic supplies she'd need from watching DIY videos on the Internet. She decided that she only needed the basics. If there were any other materials they needed, she could always ask the construction workers what they needed when they arrived.
And if they needed extra help on some advanced problems, they could always ask Earth. Plenty of humans knew how to work with brick too.
Gophor Spaceport
On the first day of construction, only six of the workers showed up. In general, Gaks trusted humans; most of their interactions with them involved literally the most altruistic humans from Earth, some of whom saved their lives. But being the skeptical beings they were, the idea that they were going to get paid four credits a day to build a brick house was just too good to be true.
Most of them thought they'd wait to see if it panned out for the bolder guys who showed up on day one. And since most of them thought that, only six of them actually showed up. They got paid in the morning, started cutting wood nearby to make the base frame, and went back to their buddies at night bragging about their new job.
By the end of week one, the new McDonald's restaurant was the largest construction project on Gakrek in living memory. Seventy skilled workers showed up to cut frames, make brick, and work Earth imported cement, including several workers that looked like underage Gaks who followed their parents to work. Rey insisted they got paid anyway. More were showing up every day.
It turned out brick was not a terrible choice as a construction material. In most developed countries on Earth, this would be a ridiculous statement because the cost of construction projects in fully industrialized nations are measured in time and labor. Of the popular construction materials, brick took the most of both. Here, labor was incredibly cheap, and they could source most of the building materials locally rather than having to import everything from Earth.
Surprisingly, despite most of them not having any experience building "large buildings'' like these, the Gaks managed to self organize. The fore-Gak delegated efficiently so that they wouldn't get into each other's way. Rey saw "construction company owner" potential in that guy.
Six months later, after solving several challenges including installing Earth imported windows, solar panels on the roof, and getting the Gaks to understand why the ceilings had to be that high, it was all coming together.
Despite having to import most of the high-end materials from Earth, and occasionally having to consult the Internet and in a few cases construction workers on Earth, the entire building and its supporting infrastructure ended up costing quite a bit less than a typical construction in a developing country on Earth.
If any of the managers of the spaceport had seen the two-story brick construction going up, they didn't seem to mind.
Chicago, Earth
Isabella was a real estate manager for McDonald's, eating lunch in her office when one of her sales representatives ran up to her office, winded, and rasped out, "there's an alien on the phone trying to rent us property on Gakrek!"
Thinking this might be a prank, she picked up the phone anyway. She realized that she could indeed remotely hear the telltale alien sounds of Gak before it was translated into English, "hello? Is anyone there?"
Isabella pinched herself to make sure she was sane, and took a deep breath. She decided to treat this like she would treat any other call, "hello, I'm Isabella at Franchise Realty Corporation, how may I help you today?"
"Hello, Isabella. We have a piece of prime property for rent." Grob said, slowly reading out the lines that Rey had put in front of him. He married a teacher, so he knew how to read, but that didn't mean he was good at it. "Gophor spaceport on Gakrek. Up to 500 flights a day. Open to the public. Lots of customers."
Most of these flights were just beginning to have crews, but Rey didn't feel the need to point out the difference between bulk passenger flights on Earth and cargo flights with small crews on Gakrek.
"I… see," Isabella said, taking the information in on her laptop, "how big is it?"
"It is… 5,000 square feet…" Grob struggled a bit to read the scribbles, and then continued, "on the first floor. It is a two-story building. So, that is a total of 10,000 square feet of space. The ceiling height is very open. More than twelve feet tall. We can rent it out for 100,000 credits a month."
That's a pretty chunk of change, but a downright steal if the specifications were correct, only $10 per square foot on the equivalent of prime airport property. Even airports on Earth regularly had ten to twenty times the square footage cost for their retail space!
"How much space is there for parking?" Isabella asked for the sake of completion. It was in her script. She was already planning a business trip in her head and thinking about all the possibilities this could bring.
Grob looked around the vast spaceport concrete and replied, chuckling, "oh, there's plenty of parking, don't worry about that."
A week later, Isabella was on a passenger flight to Gakrek after informing the higher ups that this prime piece of opportunity had come up on an alien planet. They were supportive, given the incredible price, and gave her the green light for the deal if it looked good. After all, they've been trying to expand offworld for a while, and Isabella was looking at a sizable bonus in her paycheck if this went through.
Grob showed her around. As rehearsed with Rey and Enrico, he showed Isabella the wide open spaces, the solar panels on the roof, the electrical outlets they had installed, and he alleviated her concerns about waste management and sewage. Grob also made sure to point out to her the steady stream of wealthy space traders who were coming by the vendors next door.
Conducting her usual inspection, Isabella asked Grob, "so this building is up to code?"
"Yeah, this building is safe and legal to operate a business out of?"
"Yes, of course. This is 100% legal and safe," Grob flashed her a charming grin.
