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Why we like Peak Fintech @PEAK_Fintech $PKK $PKKFF @Stockfamgroup

PEAK SYNOPSIS Peak Fintech Group (PKK in Canada, PKKFF in U.S.) - By MrDotto in the Stock Fam Discord group
Upcoming Name Change: Tenet Fintech Group
Industry (Financial Technology Services for Commercial Lending)
Notable Management: Johnson Joseph (C.E.O), Sheldon Inwentash (Board Member, Strategic Advisor)
Why We Love it:
My oh my…..where to begin? (I’ll just drop this and explain near the end: PKK expects to be listed on the NASDAQ by late March, early April. Put a pin in that and we’ll discuss later)
If you have recently joined the Stock Fam community (congratulations!), you may have come across the expression “Holy Grail” used for ThreeD Capital (IDK, IDKFF), and with good reason, as it is the current investment vehicle of legendary Canadian investor, Sheldon Inwentash (See the dedicated IDK board for more info). However, if ThreeD is the “Holy Grail”, Peak Fintech (soon to be Tenet Fintech Group) deserves a moniker of its own. I’d call it the “Crown Jewel” of the Stock Fam community. So, let’s get into why. Get comfortable.
Peak is a Canadian company with the incredibly rare distinction of being a growing player in the Chinese financial marketplace. Through its Asia Synergy subsidiaries, Peak facilitates lending between financial institutions and commercial borrowers. It does this through an online ecosystem that essentially does all the legwork for the banks by both assessing credit risk and also finding matches for lenders and borrowers within that ecosystem. Mr. Joseph himself once compared it, in very loose terms for new investors, to essentially a dating site for lending. Peak does the legwork, sets up the match, and takes a fee (currently in the 2% range of the total size of credit).
Now, after reading this, you’ll have questions, so let’s anticipate that and answer them now. After that, we will talk revenue numbers, and you’ll fall out of your chair and need assistance getting up (we assume no liability for chair accidents.
First, the big question most new investors to Peak have is “Well, is it safe to operate in China? You know, the whole Jack Ma thing…”
To answer this, we need to first understand the lending climate in China. A few years back, it was far too easy for any poorly run “lending centre” to pop up, give out loans with outrageous interest rates, and gouge the SME (Small and Medium sized Enterprises) that were in need of capital. This led to massive default rates and a climate that threatened to stifle commercial growth. The Chinese Government had to do something about it, so they did. Strict regulations came into play, and it laid a wasteland to the shady lenders that had profited from a less-regulated environment.
The result? Only the best, most thoroughly proven companies remained. Peak emerged from this landscape with the trust of major lenders, and perhaps more importantly, local and regional governments. Just in 2020, the company won the exclusive right to bring their Cubeler Lending Hub Ecosystem to financial centers of multiple cities. Who selected them? The government of course!
Afraid of what is happening to Jack Ma’s Alibaba and their financial arm, ANT Group? Not to worry. The government is looking to prevent monopolies from behemoth entities like ANT, which actually provide all the services of a bank! The IPO was postponed until ANT can bring itself up to actual bank-level regulations. Peak does not lend money. Let’s be clear here… PEAK IS NOT A LENDER. They facilitate successful, heavily de-risked lending arrangements between lenders and SME borrowers.
OK, I’ve made you wait long enough. Let’s get to the good stuff. I’ll just roll all out. Please ensure that your chair can withstand the strain.
The revenues for 2020 are, after Q3, already at $26 million. After Q4 the total will certainly be north of $40 million. This does not include nearly all of the following: Deals with massive distributors signing on in Q4. A potential reach of over 340,000 SMEs, well over 50 major lending institutions, 26 major distributors, 19 material suppliers, nearly 250 factories. Go to the DD board for people much better at napkin math than me, but conservative estimates of a $100m revenue stream in 2021 are….well, ridiculously conservative! (Seriously, some PKK board regulars will be upset with me for this low estimate)
Peak has been stress testing their lending hub ecosystem for future agreements with major Chinese online portals like Alibaba (through T-Mall), J.D.COM, and Pinduoduo. In fact, Peak has already released news of an impending agreement with Pinduoduo. Pinduoduo has well over 5.6m online merchants using its platform. There are game changers, and then there are GAME ENDERS. Done, game over. Peak wins. You win.
(Chinese social media influencers as product sellers is a crazy-huge industry in China. Peak has gained a foothold in that too. See our DD section for more info)
Oh, and then there is the fast-tracking of the stock to the NASDAQ (late Q1….yes, this quarter!). The application is to be completed in late January, early February, and the process takes 6-10 weeks. You may have heard how hot Fintech is these days on the NASDAQ? Peak expects to be listed in Hong Kong by mid 2021, too. You think, just maybe, Chinese investors might be interested in this, too?
If you have somehow remained attached to your chair, we can briefly discuss the data. Remember that offensively-low $100m revenue estimate for 2021? That currently does not include data monetization at all. With this volume of customers and access to all of the data gleaned from these transactions, the monetization of the data could DWARF ALL OTHER VERTICALS. The “blue sky” potential here ends far beyond the blue sky. It ends in outer space.
Oh, and Mr. Joseph sees them going to India as soon as late 2021. Yeah, India is pretty big I hear. World domination has a nice ring to it too, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Ok, get back in your chair, if you can. We are nearly done here. The Stock Fam community has well over 1,000 members on the Peak board, many of which can run DD circles around me.
Watch Stock Fam TV livestream videos for full breakdowns of a very special company. See you on the boards!
submitted by cgindecent to StockFamGroup [link] [comments]

Wrestling Observer Rewind ★ Dec. 2, 2002

Going through old issues of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter and posting highlights in my own words. For anyone interested, I highly recommend signing up for the actual site at f4wonline and checking out the full archives.
1-7-2002 1-14-2002 1-21-2002 1-28-2002
2-4-2002 2-11-2002 2-18-2002 2-25-2002
3-4-2002 3-11-2002 3-18-2002 3-25-2002
4-1-2002 4-8-2002 4-15-2002 4-22-2002
4-29-2002 5-6-2002 5-13-2002 5-20-2002
5-27-2002 6-3-2002 6-10-2002 6-17-2002
6-24-2002 7-1-2002 7-8-2002 7-15-2002
7-22-2002 7-29-2002 8-5-2002 8-12-2002
8-26-2002 9-2-2002 9-9-2002 9-16-2002
9-23-2002 9-30-2002 10-07-2002 10-14-2002
10-21-2002 10-28-2002 11-4-2002 11-11-2002
11-18-2002 11-25-2002

PROGRAMMING NOTE: I tried to post this earlier this morning but I guess it didn't work. I just noticed. Said it had to be approved by the mods first. So I deleted that one and re-posting now. We'll see how this goes.

EDIT: Looks like it was the Road Dogg story that got this post flagged and kept it from posting earlier. Dammit Road Dogg, do you ever stop sucking?

