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Klavier Gavin

Achtung, baby! Today we play it my way!
And play it my way we shall! That’s right, I’m cutting Klavier Gavin, the Glimmerous fop himself! Not counting Ga’ran, I believe this will be the first true main character of the rankdown to be cut, and most certainly the first main prosecutor. He will be going down in a blaze of glory more than worthy of the Rockstar of the Courtroom himself, so let’s light it up and get right down into the nitty gritty of this cut!
So, what exactly is it that’s led me to this path, to be cutting a main character so early, and a main prosecutor at that! Well let me tell you, this decision was not an easy one to make. Over Klavier’s career he seems to have gained something of a negative reputation among the representatives of the rankdown, so I think it’s time we set the record straight on Klavier, once and for all. That’s right, I don’t in fact hate Klavier, nor do I want to see him go out right now, but the sad reality is that this was going to happen real soon either one way or another, so I decided to swallow my pride, and accept the cold hard reality that Cody Hackins will be getting a higher spot in the Rankdown than Klavier Gavin.
Klavier Gavin is neither detrimental to the overall game of Apollo Justice, nor is he a boring character with no depth. Throughout this cut I will be attempting to prove these two points thoroughly, while also providing analysis of Klavier as a character on his own merits, as well as his relationships with other characters throughout the story. That’s right, this is both a defense write-up and a traditional cut, crazy I know! Of course I won’t be neglecting any faults Klavier has as a character, but quite frankly I don’t think he has that many in the first place. But without further ado let’s get into the specifics!

“So, who have you come to see? Prosecutor Gavin, scourge of the courtroom…”

Klavier as a prosecutor functions quite differently from pretty much every other rival in the series, in that his role in the story is about as far from an antagonistic force as you can get. Every other rival, although some one turn eventually, tended to be against you for a majority of their screen time. This creates tense courtroom battles as you slowly make progress against a seemingly unstoppable force, clawing your way up as the underdog of every battle, desperately defending those which need you there to save them. It’s exciting stuff really, and I can definitely see why a sudden shift in dynamic with the prosecutor would be off-putting, but I honestly feel like this in no way takes away from the game, but in fact actually enhances the themes of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney.
So what exactly are the themes of Apollo Justice? Well there’s quite a few of them that can be felt throughout the game. This includes the ever changing nature of the law, or the meaninglessness of revenge, but the one that Klavier most enhances is the idea that the problems come from the system, and not the people. Throughout the Ace Attorney series we constantly see the dire state that the law system is in, and the way it corrupts and twists those within it. We see it corrupt prosecutors into trying to win every single case despite potentially putting away innocent men and women. We see those in places of power in the police manipulate evidence and even go so far as to kill those that work under them in order to put the guilty away. And of course, we even see it corrupt and twist defense attorneys, and nowhere is that better shown than Klavier’s very own brother, Kristoph Gavin.
Across the series, we constantly take down these corrupted officials, but nothing really ever changes. There is no final boss, no CEO of corrupt law, who we can just take down and suddenly all of the problems in the system are magically fixed. There’s always someone else, another person that’s corrupted, another one to take down and try to remedy this broken situation. But taking down those people is just treating the symptom of the issue, not the cause, not the system itself that’s affecting the lives of everyone involved. Kristoph, the very representation of this darkness dragging everyone else down deeper into the depths of the system itself, contrasts his brother brilliantly. Klavier represents the people in this system, affected by the nature of it, but still carrying on trying to make sure the will of justice is carried out.
When we first see Klavier in court, it honestly doesn’t feel like anything new. Sure, he has a cool design, and a cool theme, with some wacky animations, but that’s really nothing Godot didn’t have as well. He pushes against us whenever we attempt to make progress on proving Wocky innocent, not with the same ferocity as other prosecutors before him, but he certainly puts up a reasonable effort. However, once it seems like it’s all over within the first segment of the trial, something changes. Trucy pulls a fast one on the court and pretends that she’s being held hostage by an attacker, the judge and Apollo both instantly buy it and reasonably freak out, but Klavier sees right through her act. This is when any other prosecutor would call BS on her, but Klavier lets the defense have their recess, even Apollo notices how strange it is, maybe he’s up to something? But no, throughout the trial, and even the next day, we see him not put up much resistance. He’ll refute an argument if he thinks it’s dumb or incomplete, or correct us on something sure, but he doesn’t actually fight back. Why is this?
Klavier is different from all of the other prosecutors before him, in that he doesn’t care about winning, in fact he probably cares about winning significantly less than even Apollo does. He just wants the truth, that’s all he cares about in court. Once the killer is revealed in court, as long as Klavier is convinced that Apollo is on the right track, he’s not gonna do anything to stop you, and in fact during the final trial of Turnabout Corner, he’s actively helpful, after all you are nothing more than a rookie defense attorney, ja? Now at first this may seem like a clearly detrimental thing to the way the game plays out, after all just a few paragraphs ago I described how great the courtroom battles of the trilogy were, but this isn’t the only great feeling that can be gained from the courtroom.
Think back to Turnabout Samurai, throughout the entire case you’ve been fighting against Edgeworth once again, trying to stop him from getting a guilty verdict passed on your client, but then at the end, something happens. Suddenly Edgeworth realizes that you’ve been right all along, and sees that the end of the trial is just around the corner, so he stops fighting. He makes an objection and finds a reason for the culprit to stay and testify once again, leaving you room to win. This is the feeling Apollo Justice’s courtroom battles recreate, the feeling of two bros against the world, fighting the corrupt system itself, and finding those swept up in the madness of this world.
There's a darkness in this world, Trucy-doll. Waiting, hungry. Compared to it, these gangs' turf wars are like kid games. When you're up against real evil... Well, it don't matter if you're weak or strong. It'll take you all the same.
-Guy Eldoon
This right here is what Apollo Justice is about, the swallowing whole of innocents by the darkness of humanity and the underbelly of society. If Klavier were just another poor soul affected by this system and corrupted by it, it wouldn’t mean anything. We’ve seen that before, numerous times. But instead of that, here we have Klavier, someone in the position of proving the guilt of people, and trying his damnedest to stay unaffected by it and find the truth. The problem isn’t the people, no the problem is the system affecting them, and Klavier knows this better than anyone, and he’s gonna do everything in his power to fix it. It’s really great stuff that the game manages to get across just by having him try something new as a prosecutor, but it’s not just the story that accounts for this, the game does as well.
In Trials and Tribulations we get a prosecutor who doesn’t really fight back, one who mostly sits back and lets you make points against his case, for completely different reasons than Klavier, but the result isn’t dissimilar. But as u/Sciencepenguin pointed out in one of their own write-ups on Klavier, the game is built for this, by having the culprits typically take the role of your main opposition. Luke, Furio, and Dahlia are all quick thinking foes who constantly hold the courtroom itself in the palm of their hand, Godot simply nudges you or the judge off course to assist the killers, except of course Dahlia, for obvious reasons. However, if you’re paying attention you can see that Apollo Justice attempts something similar, yet very different, and in fact more representative of these themes we keep coming back to.
As I’ve said, the enemy in Apollo Justice isn’t any one person, it’s the situation itself, and this is true of the cases as well. These cases are consistently more complex and multilayered than most any equivalent case in the trilogy, with the exception of Rise from the Ashes, which hardly really counts. From a four person murder setup with poker chips playing a pivotal role, to four different intersecting incidents in one single case, to a case that spans seven entire years which has murder weapons setup just as much in advance. The catharsis of beating the snot out of someone with your words isn’t really present in Apollo Justice, instead the game opts for the satisfaction of solving the crime, putting the pieces together, and finally setting the record straight on these incredibly complex mysteries. And what better kind of prosecutor to be in that kind of story than one who’s right by your side, to call you out on any BS, and help you on your way to solving this impenetrable mystery and ridding the world of this impenetrable darkness.

“...Or Klavier, lead vocalist for the Gavinners?”

Okay guys can we just be honest with ourselves, Klavier is pretty dang cool. He bangs the wall, yells “Achtung baby!” and then his coolness levels are so high that he rewrites reality to blast music in the courtroom to which he then shreds to with an imaginary guitar. Throughout the trials we consistently see him carry himself with this absolute swagger to him, from the way he talks to witnesses, the way he attempts to direct the trial, or just him dicking around because he feels like it. You can tell he takes his job seriously from the way he constantly assists you in reaching the truth, but he knows that he’s good enough that he can still have fun in the trial, after all it’s not all about trying to win, and who cares what’s common in the system? The system is broken so why not try to inject a bit of human emotion into it, that’s what the jurists are for after all.
So yeah, Klavier is a pretty fun prosecutor to be around even if you have issues with the way he affects the game, or with a topic we’ll be touching on in the next session, his supposed lack of character development. Take away these two things and you get yourself a great personality who livens up any courtroom battle they take part in. Not only does this personality and way he carries himself set him apart from really any other rival in the series, it also does wonders to establish him as a likeable figure in the game, as he’s not supposed to be just another hateable rival. He’s not even really meant to be hated at all, and nowhere is this clearer than him literally giving you backstage passes to his own concert after nothing but a singular trial against you. However, it’s at this trial that we finally see the other side of Klavier, as no one is perfect and no one can be Prosecutor Gavin, scourge of the courtroom at all times.
Throughout the beginning of this case we basically see just about everything go wrong for Klavier. His motorcycle stops working, he has to break open his own guitar case, during the show not only does his prized guitar burst into flames on stage, but his bandmate MISSES a CUE, the audacity of them. Oh also someone dies that kinda sucks. So yeah things are just really not going well for Klavier, and this is the first time we really see another side of him. He’s extremely emotional and has quite the short temper with basically anyone he interacts with throughout the investigation. He’s an utter perfectionist outside of the courtroom who refuses to budge on his bandmate’s mistake, nor brush off problems like he does within the court. From this, we can truly begin to understand who Klavier is.
Klavier is a flawed person, just like anyone else. He’s rash and often emotional about things going wrong, and a perfectionist to boot. He values those around him and yet he gets annoyed when those that he works with don’t put in the same level of effort as he does, and won’t hesitate to call them out on this. He’s exactly what you’d expect a prosecutor to be, somewhat self-centered and with a bit of a nasty personality added on top of that. Although, of course the subversion in this situation comes from that this is only how he acts outside of the courtroom, within the sacred walls he’s completely respectful and constantly keeps a level head, even when his own bandmate is being pinned as the killer. So what exactly does this tell us about Klavier as a person? Well despite his flaws and his attitude, he still understands just how important the courtroom proceedings are, and is willing to put aside everything else in order to make sure they run smoothly. He keeps his personal biases out of it until the very end, and this right here is where we can truly understand who Klavier is.
Klavier is nothing special, just another rockstar who has a big head and a huge following. But Prosecutor Gavin, this is where Klavier puts away his attitude and swallows his pride, it’s where he knows he can make a real difference. Of course, I may be filling in the gaps a little on my own, there’s really no way to know exactly what it is that drives Klavier, other than an unwavering desire for the truth. But I think this is for the best, Klavier has no reason to just explain at us exactly why he’s doing what he does, and this two-sided personality creates a more real character, leaving us to wonder exactly what drives him. It’s well done exploration of his character, and an effective way of endearing him to us. Klavier and Prosecutor Gavin, two sides of the same coin yet distinct in their approaches, but that distinction wasn’t always there. No, at one point these two entities were one and the same, in a person that we can see the full extent of just seven years earlier, at the trial that changed everything.

