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Jocs SA demanda Lleure 3D per haver registrat 'Casino de les Valls'

Jocs SA demanda Lleure 3D per haver registrat 'Casino de les Valls' submitted by apocalypse_then to andorra [link] [comments]

Jocs SA demanda Lleure 3D per haver registrat 'Casino de les Valls' [/u/apocalypse_then]

Jocs SA demanda Lleure 3D per haver registrat 'Casino de les Valls' [apocalypse_then] submitted by trueworldnews to worldGlance [link] [comments]

Ramón Lobo: Las urnas y el casino. Lo que le ha pasado a Matteo Renzi en Italia con su referendo fallido le va a suceder a Manuel Valls en las presidenciales de Francia. Combatieron vías de indignación ciudadana como el 15-M, Occupy Wall Street y otras similares.

Ramón Lobo: Las urnas y el casino. Lo que le ha pasado a Matteo Renzi en Italia con su referendo fallido le va a suceder a Manuel Valls en las presidenciales de Francia. Combatieron vías de indignación ciudadana como el 15-M, Occupy Wall Street y otras similares. submitted by EDUARDOMOLINA to podemos [link] [comments]

Il mio viaggio nella Storia del Cinema: dal 1965 al 1968

E con questo ho finito il diario di viaggio per ora, perché sono alla fermata del 1969 e ne avrò ancora per qualche settimana prima di vedere tutto quanto voglio vedere. Poi metterò nero su bianco. Alla prossima!
Prima di dare una rapida scorsa a quest’anno con qualcuno dei film che ho amato di più mi piace fare anche qualche altra segnalazione: tra le mini-serie è nota quella con Juliette Greco: “Belfagor”, che è un mystery molto lento per i nostri gusti, ma l’ho finito lo stesso tutto perché mi piaceva. Parte quest’anno la felicissima serie di “Giochi senza Frontiere”, che per una ventina d’anni fu uno degli appuntamenti più amati dei telespettatori italiani. In tv vanno ancora i fantasy come “Strega per amore”, con Larry Hagman prima di far soldi col petrolio. Esordisce Sally Field nel telefilm “Gidget”, aveva 15 anni.
Passiamo ai film allora, ma devo lasciare da parte Zivago, Connery, Dentone, Giuletta degli Spiriti, Michael Caine, Leone, Burton, Carrà e Julie Andrews. Ahimé.
Repulsion” di Polanski è una delle più belle prove di Catherine Deneuve, che più guardo i suoi film più entra di prepotenza nella classifica delle mie attrici preferite. La Deneuve qui è una ragazza che ha qualche problema: è ossessiva, soffre di disturbi psichiatrici, ha delle allucinazioni. Il suo status peggiora una sera che resta da sola a casa. Nessuno si accorge veramente di quanto soffra e la ragazza peggiora sempre di più, con risvolti drammatici. Dico solo che la scena della crepa nel muro è fenomenale.
Io la conoscevo bene” di Pietrangeli, è un film con Stefania Sandrelli e Mario Adorf. La Sandrelli ha avuto tipo tre carriere: quella di giovane star italiana, quella post-Brass e quella di attrice di esperienza che sta vivendo adesso. Il suo sguardo timido e dimesso di questo film ha molto in comune con quello della Cardinale prima maniera. La Sandrelli vede infrangersi sul selciato le sue speranze di diventare una star del cinema perché gli uomini che le girano intorno la sfruttano e la illudono. Tra questi c’è Adorf, che è un attore che mi piace un sacco. Un genitore tedesco e uno italiano, Adorf si è mosso senza problemi da un set all’altro mostrando enorme versatilità: lo trovi nelle commedie italiane anni ’60 e lo trovi nei film tv tedeschi alla Derrick, per lui nessun problema.