It was hard to take the teddy bear wearing a cheap sports jersey too seriously, but Isabella saw nothing fundamentally wrong with the building… even if it was oddly the only standing building she'd seen on the entire planet worth calling it that. She remembered that he did mention something about it being their first building on the phone.
Besides, if… whoever was in charge of this area didn't mind the construction standards, who was she to impose her cultural norms on them, right?
She turned on the faucet and clean cold water came out. She plugged her phone's USB charger into the wall, and it started charging. She checked the door and window hinges: they opened and closed without so much as a creak.
Other than the weird color of the sky in the window and the dozens of curious aliens who were checking out the new human in town, this could just have easily been an Earth building. It really just needed interior decoration, and Isabella was starting to picture this as a franchise restaurant in her mind.
Some people had mentioned that operating a business on Gakrek might be kind of difficult without a rule of law, but this creature had a rifle on his back, so he must have some kind of authority over the area. A local warlord maybe? Oh well, that didn't matter, as long as he made them money.
"Alright, everything checks out so far. We might need to think about this a little, though. This would be our first expansion onto Gakrek, so I may have to check a few things with my manager. I'm sure you understand."
"Ok, of course," Grob replied as he had been taught to respond to this specific negotiating line, "but you might want to hurry. This is a very reasonable price, and we're giving you a big discount because we are just starting out. We called many other Earth chains and retail stores, and they are all interested as well. You aren't the only tour we have scheduled today."
Now Isabella piped up, "which other companies are interested?"
Grob shook his head and recited the line, "sorry, I can't tell you. That's privileged information."
Well, that was a professional answer. Disappointed but not surprised, Isabella quickly made a call to her manager on the side, who called his manager, who got confirmation for the approval that had already been given. After all, it was only $100,000 a month for such a high-profile expansion, and if things didn't pan out, they could always sublease it to another tenant. Their standard contract said so.
"Ok, Grob," Isabella said as she pulled out the pre-printed contract, "we're prepared to make a commitment here and rent this space. Just to be clear, it is 100,000 credits a month for a full 5-year lease, at which point we can renegotiate the lease." Grob nodded eagerly.
"Here's the contract. You can sign here when you're ready. And your initials here, here, and here…" she started circling all the places he needed to sign on the document with a pen.
"Good. Thank you," Grob said, "I will have my people take a look at this. Please give me just one moment. I will be right back!"
Grob walked fifty steps away into the tent right next door.
"She said OK and handed me these," Grob said, passing the contract over to Rey.
"Yes! Good work, Grob!" Rey was ecstatic as she read the lease. Fairly standard stuff with the details she wanted in there, and nothing that Isabella had put in there to trick or squeeze them or anything.
Not that that'll do McDonald's any good if they tried it, without there being an actual legal path to recourse if Grob just decided to screw them. As a company, they're known for doing handshake deals and honorable business anyway, so this wasn't a big concern for Rey.
"Ok, this looks perfect. Just make sure she signs and gives you one of these copies."
A couple of hours later, Isabella was in orbit over Gakrek, celebrating her first successful offworld deal by herself, when she got a call on her phone.
She frowned, thinking: who would call me at three in the morning in Chicago. Then, she looked at the Caller ID: Rey from Hamburger University??
"Hey Rey, you're up late. What's going on?"
"Oh, not much, just checking to see how you're doing."
"Not bad. You?" she replied automatically, thinking, this is weird, Rey hasn't talked to her since she left the company a few months ago. I wonder if she's gotten herself into trouble or something…
"Oh great. I actually just saved up enough money for a franchise like I was talking about a few years back. In fact, I'm currently shopping for prime location real estate to get started," Rey replied nonchalantly.
"Wow, that's great news! What a coincidence. Funny story, I was just on Gakrek. You know, the famine alien planet on the news a few years back? I was there to rent a piece of property one of the locals built. It actually looked really solid, and we're gonna put a franchise on it. Rey, I think this whole offworld thing is gonna kick off huge soon, and you should look into it," she said excitedly. She hadn't found a chance to celebrate this victory with anyone yet, so she was rambling a bit.
Then hearing some loud noises coming from the other end, Isabella asked, "say, is that an airplane in your background?"
"No, that's a spaceship coming in to land. Anyway, I did hear about that sale. I'm down here waving goodbye to your spacecraft with my friend, Grob. And I just wanted to remind you that you've got your franchise owner right here!"
Isabella's eyes widened in recognition and said, "ah, so you're the one who's behind the building. That explains a lot and actually makes me feel a lot better about renting it." Then, she frowned and continued, "But Rey. You know company policy. We can't guarantee that you'd get the franchise license even if you or your friend owns the property. And I heard from higher up that they're thinking about bringing in one of their guys to make sure this goes perfectly for their first one."