  • I usually try to avoid too much MMA, but the top story this week is a looooooong recap of the Ken Shamrock vs. Tito Ortiz UFC PPV so we gotta run with it, if for no other reason than the fact it's one of the most significant fights in UFC history. Besides, half of this is just Dave talking about how UFC did such a better job with this show than WWE has done with anything in ages. The build-up, promotion, and video packages for this fight blew away anything WWE has done in years and exposed all their problems when it comes to an inability to make people care about matches. WWE has a crew of writers whose job is to book enticing storylines and they can't come close to how UFC promoted this real-life story. Fear Factor host Joe Rogan, as UFC's resident color commentator, did a better job of building excitement than Tazz or Jerry Lawler have ever done. Big name celebrities were in attendance. The gate was the largest MMA gate in the U.S. and bigger than all but a handful of Wrestlemania gates. All without TV and without much mainstream media coverage. In WWE, Shamrock was considered a "bad promo" because he didn't cut promos like they wanted. But his interviews going into this fight were the best in UFC history and went a long way towards this show's huge success.
  • That being said, Shamrock was totally blown out in what Dave feels was a one-sided fight. Shamrock looked good but he's 38 and simply was outclassed by the younger, faster Ortiz. It went 3 rounds of mostly ground and pound, with Ortiz making hamburger out of Shamrock's face. Even when Shamrock was able to escape, he was too gassed to do much else. After 3 rounds, Shamrock's corner stopped the fight. Ortiz put on a shirt that said "I killed Kenny...you bastard!" but the crowd immediately turned on him when he did and his own trainer demanded he take it off. Afterward, Shamrock was respectful and hugged Ortiz and did an interview making no excuses. When they asked Ortiz about a fight with Chuck Liddell, he responded that UFC better pay them more money for it, or they'll take that fight to Japan (presumably PRIDE, though he didn't explicitly say so). Needless to say, UFC officials weren't thrilled about that. Otherwise, it was a great show. They announced the return of Tank Abbott, which was a surprise since rumors had him going to PRIDE. Bradshaw was there in the front row going nuts the whole show but was never identified on camera. And that's as much as we're dwelling on this show.
  • Linda McMahon had to face the investors this week and try to put a positive spin on the fact that WWE just suffered its first true money-losing quarter since 1997. WWE lost over $1.6 million this past quarter, due mostly to the money they were forced to pay the William Morris Agency for a lawsuit they lost as well as losses from The World complex in Time Square. Linda said that WWE still considers TV ratings to be the key driver of business and blamed falling ratings on males 17-34 allegedly watching less television these days. Sure, why not? She said they expected business to go down with the brand split and predicted it would take 12-18 months for things to get back to where they should be. Well, we're 8 months in and numbers continue to fall and other than Brock Lesnar, not any other new star has been made by it. In regards to The World complex, Linda admitted there've been mistakes and said they plan to rebrand it again soon as "The World of WWE" after previously deciding to remove the WWE name. They're going to rename the restaurant part JR's Bar & Grill. One investor in particular called Linda out on the declining ratings, blaming it on Triple H being the primary focus (who he noted was Linda's daughter's boyfriend) and mentioning the necrophilia storyline and argued that WWE's problems stem from terrible creative. It was the most critical question Linda has ever faced in one of these calls. Linda defended Triple H, first claiming that Triple H and Stephanie's relationship is new and thus can't be credited for his main event push (no one knows the exact timeline, but given that he was cheating on Chyna with her, this relationship goes back at least 2 years, so you can't exactly call it new). Linda listed Triple H, along with Lesnar, Shawn Michaels, and Scott Steiner as their big four stars. The investor responded saying Michaels "is done" (lol) and that Steiner is just another washed up WCW guy (ok, fair) and that WWE still isn't creating new stars. He said that while WWE was better off financially than WCW was at the end, creatively, they're just as bad. Linda responded, "We are not WCW" and talked about efforts to create new stars out of Edge and Test. This was clearly not the conversation Linda wanted to have with all these other big money investors listening.
  • Linda was also asked about Steve Austin and said they've talked several times and they're "good friends" but that she didn't know if he was ever coming back. Austin made a public appearance later the same day and was asked the same thing by everyone. He said WWE has been trying to get him to come back in January to build for a Wrestlemania match, but he hasn't decided whether to do it or not yet. He talked about wanting to get his home life in order first before he focuses on a wrestling comeback. Jim Ross also did an interview saying he talks to Austin all the time and expects him back eventually. So it sounds like things are maybe warming up between the two sides finally.
  • And finally, Linda spent a good chunk of the conference call talking about their issues with the World Wildlife Fund. She said that when she and Vince purchased the company from Vince Sr. in 1982, they trademarked the WWF name and logo. At the time, Wake Forest University had an issue with it because the logo was similar, and in exchange for getting the college to drop their claim, Vince made an agreement to never sell WWF merch on the Wake Forest campus. Easy enough. In 1994, the Wildlife people said, "Hey, that's our letters" and a bunch of legal shit happened and they reached an agreement where WWF wouldn't market itself as "WWF" outside of North America. They would have to use the full name "World Wrestling Federation." Of course, they immediately and constantly began violating that agreement, but the Wildlife people ignored it until Vince snatched up the wwf.com domain name, which is in use worldwide, and obviously could create confusion among any web users trying to find one or the other. Thus the lawsuit, which Vince lost handily and they were forced to rename themselves WWE. Then they had until Nov. 10th of this year to stop selling "WWF" branded merchandise, which resulted in them having to stop and reprint a bunch of stuff as well as take all old WWF footage off some WWF Classics TV show that I guess airs in Europe (they're currently airing WCW footage instead).
  • Well now, the Wildlife Fund is seeking damages, to the tune of $360 million. Linda claimed the Wildlife people offered to drop all further legal action in exchange for a $90 million settlement and they would extend the deadline until next year. WWE refused. As a result, the Fund is now going to court to try to stop sales of a WWF-branded video game that is due out this month, which is expected to be a big Christmas seller. WWE put out a statement calling it a "Grinch-like move to deny wrestling fans around the world the opportunity to receive these products as Christmas gifts." And in typical WWE fashion, they put out another statement attacking the Fund personally, specifically their lawyer who they claim lives in Switzerland but has no Swiss law license. They conveniently leave out the part that he does have a license to practice law in the UK, and that's where this case was decided, which renders WWE's entire "point" meaningless. They also accused him of having involvement with some financial scandals in the UK and even tried to tie his Islamic charity to the 9/11 tragedies, accusing his charity of funneling money to Al-Qaeda. Just the usual Jerry McDevitt bullshit. Anyway, video game maker THQ said all games with the WWF logo were shipped prior to the original Nov. 10 deadline and therefore, they won't recall them. But a British court has said THQ will be ruled in contempt if any WWF-branded games are sold and recommended THQ should—for their sake—recall the games and bill WWE for the damages because, as the judge said, "THQ must look at WWE for the losses which have been caused because it was the WWE that got them into this mess." One final note to all this: Linda McMahon admitted that they did consider doing an angle at the recent UK Rebellion PPV where Vince McMahon would have faced a wrestler in a panda suit on the show and beat him up and pinned him. Dave says, considering the damages part of the lawsuit is still ongoing, that would have been monumentally stupid and luckily, it seems WWE agreed because they didn't do it. Not even sure why they'd admit thinking about it.
  • PRIDE had a sold out show at the Tokyo Dome that aired on PPV in Japan and the U.S. but were edited to be completely different shows. The Japan version was based around the retirement of Nobuhiko Takada, facing his former understudy Kiyoshi Tamura and was heavily built around their old 90s UWFI rivalry. It was the rivalry that everything was building to back in the 90s, but it never happened because the company closed. Symbolically, this was seen as the true death of UWFI, 6 years after it actually shut down and closed that incomplete chapter. It was an emotional angle that packed the 3rd largest MMA crowd in history into the Tokyo Dome. But in the U.S., that meant nothing to American fans and the Takada match and retirement ceremony didn't even air as part of the show. Instead the American version of the PPV was edited to showcase Fedor Emeliankenko beating the brakes off Heath Herring and setting himself up to challenge for the heavyweight title in the match that made him a star. Takada got knocked out in his retirement match and they had a big emotional ceremony after. And some other MMA stuff.
  • Long obituary for Japanese wrestler Thunder Sugiyama, who died at age 62 this week. Big star in the 60s and early-70s, was one of the first recruits by Giant Baba when he started AJPW and later had a brief run in NJPW. After retirement, he became a millionaire in other businesses. But in 1999, due to diabetes complications, he ended up having both of his arms and both of his legs amputated, which led to a lot of media coverage since he was quasi-famous and lost all 4 limbs. Well then.
  • Another obituary for Billy Joe Travis, who died of a heart attack at 41. He went tanning, drove back to his mother's house, walked through the front door, and dropped dead of a heart attack. He was best known for his years in Memphis, and was regarded as one of the most promising stars in the business in the late-80s. But he had a nasty drug problem and, well, it never really happened. Most people remember him best for being the guy who legitimately got arrested on live TV during one of the Saturday morning Memphis shows, due to failure to pay child support. Cops showed up to the show to get him, they asked if they could film the arrest, cops said sure, and they did, but pretended it was for something else and made an angle out of it.
WATCH: Billy Joe Travis gets legitimately arrested during live USWA broadcast
  • Fuji Network in Japan had Bob Sapp Day on their channel. From 5:30am until 7pm that night, Sapp repeatedly cut into shows, appeared in live interview segments, did talk shows, game shows, etc. All damn day. It's been said that American fans can't comprehend just how big a star Sapp is in Japan right now. Even people who don't follow wrestling or MMA know who he is because he's become something of a sensation throughout the country.
  • As further proof that anything can happen, this week's issue of Tokyo Sports featured a front page photo of Antonio Inoki shaking hands with Hisashi Shinma. For the unfamiliar, this is the equivalent of Bret Hart and Vince McMahon shaking hands on the front page of the USA Today. Inoki and Shinma were the minds behind NJPW's success in the 70s and 80s, with Shinma being the primary booker when Inoki was the top star. But an embezzlement scandal in NJPW in the mid-80s led to Shinma being fired. He and Inoki remained friends and they even worked together in 1989 when Shinma acted as Inoki's campaign manager for his successful Senate campaign. However, the 2 later had a major falling out, resulting in Shinma publicly revealing Inoki's participation in the embezzlement scandal as well as even reporting Inoki for cheating on his taxes, which led to a lot of legal headaches for Inoki. So it was a pretty serious beef. However, they have squashed it and, with NJPW struggling right now, word is Shinma will be returning to the company to help dig them out of their hole. It's also worth noting that during the 80s, Shinma was close friends with Vince McMahon and acted as the NJPW liaison to WWF during that time. In fact, he was the on-screen figurehead "President" of WWE prior to Jack Tunney, though he rarely did much of note. The relationship is still good and Shinma noted that one of the first things he wants to do when he starts working for NJPW again is send rookie Shinsuke Nakamura to WWE for him to gain more experience (took, like, 15 years but it happened).
  • Former UFC heavyweight champ Josh Barnett, currently serving a worldwide 6-month MMA suspension for failing steroid tests, is making his pro wrestling debut for NJPW at the Jan. 4th Tokyo Dome show. Barnett has been a wrestling fan for years, particularly NJPW and the old UWFI in the 90s, and has been trying to get involved in wrestling for awhile. He's friends with Bob Sapp and that opened the door for him, though in Japan, most people know him as Sapp's coach/cornerman rather than being a former UFC champ in his own right, because "UFC" doesn't mean much in Japan (not only does Barnett work this show, he ends up main eventing it, losing to IWGP champ Yuji Nagata).
  • Chyna is scheduled to return to NJPW next week, this time teaming with Masahiro Chono to face Tadao Yasuda and Kazunari Murakami. I only mention this because it ends up being Chyna's last match for almost a decade. She quietly retired afterward, only returning for one final match in 2011 in TNA. But for all intents and purposes, this is the end of the road for Chyna's pro wrestling career.
  • Hulk Hogan is doing his book tour and it kinda shows the differences between Vince and Hogan. Privately, Vince has been telling anyone who will listen that he's done with Hogan, doesn't want him back in WWE, and is running him down to anyone who will listen. Hogan, knowing it's inevitable that he'll be back some day, has been much more diplomatic in interviews, praising Vince and calling WWE his home. Hogan admitted in one interview that he was supposed to return at Survivor Series, but the deal fell apart due to creative differences, but that's all he would say (creative differences = he didn't want to put over Brock Lesnar again). Hogan talked about how wrestling is predetermined, but argued against it being choreographed. He says guys like himself and Rock can go out there and call a match on the fly. Dave thinks that's a pretty poor example to use, since Hogan, Rock, and Pat Patterson all flew to Florida prior to Wrestlemania last year and spent 2 days rehearsing every step of that match beforehand. Anyway, Dave promises to have reviews of Hogan's and Piper's books in the next week or two. He's read Piper's already and enjoyed it but hints that there's some inaccuracies. He's heard Hogan's is pretty full of bullshit too, but also says we all expected that going in.
  • Bret Hart's condition post-stroke has improved significantly, and this week, he even got his driver's license back and is allowed to drive again, which is seen as a major step in his improvement.
  • Vince Russo returned to TNA this week as an on-screen character, appearing under a mask as Mr. Wrestling III and hitting Ron Killings with a guitar and allowing Jeff Jarrett to win the NWA title. The backstage fallout from this resulted in Sean Waltman quitting the company. Waltman doesn't like Russo and even though he was promised Russo doesn't have any hand in creative, Waltman didn't believe it and quit in protest of Russo's return. Waltman had no-showed TNA's previous PPV at the last moment due to injury and TNA was upset, but decided to bring him back anyway because he was extremely apologetic and because, well, they need stars. Also, Waltman being there is pretty much the only reason Scott Hall decided to come back as well. So with Waltman quitting, this leads to questions about whether Hall will be back either. TNA was also hoping having Waltman on the roster would lead to Chyna coming in, but that's probably not happening now either. Waltman has a deep hatred for Russo's booking and also felt having a company work its wrestlers the way WCW used to do isn't healthy for the company, and he felt he was being misled by TNA about Russo's involvement.
  • In fact, despite management denials, almost nobody in the company believes that Russo is only a talent. Pretty much everyone figures that if he's not involved in creative yet, he will be soon. During the negotiations with Panda Energy, Waltman himself went to bat for Jerry Jarrett, saying he wanted Jarrett in charge and that he wouldn't stay with the company if Russo was in charge. True to his word, Russo showed up and Waltman quit. TNA tried to pacify him, even discussing doing a match that night where Waltman and Curt Hennig would win the TNA tag team titles. Waltman refused, saying he was only staying and working that night's show because he felt he owed it to the company after no-showing the previous week, but he didn't want to win any titles because he insisted he was quitting after the show. And, sure enough, he did (he stuck to his word too. Waltman didn't return to TNA until after Russo left in 2005. At some point though, they squashed their beef and they appear to be on good terms now. But this is the end of the road for Waltman in TNA for awhile. It was also the end of Scott Hall. He also didn't return again until after Russo left. Also worth noting: Waltman was right. Despite TNA's denials, Russo was indeed involved in creative again during this time).
  • Other notes from Russo's return: aside from the backstage drama, the Jarrett/Killings NWA title match was actually a strong bout, with the crowd more into it, and Jarrett, than anything in the company's short history so far. Most in the locker room were against the Russo angle to end the match, but otherwise, it went over great. Almost nobody in the locker room knew Russo was returning, which led to the familiar WCW-style "working the boys" complaints but Russo and Jarrett were celebrating it backstage like they pulled off the angle of the year. There was thought that Mike Tenay might quit over it as well, because those 2 have heat going back to WCW (Russo once tried to book Tenay to wrestle a match in WCW with Scott Steiner's valet Midajah, but Tenay refused, saying his contract was to be an announcer, not a wrestler, and Russo was furious about it and the 2 haven't gotten along since).
  • In case you're wondering whether or not Russo has any involvement in creative, Brian Christopher's valet April dumped him for Goldylocks, with the two of them leaving together in what was played up as an "OMG, they're lesbians!" type of angle. This ain't Jerry Jarrett booking, let's just say that. Dave can't confirm it was Russo, but in all the various WWF lawsuits over the years (Sable, Nicole Bass, etc.) it appears Russo asked just about every woman in WWF to participate in a lesbian angle. So having a lesbian angle in TNA the week he returns obviously leads one to assume.
  • There's also controversy over BG James (Road Dogg) calling Lenny Lane a "faggot" during a promo and also some other homophobic comments towards the Bruce character (who's entire gimmick is predicated on getting heel heat for being gay). TNA is claiming the line wasn't scripted and is saying James used it on his own. Jerry Jarrett apologized online for it the next day on the wrestlingclassics.com message board he posts on. (In case Road Dogg's 2020 social media posts haven't shown exactly what kind of person he still is, here's the full quote he said about Lenny Lane: "This goes for all of you who are politically correct. This won't be a gay bashing, I'm just about to beat the hell out a faggot." Even though I'm quoting someone else, I still feel gross just typing that) There was similar heat a few weeks ago when Brian Christopher called April a "cunt" during the show.
  • Steve Austin pled no contest to domestic assault charges in San Antonio court this week. Under the plea bargain, he was given 1 year of probation, a $1000 fine, 80 hours of community service, and must undergo counseling and complete a 24-week domestic violence class. Austin also agreed that any further physical or verbal abuse towards Debra would be considered a probation violation. Under the terms of the probation, he's also not allowed to drink alcohol for 1 year. Dave says that one might be tricky, especially if he returns to wrestling. This was brought up in court and the attorney noted that Austin's usual post-match celebrations would technically be considered a violation. But they also said that it likely wouldn't be enforced since it would be considered acting (yeah, when he returned to WWE in 2003, I think he spent most of that year using non-alcoholic beers for his gimmick. Better safe than sorry). Once Austin completes his probation, the charges will be expunged from his record.
  • After weeks of Hot Lesbian Action, gay weddings, and corpse fucking, Vince McMahon stood up at a booking meeting this week and loudly declared "shock TV is dead!" and insisted it doesn't work anymore and they will no longer be doing it. So maybe that's the end of Russo-style desperate ratings grabs for now. Keep in mind, literally 4 weeks ago, he sent out a memo to the creative team mocking their critics and insisting that more shock TV was the answer. This man is insane.
  • WWE had a recent tour in India and nobody had fun. It was considered the trip from hell, and had nothing to do with the plane ride this time. The trip was long and uncomfortable and when they got there, the wrestlers were shocked at the living conditions in the country. WWE's stars were staying at a nice hotel, but just outside the front door, they saw multiple people literally drop their pants to shit in the streets and people living in gutters and filth. Several wrestlers also got sick from drinking the water and eating the food, with Lance Storm and William Regal so sick they couldn't work some of the shows. Booker T got so sick as they were leaving that he had to be hooked up to an IV and rushed to the hospital for dehydration as soon as they got back to the U.S., which caused them to have to rewrite some of that week's TV. The shows were a big success, drawing large crowds, but most of the wrestlers said afterwards that they never want to go back.
  • Notes from Raw: the newly reunited Dudleys challenged for the tag titles. This wasn't planned, since most people feel it's too soon for them to be going for the titles already, but it was a last-minute re-write due to Booker T not being available. The first hour of the show was written around that match and a bunch of backstage skits featuring Booker T & Goldust which had to be scrapped. Match was an overbooked mess, with multiple re-starts due to Eric Bischoff's new rule enforcer, Val Venis (now using his real name Sean Morley). Dudleys stole Christian and Chris Jericho's clothes backstage and threw them out to the crowd and also revealed a jar of "ass cream" in one of their bags. Dave says he flipped over to Monday Night Football during this to see how that game was going because otherwise, he would have split his gut laughing at this masterful attempt at humor (sarcastic, Raw-reviewing Dave is the best. This used to be how he reviewed Nitro near the end and I've missed it). There were also a bunch of jokes about Jericho and Christian experiencing "shrinkage." Christ, Vince McMahon has the sense of humor of a 12-year-old. Elsewhere in the show, Hurricane hit a shining wizard on somebody and Jim Ross actually called the move by name. This has been a running joke throughout the 2002 Observers about how WWE wrestlers have started using that move (stolen from Great Muta) and none of the announcers ever called it by name or even seemed to know what it was. So with JR finally calling it by name, Dave says, "so that storyline has concluded." Batista (no longer Dave) is being managed by Ric Flair now. Rico is no longer an effeminate hair dresser and is now being booked as a tough guy, which the crowd is not buying. And first thing they did after giving him this gimmick change was have him lose clean as a sheet to Goldust in 3 minutes. And main event was Shawn Michaels vs. RVD in what was regarded as something of a dream match by a lot of fans. When ECW was around, "Shawn Michaels vs. RVD" was always the WWF/ECW interpromotional match fans wanted. Well, we got it and....it was a disappointment. It was Michaels' first match on Raw in almost 5 years. It was good, but nowhere near what people were hoping for.
  • Notes from Smackdown tapings for next week: Bull Buchanan is now known as B-Squared and is teaming with John Cena. Tazz had a family emergency and had to pull out of the show at the last minute, leading WWE to put Ernest "The Cat" Miller in his place doing commentary. This show hasn't aired yet as of press time, but those who heard the live feed say Miller was horrendous, didn't know any of the characters or storylines, and Michael Cole had to prep him on everything during each commercial break. Stephanie McMahon suspended Brock Lesnar for his actions last week, even using the "I didn't screw Lesnar. Lesnar screwed Lesnar" line. Keep that in mind next time WWE claims Bret Hart is the one who won't move on from the Screwjob. Stephanie also made a bunch of period references at some point in the show, claiming it was that time of the month and she was being visited by her Aunt Flo, who visits her monthly. Kurt Angle, playing his goofy dork role, acted like he didn't know what she was talking about. Dave is already dreading watching this show. This, yet again, reeks of Vince McMahon 12-year-old "humor." Scott Steiner pinched Nidia's ass, because sexual assault is hilarious, and this led to Jamie Noble getting obliterated by Steiner. Guerreros vs. Angle/Benoit was good but otherwise, this sounds like a dreadful show.
  • Notes from this week's Smackdown: this one was a good show. Mysterio/Noble was short but awesome finish. Guerreros complained about an unsafe working environment, leading Dave to talk about the Shawn Michaels/Bret Hart backstage fight in 1997 that led to Shawn briefly claiming he was quitting because WWF was an unsafe work environment. Paul Heyman cut a great promo about Lesnar. They had a backstage segment where you could see Raw announcer JR in the background and Dave says this never would have happened a year ago, but quality control and attention to detail went out the window when WCW died. Edge vs. Big Show in the main event for the title felt like Edge being a sacrificial lamb in the Lesnar feud and exposed Edge as not quite being ready for main events.
  • Various WWE notes: American Dragon, Paul London, and Michael Shane are all working dark matches at TV tapings next week. In regards to DDP's recent release, he was planning on returning to the ring against doctor's orders, but Vince McMahon made the call to listen to the doctors, who said DDP could be risking paralysis if he wrestles again. So Vince won't let him wrestle anymore and they mutually agreed on his contract release afterward. Undertaker's wife gave birth to a baby girl this week.
  • Dave reviews the recent episode of Tough Enough and there's something pretty interesting here in retrospect. One of the contestants, Nick, had a bicep injury and went to the doctor for it. The doctor told him he had a partially torn bicep and to take a couple of weeks off to rest the injury and Nick followed the doctor's advice and did just that. As a result, the WWE trainers felt he could never make it in pro wrestling because he refused to work through the injury. They all pretty much treated him like a pussy and he ended up getting cut from the show because of it. Gee, maybe he should just take a handful of pain pills like everyone else and end up dead at 40. This fucking company, I swear.... anyway, Bill DeMott, who is on record saying he's had so many concussions that doctors have told him he's risking permanent brain damage, was one of the most appalled at Nick refusing to wrestle with the injury because Bill DeMott is an asshole.
  • Jim Ross in his Ross Report on WWE.com talked openly about wanting Steve Austin to return but said he needs to get his marriage issues straightened out first. In regards to Chyna returning, JR said it would be challenging because of Triple H's relationship with Stephanie, which makes him the first person in WWE management to openly admit that Chyna is basically blackballed from the company so long as those 2 are together. He also said he wants Goldberg to come in, but said he's making too much money in Japan and they won't match those offers. He also point blank said Hogan was supposed to return at Survivor Series but it fell apart because he refused to job to Lesnar. He also said WWE doesn't need a 49-year-old guy who's about to qualify for AARP membership to be their top guy and Hogan basically needs to get over his ego and know his place in the business at this point in his career. He also said they would love to have Ken Shamrock back, but only if he's committed to WWE full time, which has always been the hold-up.
NEXT WEDNESDAY: Mr. Wrestling" Tim Woods passes away, Roddy Piper autobiography review, Hiroshi Tanahashi gets stabbed, and more. Only 4 Rewinds left...
submitted by daprice82 to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