Origins of a Rockstar

Zak Gramarye’s trial in Turnabout Succession is one big subversion, but it’s one the game lets you know is coming. The entire trial gives off the feeling of nothing more than another case to add onto Phoenix’s ever growing pile, from the witnesses to the circumstances, to even the prosecutor. Valant appears to be nothing more than a first witness killer with not so hard to see through lies, and Gumshoe’s just being plain old Gumshoe. It really feels like nothing new, and even Phoenix doesn’t seem too concerned with things, he’s seen it all before. But of course, we know this isn’t the case. We know that Valant is still roaming free and is returning to activity, we know that this is when Phoenix loses his badge, and we know that that diary page we just received is the root of everything.
Klavier simply adds to this feeling, as here we get to see him how he was when he made his debut. Remember how I described Klavier as kind of arrogant and nothing really special when he’s in his rocker persona, well at this point in time that was his only persona. He didn’t yet understand what it meant to be a prosecutor, nor how important it was to treat the courts with respect. Right now he was nothing more than a rookie prosecutor, and an arrogant one at that. Throughout the trilogy we come across a new legend of the courtroom every year, and we take them down a peg every year, and young Klavier is doing absolutely nothing to set himself apart from every other prosecutor we’ve faced up to this point.
It’s at this point that I’d like to discuss the difference between character development and character progression, as understanding this difference is key to realizing why the criticisms of Klavier’s character are often unfounded. The progression of a character is the way they change throughout a story, how their demeanor and actions change based on what happens around them, and is often confused with development by many. Progression is not required when writing a well-rounded character. Character Development is the expanding on a personality of a character, to the point where we can understand a character fully, and know why they’re doing what they do, and hopefully understand them a layer deeper than their surface actions. This is what’s required for a fully rounded character, and it’s something Klavier has in spades.
Throughout the game we constantly get further insight into Klavier as a person, from the way he works in court, to the reasons he acts the way he does when helping us. Then we get further expansion on his personality, and get to understand how he acts when put in other situations such as at one of his concerts or during his research into one of his numerous cases. And of course, the time in which we learn the most about who Klavier is is during this past case, where we get to see him at his rawest, a rookie prosecutor trying to win a case, and we realize that in the beginning he was nothing more than another soul who was following the system, the same system that led every other prosecutor down the wrong path.
During this trial Klavier, for the one singular time in the game, feels like an actual threat to us. Of course it’s not a huge threat, as the experienced Phoenix, and the experienced player is able to push against every counterpoint that Klavier throws at us pretty easily, but it’s resistance nonetheless. Had Phoenix had time to prepare, Klavier would probably have nothing on him, but throughout the trial Klavier is the one who constantly holds the most cards, and thus is able to stay one step ahead. Despite our experience, we’re still somewhat the underdog due to our lack of evidence, which really helps sell the trilogy vibe they were going for. Of course, this back and forth ends abruptly and tragically, a Klavier finally baits Phoenix into presenting the evidence he knew that he had.
Were this an isolated trial, or the first time we see Klavier, it would seem like he was nothing more than a cocky jerk who wanted to bait his opponent into ruining their own life. However, through all the times we see Klavier before this, and through his words in the final trial, we can come to understand exactly why he did what he did. It wasn’t to win the trial, nor was it to see Phoenix disbarred, it was to reach the truth. We know that this is what fueled Klavier throughout the game, and we can see that he wholeheartedly believed Phoenix was trying to obscure the truth of the incident. A misguided, cocky, rookie prosecutor trying to reach the truth, that’s all Klavier was. A perfect subversion of everything we expect from a trilogy prosecutor, but exactly in line with what we’d expect from both Prosecutor Gavin, and the Klavier, lead guitarist of the Gavinners.
This is where Klavier’s development truly lies, not from seeing him change as a person as he reflects on the cases and his actions, but rather from understanding better who he is. We slowly come to realize more and more of the truth throughout the game as we get a clearer picture of the true form of Klavier Gavin, and this right here is the breaking point. This trial is what makes it all click, it shows us both of his sides as one, singular person, and we get to understand which one is the real Klavier, and the answer is both of them. Klavier is a multifaceted character who gets amazing development throughout the story from both his role in it, as well as the interactions he has with others. The most notable of these being his “rivalry” with the protagonist of the game, Herr Forehead.

A Mirror Worthy of that Forehead

Klavier and Apollo have one of the most unique dynamics of any rivals in Ace Attorney, in that they’re hardly really rivals at all. Most prosecutors in this series will have some sort of ulterior motive when going up against you, whether it be related to your personally or not, they have something else at stake through the course of every trial. Klavier just really doesn’t have anything like this, in fact his motivation during trials is pretty much the exact same as yours. He’s there to reach the one, singular, unmoving truth of the situation, and he’s probably even more committed to it than you are at the start. This creates an interesting dynamic because Apollo and Klavier really just don’t have any reason to dislike each other, and for the most part that holds true.
Franziska had a grudge against you for besting edgeworth, Godot wanted revenge for Mia’s death, and Edgeworth started off hating the lawyers who would protect who he saw as criminals. The most Klavier and Apollo have is just Apollo being kind of annoyed at Klavier being more popular and cooler than he is. It’s a dynamic we don’t really see again or before, with the protagonist being the one with the grudge, as silly as that grudge may be. This lack of real conflict between them lets their relationship be more relaxed in nature, which can be seen even from the beginning of their second case together, with the invitation to Klavier’s show. This close relationship is what lets us understand Klavier so well, and allows him to develop in our minds, as we’re able to see so many more sides of him than Godot or Franziska ever got. And of course, the relationship itself is top notch.
Apollo and Klavier have some pretty fantastic chemistry as characters, and it’s really fun to watch them go at it in court, as Klavier holding the superior position most of the time leads to some really great comedy at Apollo’s expense. Additionally, Apollo, being the sarcastic straight man that he is, is able to contrast beautifully with Klavier’s over the top cool guy persona, and his commentary on Klavier’s rocker outbursts are pretty fun as well. There’s really not much to analyze about their dynamic beyond that though, it’s fun and that’s about it, there really doesn’t need to be anything else more. But of course, that’s not all there is to their relationship as characters in a narrative, as Klavier serves as an absolutely brilliant mirror character for Apollo.
Throughout this write-up I’ve described Klavier’s transition from a hot blooded, fairly average prosecutor who’s stumbling and making mistakes on his way to reaching the truth, all the way to a stylish and professional prosecutor who’s able to consistently guide trials to the truth of the situation. Of course, this character arc is done off screen, or at least that’s what it appears like at first, but if you look closer to the specifics of this arc, it’s easy to realize where we can truly see this transformation. And that, of course, would be in Apollo himself.
As the story progresses we see Apollo’s transition from a hot blooded, fairly average defense attorney who’s stumbling and making mistakes on his way to reaching the truth, all the way to a confident and highly competent attorney able to find the true criminal and topple the regime of a small country. This should sound familiar, aside from that last bit. Klavier serves as a mirror to view Apollo in, he’s the final result of the arc that Apollo begins going through in his game, and serves as a mentor to guide what he probably sees as a younger version of himself to the correct outcome. Of course, he’s not the only one to guide Apollo, Phoenix is also there for that, but in Apollo’s debut game Phoenix is a bit concerned with other matters, so it’s really just left up to Klavier.
In Turnabout Trump it’s implied that Kristoph will be something akin to Apollo’s Mia throughout the game, but of course, this couldn’t be any further from the truth. Instead this role seems to fall upon Phoenix, but as I just said, he’s a bit preoccupied. So that would mean that the one Apollo leans on in times of need, the one to guide him down the correct path, and the one to show off the final version of himself, the person whom he will become and then surpass, that’s all Klavier baby. Having the mentor character of the game be the prosecutor is pretty genius, since it stops them from swooping in and saving the day in an unsatisfying conclusion, which we see Mia do several times. The most Klavier can do is stall for time or give hints to Apollo, since at the end of the day he’s still the opposition, and needs to make sure he sticks to his job. This not only consolidates down two roles in the story to one character, but also greatly improves one of those roles through the use of this consolidation. What an absolutely rockin’ idea.

A World of Herrs and Fräuleins

Klavier’s relationship with Apollo is by far his most interesting, but that doesn’t mean he lacks any other meaningful relationships with the rest of the cast, just that there’s not much to dissect there, or at least not a lot that I can find. Out of the main cast his other most notable dynamic would probably be with Ema, who he has a pretty fun back and forth with. He’s technically her boss which she absolutely hates, giving him somewhat insulting nicknames and begrudgingly accepting his orders, but he doesn’t seem to have too much of a problem with her. Overall it’s a pretty solid comedic relationship that doesn’t really have much depth to it but doesn’t really need to either. It does serve to somewhat humanize Ema, but a lot more of that comes from Apollo than Klavier. And to Klavier, well it’s really just another fräulein whom he is able to tease a bit during his job.
Speaking of just another fräulein, we have Trucy Wright, who Klavier himself doesn’t have much of a dynamic with, nor seemingly many thoughts on her. He seems to somewhat respect her as an intellectual throughout the trials, especially whenever she’s entire steps ahead of Apollo, but not really more than that is shown. Trucy, however, does have clear thoughts on Klavier, after all he is a rockstar, and she is a teenage girl, so it’s not really surprising that she seems to have a bit of a thing for him. Although, Trucy being Trucy, she doesn’t really let it show much outside of some offhand statements, or nicknaming him as a prince when she first meets Klavier in Turnabout Corner.
Of course, it’s not just the main cast that Klavier has a relationship with, as during the third case of the game we get to know one of his bandmates, and one critical to the case at that, that being Daryan Crescend. Daryan’s relationship with Klavier is really my only actual complaint with Klavier as a character, as there’s not much here when there really should be. We see Klavier being annoyed at Daryan missing the cue, which is natural to his rocker persona, and of course we prove that Klavier is indeed correct. There’s a few more interactions between them throughout the case but they never really amount to much. At the end of the day I’m not really sure what either of them thinks of the other, which isn’t great when it comes to two seemingly close friends who are both pivotal to the case.
Daryan’s send-off at the end isn’t particularly notable either, as Klavier kind of lacks a reaction. As we begin to finger Daryan as the culprit, Klavier puts up pretty much his usual amount of opposition, and doesn’t seem too terribly broken up about it either. It’s possible that this was done in order to further cement him as more mature in the courtroom, and able to recognize the need for the truth to come out, but it kind of ends up just making this relationship come off as hollow. Having him more melancholic about it would allow him to seem like he genuinely cared, while not compromising that ever present desire to reach the truth that’s so ingrained in Klavier as a character.
The complaint with Daryan isn’t an isolated incident though, as it’s a common belief that Klavier’s interactions with Kristoph don’t amount to anything much, and it’s a major reason why many hold the belief that nothing is really done with him as a character. However, this complaint is just plainly not true, and comes from a fundamental misunderstanding of the characters. Kristoph is hardly a character in his own right, he’s a representation of an idea, he’s the physical embodiment of everything wrong with the court system. He manipulates evidence for his own gain, he makes those who oppose him or pose a risk to his secrets disappear, he’s petty and is willing to go to great lengths for personal gain, and more than anything he is absolutely unchanging.
There is no greater relationship to be had with Kristoph, he is a darkness who seeps into you, one that can slowly drag you down if you’re not careful, the same way he dragged down so many before. Klavier is someone who was so close to being dragged down by this darkness, we see it affecting him throughout the past trial, his arrogance and faith in this broken system show that, but we also see the good in him. We see that he was fighting for the right reasons at the end of the day, and we see him go to great lengths to fight the very ones that he believes are damaging this system. By the time we see him in the modern day, he has been fighting a long time to rid himself of this darkness, and perhaps it’s even the reason why he adopted this persona in the courts, to oppose the cool and calculated demeanor of his brother.
This fight to rid themselves of the system, of Kristoph, is present in a number of characters in the game, and is the main conflict of the final case. Every character has some stake in the fight to rid themselves of this darkness, and to forge a new, better law system out of the broken pieces of the old one. Both Apollo and Klavier were trained under this darkness, but through their encounters with Wright and each other were able to free themselves from it. This is what we see happen to Klavier during Turnabout Succession, he’s not confronting his brother, he’s confronting himself, the person he could have been, and the actions that he himself took. As we begin to accuse Kristoph of the crime, Klavier fights back, more desperate than ever, trying to justify this darkness to himself, to pretend it was never there. This conflict is tearing him apart in front of our very eyes.
Klavier: Evidence! Evidence that shows this man, Kristoph Gavin, requested that forgery seven years ago!
Kristoph: Klavier...?
Klavier: Just... prove it! Clear up these doubts now, or I swear, I'm off this case!
He wants desperately, more than anything, for us to prove that this is indeed the truth, that his doubts are wrong, and that the darkness that he feels consuming him is real. After seven years of this past incident affecting him, he’s pretty much come to understand the entire truth by now, but he just cannot accept it on his own. After all, it’s his own brother behind it, and his own hands that caused it. The darkness won’t let go yet, and it won’t allow him to pursue the truth that he’s come to realize. This is where Apollo finally returns the favor and allows Kristoph to grow, and put this darkness behind him, revealing the truth for everyone to see. Kristoph, of course, fights back just as much as you’d expect him to, but this one action, this unwavering devotion, this refusal to let the system affect him, is finally enough to break the camel’s back and let Klavier free from the chains of his past, and he does not disappoint.
Klavier: Frankly, I'm relieved. This has been bothering me for seven whole years. And I'm tired of the whole youthful angst scene. ...Now's our chance. Let's clean out the family closet, eh, Kristoph?
Kristoph: Klavier... You're spinning out of control. Calm yourself before you say something you'll regret.
Klavier: Spinning out of whose control? Mine? ...Or yours?
It’s by now that Klavier has come to accept the reality that he’s pretty much known to be the truth, the same way Phoenix came to accept that Dahlia wasn’t the person he thought she was, Klavier has come to accept this for his very own brother. He rejoins your side and ultimately drops the bombshell of the jurist system on Kristoph, sending him into an absolute rage. Kristoph is left as nothing but a broken husk, a symbol of an outdated and dead legal system, while Klavier is able to finally put this behind him, and move on to the future, and hopefully a system that will allow the truth to be unveiled by simpler and more reliable means. Kristoph may not be needed anymore, but those that fight for the truth, and fight for the change that every system will eventually need, will always be needed in the world, and Klavier is no exception.