La vita corre sul filo” di Pollack, con Poitier e Bancroft è un thriller che si svolge nello sguardo di Sidney Poiter e nell’ansia di aiutare una donna che dall’altro lato di un telefono amico segnala la sua volontà di suicidarsi. Poiter non è esperto, ma è di turno, e ormai ha preso in carico il caso. Tutto quello che deve fare è trattenere la Bancroft a lungo, molto a lungo, affinché possano rintracciare la chiamata e impedire il suo gesto. Questo film è interessante perché non c’è mai nessuna allusione al colore della pelle di Poitier, non è rilevante per il plot.
Rapimento” di John Guillermin con Patricia Gozzi, Dean Stockwell e Melvyn Douglas. La Gozzi l’ho citata già in un film con Hardy Kruger. A me questa attrice piace molto, è davvero intensa e drammatica. Qui veramente siamo in un contesto di puro e assoluto squallore, perché la Gozzi vive una vita solitaria in un luogo isolato col padre Melvyn Douglas. Un giorno arriva nei dintorni un evaso, e la Gozzi fa amicizia con lui. Lei ha bisogno di vivere, mentre il padre vorrebbe tenerla in casa e buttare la chiave. È uno di quei film che sembra che fuori sia autunno e che piova anche se è mezzogiorno di una giornata di maggio.
La decima vittima” di Elio Petri, vede Mastroianni e Andress in un futuro imprecisato darsi la caccia a vicenda. C’è una specie di reality show in giro in cui ci sono i cacciatori e le prede. I cacciatori devono uccidere 10 prede, e le prede devono sfuggire loro. Non si può mai sapere i gusti della gente. Questo futuro ha comunque i colori degli anni ’60, lo stile e la criniera di Ursula Andress che guarda caso è una delle più brave cacciatrici. Deve far fuori Mastroianni, ma prima vuole un po’ giocare al gatto e al topo.
Bunny Lake è scomparsa” di Otto Preminger, è un cupo thriller con Keir Dullea, Carol Lynley e Laurence Olivier. A dire il vero Olivier ha una parte molto marginale, fondamentalmente è il film della Lynley e di Dullea. Per chi non avesse dimestichezza con questi volti, la Lynley fu attiva a cavallo tra i ’60 e il ’70 ed è una delle vittime del Poseidon, mentre Dullea è la star di 2001 Odissea nello spazio ed è un attore che si è sempre fatto i fatti suoi, non è mai diventato star di prima categoria, ma si è scelto delle parti interessanti come questa qui. Insomma Dullea è il fratello di Lynley, e non si trova la bambina di lei. L’hanno portata a scuola, ma nessuna l’ha vista, le maestre non l’hanno vista, le amiche nemmeno. Questa bimba non esiste. La Lynley se la sarà immaginata? Lei è certa di avere una bimba, è certa, esiste!
Il collezionista” è uno dei film meno noti di William Wyler, con Terence Stamp e Samantha Eggar. Stamp, di lui non c’è mai da fidarsi. Ha deciso che invece di collezionare farfalle gli piace collezionare ragazze, e un giorno cattura la Eggar e la chiude nel suo scantinato. Lui non ha fatto niente di male, la Eggar viene trattata coi guanti, ha da mangiare, ha di che svagarsi, ha tutto, basta solo che sia felice di essere reclusa a vita da un pazzo e che non provi mai a scappare, che ci vuole?
Eccoci al ’66, che bello quest’anno di cinema, bello! Qualche riga su altri generi e poi passo ai film che mi vien voglia di ricordare.
Qolga” è un corto che ho trovato in youtube del regista Kobakhidze. Si tratta di un ragazzo che vive da solo lungo i binari del treno e ha un’amica che ogni tanto lo va a trovare. All’improvviso un ombrello prende vita e inizia a volare da solo. In quest’anno parte la serie “Tre nipoti e un maggiordomo”, con Brian Keith e 3 baby star, ciascuno con la sua dose di sfortuna personale. Questa serie ha i colori e le moquette giuste per immergersi negli anni ’60. Ovviamente questo è l’anno di “Star Trek”, di “Batman” e “Mission impossibile”. Si tratta di tre serie di culto che tutti ovviamente ben conoscono. Tra i rari film tv di buon livello degli anni ’60 c’è uno di Rossellini: “La presa del potere da parte di Luigi XIV” che è anche uno dei film preferiti del padre da parte di Isabella. Poi esce la famosa versione animata del Grinch che ruba il Natale.