World Conquesting is getting me down, advice appreciated

I would really, sincerely, appreciate some advice.
I consider myself a good EU4 player. I've got some of the hardest achievements in the game per the EU4 wiki (Re-reconquista, Komnenoi Empire, Gothic Invasion, Saladin's Legacy, Shahanshah as some examples), but whatever I do, a World Conquest always seems to be out of my reach.
It's not money, it's not struggling to win wars, it's just time. I discipline myself to be in constant war. At the start of the game for high value provinces and securing trade power. In all out conquering post Absolutism. It doesn't change the fact I feel I need an extra 50 years to get a WC done. I broke a very close Austria/HRE attempt because I needed to go into 550% OE in 1810 to finish off the two last un-annexable in one war nations and well, I can't even look at that save anymore because the screen is shaded black with rebels.
Even in an Italy save I had with 8k dev by 1700. It just feels like a WC is out of reach. 5k with France in 1600. Still feels a WC will be out of reach. It'll be the same problem. I've tried countries with heavy CCR like the Ottomans and Mughals, and even then, when I compare my save with timelapses online, I end up being way behind everyone who has actually done a WC.
Example, my Mughals save, by 1540 I had conquered northern India + Western Bengal and eaten into Muscovy but then I see people's WC timelapses and they're conquering southern India by then. I don't even know how that's possible given truces, even if you shorten truces.
I know how to set a country up for trade and production. I know how to quickly and efficiently win wars. I know how to manage coalitions so they don't fire (I've never taken one in any of my attempts by managing truces). Also in my Ottomans save for example, I was very good with dishing out land to vassals so I didn't eat all the OE, doesn't change the fact I find it impossible to conquer the world by 1821 without heading into 500% OE.
It's getting depressing as this has pretty much become a compulsion and I've spent ages trying to study and watch others who have completed a WC, but somehow in my save no matter how much I push, I just can't go as fast. Again, it's not money or military power being a problem, it's OE and truces.
Any input or feedback would seriously be appreciated. I don't know if I should just give up and come back to the game in some months when I'm less frustrated.
submitted by FerdinandBardamu1 to eu4 [link] [comments]

South Africa part 3: Cecil Rhodes

South Africa part 3: Cecil Rhodes
To think of these stars that you see overhead at night, these vast worlds which we can never reach. I would annex the planets if I could; I often think of that. It makes me sad to see them so clear and yet so far. -- Cecil Rhodes, Last Will and Testament
This is the 3rd post in a series on South Africa and Apartheid and so far in the first two neither Apartheid nor South Africa even exists. But we are to the mid climax. In first part we discussed how our groups of players: Afrikaners, British, Xhosa, Zulu, minor tribes, other ethnicities got to what would become South Africa. In the second part we discussed how the Zulus and Xhosa knocked themselves out of the game leaving the British and Afrikaners as the main players standing for who got rule what would become South Africa. We also discussed how the British policy was non-viable. This part is going to discuss how the British changed course and consequently won control. We are also going to get to the genesis of the Western Left's hatred of the Afrikaners and the genesis of Apartheid, We'll end on the creation of the Union of South Africa which while not the Republic of South Africa will allow me to stop talking about "Southern Africa", "territory that will become South Africa".... But unfortunately you will have to sit through this one more post where South Africa doesn't exist yet.
Cecil Rhodes was born in 1853 the sickly asthmatic 5th son of a not particularly notable clergyman. He'd remain sickly his entire life dying in 1902 at the age of 48 from the sorts of deterioration of the heart and lung one wouldn't expect to see until a man was at least well into their 90s. In that short span he would: become one of the richest men in the world; found several countries; change the entire economic structure of the territories that would become: South Africa, Botswana, Zambia, Mozambique, Namibia and Zimbabwe; found 2 major corporations: the British South Africa Company and De Beers; rethink British imperialism inventing what would become the British Commonwealth; becoming one of the defining figures and great visionaries of the Victorian Age; trigger the 2nd Boer War; demonstrate the strategy changing nature of the machine gun decades before World War 1; be the only genuinely important Prime Minister of the Cape Colony; invent the concept of corporate armies; play a large role in saving the South African wine industry and most importantly be the only individual getting his own post in this series. :) Rhodes was sent to South Africa at the age of 17 so that the British weather didn't kill him. Rather than doing the normal thing and spending the money (amounting to a decade or less of a comfortable middle class salary, but no great fortune) on living with some gambling and girls thrown in he decided to head to the newly discovered diamond mines in Kimberly and started buying up small diamond mining operations leveraging each mine's output and outside financing to buy the next. Later he partnered with leading financing and trading firms so by 1888 had what amounted to monopoly control of diamond industry turning De Beers into the diamond powerhouse it remains to this day though the last pieces wouldn't fall into place until 1890. He by the 1880s De Beers was throwing off enough excess profits that he could pay investors and continue expending De Beers while being able to found the predecessor to the British South Africa Company operating much further into the interior opening up Bechuanaland and Rhodesia as colonies using his own profits to fund the administrative expenses much as the East India Company had done a century earlier.
Rhodes believed that British policy wasn't viable because it was petty. A vibrant healthy economy throws off an enormous amount of tax revenue. Petty colonialism, like the kind the British were engaging in would never generate much profit because of its very short term nature. Britain should make money by investing in the local economy, spend some on upkeep, reinvesting most of the profits and just skim a little of a forever growing payout. What Britain had tried to do with the American colonies encouraging economic development was the right approach. The problem was London had been shortsighted and selfish turning the local administrators against them. The independence of the USA wasn't a strategic failure it was the result of poor tactical implementation. The problem the British were facing in Southern Africa was similar and since the policies had been similar the results would be as well. The Afrikaners had no reason to be loyal to a Britain which had spent almost a century making very clear that it had no interest in their welfare or society beyond some ports which were frankly not nearly so important since Suez had opened. Rhodes changed policy to have Britain stop acting like a colonizing power and start acting like the domestic government of South Africa as much as possible .Outlining his changes to colonial governing policy:
  • Colonial financing -- utilize profits from business ventures fund army. Rhodes' companies were good examples of this the British charter and the backing of British troops allowed him to make excess profits which allowed him to incur expenses which the previous skinflint administration could never have tolerated. For example British colonial bonds generated an average return of 4.7%. Investments in independent American bonds generated an average return of only 2.9%. The difference was not being taken into account when the Colonial Office calculated their return on investment which to Rhodes' mind was simply lousy accounting.
  • Long term investment -- In general rewire the metrics used at the London Colonial Office to focus on long term investment not short term profits.
  • Demographics -- The British were the world's first people. Physically populate as much of the world as possible. Assimilate other people's into the British way of life. In South Africa in particular he intended to win the hearts and minds of the Boer.
  • Stability -- The previous administration had focused on stability because instability created upheavals that increased administrative costs. For too long British colonial policy was to tolerate and coexist with local culture. To create a profitable economy agricultural efficiencies are going to need to be introduced. That means 90% of the natives are going to freed up to work in a manufacturing and processing workforce. It also means the agricultural tribal traditional culture is going to be completely destroyed. Instability not stability should be policy. Seek to replace local culture with British culture to enhance the potential for economic growth.
  • Glory to British not England -- English colonies exist for glory of England. British colonies self exist. England's glory is that is the Birthplace of the 1st people not how much of the world remains completely non-British while in some vague unimportant sense recognizing Victoria as their Queen.
  • Representation -- As long as colonial governments respond to a English democracy they will be unrepresentative of their people. Create a democratic institution which provides representation for all British people in a British Parliament. There should be an English parliament for England. Invite the United States to join this new institution. "Inauguration of a system of Colonial representation in the Imperial Parliament which may tend to weld together the disjointed members of the Empire and, finally, the foundation of so great a Power as to render wars impossible, and promote the best interests of humanity" (NB: this is essentially the British Commonwealth, though of course the USA was not invited)
  • Devastating defeat of enemies -- Colonial policy was designed to solve conflict cheaply. Small military victories do not undermine the hostile's economy nor their society and thus don't accomplish much. They simply delay and prolonging the problem created by the enemy allowing the enemy to choose points in time to achieve advantage. Avoid costly wars certainly but when war is needed seek to inflict devastating defeat so the subject people realize their inferiority. This realization facilities undermining their institutions and thus during the peace their way of life easily becomes more British. Further a willingness to war like this makes challenging Britain very costly and risky for potential enemies and thus wars will be far less frequent. The financial people are correct that the aggregate cost of inflicting devastating defeats infrequently is higher than more frequent small wars but the benefits are far greater. War carried out towards devastating defeat becomes a form of investment not a pure non-productive expense.
  • Scope -- The British were far to unambitious in their aims. The goal of British colonialism should be "all lands where the means of livelihood are attainable by energy, labour and enterprise". The scope was, "the occupation by British settlers of the entire Continent of Africa, the Holy Land, the Valley of the Euphrates, the Islands of Cyprus and Candia, the whole of South America, the Islands of the Pacific not heretofore possessed by Great Britain, the whole of the Malay Archipelago, the seaboard of China and Japan, the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire"

map of Cecil Rhodes' proposed British Empire
You'll notice that all of Africa was in the map. Rhodes was of the opinion that Africa was incredibly rich in minerals and peoples. But it wasn't exploitable for profit because of a lack of transportation infrastructure. Rhodes was pushing to start fixing this by creating a full African north-south railway connecting "Cairo to the Cape". Rhodes' BSAC conquests were designed to drive north while he used his political influence to push the Egyptian conquest further south into Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and then a business similar to BSAC run by Sir William Mackinnon to push into Uganda.
For the northward push (primarily in what today is Zambia, Zimbabwe and Botswana) Rhodes was directly implementing his policy using a private army funded from the British South Africa Company. The Ndebele and Shona (Zulu tribes) were handled easily by the devastating defeat principle. Rhodes' forces demonstrated how effectively Maxims (a primitive form of machine gun) and barbed wire worked against simple rifles, spears and long shields achieving kill ratios never before seen in the history of warfare. As an aside these battles against the Zulus would also be used by those military theorists and historians who correctly anticipated in the later 1890s through 1910s how devastating a war between the great powers would be using these weapons against each other. Rhodes through BSAC had managed to push north of Lake Mweru and to the Northern tip of Lake Nyasa. Which almost connected with Sudan were it not for German East Africa (Burundi, Rwanda, and Tanzania) in the middle. In theory an alternative route through the Belgian Congo would also work but the gold mines in Tanzania kept Rhodes focused on taking German East Africa. Further Rhodes met his match in ruthlessness when it came to the Belgians. When Rhodes' negotiating agent sought a development contract for mineral-rich Katanga (in Congo) the native ruler Msiri refused. King Leopold II of Belgium obtained the same concession by having his agent signing it to Belgium himself over Msiri's dead body in the name of the "Congo Free State".
At the same time Rhodes worked with the Colonial office and in 1890 British issued the "1890 British Ultimatum" to Portugal. This ultimatum by the British government forced the retreat of Portuguese military forces from areas which had been claimed by Portugal on the basis of historical discovery and recent exploration, but which the United Kingdom claimed on the basis of effective occupation. Portugal had attempted to claim a large area of land between its colonies of Mozambique and Angola including most of present-day Zimbabwe and Zambia and a large part of Malawi, which had been included in Portugal's "Rose-coloured Map". This ultimatum violated the Anglo-Portuguese Treaty of 1373 which to that point had been the longest standing peace treaty in history.