Klavier isn’t perfect, but many of the problems people hold with him are simply unfounded, and those that are true are hardly criticisms within the greater context of Apollo Justice. This is a game about themes more than anything else, and that even extends to the characters within it. Klavier is incredibly well developed not only as a person, but as an idea, a representation of the way that we can move on from our past, and change ourselves and those around us for the better. He shows us that fighting for what we believe in isn’t a fruitless effort, as long as you’re willing to not only accept the truth, but the methods to reach it as well. He’s an excellent multifaceted character, but ultimately he and I both got swallowed up in the darkness of this rankdown. I only hope that I’ve done something to change this darkness for the better, and allowed those of us ranking to put Klavier behind us, for better, or for worse.
Achtung baby, u/NateTheGreat3602 out!
submitted by NateTheGreat3602 to AARankdown [link] [comments]

[OC] List of fun/interesting Football Terminology in various Languages

Hi everyone, a while ago I asked for funny or interesting football words in your languages in the daily discussion thread. I promised I'd make a text post about it but kind of forgot, better late then never, eh?
Please contribute as well, I'm sure there are many more languages with hilarious or interesting football words, this is just a small list I gathered today.
If there are any mistakes, let me know. I'll be adding new entries as we go.
So without further ado:


Word/Phrase semi-literal translation meaning
Ampelkarte traffic light card second yellow -> red card
Alibipass alibi pass (sideways) pass without any intention, just to give the ball away to one of your team mates
Bananenflanke banana cross heavily curved cross
Bauernspitz farmer's tip toe poke
Beton anrühren to puddle the mortar to switch to a very defensive formation, to park the bus
Blutgrätsche blood slidingtackle a legbreaker of a tackle
Chancentod chances death cha cha cha
"Das Runde muss ins Eckige" "The round thing must go into the angular thing" Famous phrase coined by world cup winning coach Sepp Herberger
"Den Okocha machen" doing the Okocha doing the rainbow flick
Doppelpass double pass one-two pass
Elfmeterkiller penalty killer a keeper who saves many penalties
Fahrstuhlmannschaft elevator team yo-yo club always between top flight and second flight (West Brom, Nürnberg, etc.)
Fallrückzieher fall back puller bicycle kick
Fliegenfänger fly catcher keeper with bad shot judgement abilities
Fritz-Walter-Wetter Fritz-Walter-weather very rainy weather (almost British rain), Fritz Walter (1.FCK legend) preferred to play in the rain due to a Malaria infection in the war
Fußballgott football god self explanatory, examples would be Alex Meier (unironically) or Heiko Westermann (ironically)
Gedächtnisgrätsche memory tackle a tackle reminiscient of the good old days, when men were men
Hexenkessel witch cauldron a stadium with traditionally great atmosphere
Kerze candle a shot with an almost vertical trajectory
Kopfballungeheuer headball monster very strong player in the air, i.e. Jan Koller, Andy Caroll, etc.
Meisterschale master bowl name for the Bundesliga trophy
Punktelieferant points supplier a team that loses a lot, in particular to teams equal or worse to them
Rudelbildung (animal) herd forming multiple players from both teams swarming each other and the referee
Rumpelfüßler rubbish-footed player with very limited technical skills
Salatschüssel salad bowl name for the "Meisterschale": the Bundesliga trophy
Schönwetterfußballer nice weather footballer someone who only wants to play in perfect conditions, i.e. sunny, not too cold/hot, perfect pitch
Schwalbe swallow (bird) a dive
Schwalbenkönig swallow king the king of divers
Seitfallzieher side fall puller scissor kick
Sonntagsfußballer sunday footballer someone who only wants to play in perfect conditions, i.e. sunny, not too cold/hot, perfect pitch
Sonntagsschuss sunday shot long range goal from an unlikely position to score a goal from
Straßenfußballer street footballer a skillful player who grew up on the streets (Ronaldinho, Kevin-Prince Boateng, Mahrez, etc.)
Tunnel - nutmeg
Turniermannschaft tournament team a (national) team that traditionally perfoms better in the big tournaments as opposed to meaningless friendlies or less important qualifying matches, like Germany (disregard 2018)
Übersteiger overstepper step over
Wadenbeißer calves biter tenacious defenders/defensive midfielders especially if they have low body height, think Gennaro Gattuso as the prototype
thanks FakerPlaysSkarner, PapaSays, kall1nger


Word/Phrase semi-literal translation meaning
Biscotto biscuit Two teams that agree to end the game with a certain result that would benefit both and most likely damage some other team (Sweden and Denmark drew 2-2 at Euro 2004 to eliminate Italy)
Bomber word borrowed from English goalgetter
Calcio "I kick" - 1st person singular conjugation of "calciare" Italian word for football
Calciatori kickers footballers
Capocannoniere leading cannoneegunner top scorer in a competition
Catenaccio door bolt/chain -
Cucchiaio a spoon panenka penalty
Foca seal spectacular and skillfull player but in the end completely useless
Pallonetto diminutive of ball (pallone) a chip from open play
fare una papera to make/do a duck goalkeeper making a mistake
La Maledetta the Cursed special kind of free kick technique: think Pirlo, over the wall and dipping hard behind it
Mangiarsi/cacarsi un gol eating/shitting a goal failing to score an easy goal chance
Poker - scoring 4 goals in 1 game, referring to 4 of a kind
Panzer German for military tank nickname for strong German players as well as teams: Bayern, BVB, VfB (back in 1989 propably), also refers to the National team
Sciabolata saber cut a cross
Triangolo triangle one-two pass
Tridente trident a line-up with 3 attacking players
Tunnel - nutmeg
thanks to Coldh


Word/Phrase semi-literal translation meaning
Aile de pigeon pidgeon's wing backheel volley
avoir les pieds carrés to have square feet no technique, not being good at all with the ball
Biscotte rusk yellow card
bouffer la feulle to eat the sheet when a striker misses several chances
casser les reins to break the kidneys when a player is played like a fiddle
Caviar - a fantastic assist
Chèvre a goat A very bad player
Coup du Sombrero rainbow kick -
Coupeur de citron lemon cutter bench warmer
dévisser to unscrew to badly miss a shot
enrhumer un adversaire to give an opponent a cold dribble past an opponent
faire une Arconada named after Luis Arconada's (GK for Spain) mistake against Platini in Euro 1984 goalkeeping blunder
Mine landmine very power shot
nettoyer les toiles d'araignée to clean the cobwebs to shoot in the top corner
petit pont little bridge nutmeg
prendre une valise to take a suitcase to be largely beaten
Renard des surfaces fox of the penalty area a fox in the box
tricoter to knit to dribble pointlessly
vendanger to harvest to miss a goal opportunity
Ventre mou flabby/chubby belly mid-table
Verrou door bolt/chain interestingly enough the predecessor to Italy's catenaccio
Thanks giyomu, TeKaeS, Hippemann, PierreMichelPaulette


Word/Phrase semi-literal translation meaning
Arquero Paraguay/Argentina* Archer goalkeeper.
Calesitero Paraguay roundabout a player who often dribble succesfully a lot but with a bad end product
Cancerbero Paraguay Cerberus goalkeeper
Caño a pipe nutmeg
Cantada sung song blatant goalkeeping mistake
Cantera Paraguay quarry youth ranks
Cara Sucia Paraguay dirty face a very young player
Chilena female demonym of chile bicycle kick
colgarse del travesaño to hang (oneself) from the crossbar to park the bus
Crack ?* a very good player
hacer la cama to make the bed Used when somebody is conspiring against somebody else, for example when players conspire to turn on the manager to get him sacked
inclinar la cancha Argentina to tilt the pitch may be used when a referee gives too many favourable calls to a particular team. Also used when a team goes all out attack
Manos de humo Argentina hands of smoke a very poor goalkeeper, who usually fumbles the ball
Pecho Frío Paraguay cold chest an usually talented player who doesn't seem to care about the result
Pichichi - Name of former Athletic goalscorer Pichichi which now has become the term to refer to a top-scorer, even outside the Spanish league
Piscinero pool boy diver
Rabona tail kick Torres doing it
Vaca sagrada sacred cow popular phrase coined by Cruyff: important players or players with a lot of experience
*"Arquero" is the main term for goalkeeper here (Argentina/Uruguay) as well. Even though that word means archer, in this case it comes from the fact that we actually call the goal "arco" instead of "portería/puerta". So yes, arco means both goal and bow. Therefore arquero stands both for goalkeeper and archer
  • anden4
thanks to cilinderman, nocomet, Beatlepy93, anden4
?*What does the word "crack" literally mean? Does it refer in any way to cocaine or did it come from somewhere else etymologically?