Chi ha paura di Virginia Woolf?” è il film che regala a Liz Taylor il suo secondo oscar. Ci sono solo 4 personaggi (vabbé 6 c’è una scena al bar) che sarebbero Liz Taylor e il marito Burton, George Segal e Sandy Dennis. Sono uno più bravo dell’altro. Nel film sono due coppie, una che sta insieme da un po’ e l’altra di recente formazione. Burton e Taylor hanno un passato difficile da superare, ma tirano avanti. La loro casa è lo specchio della loro persona, è piena di cose ingombranti e fuori posto, e tra i due ci sono frecciatine ogni secondo, qualcuna passa inosservata e qualcuna fa assai male. I due sposini sono praticamente scioccati. La scena cult per me è quando Liz Taylor dichiara al marito che pur con tutti i suoi difetti non è comunque un mostro. Sandy Dennis pure brava assai è una delle attrici dimenticate di fine anni ’60.
Persona” è un film di Bergman in cui ci sono due donne, Bibi Andersson e Liv Ullmann. La Ullmann è muta e la Andersson è la sua infermiera. La Andersson parla parla e la Ullmann ascolta e ascolta. Il legame tra le due è forte e particolare. Si vedono sempre più spesso e la Ullmann sembra migliorare, mentre la Andersson mostra una certa inquietudine. Parla, ma a se stessa, e la Ullman risponde anche senza dire niente. Lentamente i loro volti cominciano a somigliarsi sempre di più, e la voce di Bibi diventa la voce di Liv. Non c’è più distinzione tra le due, sono diventate una persona sola. Si stanno fondendo. Ma non è mica possibile una cosa simile.
La nera di…” è un film di Ousmane Sembene, cioè uno dei primi e rari film di autori africani. La storia è molto semplice, c’è una ragazza senegalese che va a servizio in una casa di una coppia francese. Lontana dalla famiglia la ragazza ha il suo lettino, le sue riviste, le sue scarpe, le sue sensazioni, ma la coppia presso cui lavora la considera come il vaso a centro tavola o il quadretto appeso accanto alla porta. Le giornate passano e la ragazza si spegne poco a poco. Tutto qua, ma provate a vedere lo stesso se è tutto qua.
Incompreso” è il drammone strappalacrime di Comencini con Anthony Quayle che diventa vedovo e non si accorge della sofferenza del primogenito, che si sacrifica per il bene del fratello minore viziato dal papà. Non che Quayle sia cattivo, per carità, è solo che non se ne accorge. Il ragazzino gli vuole bene lo stesso e un giorno un ramo fa crac e lui si fa male. Madonna quanto si piange con questo film, cioè è impossibile, nel senso che è non-possibile non commuoversi quando papà e figlio si parlano finalmente a cuore aperto. L’attore protagonista ha recitato solo questo film, oggi è un medico, è stato bravissimo con almeno 4 esse.
La caccia” di Carlos Saura è un film in cui ci sono alcuni amici che vanno a caccia di conigli. Fa troppo caldo. Dovrebbero dar retta ai conigli, ma invece si mettono a ricordare il passato e non so chi glielo fa fare, perché da quel momento nessuno più è al sicuro, e si danno la caccia a vicenda. Vediamo chi ci resta secco.