Who owned what by the early 1900s
Take a look at the map above and imagine the British controlling the north-south line connecting to a British/Portuguese line running east-west in the south and a joint French/British/Italian line running east-west in the north. From there local government and companies could construct smaller feeder lines creating a modern rail system. Hopefully and you start to see how Rhodes intended to start developing the transpiration infrastructure needed to create a strong African economy.
All this was going to be for naught though if Southern Africa ended up as a Boer state hostile to British interests on the model ZAR (Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek, Transvaal Republic). So Rhodes decided to run for Prime Minister of the Cape Colony and solve the problems of British strategy explicated in part 2. The primary problem the Boer had with British government is their divide and conquer approach. The British tilted to whomever was losing (a standard British policy they would also follow in Palestine) which for decades meant treating the Boer and native Africans as both being subject peoples while favoring the native Africans against the Boer. In Rhodes mind you could not expect to get loyalty from people you were obvious disfavoring. The British were the ones turning the Boer into enemies.
So in 1892 Rhodes instituted the Franchise and Ballot Act. This was seen as a compromise between factions in the Colonial Office and the traditions in the Cape Colony for a broad democracy (anyone with £25 in property could vote) and Orange and ZAR's (Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek, Transvaal Republic) more exclusive democracy. Rhodes raised the amount of property to £75, an amount specifically chosen to disempower many of the native Africans while allowing many Boers to vote. With a Boer and British based democracy locked in the Cape Colony's democratic powers could be strengthened, creating more self rule and making the involvement of the London Colonial Office less obvious. This concept of using a not explicitly racial criteria while instituting laws with racist intent is very modern.
Various Liberals in the London Colonial Office especially missionaries disagreed strongly with Rhode's policies. They had been the ones advocating for the enlightened colonialism that was British policy. Missionaries in particular saw their role as: combating godlessness, superstition and backwardness. In particular encourage better use of land; encourage paycheck work; become trusted advisor to tribal leaders. The slogan "Bring the 3Cs into Africa" referred to Commerce, Christianity and Civilization. To their mind Rhodes' vision of British Imperialism was straight up military tyranny. If followed he would make England no different than a modern day Genghis Khan, creating a empire loathed by a vast expanse of subject peoples who would unite against it from all directions. Instead interfering minimally and being seen as an ally while slowly educated the elite in British custom and religion would cause a gradual consensual change that would build British alliances that would last centuries. Plus such an approach would fulfill the Lord's Great Commission (term for Jesus' command to convert the entire world to Christianity) in a way that honored God rather than shamed him. One need only look at how the Spanish, Portuguese and Balkans had thrown off Islam after centuries to see how ineffective military tyranny was at long term conversions that didn't require force. So in their mind: No the London Office should stand by its traditional values of: monopoly companies and plantations run in (unequal) partnership with indigenous elite. free trade, free (and indeed forced) migration, infrastructural investment, balanced budgets, sound money, the rule of law and incorrupt administration. As far as their Boer, in their mind the Boer were the primary impediment to enlighten British rule in South Africa, being Christians they were obligated to agree with the missionaries on the vision of the White Man's Burden and Enlightened Empire. Rather than making concession to the Boer they needed to be crushed to demonstrate the moral difference between the Boer and the British. With Rhodes' change in policy tilting towards rather than away from the Boer the Western Left came to truly hate the Boer in 1890s. Since the point of this series is the analogy I'll add that I wrote two posts about more or less the same groups of Liberal Christians turning against Israel again having to do with Israeli/Jews discrediting Liberal Western values and thus interfering with the Great Commission: WCC churches and Quakers.
Rhodes in debates before and at the time considered this Liberal Empire stuff to be simply aspirational. Without economic interference there wasn't enough money to fund anything like what the Liberals proposed. He'd point to facts like that after a century of such rules in India they had increased the secondary schooling 7x to a whopping 2% while England with not nearly as many well funded missionary organizations was over 16%.
Rhodes hoped to unify all of Southern Africa around this compromise approach to the franchise. ZAR however rejected this compromise. By the mid 1990s approximately 1/3rd of their white population were British (Anglicans). ZAR had every intent of maintaining religious based voting criteria (i.e. citizenship in ZAR was only open to people who were members of several Dutch Reformed Churches, see part 2). Obviously for Rhodes a situation where British people were the disempowered minority was intolerable. Additionally the ZAR were maintaining an anti-Cape Colony / anti-British / anti-Rhodes trade policy. It was becoming increasingly clear there would need to be regime change. So in 1895 Rhodes organized an attempted coup d'état now called the "Jameson Raid" (yes the same Jameson who went on to be Prime Minister 1904-8 of the Cape Colony after the 2nd Boer War). The Afrikaners were more astute than natives had been caught wind of the early organization and waited until the forces were committed trapping hundreds of Rhode's people creating a great embarrassment.
Its at this point that the Boer made by far the greatest mistake of their history as a people. The 4 years between 1895-9 were when they made the choices that led to their ruin. The British were really embarrassed. A colonial governor who had a crown chartered corporation had been caught red handed engaging in a serious act of war against another sovereign state with no approval from Parliament. The Colonial Office admitted as much and forced Rhodes out of office in 1896. The Afrikaners had real negotiating leverage to work out a deal. It obviously would be extremely important that the next leader of the Cape be friendly. But they didn't decide to negotiate. Instead they started flirting with the Germans, while not actually signing a formal alliance with Germany that at least had the potential to provide them real protection. The flirtation however, turned a nasty incident into a serious threat to all British interests in Southern Africa forcing a British response. In Britain an alliance of Jingoists (populist military hawks) angry about the humiliation of 1st Boer War, Conservative Imperialists who wanted to end Boer independence especially in the ZAR (the 3 core values for Conservatives at the time were: Union with Ireland, the Empire and the superiority of the British race), Liberal Imperialists who supported Rhodes' vision and Missionaries who hated the Boer formed pushing for a war. Seeing this alliance form against them the Afrikaners did nothing to avert the danger. Rather they made a mistake many 2nd tier powers do when it comes to 1st tier powers. The Afrikaners confused the light force and weak will the 1st tier power is willing to spend on them with the amount of force the 1st tier power is capable of employing if it so chooses. Having beaten the British handily in the 1st Boer War when they were fighting the C-team (as I called in part 2) the Afrikaners grossly underestimated what they would face against a British army that had a political mandate for victory, what Britain's A-team would look like. Preparing for something slightly worse than the 1st Boer War the Boer began a serious arms buying program in 1897. ZAR also got more belligerent in their rhetoric which led to a formal alliance with the Orange State and Boer guerilla groups that could support the war effort in the Cape. The Boer had about 63k troops including some foreign troops. .
The British were determined not to lose the 2nd Boer War. This was going to be the British-A team. By the second phase of the war between British soldiers, soldiers from other colonies and local Africans providing auxiliary Boer were facing a 500-600k man army. Nor was the command third or even second rate as it had been in the 1st Boer War. For example, the top military command would be Herbert Kitchener who was fresh from the victorious Anglo-Egyptian invasion of Sudan. Kitchener after the 2nd Boer War would go on to be the Commander-in-Chief for the armies in India and a decade after that the UK's Secretary of State for War during World War 1. He's this guy:

Kitchener famous 1914 recruiting poster
The cost to maintain that army would be £60m / year far more than Britain could ever pull out of Southern Africa (GDP and inflation adjusted the Boer War would cost the UK about $250b). The first phase of the war was a Boer offensive while the British were still deploying troops in October–December 1899. Once the British were done they conquered all pockets of resistance in the Cape and Orange as well as essentially the entire ZAR territory January to September 1900. The Afrikaners decided to fight when surrender was the better option. Leading to a guerrilla war between September 1900 and May 1902.
The British simply could not afford to keep an army of that size in the field for years dealing with guerilla tactics until the Boer admitted they were beat. Facing time pressure the British felt they had no choice but to come down hard. The British cut the guerilla war short by instituting a scorched earth policy against areas giving support to guerillas in the ZAR (most of the ZAR). ZAR men were mostly in the militias. Scorched earth destroyed the food supply in the ZAR so the British threw the women and children in concentration camps. The army hadn't prepped for needing to support massive numbers of civilians so malnutrition and disease were rampant in the concentration camps. This disease and malnutrition resulting in a camp death rate of approximately 30% annually. A policy amounting to genocide. Pro Boer forces in the UK generated widespread opposition to the camps so the military response was to not confine woman and children and instead leave civilians on the now barren earth to die of starvation and exposure. Actual POWs were deported to Bermuda and India preventing the Boer from standing any chance of liberating them. African tribes that had lost territory to the Boer began moving in. While both sides had agreed not to arm natives or recruit tribes. But the British weren't going to fight for the Boer if tribes decided to take advantage of their defeat. The Boer were quickly losing everything they were fighting for: freedom, their lands, their family, the self dependence and surrendered rather than have their population geocoded to oblivion, being left with no economy and whatever lands they managed to hold being assaulted on all sides by natives who would take it from them.
The Boer society that emerged from the surrender did not have separatist attitude. Destitute Boers now willing to work in the minds and alongside black Africans swelled the ranks of the unskilled urban poor competing with the "uitlanders" in the mines. The new economy was unambiguously focused on gold causing mine production to swell enriching the British interests. The Afrikaners were both physically and psychologically crushed, and wouldn't be causing any more problems for decades.
In the UK the war came to be seen as excessive especially as the financial cost of the war sunk in. The Conservatives' suffered a spectacular defeat in 1906 driving the Conservative Prime Minister at the time (12 July 1902 – 4 December 1905) Arthur Balfour from office. He comes up rather regularly on this sub in his later role as Foreign Minister. As the Boer are no longer resisting the British Empire the shift towards more pro-Boer policies from England continues. In 1909 the British Parliament dissolves the British colonies of: Cape of Good Hope, Natal, Orange River Colony, and Transvaal and combines them into a Federal Union of South Africa. This makes South Africa into a Dominion (essentially Australia's status at the time). Jan Smuts (an Afrikaner) resurrects Rhodes' idea of a Common Wealth and the British embrace it.
And so we conclude part 3 our story of how the British eventually won and South Africa came to exist. How the Western Left started to hate the Boer, a hatred they would resurrect later. And how the first steps towards apartheid were taken. Whew that was longer than I intended!

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After two weeks of anticipation, Super Bowl 55 is finally here as the defending champion Kansas City Chiefs will take on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in Tampa, Florida.
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Every aspect of Super Sunday will be analyzed in great detail, from the national anthem to the halftime show to the television commercials that will run during the game. The two teams met on this same field during the regular season, with the Chiefs holding on for a 27-24 victory. This time, the stakes are much higher, with the Lombardi Trophy on the line, as well as potential bragging rights in the battle between generational quarterbacks in Tom Brady of the Buccaneers and Patrick Mahomes of the Chiefs.
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Even though the game is free in so many countries, there are loads of reasons why you might still want to use a VPN for the big game. Here are some of the most common reasons. Watch the complete CBS Super Bowl experience, including the famous US Super Bowl commercials - typically missing from international broadcasts Access commentary in your native language - or simply your preferred team of pundits Try a VPN 100% risk free for Super Bowl - an easy game to access in many places - to see if the service is right for you in the bigger picture Add an extra layer of cyber security to your device if you're concerned about your privacy - or regularly complete financial transactions online like shopping or banking Super Bowl offers a great chance to save big on VPNs - here are the best Super Bowl VPN deals right now super bowl live stream How to watch Super Bowl 20021: live stream Chiefs vs Buccaneers in the US for free Watching the Super Bowl couldn't be easier in the US, as CBS is your one-stop-shop for a Chiefs vs Buccaneers live stream on Sunday, February 7, when kick-off is set for 6.30pm ET/3.30pm PT (5.30pm CT) but coverage will be running all day long. Anyone with the channel as part of their cable package will therefore be able to tune-in at no extra cost on the CBS website. It also means there are two great options to watch all the action without cable. First, CBS has its own standalone streaming service, CBS All Access, which costs just $5.99 a month - and there's even a FREE CBS All Access trial that means you'll be able to watch Super Bowl LV without paying a penny, if you play your cards right. In fact, CBS is opening the floodgates to its broadcast on its CBS Sports website, so anyone located in the US can get a 100% free Super Bowl LV live stream either in their browser or via the CBS Sports app. Additionally, CBS is available as part of FuboTV, an end-to-end cable replacement service that normally costs from $64.99 a month - but offers an equally attractive FREE FuboTV trial so you can see if it's right for you and catch the big game without dropping a dime yet again. It's one of many great value over-the-top streaming services available to Americans looking for a more affordable alternative to cable. When it comes to Super Bowl, YouTube TV also offers CBS for total coverage of the game - and we've got a complete guide as well as more additional information about watching with CBS All Access. Watching the Super Bowl on YouTubeTV watching the Super Bowl on CBS All Access watch super bowl live stream 2021 uk How to watch a FREE Super Bowl live stream in the UK this Sunday UK-based American football fans are well covered when it comes to the NFL - and are especially lucky when it comes watch a Buccaneers vs Chiefs live stream of Super Bowl 55, as the BBC will be airing the game 100% FREE! This means that anyone located in the UK can get a free Super Bowl LV live stream by using the BBC's iPlayer streaming service, which doesn't cost a penny (though you should, of course, be in possession of a valid UK TV license). Sky will also be showing Super Bowl 55 in 2021, and for anyone who already subscribes to it and has one of its Sky Sports packages, it's another great option. If you prefer Sky Sports' NFL coverage, you can also get it contract-free courtesy of the broadcaster's Now TV offshoot. But before you sign up for anything, just remember you can also watch Super Bowl free in the UK with the BBC! Kick-off time for Super LV has been confirmed and it's a11.30pm GMT UK start time. Outside of the UK? British residents out of the country for Super Bowl LV can catch the big game just the would at home with the help of a quality VPN as per our guide above. FAQ: can I watch Super Bowl in 4K HDR? watch super bowl free live stream ireland How to watch a Super Bowl 2021 live stream in Ireland NFL fans in Ireland have two options for watching Super Bowl LV this Sunday - and they're the same as they are in the UK. Both Sky Sports and the BBC have coverage of the big game, but unlike in the UK mainland and Northern Ireland, the BBC isn't a free-to-air terrestrial channel in Eire. Instead, it only comes as part of pay TV packages like those offered by Virgin and Sky - and worst of all, iPlayer is geo-blocked in the Republic so you can't get a free Super Bowl live stream online, either. Or can you? If you don't have Sky (where coverage starts at 10pm IST on Sky Sports NFL) or want to get one of its Now TV passes to catch the big game, we recommend anyone abroad in Ireland give serious consideration to trying out our No. 1 overall VPN This will help you hop the digital border you need to regain iPlayer access and is working well with the service as of our latest 2021 testing. super bowl live stream 2021 canada How to watch a Super Bowl 55 live stream in Canada on Sunday Canadian NFL fans are some of the the luckiest in the world, as streaming service DAZN is offering comprehensive coverage of the 2020/21 season, right through the playoffs and Super Bowl LV, with its great value DAZN packages. It's an absolute bargain as just CA$20 a month or $150 a year, especially when you consider that you get not only NFL Game Pass access complete with RedZone, but also that DAZN's the exclusive Canadian streaming home of Premier League and Champions League soccer! It comes with support for iOS, Android, Apple TV, Chromecast, Amazon Fire TV, Android TV, Roku, Xbox One, PS4, and laptop/PC streaming (including Mac devices). And if you've never used it before, you can try it for free by taking advantage of a FREE 1-month trial, too. Canadians will also find that Super Bowl LV is being televised by national broadcasters TSN and CTV. watch super bowl live stream 2021 australia How to watch a free Super Bowl LV live stream in Australia If you live in Australia and want to watch the NFL this season, you have several options to do so. Foxtel is home to the sport Down Under and is showing the big game on ESPN this year. This means anyone on-the-go will be able to stream all the action from Raymond James Stadium on laptops and mobile devices using the Foxtel Go app - just log-in with your Foxtel ID. if you don't have Foxtel as part of a pay TV package, Kayo Sports almost always gets all the biggest events Foxtel enjoys. The streaming service has a Basic and a Premium plan with the difference being you can watch on two devices with the Basic plan for $25 per month and on three devices with the Premium plan for $35 per month. The best news? Both plans come with a FREE 14-day trial! But the best way to watch Super Bowl free in Australia for most people comes courtesy of the Seven Network and more specifically its 7mate channel, where you can watch Super Bowl 2021 for nothing, both on TV or online, without having to sign up and then cancel anything. The big game kicks off Down Under at 10.30am AEDT on the morning of Monday, February 8, 2021 - check your local TV listings to see when build-up coverage starts on your preferred channel or service. Outside of Australia? All you need is a good VPN and to follow our instructions above and you can stream just like you would in Oz, only from anywhere in the world. Our latest 2021 testing reveals that our No.1 pick, ExpressVPN, is currently working with Kayo Sports and 7mate. super bowl live stream mexico Super Bowl live stream 2021: how to watch Super Bowl LV online in Mexico The NFL has been making a real push south of the border, with Mexico City normally hosting a selected NFL game each season. It follows that the sport is huge there, so you've got a variety of TV options to watch Super Bowl in Mexico. These include ESPN, Fox Sports, Televisa and TV Azteca.. Of these, our basic Spanish tells us that for anyone after a FREE Super Bowl live stream in Mexico should be able to find what they're looking for courtesy of Azteca 7, which can be watched in a browser online, or via the appropriate TV Azteca app. Not in Mexico? Don't miss the passion of your local commentary just because you're abroad - instead, try using a VPN to access you favorite Super Bowl coverage wherever you are in the world this Sunday. watch super bowl germany How to watch Super Bowl free online in Germany: 2021 live stream details Germany boasted five NFL Europe teams at one point, so it's little surprise that American football is huge in the European nation. Its popularity means that German fans can watch Super Bowl LV free on terrestrial channel ProSieban - either on TV or on the network's online streaming platform. Not in Germany? You can tune in to your local coverage from abroad simply by adding a VPN to your software roster and following our guide above. super bowl (Image credit: Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images) All you need to know about Super Bowl LV in 2021 The 2021 Super Bowl takes place on Sunday, February 7 at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa Bay, Florida. The 65,000+ capacity stadium will welcome a limited number of fans to the game as the US continues to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic, with NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and the league now having confirmed that around 20,000 will be in attendance at Super Bowl LV, with a number of tickets reserved for key workers. The start time for Super Bowl LV is set for 6.30pm ET/3.30pm PT (5.30pm CT) in the US. Globally, that means the Super Bowl time is: Australia Super Bowl time: 10.30am AEDT (Monday, February 8) India Super Bowl time: 5am IST (Monday, February 8) Japan Super Bowl time: 8.30am JST (Monday, February 8) Germany and Europe Super Bowl time: 12.30am CET (Monday, February 8) Mexico Super Bowl time: 5.30pm CST New Zealand Super Bowl time: 12.30pm NZST (Monday February 8) South Korea Super Bowl time: 8.30am KST (Monday, February 8) UK and Ireland Super Bowl time: 11.30pm GMT Where is the Super Bowl on TV? America's three main broadcasters - CBS, Fox, and NBC - alternate rights to air the Super Bowl each year. In 2021, it's the turn of CBS to air Super Bowl LV. As per our guide above, if you don't have it on cable, then it has a dedicated streaming-only platform, CBS All Access, that will sort you out in time for the big game. Folks in the UK arguably have it best, though, as the Super Bowl is 100% FREE to watch on the BBC and its companion iPlayer streaming service. Provided you're located in the UK (and you should also be in possession of a valid TV license), registration takes just a few seconds and only asks for basic details like a working email address. Anyone in either country can also access their usual streaming service to watch Super Bowl 2021, no matter where they are in the world. With a top-quality VPN in your huddle, you can simply relocate your IP address back home and enjoy the big like you normally would from the comfort of your living room. New TV for the big game? See our roundup of the best Super Bowl TV sales When does Super Bowl pre-game coverage start on Sunday? Don't think about doing anything else on Super Bowl Sunday, because CBS is on-air live from Raymond James Stadium from 11.30am ET/8.30am PT, making for a whopping seven hours of Super Bowl pre-game coverage on the channel. Super Bowl 2021: full schedule and TV guide While Covid has forced the NFL to make a number of changes to the usual Super Bowl Week schedule in 2021, most of the usual events and formalities are going ahead in one way or another. Super Bowl Media Day, for instance, became Super Bowl Opening Night on Monday, February 1 and saw select players interviewed over Zoom - not the usual circus that ensues at the start of the week. Here's a complete Super Bowl 2021 TV schedule for the big weekend: Saturday, February 6: NFL Honors 2021 at 9pm ET/PT on CBS Sunday, February 7: Super Bowl LV pre-game coverage from 11.30am ET/8.30am PT on CBS Sunday, February 7: Puppy Bowl XVII from 1pm ET/10am PT (2pm/11am paw-off) on Animal Planet US Sunday, February 7: Kitten Bowl VII at 2pm ET/11am PT on Hallmark Channel Sunday, February 7: Miley Cyrus presents TikTok Tailgate concert at 3pm on TikTok and CBS watch puppy bowl 2021 live stream (Image credit: Animal Planet/Discovery+) How to watch a Puppy Bowl 2021 live stream - and what is the Puppy Bowl? Super Bowl build-up wouldn't be the same without the Puppy Bowl, a pawsome pre-game tradition now in its 16th year - so we're on Puppy Bowl XVII, officially. It sees 70 adorable pups compete in a two-hour long event pitting Team Ruff vs Team Fluff. The event is co-hosted and the teams 'coached' by two of America's least likely BFFs, Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart. A one-hour long pre-game show will recap the highlights of Puppy Bowls past from 1pm ET/10am PT, while the game itself 'kicks-off' at 2pm ET/11am PT. TV coverage is on Animal Planet, which if you don't have via cable, can be streamed using either the Discovery+ platform (from $4.99 a month, 7-day free trial) or an over-the-top cable replacement service like FuboTV (from $64.99 a month, 7-day free trial). The reason the Puppy Bowl has captured the nation's imagination is that in addition to being so darn cute, it also features adoptable dogs from shelters all over the country, so if you get tired of the usual talking heads pre-game coverage, be sure to tune in! Sadly, the Puppy Bowl doesn't seem to be available internationally, even in countries like the UK where Animal Planet is available. But anyone from the US currently abroad needn't worry as they can try our No. 1 rated VPN 100% risk-free for 30-days and tune in just like they would at home. super bowl 2021 live stream half time show the weeknd (Image credit: Michael Kovac/FilmMagic) Super Bowl 2021 Halftime Show: who's performing at Super Bowl LV? Following in the footsteps of a sensational performance by Shakira and J-Lo last year that was watched by some 104 million people (and received over 1,300 complaints), The Weeknd has been confirmed to headline the 2021 Super Bowl halftime how. It's expected to go down as the longest halftime show ever at 24 minutes, with Jay-Z and Roc Nation responsible for production of this year's entertainment. For more details, check out our full guide to the 2021 Super Bowl halftime show. Super Bowl 2021 odds and predictions The Kansas City Chiefs are currently installed as the heavy favorites to lift the Lombardi trophy for a second straight season. With arguably the league's most gifted QB in Patrick Mahomes under center, its best TE in Travis Kelce menacing opposing defences, and deadly skill players like Tyreek Hill able to break out for a big play at any time...it's easy to see why. The Bucs are the underdogs, having emerged from the NFC Wild Card picture with big wins over the Saints and Packers to get this far - and few would put another upset past them with GOAT Tom Brady under center. The combination of home field advantage and Brady being Brady somewhat mitigates Tampa's otherwise heavy underdog status, even if the 22,000 fans expected to attended is well below the normal 65,000+ capacity of Ray Jay. Still, while Tampa are a team brimming with the kind of confidence you get when you're led by TB12, most pundits are joining Vegas and the bookmakers in predicting a Chiefs win - though most have it down to be a close game that's likely to come down to the final possession.
submitted by ElvenHatun to Music [link] [comments]