Word/Phrase semi-literal translation meaning
Grać z klepki to play on/from the stave exchanging fast first touch passes (tiki taka)
Szczupak pike (the fish) diving header
Wolny elektron Free electron free role player
Kosa, kosić Scythe, to scythe hard slide tackle
Laga long, hard stick attacking with long balls only (Pulisball)
Plecy, plecy rosną Back, the back is growing (back as anatomical part of human) warning when the player with the ball is approached from the back by opponent
Piątek friday Sheva reincarnated
Sito a sieve nutmeg

Austrian German

Word/Phrase semi-literal translation meaning
Außenpracker exterior carpet beater fullback
Dribblanski a technical player with good dribbling skills that lacks end product, think Adama Traore
Eiergoalie egg goalkeeper error prone keeper
Fersler comes from Ferse (heel) back heel goal/pass
Gaberln comes from Gabel (fork) doing keepie uppies
Jud Jew toe poke
Wadlbeißer calves biter tenacious defenders/defensive midfielders especially if they have low body height, think Gennaro Gattuso as the prototype
thanks odrik


thanks to MrCrashdummy
Word/Phrase semi-literal translation meaning
Brilstand Glasses score 0-0 (looks like glasses)
Chocoladebeen chocolate leg Weak foot
Zondagsschot Sunday shot A shot that would normally be a big miss but ends up in the goal some how
Postbodevoetbal Postman football Players who don't pass over longer distances but deliver the ball to their teammates
Scorebordjournalistiek Scoreboard journalism Analysing a match on just the result, even though losing doesn't mean playing bad and vice versa
Patatgeneratie French fries generation Spoilt players (usually talking about a certain group of players from the 80ies)
In de winkelhaak In the machinst square In the topcorner


Thanks to Glenn55whelan
Word/Phrase semi-literal translation meaning
Að hreinsa to clean to clear the ball
Að klobba to crotch someone to nutmeg someone
Að sóla to sun someone to dribble past someone
Að strauja to iron someone to tackle someone very roughly
Bakfallsspyrna backfalling kick bicycle kick
Dauðafæri death chance big chance to score
Hjólhestaspyrna wheel horse kick (wheel horse is an old word for bicycle in Icelandic) bicycle kick
Markamaskína goal machine good goalscorer
Markahrókur goal rook good goalscorer
Móri ghost nickname for José Mourinho
Rangstaða wrong position offside
Skógarhlaup forest run when a goalkeeper comes way too far out of his goal to challenge for a ball or claim a cross
Sammi Sopi Sammy sip nickname for Big Sam
Sparksérfræðingur / sparkspekingur kick specialist / kick wise man pundit
Stelpurnar okkar our girls nickname for the Female National team
Strákarnir okkar our boys nickname for the National team
The Sammi/Samminn from samskeyti (conjoint) the place where the crossbar and the post meet

Portuguese (Brazil)

Thanks to rdfporcazzo, ElinorDashwood86
Word/Phrase semi-literal translation meaning
Caneta pen nutmeg
Carretilha reel Rainbow Flick
Chapéu hat to lob someone
Chinelinho little sandals (flip flops) means a player who is always injured (this one might have a connotation that the player is faking injuries)
Drible da vaca Cow's dribble to kick the ball in one direction, go for the other one and get the ball back with the defender between you and the ball
Elástico elastic Elastico
Lambreta scooter Rainbow Flick
Lençol sheet to lob someone
Mão de alface lettuce hands insult to a bad goalkeeper
Meia-lua Half moon same as drible da vaca
Rolinho little roll nutmeg


thanks RazvanDH
Word/Phrase semi-literal translation meaning
A sta cu fundul în poarta sitting with the ass in goal parking the bus
A șutat cu piciorul cu care se urcă in tramvai took a shot with the leg he uses to go on the tram a bad shot with the weaker foot, implying that the weak foot is so useless it's used only for mundane activities
Braziliană the Brazilian rainbow flick
Chifla bun/bap miss the ball while trying to kick it
Foarfecă scissors overhead kick
Gol turcesc Turkish goal a miss where the ball hits the side of the net, giving the impression it went in
Urechi ears nutmeg


thanks to schrodingers_razors, JustInsane426
Word/Phrase ( semi-literal translation meaning
通坑渠 (tong hang kui) clearing the drain nutmeg
炒芥蘭 (tsao gai lan) cooking kale collision of shins
斬波 (tsam bor) chopping ball a long pass or a cross
汽車維修員 car repairer player who always fouls, this comes from stephen chow’s kung fu soccer
收山腳 (shou shan geuk) - career ending tackle
磨薑 (mor geung) grinding ginger grinding your leg against the ground when u fall
疊瓦 (dip nga) overlapping tiles overlapping run by a fullback
執雞 (tsup gai) picking chicken player scoring on easy goal/tap-in, for example due to goalie error or defender making a poor clearance
莫氣 (mok hei) no gas left player is low on stamina
單蹄馬 (dan tai ma) horse with only one hoof player who is not ambidextrous and relies too much on his strong foot, ie Robben
單刀 (dan dou) single knife player is one on one with the goalie
炒飛機 (tsao fei gei) shooting airplanes player making a shot that flyes into row z
曬靴 (sai hur) to show one’s soles going studs up in tackles
底線傳底 (dai seen cheun dai) to pass to the touchline at the touchline absolute fail of a cross that went out of bounds
烏龍 (oolong) - to score an own goal
牛奶仔 (ngau lai zai) milk boy player who is playing safe and doesn’t take risks
妹下妹下 (mui ha mui ha) to nibble player is not paying full effort in a match
扭波 (lau ball) to twist and turn with a ball dribbling
爆人 (bao yen) to explode past ppl use pure speed to dribble past someone, ie bale vs maicon/ bale vs bartra
箍波 (cool ball) to be entangled with the ball to be good at at retaining possession; being press resistant
衛生波 (wai seng ball) hygienic football playing a match where players are not aggressive towards each other
痾蛋 (or dan) to lay an egg goalkeeper failing to control the ball, thus the ball slips from his hands
大細龍 (dai sai long) big and small nets ball goes right through between the legs of a defender into the net
打仔格 (dai tsai gak) aggressive personality player such as Gattuso, Keane, etc
雪糕筒 (seud gow tong) traffic cone defender who gets dribbled past every time
放題 (fong tai) all you can eat buffet same meaning as the one above
貼身膏藥(tip sun go yeuk) ailment that sticks firmly on the skin man marking opposition player
神龍(son long) godly dragon goalkeeper that makes amazing saves, for example de gea
叉燒 (tsa siu) bbq pork easy chance to score
跑狗 (pau gau) running dog derogative description for a player who is running his socks off but isn’t actually contributing much in attack
手榴彈 (sau lau dan) hand grenade Rory Delap-esque throw in
七旋斬 (tsut suen zam) ball that spins seven times Beckham’s trademark curved free kick
浪射 (long se) wave shoot shooting from unlikely positions or shooting excessively
柱躉 (tseu dung) pillar big man up front
海鮮波 (hoi seen bor) seafood soccer the team’s performance is as unstable as fluctuating seafood price in a wet market, usually used to describe Liverpool a few years back (利記海鮮)
鐵桶陣 (tit tung zhun) iron bucket formation park the bus
魚生粥 (yu sang zhuk) fish congee match that is won by fine margins, for example a 1-0
互交白卷( wu gau bak guen) handing each other empty papers nil nil draw
七個一皮 7-1 losing in a humilating manner - NOT related to Germany 7-1 win against Brazil, see details below*
水銀瀉地 (sui ngun sei dei) water and silver is poured all over the ground team is playing attractive attacking football
波係圓嘅 (ball hai yuen ge) the ball is round you never who wins or who loses until the end
黑哨 (huk sau) black whistle unfair refereeing
十二碼 a 12 yard penalty
a gate full-back
倒掛 hanging upside-down - overhead kick, sometimes added with 金鈎 (golden hook)
有鬼! There's a ghost! Man on!
踩波車 stepping/riding on the ball vehicle when a player miss kicks the ball, slips on the ball and falls on his ass (rare one, probably more common in amateur football)
食波餅 eat a ball cake/pie when player gets smacked hard in the face by the ball, as if taking a massive pie to the face
收山腳 (shou shan geuk) retiring tackle career ending tackle
派牌 (pai pai) distributing cards midfielder that springs passes on the the pitch, like David Silva, Fabregas, Pirlo, Xabi Alonso, etc
*so this seven to one saying comes from gambling; so 一皮means one cent in Cantonese, and one dollar is equal to ten cents, so that gambler lose three cents; three has the same sound (sam) as 衫 (means clothes in cantonese), so the hidden meaning is that the gambler has lost so much that he has to use his clothes to exchange for cash to pay up
  • schrodingers_razors


Thanks to comrade fotorobot
Word/Phrase semi-literal translation meaning
горчичник mustard plaster yellow card
играть на втором этаже to play on the second floor to play the ball with the head
бить через себя to strike through oneself bicycle kick
зацепить мяч hook onto the ball to control a received pass
[игра] в стенку [play] to the wall a "1-2 pass"
сухарь dry bisquit game without a goal
бомбардир bombardier attacker / goalscorer
снайпер sniper someone good at long distance shots
навес a canopy a lob into the box
пас в больницу a pass into the hospital pass into a strongly defended area (think of a lob towards an area defended by Bonucci/Chiellini at the last minute of a game)
нарушение правил breaking of the rules foul
одиннацатьметровый the eleven meter penalty shot


Thanks to elburrito1
Word/Phrase semi-literal translation meaning
Bollkalle Ball Kalle(nickname for Karl/Carl) Ballboy
Brassespark Brazilian kick bicycle kick
Brassering Brazilian ring standing in a circle trying to keep the ball in the air
Danska/Norska krysset The Danish/Norwegian cross bottom corner. Top corner is called krysset (the cross) so the danish or norwegian cross is just a worse version of the cross
Dansken the Danish a "tactic" where you kick it back at kickoff and send a long ball directly up field where everyone has ran. So all wingers and strikers just rush forward and a midfielder sends a long ball on chance. Popular with youth teams, "they are doing the danish"
Dansk skalle Danish skull to headbutt someone, Zidane gave Materazzi a danish skull
Filma to film sth. diving or embellishment of the referee
Korpen The Raven More or less sunday league, recreational football. I play football with my mates in The Raven
Mjölka/Maska to Milk/To worm to waste time
Ronaldinhofinten the Ronaldinho trick Elastico
Tåpaj Toe Pie Toe poke
Tunnel - nutmeg
TV-räddning TV save hollywood save by the keeper, making it look more dramatic than necessary


Word/Phrase semi-literal translation meaning
Cantonese - 摘雞 to pick chicken easy tap in goal
Japanese - メンバーチェンジ (Menbaa Chenji) member change substitution
Japanese - スパイク spikes football boots
Greek - Παλτό (palto) coat a shit footballer, usually one with high expectations he hasn't met
Serbian - Suknjica skirt (for women) nutmeg
Serbian - Golčina - Banger of a goal
Malay - Kaki bangku bench legs/chair legs bad footballer
Thanks to MrCrashdummy once again