"Alright, Izzy. It's fine. I get it. No hard feelings. I just have one question you should bring to your manager though: how are you guys getting water to the restaurant?"
Isabella's wide eyes narrowed, "what do you mean?"
"Well, Grob is saying right here that you promised to pay for utilities and waste," Rey said as she read off the signed contract, "tenant is responsible for-"
"Yeah," Isabella replied, cutting her off, "I checked the water, though. It seemed fine. They had a water purifier on site which he said was from a clean-" then the realization dawned on her.
"Hm… let me check," Rey said, "oh, that's funny. The water and sanitation mains appear to be hooked up to a local river by a certain… Rey Crawley Utilities Company. Huh!"
Isabella couldn't help grinning to herself and felt her eyes almost roll out of their sockets. "What a coincidence."
In the end, it took another few weeks of discussion, but McDonald's didn't fight it very hard. Rey had worked for them for a while, so they knew she was competent and wasn't the worst fit for the job. She'd already had all the training required for a franchise owner. And Isabella went to bat for her: Rey was already on the ground there for months, cultivating relationships and laying the groundwork for a supply chain.
After all, selling food at a spaceport was a lucrative business due to the incredible volume of foot traffic. They knew this from their many stores at actual airports and spaceports on Earth.
If it had been a fair competition between multiple prospects, she would have a good chance of winning the bid anyway.
After paying the $45,000 franchise licensing fee and ordering several very expensive but mandatory items like signs, branding, menus, interior decor, and equipment, Rey was the proud owner of the first ever offworld McDonald's franchise. The first ever offworld restaurant chain.
Now she just had to actually start the business.
Capitol Hill, Earth
"It's the spook again, Senator", said her secretary, "he's put himself on your schedule for the last meeting of the day."
"Aw, what does he want now?" and not getting a satisfactory reply, as expected, Senator Hawthorne said, "alright, send him in."
"What can the United States Senate and its loyal servants do for you today, Agent Mark?" asked Hawthorne, voice dripping with sarcasm. She'd work together with "Mark" on several occasions, if you could call it that. The relationship was mostly one-sided: Mark would have something he wanted done, and the Senator would make sure it got the votes it needed to be done.
"It's about Zakabara Prime, Senator. We need those sanctions we asked for last time," Mark replied, ignoring her pointed words as he settled down into a chair and made himself at home in the Senator's office.
"It's always about the bird faces with you people. You do know that making space guns is no longer illegal, right? We have dozens of countries doing it here at home now," Hawthorne said, slightly annoyed. This wasn't the first time she'd been lobbied about this. "If we keep telling them to stop making them, we'll just look like hypocrites to the other aliens."
"Not this time. We've uncovered actual evidence that the Zakabarans have been preparing for total war," Mark shook his head. He slid over a thick folder of documents and pictures all marked with the recognizable red Top Secret stamp, "… possibly against us."
Now THAT got her attention.
"Here's an economist's analysis of their imports versus exports. They're selling less than ten percent of the ships and weapons they are producing, at most."
"Here's an image taken by a long range intelligence ship of a new facility they've thrown together in the past couple months. Truck loads of people and materials go in, and nothing ever comes out the main entrance. We suspect there is an underground exit."
"Here's the transcript from an interview with a defector from Zakabara Prime. Some high-level research scientist. He brought over several secret documents and blueprints detailing the construction of a space to ground missile. He claims that they are building it in the facility. Our experts say the schematics are production-ready."
"Here's a warehouse housing stockpiles of ammunition and spaceship parts. They grew 2000% last month, and then everything disappeared this week. This is happening all over Zakabara Prime."
"And here we have transactions, bank records from Galactic Credit that shows that they've been spending a full twelve percent of their GDP. Let me say again, twelve percent. They've been purchasing various engine and reactor parts through dummy corporations they set up on other planets. They think they're being real sneaky there, but… we've been doing this money thing for a while."
He wasn't lying. If anyone knew how to work with shady money trails, it was the men and women at Langley. At their peak during the Cold War, they even figured out how to buy materials for spy planes from the very country they were spying on.
"I know you can do the math, Senator."
Hawthorne started dabbing the sweat popping up on her forehead with a handkerchief, even though the temperature in her office was a brisk 55F.
An alien race that Earth had just driven out of the galactic food market, with weapons capabilities that might soon be able to hit Earth. This was the stuff that nightmares are made of and how scandals started.
Hawthorne asked nervously, "how close are they to deploying missiles on their ships?"
"Actually, the technology wasn't that hard to begin with for an FTL capable species. It was just expensive. Based on the layout of this facility and the long range images we're getting of the new ships they're also building, we're pretty sure they're already being deployed."
"This facility is them mass-producing it. Assembly line style."
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25 HILARIOUS Knock Knock Jokes That Will Crack You Up ...

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