Degrassi Reboot

So I saw a post talking about how we would write a Degrassi Reboot, and got me to thinking and this is what I've come up with. The show takes place about 14 years after the Degrassi Manhantann episode and follows Emma and Spinner's kids, Jamie and Sarah, navigate junior high. However, their lives are derailed when Jane and her son, Austin come back to town. Below is a casting list and a synopsis of season one.
Eighth Grade
  1. James Tiberius “Jamie” Mason: Jamie is Spinner and Emma’s son and the most popular kid in his grade. He’s cool, witty, charming, with a mischievous streak that he uses to scheme. Jamie is currently in a relationship with Sonya, this generation’s version of Paige Michalchuck.
  2. Sonya Hughes: Sonya was born in Haiti, but raised in Canada. She is the leader of the Junior Spirit Squad. She’s confident, calculating, and snarky. Sonya is the school’s Queen Bee and she will do anything to keep her power intact. She is ultra-competitive and never accepts defeat.
  3. Charlie Huang: Charlie is the son of Chinese immigrants, he’s Jamie’s best friend and right-hand man. Charlie is a basketball star however he doesn’t let his popularity get to his head. Friendly, loyal, and hardworking, Charlie seems like the perfect guy…if only his home life was just as perfect.
  4. Laurel Hampton: Laurel is Sonya’s best friend and is a member of the Junior Power Squad. Laurel is bubbly, outgoing, and a follower. While she considers herself Sonya’s equal the rest of the school sees her as a glorified sidekick, something she is determined to change.
  5. Will Reese- Will is African Canadian, confident, cocky, and extroverted. He is the class clown of his grade and doesn’t take school or anything other than basketball very seriously.
  6. Camryn Baker- Camryn is African Canadian and is the smartest girl in her grade, this causes her to be seen as a massive nerd….which is exactly what she is. She is stern, reserved, driven, and a perfectionist. Everyone sees her as a buzzkill, something she has no problem with because she is comfortable with who she is.
  7. Austin Vaughn- The child of Jane and Spinner, who was conceived shortly before the Manhattan episode. He is quiet, introverted, and spends most of his time skating and listening to rock music. Austin and his mom move around a lot, so it’s hard for him to get emotionally attached to someone.
Seventh Grade
  1. Sarah Mason- Sarah is the exact opposite of her brother and her parents. While everyone else in her family knows exactly who they are; Sarah is insecure, shy, and naïve. Sarah feels lost and confused, partly because of her parents marital problems and partly because of her anxieties about dealing with adolescence.
  2. Priya Patel- Priya is the daughter of two surgeons from India. She’s smart, practical, and timid. She’s Sarah’s best friend and her confidant, she’s also had a crush on Jamie for years.
  3. Piper Garcia- Piper is Latina, a loner, and has a reputation for being a bad girl. She’s cynical and sharp tounged. Piper is tough, smart, and quick on her feet. Due to a difficult homelife, Piper works hard at pushing people away. Especially when she needs them the most.
  4. Josh Green- Sarah’s guy best friend and her love interest. Josh and Sarah have been friends for years, however as they start to grow up they realize their might be something more than friendship. Josh is optimistic, friendly, and known in his friend group for being a ray of sunshine. He’s an aspiring musician who loves poetry. However, Josh also has a secret, he lives in the outskirts of town, in a trailer park.
  5. Carter Hughes- Josh’s best friend and Sonya’s younger brother. Carter is shy, nerdy, and antisocial. He spends most of his time reading comic books and gets nervous talking to people.
  1. Spinner Mason- After working at the dot since a teenager, Spinner is finally the owner. Spinner is a hands-on dad and spends most of his time playing video games with Jamie or helping Emma save the world. Spinner tries his best to be a good father and raise his kids with the values he wished he learned as a kid. Just when he thinks he's finally gotten a handle on parenting, Jane and Austin come into town.
  2. Emma Nelson-Mason- Emma has come a long way since she was a teenager at Degrassi. She is now the Science teacher who can turn any topic into a discussion about how to save the rain forest. Emma is the disciplinarian of the house, however, she starts to lose control of her family when she finds out the truth about Austin.
  3. Marco Del Rossi- Like Emma, Marco came back to Degrassi and he now teaches English. Since finding out they're going to be co-workers, Marco and Emma became best friends and find out they actually have a lot in common. While Marco may have it all together at work, he is a mess in his personal life. He has a constant string of hookups and eats ramen noodles for breakfast and dinner.
  4. Manny Santos- Emma and Manny are still best friends, after getting blackballed from Hollywood for unknown reasons, Manny sleeps on Emma and Spinner's couch rent-free. She serves as Sarah and Jamie's cooky aunt, who always has advice when needed.
  5. Jane Vaughn- Jane is now a lawyer and a single mom. She and Austin move a lot, so all they have is each other. Sometimes they act more like best friends than mother and son.
  6. Principal Simpson- He's still there and still stressed out.
  1. Shark In The Water Part One-
A Plot: It’s Emma and Spinner’s high school reunion. Emma is ecstatic to be reunited with Manny and Liberty, and Spinner is excited to be reunited with his boys. Things change for their family when Jane and her son Austin come into town. When Sarah meets Austin in the supermarket, she is shocked to learn that he looks almost exactly like her father.
B Plot: After meeting Austin and feeling hurt and confused, Sarah’s day is thrown off when she gets her first period. Her emotions running wild she confides in her Aunt Manny, who lets her know her first period is something she should be proud of, not ashamed of.
2. Shark In The Water Part Two
A Plot: Sarah tells Jamie her suspicions about Austin being Spinner’s son, and Jamie being Jamie told Spinner and Emma immediately. Spinner is furious about Austin being hidden from him and goes to Jane’s apartment immediately. His anger disappears when he finally meets Austin, who seems to want nothing to do with him. Jane breaks down and reveals that she found out she was pregnant shortly after Spinner and Emma got married, she wanted to tell Spinner but saw how happy he was and felt that she could handle raising him alone.
B Plot: Emma doesn’t know what to do about finding out the truth about Austin. Fearing the worst, Sarah and Jamie prepare for the possibility that their parents might get a divorce. Spinner and Emma put them to ease when they say that they're going to work through this together, as a family.
3. Rumor Has It-
A Plot: Laurel is sick of being in Sonya’s shadow, on top of that she feels invisible at home and to her crush, Charlie, Laurel decides it’s time for a makeover. Laurel comes to school the next day in clothes that would make Stephanie Kaye and Manny Santos blush. Laurel loves the attention she receives, especially from the guys, that is until the girls on the spirit squad slut-shame her.
B Plot: Sarah has to partner up with Piper, the school’s bad girl, something that she is less than thrilled about. There are a lot of rumors about Piper, and none of them involve anything good. However, when Sarah spends time with Piper she learns she is the exact opposite of what she is portrayed to be. Sarah is ecstatic that she made a new friend…that is until she realizes fifty dollars is missing from her purse. When she falsely accuses Piper of stealing it, it destroys the friendship they built. Eventually, Sarah learns it wasn’t Piper who stole money from her purse, but rather her brother who took it to take Sonya on a date.
4. Gold Digger-
A Plot: Josh has had a crush on Sarah since forever, and is thrilled when she agrees to let him take her out on a date. However, his insecurities get to best of him, when he starts to worry she won’t like anyone that lives in a trailer park. Pressured to buy her something nice for the date, he steals an expensive bracelet from the mall. Sarah loves the bracelet and Josh is ecstatic…that is until a security guard catches Sarah at the mall and assumes she stole the bracelet. In mall jail, she sees the person she wanted to see the least: Piper. Eventually, she and Piper reconcile, and Sarah even invites her to sit with her and her friends at lunch. When she gets out of mall jail she lashes out at Josh, and says she doesn’t have a problem with where he comes from, but she won’t date a thief.
B Plot: Austin just joined the basketball team and he is actually really good, something that Jamie hates. When he catches Spinner congratulating Austin he decides that’s the final straw and decides it’s time Austin deals with some good ole fashioned hazing. However, when a prank leads to Austin breaking his leg, Jamie realizes his jealousy has gone too far.
5. How Do You Sleep Part 1
A Plot: Charlie feels trapped. He constantly has to endure the wrath of his father’s temper tantrums and on top of that he’s having feelings that he doesn’t want or completely understand. When Austin notices Charlie’s bruises in the locker room he tries to figure out what’s going on with him and insists that he gets help from the school guidance counselor. Charlie refuses to tell on his father and insists that everything is fine.
B Plot: Upset that Sarah has already gotten her period, and she hasn’t even started puberty yet, Priya decides to stuff her bra. However, her plan backfires when Sonya notices a strand of toiler paper sticking out of her shirt and exposes her secret to the whole school.
6. How Do You Sleep Part 2
A Plot: After a successful night with his family, Charlie feels hopeful that his father’s abuse will stop. However, after his father finds gay porn on his laptop and beats him in a violent rage, Charlie realizes his father will never get better and that he can’t keep ignoring his problems. The next day he tells a guidance counselor what happened.
B Plot: Spinner feels guilty for not spending more time with Austin and decides to take him and Jamie on a camping trip. He hopes to have some father and sons quality bonding time, however, he is disappointed to see the boys fight the whole time. Jamie snaps and says that he’s just a bastard child that no one wants around, and Austin retaliates and says he never wanted to be apart of their family anyway. Things go from bad to worse when Austin runs off and gets lost in the woods.
7. This Is What Makes Us Girls
A Plot: Sarah finally has the chance to join Spirit Squad and she is thrilled. However, her dreams are crushed when she sees how mean the girls are. After the girls publicly humiliate an overweight girl, she is forced to decide what she wants more: popularity or her morals.
B Plot: Jane and Spinner talk about how to co-parent Austin.
C Plot: Carter has a problem….he thinks he’s addicted to masturbating. For some reason, he can’t help but feel like he’s doing something wrong, and his worst nightmare comes true when his parents catch him in the act.
8. Panic Room
A Plot: The debate club has regionals coming up and Carter couldn’t be more excited, he finally gets to show the whole school that he is good at something. However, he keeps having panic attacks and he can’t figure out why. Growing up in his family he feels like he has to be perfect. However, when he has a panic attack on stage he realizes that he needs to seek help.
B Plot: Will is flunking English. No matter how hard he studies, he can’t seem to pass it. He decides to enlist help from the smartest girl in school, Camryn Baker. At first, he writes her off as some boring nerd however he realizes he actually enjoys spending time with her. That is until she informs him there’s a reason why he’s failing English: he’s dyslexic.
9. Watermelon Sugar
A Plot: Laurel loves the attention she is getting from Cooper Hodge, the cutest boy in her grade. When he asks her to send him nudes she’s hesitant, however, she feels like it’s the only way he’d want to date her. Her worst nightmare comes true when he sends the pictures to one of his friends, who then sends it to the entire basketball team. Before she knows it the whole school has seen it. Boys taunt her, girls shun her, and the spirit squad kicks her off the team. She goes to Sonya and begs to be back on the squad, however, Sonya refuses and claims that she can’t afford to have her reputation tarnished and that she should make better choices.
B Plot: Will realizes he actually enjoys spending time with Kamryn and the two decide to go to the movies together, however when some of his friends from the team see them together, Will is embarrassed. He lies to them and claims that he just took her out on a date because of pity and that he doesn’t actually like her. Kamryn overhears and is heartbroken. She grabs her stuff and leaves, causing Will to realize he made a big mistake.
10. Pacify Her
A Plot: Sonya is used to getting Straight A’s, however when her History teacher gives her a C on a project, she decides she needs to teach her a lesson. After hearing that she went through a divorce, Sonya gets the idea to create a fake profile online and catfish her. It even goes far enough to the point where Sonya leads her to a restaurant and lies that her alter ego will be there. When her teacher is stood up, she breaks down in the middle of the restaurant and only then does Sonya realize how cruel she’s been.
B Plot: Sonya is jealous of the crush Priya has on Jamie; Jamie insists he sees Priya as a sister however Sonya isn’t convinced. On top of that Jamie is failing Spanish and his parents won’t let him go out till he gets his grade up. This leads to Sonya coming up with the idea that Jamie should flirt with Priya to get her to do his homework. Eventually, Sarah finds out and tells Jamie that he has to stop using her. Jamie realizes he’s been cruel and decides to tell Priya the truth, leaving her heartbroken.
11. Dance Monkey Part 1
A Plot: Feeling stressed out about the dance and Spinner’s return in his life, Austin turns to vaping to relieve stress. Although the news says it’s addictive he doesn’t see what harm it could possibly cause.
B Plot: Charlie is confused about his feelings. He doesn’t want to be gay, yet for some reason he finds himself being drawn to Austin, despite how hard he tries to fight it. In a desperate attempt to fight these feelings, he asks Laurel to the dance.
C Plot: Piper has a problem, Carter wants to take her to the dance, however, she sees him as just a friend. After having a series of bad influences, she sees Carter as one of the few things she’s ever had and decides to go to the dance with him despite not liking him.
12. Dance Monkey Part 2
A Plot: Charlie starts to worry that Austin is addicted to vaping. Austin insists he’s fine, however things start to spiral out of control when he passes it out on the dance floor.
B Plot: Sonya is desperate to win Panther Queen, so desperate that she’s willing to steal the election. When Jamie finds out he’s furious, and calls her spoiled and entitled. However, Sonya snaps and says that must mean they are made for each other with the way he’s been treating Austin.
C Plot: Piper lets Carter know that she sees him as just a friend, and he surprisingly takes it well and says that’s more than enough.
D Plot: Will goes to the dance and sees Kamryn dancing with someone else, he realizes how much he likes her and decides that she deserves a big romantic gesture. He goes up on stage and sings, “Just The Two of Us,” Kamryn forgives him and the two reconcile with a kiss.