Word/Phrase meaning
Elk nadeel heb z'n voordeel Every disadvantage has it's advantage
Als je niet kunt winnen, moet je zorgen dat je niet verliest If you can't win you have to make sure you don't lose
Je moet schieten, anders kun je niet scoren You have to shoot, otherwise you can't score
Als wij de bal hebben kunnen hun (sic) niet scoren If we have the ball, they can't score
Voetbal is simpel, maar simpel voetballen blijkt vaak het moeilijkste wat er is. Football is simple, but simple football often proves to be the hardest thing there is
Voetbal is simpel: je bent op tijd of je bent te laat. Als je te laat bent moet je eerder vertrekken. Football is simple, you're on time or you're too late. If you're too late you have to leave earlier
Als Italianen één kans krijgen, maken ze er twee If Italians get one chance, they'll score twice
Italianen kunnen niet van je winnen, maar je kan wel van ze verliezen Italians can't beat you, but you can lose to them
Kijk, de bal is een essentieel onderdeel van het spel You see, the ball is an essential part of the game
Thanks to Jujugg (French), HippoBigga (Spanish), Vacuumflask (Austrian), spikeeleslie515 (Cantonese), vul6, mojekosio (Polish) and two redditors whose accounts have been deleted since then.
Also thanks to Glenn55whelan, if you could provide the Icelandic words for these football words as well I will incorporate them into their own section.
Thanks to Ravenblood21 for Greek, Kyuashu for Serbian, amanfikry for Malay
I'm sorry it took so long, dieyoubastards.
So, now it's your turn. These are only very few of such words, I'd like to see many more languages with their own quirky football terminology.
Of course, if there are some lesser known English words, comment them as well.
Something along the lines of twatter meaning "laces shot pelting someone right in the face" (propably non-existent), you surely have many more like these to contribute.
submitted by CarloPlaya to soccer [link] [comments]

NLTP Panic Rankings: Each team's fear level after five matches

Just two weeks remain in the NLTP season. We have entered -- *extremely Scott Hanson voice*-- the witching hour. When the clock strikes midnight, will your team be allowed to keep dancing at the exclusive afterparty known as the NLTP playoffs? Four teams across A and B have already punched their ticket. Twelve tickets remain. Which teams are trying to buy tickets on their phone only to receive a message that their data for this month has run out?
Another week, another sweep. TagPro is easy. Not only do we have the player with the most caps, we also have the player with the second most caps. And the player with the most hold on B team. The O in “WCYDINO” stands for “offensive powerhouse.” We haven’t figured out what the rest stand for yet.
Panic Level: The fearsome WCYDino, gobbling down cupcakes, because they’re delicious. In fact, the WCYDino has only eaten cupcakes throughout most of the season. It’s gone without any real protein for awhile now. Its friends and family are starting to get a little concerned that it won’t remember how to hunt real meat when the cupcake supply runs dry. They tried feeding it a Flairbnb, but it ended up being a vegan version without much protein or substance to it.
Also, there aren’t any dentists in prehistoric times, and gum disease is no laughing matter.
We’re back on track. Sweep on A team. Dropped a game on B team, but we still won and have such a huge lead that we’re ok dropping a game here and there. Made the playoffs in both divisions; no one else can say that yet. We’ve got tighter competition on A team, but the good news is if we keep sweeping, there’s no way we can drop out of first place and
*checks standings*
*eyes narrow*
PANIC LEVEL: Vntus, still going strong at mile 18 of the marathon. He’s way out in front, hasn’t seen anyone in hours, and if he keeps up this pace he’s going to cruise to victory.
His ears, though, suddenly pick up the sound of footsteps on the concrete behind him. They’re getting louder, and are going much too fast for any typical marathon runner this far into the race.
As Vntus turns to look, Gargantua, wearing a dinosaur costume, zooms by him at a dead sprint.
“That can’t be—“ Vntus thinks. “There’s no way he can keep up that pace. Especially in that heavy costume. He probably just started running off the subway or something. No way he’s up there legitimately.”
Vntus nervously starts to up his pace anyway.
Who the fuck knows who’s going to be on our team next week, but whoever it is will probably end up sweeping. That’s another pair of big sweeps, and we’ve firmly entrenched ourselves in the conversation in both divisions. We’ve already locked up a spot on A team, and if our B team keeps winning by football scores we’ll punch our ticket to 12 straight equidistant eight losses pretty quickly.
Panic Level: NameLEss, at the poker table, shifting his eyes from his cards to his opponents. It’s not a great hand, but he thinks he can make it work.
“All in,” he says, pushing his pile of chips into the middle of the table.
Then, he flings his cards at the player to his left, grabs that player’s cards, looks at them, turns around, replaces the new cards with the hand of the player to the right, then without even looking at them, dives across the table to a third opponent, yanks the cards out of his hands, and leaves the other cards.
The dealer flips over the remaining card. “The gentleman in the corner wins. Pair of 3s.”
Vader looks at NameLEss, shrugs, and starts to shovel the pot toward himself.
We knew we were in for an uphill battle with ButtSnake out this week, but we didn’t expect it to be this bad. It just sucks that it came against one of the only other teams that’s up there at the top with us. And, believe us, we’re definitely one of those top teams, and we’re just as good as the Dinos. We just, uh, let them score a lot more caps than us.
We are going to chain ButtSnake to his desk as soon as he gets home.
Panic Level:
ButtSnake returns home from his trip dot gif
We’re all just kind of bunched up in the middle here. Any real chance of finishing as one of the top teams in either division has evaporated over the last few weeks, but none of us are really in danger of missing the playoffs in A or B either. We’re just... here, you know? We’ll have our chance to make a playoff run, and that’s really all that matters at this point.
Panic Level: BallAnka, sass and fortytwo fighting for the middle seat on their cross-country flight. Fortytwo is shoving his carry-on into the overhead bin while kneeing BallAnka in the throat. Sass has detached one of the tray tables and is using it as a shield while BallAnka tries to pull his hair.
The flight attendant looks blankly at the commotion and continues to give her safety spiel. It’s Southwest, so she’s supposed to be “hip,” and calling out the passengers does not seem very chill.
“Shut up, I want to hear about the oxygen masks, that’s the best part,” BallAnka screams.
“You can have my SkyMall if I can have the middle seat” sass shouts at fortytwo
“No deal, I want to be the person in charge of the emergency exit process, too,” fortytwo yells back.
We are living on the edge, and that’s exactly where we want to be. One spot above and one below the playoff line in each division. If you’re gonna maximize the adrenaline you play with, this right here is how you do it. Every second counts.
Panic Level: “Your drop zone is coming up,” the pilot says. “Ready?”
“Absolutely,” says HeinousAnus.
“You seem pretty calm. How many times have you skydived?”
“Actually, this is my first time. I’ve always wanted to do this. Thanks for flying me up.”
“Wait, you’ve never done this before and you’re going solo? You at least have training, right?”
“Nope,” HeinousAnus says, standing on the edge of the doorway. He falls backward out of the plane. “Also, I bought this parachute used on ebaaaaaaaaaaaaay
These two things are true: 1. Our team is probably in the best shape it’s been all season and 2. We are rapidly running out of time.
Getting swept on A team killed all of our momentum from last week, so we need to win out to realistically have a shot there.
Getting a sweep against a top B team was a nice boost, and we’re above the playoff line there, but we’re still caught up in a tangled mess of teams in that area and it will likely come down to the last week of the season.
We have hope! Not a lot of it, but we do have some!
Panic Level: WRIG, playing Jeopardy!, about to enter the final round. His opponents are an older woman (the three-day returning champion) and a nerdy hotshot youngster who can’t be much older than 16 or 17. WRIG is in last place, but he’s only a few thousand dollars behind and can easily make up the ground in Final Jeopardy! with a good category.
Alex Trebek reveals the topic: “Craft Beer.”
WRIG nearly falls off the stage. He remembers the woman gave an anecdote in an earlier game about how she’d abstained from alcohol her whole life, and there’s no way the kid has even tasted the stuff. WRIG bets everything. It’s the easiest decision he’s made in his life.
Then the clue appears. It’s written completely in German. Trebek begins reading it aloud, also in perfect German. The other contestants chuckle and immediately begin writing down their responses.
A single bead of sweat rolls down WRIG’s forehead.
We are in uncharted territory here, and we’re not happy about it. Fourth place, and only one point above becoming the low seed in whatever playoff matchup we end up with.
Sure, we came up from the 6 spot to win our first title three seasons ago, but this feels different. We’re trending in the wrong direction. We just dropped 7 points to the Probots, the last-place team.
Are you going to bet against us in the playoffs? The answer even now might still be no. But out A team’s been done for weeks, and now our B team’s chances feel like they’re starting to slip away, too.
Panic Level: FendeTrituin, running the team through warmups at practice, when a shiver suddenly runs down his spine.
Full moon.
He sprints out of the practice facility. “Don’t worry about me, just keep doing contain drills!” He runs all the way to the nearby forest, the same one where he was caught killing that unicorn, and begins to undergo his terrible transformation.
Fur sprouts everywhere across his body. His eyes and teeth yellow, fangs lengthen, lower body contorts into a quadruped structure. He can smell blood, an overpowering scent, but he cannot tell if it is his own or if it is prey for him to hunt. It is a painful change, and as it finishes he howls at the moon. “aNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”
Inside the practice facility, the LBT B-team undergoes a similar transformation, but in reverse: From fearsome beast to average, mild-mannered JV squad.
Just when things were looking up—when we thought we’d proved that we were a good team just undergoing some bad breaks and a tough schedule—here comes OPH to dunk all over us and throw us back down to the (almost) bottom of the standings.
We still might be that team, though! We’re only two points out of the playoffs in both A and B, and we play two of the other bottom feeders in the last two weeks.
But there’s still a lot of teams to jump over, and not much inspiring in that last performance that’s convincing enough to say we can make that jump. Good teams, even on B, do not typically rack up a -42 cap diff in one week.
Panic Level: Jackals sprinting to the bus stop as he sees the doors start to close. “Wait, wait for me! I’m right here!”
The driver does not see him. The bus begins to pull away. Jackals can see the bus is filled to capacity, and even if he were to catch it it’s unlikely there’d be room for him to get on, but this is the last bus out of town. He needs to catch it.
He starts choking on exhaust, continuing to run after the bus as it gradually fades from sight.
Rumors of our death have been greatly exaggerated. We’ve still got two more weeks left to play, and we’re gonna play our hearts out in all of them. Case in point: Winning 7 points from LBT B-team. Thought you could overlook, us, huh? Think again. Those points meant our B team rose all the way from last place to
*checks standings*
still last place. Fuck.
Panic Level:
Bric lies on the ground, clutching his chest, trying to staunch the bleeding, but he knows the bullet wound is too deep. Above him, his vision starts to fade out. Some LBT B-teamer, he can’t tell who, is standing there, monologuing about their grand plan to take over the league for the fourth season in a row or whatever. Or maybe it’s two of them. No, it’s definitely just the one, he’s just seeing double.
Regardless, Bric doesn’t hear much of what they’re saying, but he knows it’s getting on his nerves. He rolls over and rests the side of his head on the ground. His vision comes into focus, briefly, and he notices a glint coming from behind a nearby crate. A gun. And it’s just about arm’s length away.
He reaches out for it, straining with all his energy. His fingers brush against the metal, but it’s just a little too far for him to grasp. He stops. The LBT-er is still talking, evidently unaware of Bric’s goal. He takes a deep breath to gather himself, and rolls over once in the weapon’s direction.
Got it.
“You know,” Bric says weakly, interrupting the soliloquy, “I may not have much longer on these tiles.” The LBT-er stops talking and looks down. Bric's arms start to tremble, and he clutches the gun tighter. “But if I’m going down… I’m taking you with me.”
He pulls the trigger.
submitted by Balled-Eagle to NLTP [link] [comments]

Once upon a time, I was a psychopath.

Be me, party rogue, ninja, swordsage, all-around hard to find guy. Also happen to be a psycho little bastard with less than no morals, nothing even approaching sympathy or empathy unless it helps him, and a brutal streak two miles long and a mile wide. Rolled disgustingly well for myself, so at 1st level about at gross as you can get.
Rest of party includes Wolfman Paladin, Bear-lady Barbearean, assorted others not important to story.
Party starts as kids, small training session against imaginary hydra that is actually old tree.
Mock combat ensues. Me, not being idiot take cover and start throwing crystal shortspears at it. Paladin goes up to it obviously, barbearian also.
Defeat tree, realize it was tree, have laugh with party until paladin picks fight because massive shoulder chip.
I'm not having it, start laying down ass-whupping somehow with no BAB, no improved grapple, etc., manage to crit grapple and pin paladin screaming "I AM AN ADULT" because someone suggested getting an adult to deal with the fight.
At this point, I am 12 and Paladin is 9, annoying little brother type. I have no mercy to speak of.
Suddenly, town is being invaded by dudes and monsters, we're getting escorted out of town by local guard captain b/c we're just kids etc.
Captain McGuard has to split to go save some other civvies, tells us to haul ass into the nearby woods and don't look back, after giving one of the NPC's, here daughter, her slightly magic longsword.
Me, homeless child who's parents were eaten at 3 by dire tigers and was trained by the circus knife-thrower from 3-5, basically lives in alleyways and the woods between brutal child gang wars. Half my time I'm gutting older children because relatively young members of our gang of urchins don't have the guts to do it. Set myself up as protector, brutally slaughter pretty much anything that threatens.
I see no problem with living in the woods instead of dying in the streets. My gang is all dead now, a year or so ago we got captured and molested by evil priests for most of a year and I managed to escape, stab the priests, then had to mercy kill them because they were too fucked up to get out and then survive on the streets.
This begins one-sided grudge against most gods, priests, clerics, paladins, etc. None of the party know backstory, not likely to share because trauma for days.
Two of the PC's, barbearian and ranger or something, holding hands as we're walking out of town.
As a joke, say I slap their hands apart. Rest of group takes me seriously, so I roll bluff and act like I wanted to hold hands too, and slide my hand between theirs.
Bluff is disgusting, newfriendacquired.png
Ranger girl hates me, because I don't like Paladinbro, because he's an annoying 9 yr old with a chip the size of Mt. Everest on his shoulder.
Barbearian = new best friend
Fight wild dogs in woods, kill them easily between me, barbearian, and pallywolf.
I tell DM "Gonna skin em and make bags."
Thehorror.jpg from Paladin and ranger who are both wolffolk. I do it anyway, roll like 18 on survival to skin, 20 to make bags.
Tell DM "Gonna eat em."
Morefuckingwhygods.gif from the two wolfpeople. I do it anyway, cook em up good, offer everyone including paladog and ranger doggo some, they decline horrified. Their loss, good stuff.
Later, we sleep like dumbasses without hiding ourselves in bushes and shit, wizard and barbearian get kidnapped in sleep by bandits who hole up in abandoned tower.
Ain't havin that shit, that's my new friend/morality chain. Only thing stopping me from killing everyone else and living like a feral animal in the woods forever.
Sneak on em, I'm gross at hiding and using cover like a champ, get right up next to the cages in a bush, bandit is guarding it of course.
Me, two weapon fighting with thrown darts and sneak attack, go to take out frito bandito holding friendos hostage. Almost kill him, miss with one dart, barbearian rages and grabs him from cage, murdulates him with hands.
Other bandits are blind and deaf apparently, have noticed nothing. Until...
Paladin steps into clearing loud as shit and in the open, bandits take notice, everyone else roll initiative.
So begins a battle of (non)epic proportions, with people stabbing bandits and such.
Battle's over, paladin pukes his guts up at having to kill a man.
Me, being fucked up since 5, tells him now isn't the time.
Paladin, being 9, asks why the fuck I'm not horrified.
Me, again, being fucked up since like 5, tell him these aren't my first kills, probably not even my 20th kills, and aren't as horrible as some of mine.
Rest of party goes silent as fuck. 12 yr old just said he's got a pretty good fucking kill count, little odd.
Adventure continues a little more wary of me, I give -2 shits. Loot the corpses for spare gold and maybe weapons, don't find much.
Go to sleep in abandoned tower after dragging corpses to woods, enter the timeskip.
Should be noted that when paladin started talking about the families of the party (110% dead from invasion of homeland), I basically told him I'd murder him and make it look like an accident if he hurt the party. Nothing more important than survival of the group, obviously.
He asks me who died and made me the leader, I reply with "Nobody, yet. You want to volunteer?"
During 10 year timeskip, I use Sleigh of Hand every day as perform, because it can be used like that for card tricks and shit.
Become greatest fucking stage magician and juggler the country has ever seen. Take ten nets me 30, so I make 3d6 a day for ten years. Even with living expenses and buying a few magical items, I come out pretty fucking rich.
Ten years later, still best friends, maybe more with barbearian, trained with the others, leveled up to like 5th level. Good times. Whole time, paladin nursing jealousy for me because I made everything look smooth as butter on an elf and maybe the death threat didn't help.
On we go, fighting various creatures and helping some people along the way. Scare the shit out of some racist villagers when they make funny lookings at barbearian friend, etc.
We stop in at a capital under construction. Paladin being a paladin, tells DM "Wanna help, I take off my gear and get to work." Doesn't explain anything other than that, sounds like he literally hucked his shit in the middle of the street and ran off to help these dude move lumber.
I whisper to the DM. "Gonna take his gold, teach him not to leave shit by the side of the road."
My Sleight is gross, no chance of stopping me.
When paladin is done, he realized he's been robbed.
Comes to me, as the sneak of the group, asks me to track down thief who so callously robbed him in broad daylight.
I say "Why not, but I'm going to charge you 10% of whatever you've got in the purse."
He agrees, I basically naruto run up a building and spiderman flip over the edge because gross climb.
I fuck off for the day and watch clouds from the rooftops while the party does their thing, I do some Batman patrolling for criminal scum to execute in the name of psychopathy because why not.
I find nothing, go to bar at the end of the day where group is, toss paladin his purse, 10% lighter.
He never even knows until the DM fucks up and says it out loud with him in the room, he's pissed at me for like two whole months after. Fuck the death threats, this gets to him.
At one point, helping a gay goblin wizard track down his probably not gay goblin apprentices, one of them happens to be thinking about getting a little handsy with children, hasn't done anything yet though.
Turn invisible because Ninja, slit throat and dump corpse in bag of holding in the middle of the party interrogating the other apprentices on what happened to their gay master's "flesh" golems.
Sleight of Hand for the win.
At different point, paladin gets backhanded with a curse, because the dark gods love fucking with servants of light. Curse makes him basically stupid CE for a bit if he fails a will save. Extra saves if he gets damaged during episode to snap out of it, etc. None of the party knows.
In a prelude to him being cursed, I may have accidentally caused it to happen by stabbing the avatar of a god in the back with a sharpened holy symbol because she was a little too close to bearfriend who at this point was definitely something more. Essence came out of avatar, went into paladin. I can't knowledge religion to save my life or anyone else's, no idea what happened. Invisible and crit were the only reasons I actually did anything, so there's that.
Train of random events while cursed:
Molests 2 separate bartenders, one of which is a guy, makes lewd props at random people.
I never find out about the 2nd molest, the 1st one I slam his head into the bar, knock him out, drag him outside. Throw him in alleyway, take his gold and sword so he doesn't get robbed.
He wakes up an hour later, comes in demanding his sword and gold. I give up both, he's still pissed at me. Never apologized to barkeep. (I did after I came back in.)
Here's me, stupidly protective of bearfriend.
Here's him, threatening to rip her tits off and make her eat them.
Here's me, stabbing him in the kidneys. (He lived, kinda)
Here's him, rolling divine intervention to live through a pulped head from barbearian hammer to face. (Told you he lived)
Eventually, we gather gold and go to a church and have that curse broken with a stupid lucky roll by the cleric performing the cursebreaking. 19 +modifiers gets rid of that right quick.
Sadly, paladin trusts me even less after I let girlbearfriend mash his face. Don't really care, but it doesn't help our relationship any.
Eventually, dark goddess sends corrupterofsouls.jpg to mess with paladin, sends lesser minion after us as distraction.
So I dangled the minion off the side of a moving carriage by the neck with a spiked chain, there are strangle rules apparently. Whoknew?.jpg (Hint: It was me. I knew.)
Minion teleports out, because fuck that noise.
We go back to town, I see minion standing by tall dark and schmoozy. Persuader McCorrupt waves at me, beckons like he wants to talk.
I flip him off, go invisible, and sneak up behind paladin to spook him, maybe rustle his jimmies a bit. I hide of his giant moth mount, because he's a paladin of a moon goddess so why not. Thing is fluffy as fuck, I hide in the fluff, making myself one with my surroundings.
Agent of evil over there walks over to Pally, starts doing the whole "Let me show you the power of darkness" spiel.
I realize I'm the luckiest fucker ever because I'm on the damn mount. Evil dude pats the mount of a bit, DM tells me to roll hide/move silent.
I'm not moving, no move silent. Invis means +40 to hide when not moving.
Gods can't find me atm, fuck this guy. They walk off into the woods, moth follows because it's a moth. DM and paladin start whispered convo, DM gives me relevant verbal info, some of the convo is mental. Guy is showing the pally all the times, real or faked, that the party has basically laughed at him behind his back, mocked him, and showed him that I'd robbed him before, because while he knew that, his character didn't.
Timetofall.jpg as paladin says "Fuck those guys, darkness rocks!"
Badguy McEvil tells him "Prove your evilness by killing your god-given mount with this" and hands him basically a scorching ray of darkness cannon.
I realize "Aw shit I'm on the moth." as it begins to fly away, realizing the paladin has gone rogue. I jump off it as it gets vaporized, land in the trees with nice move silent, invis as swift action because ninja.
Now I'm my element, trees.
Paladin starts arguing for the safety of the party a little bit, but no mercy for me. Fuck me with a red hot poker.
Hangmaniscomindownfromthegallows.mp3 begins playing in my head as I realize I have a spiked chain and am in a tree.
Begin strangle.exe
Stack a bunch of shit on there so I get sneak attack, Iaijutsu Focus, etc, and weapon damage.
Damn near kill him in one shot.
Bad guy wants to sunder my crystal chain, so glad it was crystal. Chain survives.
Begin reeling the paladin into the trees like the demented murder spider I am.
Opposed strength checks, because he's fighting me. I roll high as fuck, he doesn't, up he goes.
Got a thing that lets me jump as a swift, my jump is disgusting as is.
He's making gestures like he wants to talk, I finally relent and drop his ass from thirty feet up because fuck your legs.
He basically accuses me of being legit Satan and helping destroy out homeland.
I tell him to stop being retarded, I was 12. I was a badass sure, but the biggest thing I could probably help wreck was a building.
He's pretty convinced I'm Satan though, no go.
I tell him "We grew up together, and we could have been like brothers. That's the only reason you're alive right now. If I see you again, you won't be." and ascend into my murderous canopy.
Cue my bearfriend who doesn't know what's going on wandering into the woods to try and find him. They start talking like me almost snapping the paladin's neck didn't even happen, because why not I guess.
I'm doing my best impression of an attic ghost, rattling my chain to remind him to keep on the straight and narrow.
Eventually, he wanders off, only to realize evil sucks, he's lost everything he ever worked for, and that he has basically nobody to back him up.
Campaign ends because I'm being too ruthless, any bbeg would find me in his fucking house at 2 am coup de grace'ing the fuck outta him with strangulation.
submitted by Chuck_Barrington to DnDGreentext [link] [comments]

Respect Hajime Hinata (Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair)