So what do you guys think of this little fan season? I'm debating if I actually want to write a fanfic about this. Should I do a second season?
submitted by DoorWarrior09 to Degrassi [link] [comments]

(Text-based) Children of Fear: Chapter 1 Part 1

Just to preface, I play 6E as Investigator and 7E as Keeper. For the 7E one, I did a couple of oneshots with friends, and they were all text posts. We use a combination of Discord (for the handouts, scheduling, OOC talk, etc) and CCfolia (for actual game play). As most of you may know, CoC is the no. 1 ttrpg on the Japanese scene, and CCfolia is a great online tool equipped with a robust dicebot that makes online play easy for Keepers and Investigators alike.
Anyway, yes, text-based campaign. We are all aware this is gonna be slow as hell, and that it will definitely take us over a year to complete Children of Fear especially since we play monthly (or 2x a month, schedules permitting). This arrangement suits us just fine though, and I hope to share here the things that happen during our session.
I had the players create characters using my homebrew rules. I also incorporated the "Talent" feature from Pulp, just to buff them up a bit.
Ari Eleanor. Sharp tongued heir to a steel conglomerate. Reluctantly but faithfully does his job and keeps his commitments, but plays around as a private detective from time to time. Because of his lofty position in life, he seems to have no fear. Not of authorities, and not even the supernatural. Talent: Sharp Witted
Burghard van Lidth. A stern and serious man who used to be a detective. After a rescue job gone wrong a year prior, he became jaded and developed a heavy smoking habit. He was invited to Peking as Ari's travel companion slash bodyguard. Prefers to be called Burhan. Talent: Hardened
Cyrille Paradis. Cyrille hails from Chamonix France, and is an experienced mountain climber. She occasionally travels to China as part of an exchange program sponsored by the University of Lyon. May have a stalker. Talent: Telekinesis
We open the scene at Hotel du Nord, where Ari has just finished closing a lucrative deal with a local businessman. He wants to go see dancers after, but is informed by his secretary about the lecture in Peking University. They ask reception to hail them a cab, and on the way, he and Burhan talk about the possibility of skipping the lecture. Before they can get in the cab, a street child comes up to Ari and asks for money. Ari gives the child so much more than should be handed out, catching the attention of the rest of the street children. They are quickly swarmed by kids asking for alms. The cab driver tells them it's better not to attract too much attention, pointing at the soldiers who are starting to notice the slight commotion.
When they are near their destination, an accident happens: the cab makes a turn and almost collides with a horse. No one is hurt, but the horse almost bucked the rider off its back. The rider is pissed, and picks a fight with the cab driver. As their argument escalates, Ari and Burhan exit the car. Both of them don't understand a lick of Chinese, and when the situation devolves into a screaming match, they are both at a loss. By this point, a crowd has already gathered. Burhan tries to calm the two down, but to no avail. Ari, irritated, lands a clean hit on the rider, telling him that "if he can scream that loud, he must be fine enough to walk and not cause trouble”. Burhan grabs Ari by the shoulder and pulls him away, while the crowd is loving every second of this spectacle. The rider, rubbing his cheek, keeps yelling "肏你妈!" and other swear words at Ari. But he also leads his horse away, only looking back to give the foreigners a contemptuous look. The cab driver apologizes and they continue on their way.
Cyrille, meanwhile, is already mingling with the other guests for the lecture. She greets Prof. Wang, who is an associate she keeps contact with, and is introduced to Sofian Bazaz-Waing, the lecturer for that evening. A seasoned expedition photojournalist, Bazaz-Waing is also well-informed of Cyrille's feats and congratulates her team's successful climb of Monta Rosa. The talk a bit more, before Bazaz-Waing asks for a photograph of Cyrille. After the flash, Cyrille spots a man with brown hair and oval-shaped glasses. She pales, but when he turns around she realizes she mistook the man for someone else. She relaxes enough to down the Gin Rickey being offered as one of the cocktails for the pre-lecture gathering.
Given their travel woes, by the time Ari and Burhan reach the examination hall, the drinks in the foyer are already being cleared away by the catering staff and the talk is ready to commence. A bulky, electric Magic Lantern has been set up to project onto a large white screen at one end of the hall. To one side of the screen stands an ornate lectern on a small dais. Thanks to Langdon Warner’s well-publicized trip to Tun-huang, the popular lecture series is even more well-attended than usual. The rest of the hall is filled with seats, almost all of which are occupied. Ari finds a seat in between the person manning the Magic Lantern and Prof. Wang. Meanwhile, Burhan takes the empty seat next to Cyrille.
The house lights dim in anticipation. The lecture, accompanied by the award-winning photojournalist’s pictures, retells the story of his trek with his younger brother from their hometown in Srinagar, British India, to Sian (Xi’an), the former capital of the Chinese Empire and the starting point of the Silk Roads of old. When he starts to talk about Tun-huang and the Cave of the Thousand Buddhas, the bulb in the Magic Lantern flickers and then bursts with a loud “Bang!”
The theater is plunged into darkness and the three receive their visions of the future that awaits them:
— Ari is inside what appears to be a cave, face-to-face with an odd-looking statue of a seated man, in front of which lies a fresh peach.
— Burhan is wading through a dense, snow-colored jungle while leeches drop from the branches above.
— Cyrille is in the desert, looking up at the sky which is as black as midnight. Behind her, a whole caravan has been overturned.
The lights turn on, and both Ari and Cyrille look dazed. Burhan notices this, and also notes that everyone else in the audience either looks mildly annoyed at the delay or continues to chat unconcernedly with friends. Burhan begins to develop an uneasy feeling, and becomes convinced that he may be yet again caught up in an incident that involves the otherworldly.
So after the talk, the attendees are guided back into the building’s foyer, where fresh drinks and canapes have been laid out by the caterers. Trying to wash away this unwelcome high-strung feeling, Burhan grabs a highball cocktail. Interestingly, Ari did not touch any of the cocktails despite the one insisting on "having a fun time". Prof. Wang spots Ari and enthusiastically greets him. He is a friend of one of Ari's professors, an anthropologist named Prof. Boas. Roughly a year ago, Prof. Boas died due to an "accident" in Labrador, Canada. Prof. Wang does not know that Burhan was there when Prof. Boas died, and when he brings it up Burhan's mood worsens. He escapes to the cocktail bar while Ari and Prof. Wang continue their conversation. Ari sounds nonplussed as they talk about the deceased professor, saying that expeditions to unmapped regions run their own risk. In that moment, Prof Wang spots Cyrille and introduces her to the group. Cyrille takes stock of Ari (too blonde) and Burhan (too tall) before making conversation.
They talk a bit more, until Prof Wang quietly informs them that there is a request he wants to make. They follow him to his office. Inside, Prof. Wang explains he has received a most perplexing missive from his predecessor at the American School of Archaeology, namely, Langdon Warner. He shows them the letter he received. Given the apparent desperation for help, Prof Wang can only assume that something terrible has happened. He expounds on this a bit more, and then says that with little time and resources he wondered if Ari and Cyrille can help? Ari is a private detective on the side, while Cyrille is an experienced mountaineer and explorer. Prof Wang does not know what Burhan brings to the table, but Prof Wang can sense that Burhan is the kind who has the willingness to help people in need.
The lack of further knowledge turns off the group though. Cyrille wonders why Prof. Wang can't scrape together a group sponsored by the university if Warner used to be a lecturer there. She's also worried about the military, and if they are involved since there is so little information to go on. Also, why is there so much vagueness in his words? Ari echoes the sentiments, and informs Prof Wang that extraction is outside of his expertise. He offers to ask certain contacts if they will be interested, say his brother Arlen who is still back in Canada. Prof. Wang reminds them that they have a short window of time, since travel from Peking to Tun-huang takes about a month. If they don't take immediate action, maybe the worst can happen. The Prof keeps trying to persuade the group, until Burhan loses his cool and says he won't take part in this rescue mission. There are too many unknown variables, and he's not the person Prof. Wang thinks he is. Prof Wang is visibly surprised by the outburst, but recognizes that he may have been too hasty and did not consider their feelings. He tells them he will be in his office for the rest of the week, and that they can find him there if they change their mind. He will try to look for other parties, of course, but he had hoped they would accept. Ari cheerfully tells Prof Wang that if he had "knelt and cried" then maybe Ari would have considered helping. The professor may be desperate, but he asserts that he will not resort to kneeling to a foreigner, as there has been a lot of that recently. But he also warns Ari in a fatherly tone to learn how to hold his tongue, or else he might lose it. Ari cooly replies that he is not afraid.
The three then return to Hotel du Nord. When their cabs stop at the hotel, they realize they have the same accommodations. That night, they are plagued by nightmares, this time more personal:
— Ari dreams of his brother, surrounded by men who are either Chinese or Russian. They are studying a mural. When Arlen turns around, he shouts Ari's name, but then he is shot point blank by one of the men.
— Burhan dreams of dead bodies. These bodies belong to all those who were with him back in the failed rescue mission, including the late Prof. Boas. While trying to process this, the chair in front of him swivels around and he sees a man who looks exactly like him, telling him "better them than us".
— Cyrille dreams of flying, of winding her way through rural towns and villages; past rivers, mountains, and historic sites; and on through the heartland of China’s ancient civilization. She reaches the peak of a mountain, and before she can appreciate the view at the top, a sharp pain radiates on her back. Strange beings rip off her wings, before pushing her down the mountain.
Ari and Burhan are disturbed by their dreams. Cyrille doesn't remember what her dream is, but she suddenly has the sense that accepting Prof Wang's offer may not be so bad. She runs into Ari and Burhan in the breakfast hall and joins them. Burhan is haggard, clearly looking out of it, a half-lit cigarette stick between his fingers. Ari is reviewing his notes while he waits for his clubhouse sandwich. Cyrille brings up Prof. Wang's offer and asks them if they have reconsidered. For her part, she says she does not owe the professor anything, but if she gets the approval from the University of Lyon for an extended leave, then she might as well lend a hand. Burhan advises her to stay away from that since it's not worth it. He tells her that he had a case where he had to look for a missing team of anthropologists before, and that it didn't end pretty. Ari, who is somehow used to this, tells Burhan that he has no reason to feel guilty. However, Ari also maintains that he has little compulsion to suddenly set out on a trip to a place he knows nothing about. To him, agreeing means being tools for the professor's disposal. They talk a bit more about their plans during their stay in Peking, but the mood has become awkward so they hurry to finish their breakfast.
— Burhan is a returning character from a previous oneshot which I also hosted. Most of my materials were taken from Cabin Risotto Fever, which I highly recommend. Although I did tweak a lot of stuff to suit our table. ;)) In this scenario, Burhan felt the compulsion for violence, and fatally wounded a companion. He also had to kill Prof. Boas, the zero-SAN anthropologist cosplaying as a wendigo. He used to be such a straight as an arrow guy, but looks like we broke him lol
— One of the rewards for completing the oneshot is a straight 5% increase in Cthulhu Mythos. Burhan’s player rolled a 3, which in my game is a Crit. I granted that he gets the feeling he is about to be involved in something big, increasing his paranoia that evening. It’s really a roll that shouldn’t have happened, but the dice gods have their own plans.
— I actually had the players roll POW because the Tokabhaya are secretly watching them. This is the cult of the Children of Fear, whose members are directing the investigators’ footsteps, orchestrating them to carry out the liberation ritual to open the Gates of Agartha. They all failed the roll, but I will try again as they explore the city.
— Speaking of exploration, I will use the full day to give them more visions and warnings in order for their PCs to believe that they must accept the request. I believe the players know when to take cues, but worst case scenario is I tell them outright that I will continue to drain their SAN unless they go back to Prof Wang. That or make new characters. I am not too worried about this though, and I actually like the reluctance shown by their PCs. Sure, they could have created characters with strong ties to the NPCs or reasons to travel all the way to Tun-huang. But I want to give them freedom in character creation, and we are a group that talks out what needs to be done so, again, it's not a worry that we won't get back on track.
— The players seem to think Warner is a prisoner of war, or at least, involved with the soldiers. They're very convinced this is a rescue mission. I wonder how their characters will respond when Warner reveals the real reason for his call for help. Will they be relieved it's not as bad as they assumed? Or annoyed that the archaeologist only needed assistance in his work?
— Though I gave them a list of suggested skills to have for the campaign, none of them invested heavily on Other Languages. Well, Cyrille knows a tiny bit of Russian, but that’s it. I plan to remedy this by adding a linguist Keeper PC. There is one NPC like that provided in the book, so I will just rework them.
— I was going to use the optional Karma rules, but decided not to at the last minute.
— Ari would finally get to see dancers, but at what cost. :))
Edit: Hmm the format is iffy, I don't know why I can't insert an empty "line" after a paragraph, but I hope this readable enough.
submitted by nrthrnlight to callofcthulhu [link] [comments]