The future isn't a path, it's like an endless sea... You can try to go anywhere... But it doesn't mean you'll get there. Even so, I will keep on living. I will keep on living as Hajime Hinata. My future...lies here.
A normal person with absolutely no talent whatsoever, Hajime Hinata dreamed of having a talent to enter the prestigious Hope's Peak Academy. Unfortunately for him, he entered the Reverse Course of said academy, where it costed a fortune, which his parents could not afford for a long time.
Burning with admiration and envy towards the incredibly gifted students that populated the academy, Hajime willingly became the subject of the Hope Cultivation Program in hopes of obtaining a talent of his own. Unbeknownst to him, the procedure involved massive modifications to his brain that nearly drove him to insanity before he was lobotomized, effectively banishing his feelings, memories, hobbies, and his very identity to the darkest recesses of his mind.
Now imbued with the talents of every student who had ever attended Hope's Peak Academy, as well as every talent known to humanity, Hajime was reborn as Izuru Kamukura. Named after Hope's Peak's founder, the academy hoped that the newly created epitome of talent would lead humanity to a golden age as the so called "Ultimate Hope". But for all his talent, Izuru cared little for the talentless "ticks" that populated the world, and thus allowed the world to fall into despair as part of Junko Enoshima's Rampage. After witnessing Chiaki Nanami's death and the fond words she had for him, Kamukura decided to determine which was more unpredictable: despair or hope. Uploading Junko Enoshima's A.I. into the Future Foundation's Neo World Program, Izuru himself entered it to observe his experiment firsthand, purposefully wiping the memories of his classmates in order to have an unbiased view.
After reaching an epiphany about his identity and coming to terms with his actions, Hajime's and Izuru's personalities mingled, placing Hajime in control while retaining all of his amazing talents. He then sets out to end Enoshima's lingering influence once and for all, reforming the Remnants of Despair (His former classmates), and coming into conflict with the Future Foundation in the process.
After saving Makoto Naegi and his friends from the Last Killing Game, which was masterminded by Monaca Towa inside the Future Foundation Headquarters, Hajime left the country alongside his classmates, departing with them to live in Jabberwock Island, entrusting the hope of the world to Makoto.
Important Note: This thread shall be split into three sections: Pre-Project Kamukura Hajime, Izuru, and Fusion Hajime/Izuru.
1st: Hajime Hinata:
Ultimate Serenity:
Hajime has shown great counselling skills that while it is indeed not an Ultimate Talent, it was stated by several characters that it borders on one. Said ability allows him to make other people feel more relaxed and talk about their issues.
2nd: Izuru Kamukura:
The end results of Project Kamukura, Hajime had multiple modifications to his brain that would outright lead to madness and brain-breaking, before he was lobotomized, turning him into Izuru, who was named after the founder of Hope's Peak Academy, having been given every single talent known to humanity to create a thing that would take down all the despair in the world and end it.
The pinnacle of all talent, Izuru has every single talent known to humanity, but its effectiveness is multipled by a quintillion fold.
Note: While it's debatable that DRV3 is not related to DR 1,2 and 3, due to the fact that Izuru is the pinnacle of all talent, it should be safely assumed that Izuru has all of their talents as well.
It should be noted that this is merely a fraction of his talents, as he has every single talent known to humanity.
Also, keep in mind that he would have every single item known in the Danganronpa multiverse, as well as to humanity, so the items and weapons that are found in the Danganronpa multiverse are out of question.
3rd: Fusion Hajime/Izuru:
Following the end of Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair, Hajime and Izuru's personalities merged together, making Hajime in control, but with all of Izuru's amazing talents. It should be noted that as a completely motivated person, Hajime's abilities should be way above that of Izuru, and that all of his feats should be far more greater than that of Izuru.
submitted by ShadowOtsutsuki to danganronpa [link] [comments]