Pros and Cons of Satta king

Satta sometimes in India is the Hindi conversion of the term `Gambling`, And affirmative Gambling is against the law in several countries however many of us take part in Satta. The term `Matka` (Matka king or SattaMatka) refers to a pot that's wont to draw numbers. Initially, this game was started in the big apple town of ours. However, in India, It started in Bombay. Currently, it unfolds to the full country. SattaMatka is gambling and Satta King are some folks that run all SattaMatka games. Satta must compete within the up (Uttar Pradesh) most. Satta King game numbers competition and lottery-based game, however currently it's categorized in gambling, and Satta king is currently terribly famed and largely taking part in a game across the globe. Folks are crazy concerning this game.
Why is the game Satta King so famed in India?
Hello friends nowadays we have a tendency to are getting to mention the SATTA KING game, as you'll tell friends India has an additional population and India employment rate is meager India has additional folks and the general public little businesses do their business by doing business, meantime comes Satta King, Satta King Game the general public play greed to form fast cash, somebody from Satta King Game It does not there's no rule that you just will solely play with a typical quantity, that is why folks in India love the Satta King game, this can be why the Satta King game is a microorganism in India, and it contends plenty.
What happens after you play king Satta?
Most people erroneously suppose that if they play Satta they'll win and win plenty of cash. However, it happens quite the contrary. These folks are thus fixed in such a game that they lose everything and go bankrupt. As you recognize, only 1 variety from 00 to ninety-nine opens during this game. It implies that during this game, out of one hundred folks, only 1 man gets a lottery. The remaining ninety-nine folks solely lose. And every one of the money from the ninety-nine losers goes to the winner. The percentages of winning during this game are I Chronicles in one hundred. Folks understand that however they still play this game till they're utterly stony-broke.
How many types of Satta King game?
The Satta King game has no kind itself. Once folks begin a replacement game in Sattaking, folks name the sport when completely different cities, states, and places. Like Gali, Deshawar, Ghaziabad, Faridabad, urban center Morning, Delhi King, Dubai King, etc. contend the foremost all told of India. This game is from an urban center and is operated from there.
How much profit are you able to earn with Satta King?
Suppose if somebody has bet ten rupees on variety, then if that variety is opened, the user can receive ten x ninety = 900 rupees. Likewise, users can receive 1800 rupees for twenty rupees, 2700 rupees for thirty rupees, 3600 rupees for forty rupees, and 4500 rupees for fifty rupees. The user will invest the maximum amount of cash as he needs in variety and may play as several numbers as he needs.
Is it legal to play the Satta King game?
The lawfulness of King Satta on-line is decided by the regime wherever the sport has contended. If we have a tendency to talk regarding India gambling is unlawful and if you're caught gambling you'll have to be compelled to pay a hefty fine or serve jail time. Still, many folks play the sport doggo from the authorities. Satta King is incredibly in style in India.
Just for cash folks, folks of India play this game everyday. Currently, review here what we’re speech communication it like I forever say this can be not a legitimate thanks to winning cash. I even have a special purpose here with the website. I earn cash in spite of what happens with these lottery tickets thus I simply wish to place that out there if you’re stony-broke don’t go obtain a bunch of taking this issue here to win it in all probability won’t probability Super quick Satta King.
submitted by Msatikul54 to u/Msatikul54 [link] [comments]