Pony Blindy Reacts to Steven Universe, Episodes 10-12

Yooo guys, Pony here again with another really long post full of links and stuff!
If you've missed my last few posts, you can catch them here:
Episodes 1 - 3 Episodes 4 - 6 Episodes 7 - 9
And a quick reminder that I am totally new to Steven Universe, and I am COMPLETELY SPOILER FREE. Please respect that and obstain from/mark your spoilers in the comments below. If in doubt about whether your comment is spoilery, don’t post! I rather enjoy going into a show totally blind, which I’ve managed to do here. So again, please be mindful!
These episodes are promised (by you guys!) to be some of the best so far. I'm really itching to get started, so let's go, yeah?
Season One, Episode Ten: "Steven's Lion"
Closing thoughts on “Steven’s Lion:” Another cute episode! I don’t really know what to make of Steven finding a giant pink magical lion in the desert and bringing him home with him. It’s just absurd - in a good way. Someone mentioned that this episode introduced a new character and, if I remember correctly, it was a recurring character, maybe? Or they implied it was. So seeing as how the Lion was the only new character this episode, I assume we’ll be seeing more of him. But like I said, I don’t know what to make of that. I want to know more about that pillow and what that was all about, but I honestly have no idea where to even begin there. I was very much digging that music, though. All about it.
Season one, episode eleven: "Arcade Mania"
  • Ooh, a sneaky-deaky stealth mission! My favourite.
  • S: “I don’t wanna catch a cold!”
  • P: “Then why are you still wearing sandals?” I must admit that I often times wear hoodies and jeans and flip-flops. Shit’s comfy, yo.
  • Majestic
  • Amethyst, I love you. But sometimes you can be a bit of a crummy goblin.
  • Somehow I don’t think that’s helping the situation right now, Steve-o.
  • Garnet with the catch of the day! Dem reflexes though.
  • For real, dem reflexes doe.
  • “Come on, Pookie.” I think I make a few excuses for Amethyst here and there, but she does at least recognize when it’s time to bail and split, especially when Steven is involved.
  • “What about Garnet?” I think Garnet has things under control. She’s kind of badass, ya’ know.
  • Cool gems don’t look back at explosions.
  • Welcome to the Garnet fanclub.
  • Pearl
  • Pearl what’re you doin’
  • “Garnet you’re amazing! How’d you even do that?” Teach me your ways!
  • Stunning and graceful, like a fox.
  • “Let them go. They’re just parasites. If they wanna be a problem, they’ll have to answer to me.”
  • I think that was more lines than Garnet’s had in the entire show thus far. She doesn’t talk much. Maaaybe this is a Garnet episode? I’d be down for that!
  • Basically.
  • “I swallowed a rock.” This show
  • Steven. Steven what are you doing. What does that mean.
  • Also, “We all worked so hard,” huh? I saw one person working hard.
  • Ah, look! There’s the jellyfish and seahorse rides from that one episode that gave me a couple of nightmares!
  • Steven making it rain! Also notice how Garnet doesn’t shield her eyes - not because she’s badass, just because she’s already wearing shades. Which makes her ultra badass.
  • Steven’s laugh kills me. It’s so goofy!
  • I mean I’m not saying it’s true, but Pearl you ain’t no better than me!
  • Road Killer for Pearl? That doesn’t sound like a good match. Pearl is more like the type to do 5 or 10 under the speed limit, never pass, and stop when the light turns yellow rather than gunning through.
  • P: “Which one of these buttons is my turn signal?” Pearl is gonna have a bad time. Also, does Pearl have a license? The mental image of Pearl driving around is making me mentally giggle. Mentally.
  • Damnnn, how many tickets would a scooter cost? I never got more than enough tickets for like a watch or something. I remember getting a rabbit’s foot keychain that I held onto forever. It kind of sucks growing up and realizing that the whole ticket-prize thing was a total scam, but I do miss going to the arcade we had here. It had mini-golf, go-karts, a skating rink, a golf range, and a baseball cage. Plus pizza and popcorn and stuff. I spent a lot of time there growing up. It might still be open, but it was always a place for like ⅚ to 13/14 year olds. I’m gonna bust up in there one day though. Throw my 24th birthday party there and rent the whole place out, heh.
  • Bad idea leaving Amethyst unattended
  • “Just punch and you’ll be fine.” Garnet takes things too literal.
  • “I did it.”
  • “I win again.”
  • “Tell my wife I’m sorryyyy!” Your Neutralness, it’s a beige alert! ;; If I don’t survive this, tell my wife, “hello.”
  • Is this some kind of sick joke?
  • “Well done!” “Now you’re cookin’.” “That’s rare.” Are these PUNS?!?!
  • “You’re horrible!” ”Stop saying that!” Pearl reminds me of Squidward for whatever reason.
  • P: “Why am I doing so badly? I haven’t crashed into anything!”
  • S: “You’re supposed to crash into everything!
  • P: “That’s horrible!”
  • Game: “You’re horrible!”
  • As expected, Amethyst is being Amethyst. WHAT DID I SAY? NO ONE EVER LISTENS TO PONY.
  • “I’mma win a airplane!” Wtf where did this accent come from
  • Running out when someone asks what happened to their broken arcade machine? Not suspicious at all! Put those stealth skills to work, Steven!
  • “So, what’s today’s mission? I hope it’s fighting...a giant...foot!”
  • Steven, suddenly aware and moritified that he, in fact, owns a foot.
  • Also maybe go see a doctor about that elbow
  • P: “If we were supposed to fight a giant foot, Garnet would let us know.”
  • A: “Yeah, Garnet’s the boss.”
  • P: “Well, we’re all a team. Garnet just has heightened perception that guides us towards our mission objectives.”
  • A: “Yeah - she’s the boss.”
  • Pearl seems reluctant to concede to the fact that Garnet is basically the leader of the group. Maybe not “the boss,” but mostly in charge. Amethyst doesn’t care though.
  • “You know Garnet goes off on missions without us all the time. She’s probably doing something very important.” Oooh!!! Can I guess what?
  • “You have to slam your face into that bowl of cereal.” DONE. I was gonna do that anyway.
  • Puhhhraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaise
  • P: “There is no foot!”
  • S: “Not anymore.” Thank you for saving the world, Steven - even if Pearl doesn’t appreciate it.
  • “Silver dollar? USELESS!” Steven noooooooooo
  • “This better not be another cat!” WHAT THE FUCK
  • “DOUBLE DOGS!” Dogs are always objectively better than any cat. Ever.
  • Oops, those parasite are back to bite you in the butt. ORRR kill you.
  • Staryu is maddddd
  • Guys look at this how sweet.
  • It looks like them gem girls are in a whole heap o’trouble.
  • Welcome to bullet hell!
  • Hm, so why is Garnet like, stuck? It’s like she’s in a trance. I mean, she’s completely focused on the game; she’s not giving Steven an ounce of her attention. I know that they will most likely answer this within the next few minutes but I’m just thinking aloud beforehand. Is she addicted to the game? Can she not stop until she’s won, except this game doesn’t have an ending clearly, or else she’d already be there - she’s been playing all night long; she’s stuck in a loop. Or does this have something to do with the heightened perception Pearl mentioned, as in she can sense what’s coming next? Or is Garnet just a video game addict like myself and can’t pull away?
  • That’s rare! Rare indeeeeed!
  • So it looks like she is in some kind of trance. And a third eye, huh? Hmm...that gives me a few things to think about.
  • I feel like I’m learning a lot about Garnet today - she can generate electricity, too? That’s something I did not know.
  • “The rhythm has her.” This is Estelle we’re talking about, after all.
  • The face of determination.
  • Steven I don’t think you have a dog in this fight. Cut your losses, find a new tall, three-eyed mysterious lady to take home, and call it a night.
  • Aww, at least Steven tried.
  • She’s back! Also she looks a bit goofy.
  • So killing the game was the only thing to snap her out of it. Good thing Steven was there? No, wait. This is kind of Steven’s fault. Nevermind.
  • Neat.
  • “Oh no, no no! Don’t you go flippity-flopping out of here!” This guy is always super high-strung, but also Steven is pretty much always ruining something for him. First it the whole roller coaster ordeal in Bubble Buddies, then the teacup ride in Serious Steven, now this. Poor dude.
Closing thoughts on “Arcade Mania:” So this was neat, getting to learn a little about Garnet - although it was more like just a glimpse. It was interesting to see her overcome with something like an arcade game, when giant monsters pose no threat to her. So Ms. Mysterious does have flaws. I like that! And now we also know why she’s always rockin’ shades indoors like a douchebag. Because she has three fucking eyes. Far out. But about that third eye - what's that all about? Can Garnet see into the future or something? That's what third-eyes are typically associated with, yeah? Precognition and clairvoyance - kind of what Pearl mentioned with "heightened preception." Or maybe something similar to that, like just having an incredibly strong sense of what will happen next. I know what I mean to say but I'm having trouble thinking of it haha. Hopefully we'll see more of this soon.
Season One, Episode 12: "Giant Woman"
  • Before I start, let me just say that I’m incredibly excited for this episode. In my last post you guys really hyped up this episode, so I have big expectations! Giant Woman, don’t let me down!
  • “Steven, are the water balloons really necessary?” Yes Pearl. Yes they are.
  • “But it’s checkers! Every single move matters.” Of course you’d be the one to say that Pearl.
  • Keep it together girl!
  • “Feels good to lose.” I’m gonna stop you right there and say that - even though I know what you mean, the water balloons feel nice because it’s probably hot out considering and all but - losing fucking sucks and does not feel good. That’s all.
  • Aw come on, Pearl. You know what she meant. Or maybe you didn’t since you take things very literally most of the time.
  • “You’re no fun anymore!” So Pearl was once fun? FLASHBACK PLEASE. I need to see fun Pearl.
  • “This is why we never form opal.” What’s opal?
  • “Oh, it’s the two of us - mashed together.” wot
  • “Pff, is water just hydrogen and oxygen mashed together?”
  • ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • “When we synchronize our forms, we combine into a powerful fusion gem named Opal.” Did you guys knows this? Hey, you guys? DID YOU KNOW?
  • FUSION?!?!
  • So a few things before we move on: they have to synchronize their forms. HA, how are Amethyst and Pearl supposed to do that? They can hardly play a game of checkers together! How are they meant to “synchronize?” Second of all, Pearl can control sand? That’s interesting, considering pearls are formed when sand (or something) finds its way inside an oyster. Also, FUSION! This opens up so many possibilities! I want to see Opal; I want to see Garnet and Amethyst fused, and Pearl and Garnet fused, and - can they all three fuse? I want to see that too! Give me all the fusing! I’m excited.
  • Straight shade Amethyst.
  • “Opal is an amalgam of our combined magical and physical attributes fused into a single entity.” I have so many questions.
  • Me right now
  • “Wow-can-you-do-it-right-now-come-on-form-Opal!” YEAH DO ITTTTTT
  • “We only form Opal when it’s absolutely necessary. “ IT’S ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY RIGHT THIS SECOND MA’AM.
  • Steven is easily amused.
  • A: “Well I’m going with not Pearl.”
  • P: “That’s perfect because I don’t want to go with grammatically incorrect people anyway.”
  • S: “Is her talking about me?” Sometimes you have to let the show speak for itself.
  • Also why is Steven chomping down on that rock. Steven I know you’re not brain dead.
  • Garnet thinks she’s sooooooo cool. Because she is.
  • A: “You mean boringer.”
  • P: “You mean more boring.”
  • A: “So you agree with me.” Amethyst is so very much the annoying little sister sometimes.
  • There’s absolutely nothing harmonious going on here. What’s their beef with one another? I thought it was just personalities clashing and picking fun at one another, but now I’m wondering if there’s something more? Did something happen between the two of them?
  • “Wait, these are extremely important questions!” YES. YES THEY ARE. ANSWER HIS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT QUESTIONS PLS.
  • “What about if you ate a hotdog, whose stomach does it go into? Or do you share the same stomach? Uhhahaha, that would be gross.” Okay some of these questions aren’t so important but keep chipping away at ‘em for me, Steve-boy!
  • Pearlface makes a savage return
  • Look at the little marshmallow puff
  • “We only fuse for deadly situations. Does this look like a deadly situation?” Any situation is a deadly situation if you try hard enough, PEARL!
  • That’s karma for you for NOT FUSING ALREADY
  • Weebles wobble but they don’t. fall. down.
  • :OOO A SONG?! :D I forgot you guys also mentioned a song this episode!
  • “All I wanna be is someone who gets to see, a giant woman.” ME TOO.
  • Pearl being lowkey bitchy.
  • Amethyst that was mean. But also funny. And also Pearl should wear her hair down like that; I like it better.
  • Steven hitting that falsetto. He has a pretty nice voice actually.
  • “All I wanna do, is see you turn into, a giant woman.” Same.
  • S: “Oh! You should fuse into Opal, and then lay across the rocks like a bridge!” That’s...definitely an idea.
  • P: “We don’t need Opal to get across.”
  • S: “Can you do it anyway? PUHLEEEASEEE?” Don’t upset this child. Or me!
  • Amethyst, that was not a good idea. At least we got this reaction out of Pearl, complete with a “D’OH!”
  • Immediate regret
  • Ahh see, look what they can do when they put their heads together?
  • “That was so great how you worked together! Why don’t you do that all the time?” Steven we’re on the same page at least.
  • Seriously though, why do they hate each other all of a sudden?
  • So very child-like. I also do this - “I’m sooo full, I can’t eat another bite, not a single one!” *proceeds to eat another bite* “Ughhh I think I might die.”
  • Look at all this tiny stuff. There’s a backpack with the initials “H.B.” stitched into it, eye glasses, a gameboy colour, and what looks like an SNES controller. This little beetle is living the life.
  • Pearl and Amethyst are really at one another’s throats. I’m pretty sure I’m gonna get to see Opal, but I’m starting to doubt it a little. Seriously - what is up between these two?
  • Yes - we all know Pearl is a bird, but there’s literal pterodactyl squawks coming from somewhere.
  • What did I JUST fucking say
  • Oh to have love and to have lost
  • “Guys this is great! The goat that I’ve spent the day with, named after myself, and treated like a child has been eaten, but it’s the perfect opportunity for you guys to form Opal!” I’m okay with this.
  • I never thought I’d say this, but thank you giant bird (but also fuck you, bird) for bringing these two together in holy fusion-oly. Amen.
  • GUYS
  • I know you guys have seen it already but LOOK AGAIN
  • Thank you for this Amethyst, my family would starve without your help hunting and gathering these Pearl faces.
  • And praise be to those who gave us this Amethyst booty.
  • Steven and I have become one
  • Yeah but also the fusion thing
  • There’s a lot going on in this moment
  • I mean, they have to fuse now, right? Don't give me some bullshit where they decide to just work together and realize they don't need fusion to save Steven. You can't hype me up like that and then leave me out cold and stranded. I need this.
  • What’s up with all the gems inside the bird monster? Does this thing eat like, other gem monster things?
  • “Bad goat! You’re no son of mine!” Steven how quick you are to turn.
  • :DDDDD Side note, I wasn't expecting multiple sets of arms but I'm definitely not complaining!
  • She’s beautiful!
  • And graceful!
  • “Stay low.” And she has the voice of an angel! Or velvet! Or melted butter!
  • And she has a fucking sick “theme” song! Pearl’s piano and Amethyst’s drumkit, yessss.
  • But how does she walk like that because damn does it look painful. I guess that's another ballerina to add to the list...
  • She’s giving Garnet a run for most badass right now.
  • She is way too OP. I love her.
  • Yep. My sentiments exactly.
  • This show is beautiful in so many ways.
  • Why is this so damn cute?!
  • Oh but we barely just begun :(
  • Also wow, she’s really tall.
  • And they’re back to arguing again. Guys come on!
  • And new development: apparently Pearl was the one throwing in back flips. For whatever reason, I would assume that would be Amethyst’s doing.
  • These beetles are supposed to be so important and Garnet just tosses it into the container like it ain’t no thang.
  • god damnit pearl
  • “Nice work. You’ll be great at fusing one day.”
  • Woah, I didn’t even think about Steven being able to fuse! How would that work, though? He’s a meat bag. I guess he was able to turn his fingers into cats, and he is able to sometimes pull a shield out of his belly button, but combining his body with someone else’s to make a different being? That seems...a little more difficult. Slightly impossible.
Closing thoughts on “Giant Woman:” OMG YOU GUYS WERE NOT KIDDING, THIS EPISODE WAS AWESOME. So fusion is a thing, and I need to know all about it right now please. Pearl and Amethyst apparently kind of hate each other for some reason unbeknownst to me; I knew they didn’t necessarily see eye-to-eye, but I didn’t realize it was that bad. Steven sang a song! And it was cute! And it was good! AND OPAL. Opal was the. best. thing. ever. I love everything about her - from her design, to her weapon, to her song, to her voice - I want more Opal. I know that means I don’t get Amethyst or Pearl for the time being, but I WANT MORE OPAL. And she kind of gives me some Nabooru vibes? Maybe it’s the gem placement, the nose, the nair. I’m not sure. But I have a lot of questions now - like how does fusion work? How are the gems able to fuse in the first place? How many gems can fuse with one another? Can all three fuse together? If Garnet is so sure that Steven can fuse, how will that work? The fusion that’s a result of the other two - are they a different person all together, or is it more that the constituent parts have control? If they are more of a separate entity, what happens when they unfuse? AGH. This was easily my favourite episode so far, by a large, LARGE margin. I understand now why people said they used this episode to get their friends to watch. It’s just so good. Hot damn.
Dudes. DUDES. I feel like these were the three absolute best episodes so far, but I think Giant Woman really just helps the other two here, haha! Not to say that they weren't good - because they were - but GIANT WOMAN THOUGH. Steven's Lion was cute - really cute - and I'm interested to see what we're going to do with a giant pink lion now; Arcade Mania had a few funny moments, and the reveal of Garnet's third eye was unexpected and has questions stirring around in my brain; but GIANT WOMAN. This was a game changer. I feel like there's so many doors that the concept of fusion can open. Not only do I now want to see every fusion possible, I now need all my questions about fusion answered. How does it work? Why is it a thing? Why not just do it always? How are they able to do it? Plus, now I want to know why Amethyst and Pearl are at odds with one another. They seemed to have some serious feelings against one another. episode ever.
I'm not able to get this out as quickly as I'd hoped - I was shooting for 2 a week, but now it looks like it'll be more like one a week. At least, that is, until this month is over. I work two jobs and one is in academia, so during Maymester and summer semester I either don't work or work reduced hours during the day rather than night, so I'll have more free time! Which I plan to put towards getting out 2 posts a week. I doubt I'll be caught up for the new episodes whenever they come, but that's okay.
My next group of episodes is So Many Birthdays, Lars and the Cool Kids, and Onion Trade. I don't know what to expect with So Many Birthdays; I don't know how I feel about an episode I suspect centers around Lars; and I've been told that Onion Trade is when I'll see the true nature of Onion, who I, apparently, naively thought was a cute little munchkin. Live and let learn?
I'm not trying to plug my posts or anything, but my "mailing list" grew a LOT after last week. If you're interested in being part of the cool kid's club, message me or leave a comment and I'll add you to the list!
And as always, please remember: THIS IS A SPOILER FREE, BLIND REACTION SERIES. I basically know nothing about this show, so please keep your comments and discussion below relatively spoiler-free!


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