AMA with Verasity Founder, R J Mark

Read full story: medium.com/verasity
On the 4th of February, we hosted an AMA with Verasity Founder R J Mark. Thank you to everyone who joined, we answered a lot of community questions in depth (39 in total!). If you missed it, below is the complete transcript. Exciting information in this, make sure to read it all. 👀
Hello Verasians. I am Bhav, the marketing manager at Verasity and I’m joined by R J Mark, the founder of Verasity. Thank you for joining us for this AMA! :smile:
Mark: Hello everyone.
We will be answering all of the pertinent questions that the community have sent in throughout the week. Once these questions have been answered, I will open up the chat so you can ask further (non-repetitive please) questions, the chat will then close once more for Mark to answer. The transcript of this AMA will then be posted on our Medium.
Let’s get straight into it!
Q1) There will be no deadline on the swap so there is no rush and no fear of losing your tokens. They can be swapped at any time. Is that right?
Absolutely right. There is no deadline on the swap For more details read:
VRA Token & PoV update
Q2) Regarding the ERC777 Token Swap, you don’t need to withdraw to VeraWallet on the day of swap? Can I do it later?
Correct, take your time, there is no rush. You can do it at any time. There is no deadline or end date for the swap. We are making this as seamless and easy as possible for everyone.
Seamless and easy. That’s the way forward ✅Q3) Will we see more movements from the Foundation wallet. What is this about? The Swap?
That is correct. In anticipation of the swap company wallets’ tokens are being swapped via VeraWallet. See the article about this:
VRA Token & PoV update
New Foundation wallets will be created to replace the old ones.
Q4) Any plans to keep staking beyond the 31/12/2021 deadline?
We have not made a decision yet but liquidity mining is very much in play and could replace staking after Dec 2021. We will announce mid-year.
Q5) All the tournaments are free to join. How does that help the company to generate revenue? Is there a place or example where users/players are actually using the VRA token to get a product/service?
_Great question!_The tournaments are free to join since we are focusing on adoption and scaling the number of users we have globally. Bringing as many people to the platform is our priority right now. As we expand and offer user-generated prize pools we will take a commission on the total jackpots as a revenue stream. In addition, other revenue flows will become available to us as we build our user base and launch our video player this Q1.
We will monetize our esports content through our video player within Esports Fight Club by serving ads from our ad partners:
Advertiser Partnership Update
Esports Fight Club will require players to use VRA to purchase subscriptions via several payment systems: VeraWallet, PayPal and Credit Cards (although some tournaments are free for promotional purposes). Winners receive VRA for winning tournaments. Soon players will also be rewarded VRA for watching ads. Verasity profits from the purchase of game credits, subscriptions, tournament prize pools and ads. This is an entire ecosystem all within Verasity.
See our revenue forecast here:
Tokenomics , Forecast, News Update
Adoption and scale are key to the success of Esports Fight Club. We’ve made a lot of progress on the platform and are confident we will continue to see further growth in terms of users and a ton more exposure to the platform, and our token $VRA.Talking about adoption and scale… the next question will answer that!~Q6) What is the current Marketing Strategy? How do we differ from other tournament websites?
After creating mass-scale events around the world, we are focusing on adoption and community this year. Spending $10,000 on a big one-time prize pool to attract 1000 teams sounds good in theory. But, after careful planning, forecasting and testing, the results show that the best way is to spread the tournaments out so we reach a larger number of audiences. This consistency and large reach will attract much more than just 1000 teams over a period of time. The best place to do this is by sponsoring streamers and influencers, who each have thousands or even hundreds of thousands of fans.
For the past week, for example, we’ve been running a Valorant Community Tournament with Esports Fight Club’s first partnered streamer, Mika Daime. The turnout has been massive! Qualifier 1 was filled up with the max slots so quickly, that we had to create a Qualifier 2 just to fit all the teams in.
  1. Most streamers we aim to partner with can easily bring in 64 or 256 teams to a community tournament hosted by Esports Fight Club, for a fraction of the price
  2. With the same budget as a big tournament, of the $10,000 we would have spent on a single tournament, we can obtain approximately 540% more users by repurposing that budget for the influencer and streamer tournaments.
For a full list of upcoming features such as the Marketplace and VoD section read our full Marketing and Adoption post:
Marketing, Adoption, Tournaments 2021 (Updated)
It’s key for people to understand what we aim to do with the tournaments in terms of marketing. We read a lot of comments about the “low prize pool” when we announced the Mika Daime tournament, hopefully the answer Mark provided sheds light on that!Everything we do at Verasity is calculated. 😊Do check this out if you wanted a full read on our Marketing and Adoption post for 2021. 👍🏼If you think you’re good at some of the games we have available on Esports Fight Club, join in! The partnered streamers we have will be hosting a lot of community tournaments, such as Mika Daime!Q7) How often shall the revenue estimates (status update) be updated and is there any new estimation?
We will update the community every six months on revenue forecasts. There are no updates from our last announcement which can be found here
Tokenomics , Forecast, News Update
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter with notifications turned on, so you can get all the updates as they come through!https://twitter.com/verasitytech
Q8) Have you changed your business model? Because at the beginning it was mainly about publishers.
Our fundamental model has not changed: Video publishers attract audiences to watch video content and ads. Users are rewarded for it, thereby increasing engagement and monetization.
This model has not changed. What has changed is the type of video publisher we are pursuing. Prior to COVID-19, we pursued traditional publishers. With COVID-19, we saw the opportunity to pursue gaming publishers and more specifically esports publishers. More importantly, we created our own tournament platform: esportsfightclub.com. This allows us to control our own environment, launch our own proprietary video player, own our video content, run ads on our player, and charge subscription fees as well as take tournament fees.
But actually publishers and content are publishers and content whether it’s gaming or news.
It’s great to see how Esports Fight Club will have it’s own video content up on the website so that users will be able to watch the content to earn $VRA by using our own video technology, then use the $VRA to join tournaments, or buy hardware from trusted partners 👀Exciting stuff!Q9) Where can I find info about the Founders token unlock schedule?
Tokenomics and Founders token unlock schedule can be found here:
Tokenomics , Forecast, News Update
Q10) Does VeraWallet speed handling withdraws scale up painlessly when user amounts boom? And shall there be enhancements to user experience if we for example have tens or hundreds of small reward withdraws daily?
We are adding automated withdrawals for small amounts to the roadmap but first have to complete the swap and add the security protocols. We won’t risk our users’ investments.
We simply don't want to risk our secure environment.
Q11) Are there any plans for compounding rewards for the VeraWallet staking?
No, absolutely not. The simple interest we are paying now is already high.
Q12) Bit confused about the VeraWallet staking rate after March. Can you clarify?
The staking reward rate is 0.1% per day (36.5% per annum) until 31 March 2021 when it becomes 0.07% daily (25.55% pa) until 31 December 2021.
Q13) When can I instant stake with BTC?
Good news, BTC is already available in VeraWallet for Instant Stake together with ETH, BNB and USDT.
Try Instant Buy and Stake out for yourself here:
VeraWallet - Official VRA Wallet
Instant Buy and Stake has been a really popular update to VeraWallet. Great to see the community loving it. 👍🏼Q14) With the recent developments on Cardano, and the ease in which ERC-20 tokens can migrate to this superior to Ehereum platform, are you considering following suit of great projects like Celsius to move VRA over to Cardano? I know we are still a bit hurt with Binance VRAB. I understand it is not an easy decision. Just interested in what you think about the future on Ethereum.
We gave this a lot of thought and investigation and as the community knows we have experience with token migrations :)
Please see our latest update on the VRA token swap to ERC777 and Proof of View:
VRA Token & PoV update
As to Cardano — the liquidity is really small compared to ETH alts. For example on Kucoin it’s volume is less than $2m per day. Even on OKEX it’s only $3m. 50% of Celsius’ volume is on Uniswap which is the majority of the liquidity and is not on any Tier 1 exchanges. Aside from the lack of features that we need for PoV, after our last experience, we are very reluctant to join with mainnets that are generally illiquid. Celsius’s solution is to provide the liquidity themselves through Uniswap which is limiting in our view. We believe sticking with Ethereum is the right way to go and the market seems to agree with this as well.
Q15) The new VOD platform, when is it going to be finished and in use?
We are working on it now and expect it to meet the roadmap target of Q1: see verasity.io for the roadmap.
Can’t wait for it to be released! 🚀> Yes, this is a huge milestone for us and opens us up to so many possibilities.Q16) Is liquidity mining still in play? Will this replace the staking rewards after December 2021?
Good question. Yes, liquidity mining is very much in play and could replace staking after Dec 2021. We have not made that decision yet but will announce as soon as we do.
Q17) Are there new partners/publishers in the trend of gaming for the ad stack?
Yes, FB, Google and others. Please see:
Advertiser Partnership Update
In total 17, many specializing in gaming.
I don’t think today there are many ad networks that are not into gaming. It's such a huge audience sitting at home during Covid.
Q18) Micro tournaments: could you arrange tournaments yourself, like a national tournament for example?
The Esports Fight Club platform is fully self-managed, so yes, you could set up large tournaments and be the admin and sponsor. We would definitely like to see this happen by our community members. This quarter, our admins and developers are focused on A/B testing different tournaments with multiple communities to see if we are missing any critical features demanded by gamers. An article will be coming next week about micro and partnered tournaments. We will explain how these increase platform adoption which benefits both influencers and Esports Fight Club.
If anyone does host some tournaments, message me! I’d be happy to join a few… dust off my skills. I heard Rob (Our Finance Director) was a bit of Counterstrike wizard in his day… 😂Q19) Why are the tokens bought via the instant buy taken from a pool which dilutes the total supply? This is like raising new capital for $VRA at every buy instead of us token holders getting a price increase.
These are not purchased from a pool. If you mean that Foundation tokens have been transferred to VeraWallet, see the article:
Tokenomics , Forecast, News Update
In the Total VRA Supply, line 9, this VRA is already taken into account as part of both total supply and circulating supply. It does not increase either. I think this is really clear.
Q20) Asking about the “Instant buy and stake feature”. If someone buys $VRA using this system, there is no transaction on the blockchain. You say you buy directly on exchanges but no proof.
Buy backs of VRA do not happen instantly and we don’t announce buy backs in advance to avoid speculation. We don’t share our VeraWallet addresses as we have stated before. We are not going to provide speculators with tools to make a margin on each purchase.
Q21) Do we stay on the Ethereum network?
Yes, see the article:
VRA Token & PoV update
We are swapping our current ERC20 tokens to ERC777 which is essentially an upgrade to a more modern and fuller feature set Ethereum token.
For anyone just joining the chat, make sure you read the article above! Tons of important and exciting information.Q22) From the Foundation wallet tokens have been unlocked in the last 50 days and added to the circulating supply. How is our token deflationary?
If you mean that Foundation tokens have been transferred to VeraWallet, see the article:
Tokenomics , Forecast, News Update
Foundation tokens are not locked and the article clearly states they are unlocked. In the Total VRA Supply, line 9, this VRA is already taken into account as part of both total supply and circulating supply. It does not increase either. We specifically provide for ALL Foundation tokens, allocated and unallocated, as part of the current circulating supply so this is NOT adding to the circulating supply.
Q23) Asking about adoption figures. You claim to have had 8M people looking at your gaming videos (mostly fakes views as the counter earned millions in hours).
The adoption figures were not fake or exaggerated, it is important to understand that this number is a combination of different metrics, all of which ensure one thing: People viewed our live tournament page. This number includes:
Although it was difficult to collate all the viewer statistics we believe them to be accurate and fair.
To see the full statistics of Ultimate Warrior Showdown 1, read here:
Ultimate Warrior Showdown Tournament Round-Up and Adoption
Hope that clears up some FUD! 👍🏼Q24) Asking about partnerships. You say you have partnerships with
Stripe, Tencent Games, PayPal. The truth is any website can integrate these payment/connexion modules without partnership. You just need to read their website and implement it on your website.
Of course, you can add Stripe and PayPal to any website, but try adding them to a crypto-based website and see how far you get. There are no crypto products websites or related services (other than specific financial services) that are supported by Stripe and PayPal because they are not allowed. To obtain these payment services, you need to have special permission and follow a rigid protocol. And Stripe expressed interest in working with Esports Fight Club to reach out to video publishers with EFC to give us access to video publishers worldwide.
As to TencentGames, you need to get their specific permission for certain tournament events and follow their rules. We would be unable to use their logo and name in our marketing material without this. It’s not simply signing up for them. So yes we consider this a partnership because they plan on additional events with us which they now support.
Working with major brands including PUBGM, Tencent, Athena Gaming and Warmania gave us the clout to include major esport teams in our tournaments who will participate in future tournaments as well: FaZe Clan, Orange, T1, Elementrix, Nova, Onic and others. And now because of the history, Blizzard is prepared to provide licenses for all their major games.
We are also in discussion with peripheral manufacturers to support our marketplace launch later this year. As soon as agreements are reached, we will jointly announce sponsored product peripherals that will be rewarded in our tournaments.
Q25) Some things on your roadmap get pushed forward. Why did do you do this?
Our development team has been together doing projects for over ten years. This is normal in large scale development projects. For example, we decided after the large Esports Fight Club tournaments we put on that we needed to finalize and launch the Video sharing platform prior to some other features on the roadmap because without it we would not be able to take advantage of many opportunities including monetization opportunities of the exclusive VOD content that only we could re-publish and add ads to. This pushed certain product features into Q2. Another example is PoV. Initially we thought we would go with proprietary blockchain because there was no other solution that would allow us to support PoV. That changed with the release by Ethereum of ERC777. As a result PoV timeline targets changed so that it corresponds to the release of ERC777 as well as the ability to use it for the Video sharing platform. So in effect, the video-sharing platform came in _much earlier than expected_which pushed out other features/products to accommodate this change. Business decisions and external events impact on the roadmap and it would do Verasity and the community an injustice if we just blindly followed a roadmap that becomes slightly outdated every quarter and greatly outdated every year. It is this flexibility that allows Verasity to take advantage of new information and technologies in real-time. And to push out new products earlier in the roadmap such as the video-sharing platform.
Q26) Proof-of-View™️ so nice!
When will it be a Patented POV?
The average time for a patent to be granted is 3 years. We’ve just started our third year as a pending application so we hope it will be in 2021, however our patent lawyers have told us to expect further delays due to covid. Fortunately this won’t stop the release of Proof of View which can go ahead with ‘patent pending’ protection.
Update: The patent was granted a few minutes after the AMA ended!
Q27) Will there be an app for download on your phone soon? For Staking. Feeling a little insecure have it online on your website
Actually, our mweb and web applications are much more secure than a mobile app. Mobile apps are much easier to hack. Although we have not been hacked, some users have been hacked via their mobile phones but because we have a manual delay, we were able to stop the loss of tokens. The good news is that now with the swap to ERC777 we can disable any wallets that have stolen VRA and return the VRA to the original user. We do have mobile apps on the roadmap but won’t likely support staking because of the security issue and it is not a priority for us.
Q28) Not try to fud here, but would like to get an answer in AMA to suppress all fud in the future 😁
Financial status company. There have been coins sold for listing on an exchange (still to come?). Was this something that was not planned (like extra opportunity to get listed) or are funds becoming empty?
Current resources held by Verasity fund the project roadmap for the next 12 months. We forecast reaching profitability in 2021 which will finance the continuing runway thereafter. As you point out not all listing opportunities were included in the forecast and we stated that: “In the future, additional listings and expenses may require sales of VRA from the Foundation Reserve”. See the funding update here:
Tokenomics , Forecast, News Update
Q29) The VoD update is a little bit unclear for me. Maybe you can tell some more about it. To the looks of it, it is a mix between YouTube and twitch but with PoV to earn $VRA.
PoV on VODs is a key feature for us and for our large ad-stack network. While we are growing our partnerships with community tournaments and adding more games and influencers on EsportsFightClub: we want our reruns to be monetized, available at all times on our proprietary platform and browsing page. Think of it the way Twitch highlights previous streamer’s lives automatically but on a larger and customizable library for viewers to earn VRA and for Verasity to monetize via its ad stack.
And we own several terabytes of gaming and esports video content which will launch with the new video platform in Q1. This is actually massive, because on launch we will have a ton of video content to monetize!
Q30) You seem to have many products but I don’t understand how they work together?
Q31) What games does Esports Fight Club support now?
PUBG mobile, Free Fire, Counter-Strike GO, Valorant, PUBG and Ludo is about to be launched.
🚀🚀🚀 Great game selection, so far.Q32) Any near-future plans to expand your marketing?
At Verasity, we have a large marketing team that devotes itself behind the scenes to increase our awareness in the cryptocurrency community and reach as many people as possible.
Although we have community groups in more than 10 languages, our local group managers translate all the news, updates into their own languages and publish them in local forums and groups in real time. Thus, we significantly increase our chances of reaching communities that do not speak English. Verasity Spanish, Verasity Korea & Verasity India are already large groups and growing.
We will continue to use media sites, influencers, and all other advertising sources to spread our news in the future as in the past. Gamification marketing opportunities are very important to us as can be seen in LunarCrush.
In return for these efforts, we have gained a great community support that grew slowly but surely. Our marketing efforts will continue to scale. Our goal in this regard is to continue without stopping until every individual in the cryptocurrency community speaks about Verasity.
Our social media metrics have seen a consistent and phenomenal increase over the past year due to our marketing efforts, read here to find out more in detail:
Verasity Social and Adoption Metrics
For us the most important metrics to see how we are doing in socials is LunarCrush:
VRA - VERAsity Insights | LunarCRUSH
LunarCrush Altrank is the best stats measure of Alts social marketing success out of 2100 popular Alts. We tested many marketing ploys to rank highly. When something works, it’s clear in LunarCrush. Competitions like AltWars simply work. This is the meaning of crypto exposure when the Altrank increases in LunarCrush which measures all social volume, % change per 24 hours, and social score. Even with our volume which only ranks 550 out of 2100 Alts, our Social Volume pushes us in front of much bigger tokens such as OMG, DOT, LINK, CHSB and others. Clearly our marketing is working.
The community support has been phenomenal. It’s been great to see how supportive the Verasians have been. We wouldn’t be anywhere without you guys! So thank you from the team.Especially during the AltWars contest recently… we owned! 👍🏼 Power of the Verasians. 🤝Q33)Have you heard about gaming projects Exeedme and Crowns and how can you compare them to Verasity?
We did! Exeedme is an exciting project revolving around gamers personal skill and players betting against themselves (user-centric) that is just at its very inception. They are not competitors as our model (Community, content and tournament centered) has broader purpose and we dont and wont support betting because it will be rejected by many of our partners.
Crowns Token, from Seascape, is a DeFi economy blockchain made for developers building their own online games but who cannot/don’t want to focus on the technical transactional side. Although they are very promising for simple browser and other types of games, they are just not targeting the Esports market and offer, at best, support for upcoming indie-browser games studios.
We would not be able to partner with Exeedme because of betting restrictions but Crowns could be interesting if the games developed are popular with our viewers.
Q34) Are there any plans in the near future (next several months) to list on an exchange that allows full KYC trading for US citizens (e.g. Coinbase, Kraken, Gemini, Binance US, etc.)?
This is hard for us. The regulatory environment in the US is not friendly. Since we are not regulated in the US, the risk of listing on a US exchange and the SEC bringing a claim is quite high. At this time we are avoiding this. Lets see what happens with the new SEC Chair who is quite familiar with blockchain. Should he articulate straight forward rules that can be followed and which will not be changed every couple of months, we will consider it then.
Q35) What is:
1. Business structure
2. Marketing plan for next year
3. Customer acquisition costs
4. Execution plan on tech side to deliver
Business structure of Verasity:
Development team structure is flat with these functions:
Blockchain developers, Backend developers, highload & security developers, Full stack Developers, web/mobile frontend developers, mobile only devs, Testing & QA, Finance.
For more about the Verasity business model and forecast see:
Tokenomics , Forecast, News Update
Marketing plan for next year can be found here:
Marketing, Adoption, Tournaments 2021 (Updated)
Customer acquisition costs
We will provide CAC when we are profitable.
Execution plan
See the roadmap on verasity.io
And finally. the last question on the list…🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁Q36) Do you have an update on exchanges? The one that was hinted end of last year and more to come?
Very important issue for us and the community. We fully appreciate the necessity for additional volume and liquidity. After the last exchange hack and issues with OKEX, we were thrown off balance but had expected to list on a new exchange by now. Mistakenly we announced prematurely and then ran into the necessity of completing the VRA token swap before we list on a new exchange. Obviously, we want to now avoid having to swap tokens on a new exchange. So right after the majority of the current exchanges we are listed on complete the swap (this month), we will continue with our listing plans. We are well on the way with 2 exchanges but don’t think it’s prudent to provide more information until they announce the listing themselves. The expectation is still for at least one exchange in Q1. Please bear with us on this. We will get there.
Been a great AMA so far. Cleared up a lot of questions and hopefully made you all as excited for the future as we are. Tons of great new updates to Esports Fight Club coming this year and a prosperous year for Verasity is definitely ahead.Thank you Mark!Will be now opening the chat for the Verasians to ask some additional questions.Will be closing the chat shortly after and we can get some more answers out. The gates are opening! 😁
Additional questions
Q37) When the Verasity Game Jackpot price will be held again? We are waiting for so long.
New jackpots are coming onto the platform but for upcoming games like Ludo which will be announced later this month.
Q38) Is it possible to create something like a create your own tournament where I can play a 1vs1(or 2v2 5vs5) against another player(s) in any game anytime (like in 30 minutes) and where I can set for example a winning price of 100k VRA. and both players have to send 50k before the game to a smart contract and afterward it automatically gets sent to the winner?
Esports Fight Club allows users to create their own tournaments choosing from the available games list. We are constantly working on expanding the list of available games and are open for suggestions. The players deposit VRA to the Esports Fight Club account and use these funds to send money to the prize pool. It's quite simple to set up and you can do it for any amount and any number of players and as admin, you have complete control of the size of the pot, how it is shared in % for winners when to start, etc. Its a fully self managed platform that works now. Just go in and set it up today!
Q39) Hi Mark, regarding the plans for in-game advertising and in-game rewards this year, could you describe your vision on this? Is Verasity currently discussing this topic with certain game companies, and how exactly would it work in practice once achieved? Any details you can share with us would be highly appreciated!
The way we view in-game ads is our ability to provide our logo or some other image that would be part of the game interface, such as the floor or walls. This already exists and is popular. We are in discussions now with game developers to add Verasity/VRA. This is a high powered marketing tool that will get our name into many gamers’ faces. These are native images in effect. For advertisers that want to use native images inside our broadcasts or VOD, they get stitched into the ad server in parallel to the stream and we get paid for the ad inventory. In-game rewards are still in development but the vision is for users to be able to click on an object in the game and get rewarded for doing so, not dissimilar to clicking on an add and getting a higher CPM.
About Verasity.tv
Verasity provides proprietary technology uniquely rewarding gamers, viewers and publishers. Verasity is a crypto-based platform with the VRA token that aims to revolutionise the online advertising business. With its innovative Proof of View system, advertisers are able to guarantee their video ads are seen and not ignored thanks to smart contracts on the Ethereum chain, while viewers are able to earn VRA simply by watching the content they already consume. Verasity has a focus on gaming publishers and esports.
Verasity revenue streams include:
Game subscriptions, prize pool commissions and video ad revenues. Read about the tokenomics, forecast, buy back and burn here.
📖 Read our latest adoption metrics and one page overview
📈 Find where VRA (ticker) is trading onCoinMarketCap
VRA can be staked for 36.5% annual interest at https://verawallet.tv.
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If you are a Game Developer or Video Publisher and want to grow your audience and revenue by 500% click thelinkto talk to the team
AMA with Verasity Founder, R J Mark was originally published in Verasity on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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