Davvero c’è tanto in quest’anno: Manfredi e Adorf alle prese con San Gennaro, le solitudini dell’uomo e la donna di Lelouch, i russi che sbarcano negli USA e Fahrenheit 451 di Truffaut. Poi Polanski gira Cul de Sac con la sorella della Deneuve, Eastwood non manca un colpo e le foto di Antonioni di Blow-up dove le mettiamo? Mi sono divertito un sacco con la partita di poker di “Posta grossa a Dodge city”, e l’asinello Balthazar di Bresson è uno dei finali più drammatici della storia, non pensavo che avrei retto tutta la visione di “Andrej Rublev”, e invece sì, e poi c’è il realismo mai visto della “Battaglia di Algeri”. E potrei anche continuare. Uno dei miei anni preferiti insomma.
Siccome col 1966 ho preso per le lunghe, volevo sintetizzare col 1967, ma pure qui c’è un sacco di bei film. C’è pure “The big shave” che è uno dei primi lavori di Scorsese. Un uomo si rade e si taglia. Purtroppo per lui, il taglio non è un taglietto, giusto così perché si trova in youtube e dura 5 minuti.
Il mio film preferito di quest’anno è “La calda notte dell’ispettore Tibbs”. Io non l’avrei mai detto, mi dovete credere, ci avrei scommesso nemmeno 2 centesimi perché i polizieschi un po’ mi stufano, e poi i film che parlano di razzismo negli anni ’60 siccome li sto vedendo in sequenza ne ho visto un casino e poi forse il titolo non mi ispira, ma invece sono rimasto attaccato subito dai primi minuti, adoro Steige e Poitier, e quando Poitier schiaffeggia a sorpresa il tizio nella serra vi giuro è una delle scene più intense e belle e vere, ho cliccato su 10 su IMDb e da lì non cambio idea.
Il problema è che ho messo 10 anche a “indovina chi viene a cena?” che ha il dubbio onore di essere il film dagli albori al 1967 che ho visto più volte in vita mia, ne conto con certezza 6. Potrei dire di che colore sono i fiori nei vasi e quanti calzini ha Tracy nell’armadio. In questo film per me funziona tutto, mi manda dei brividi di nostalgia di un’epoca della quale sono un prodotto culturale, sono un GenX nel midollo probabilmente e sarà per quello che questo film non mi stanca mai.
Non ce la faccio a non segnalare almeno il titolo di “A piedi nudi nel parco” e devo dichiarare che anche se il finale di “Riflessi in un occhio d’oro” è qualcosa di davvero particolare, Robert Forster in quel film è di una bellezza sconvolgente. I colori di “Le Samourai” di Melville sono elegantissimi, il film è una goduria per gli occhi. Poi ci sono i filmoni da macho di Lee Marvin tipo “una sporca dozzina” e c’è Paul Newman e Dustin Hoffman, Dirk Bogard fa venire i brividi in “Tutte le sere alle nove” quando torna a prendere possesso della casa coi 7 figli che ha abbandonato e in “La bisbetica domata” la coppia Burton-Taylor funziona anche se mai lo diresti in quell’ambientazione lì.
Gli occhi della notte” vede Audrey Hepburn nei panni di una cieca che vive al piano terra di una bella casa dove ogni cosa è giusto dove deve essere, ma a quanto pare Alan Arkin è convinto che ci sia anche qualcosa che gli serve per evitare di essere accusato di omicidio. La Hepburn è all’oscuro di tutto (oddio che battuta) ma scema non è, così quando uno strano visitatore si insinua in casa sua con le scuse più formidabili lei inizia a sospettare. È uno dei thriller meglio congegnati mai visti questo qui, e non è nemmeno di Hitchcock! Non avevo mai realizzato quanto siano importanti le lampadine nel frigorifero.
New York: ore tre- L’ora dei vigliacchi”, questo titolo mi fa cagare però il film è bello. C’è la gente che prende la metro per tornare a casa, però è tardi e due grandissimi stronzi e cioè Tony Musante e Martin Sheen hanno voglia di divertirsi a modo loro, così entrano nella metro e iniziano a infastidire uno dopo l’altro tutti i passeggeri. C’è una quantità di arroganza, prepotenza e violenza gratuita in questo film che davvero la mascella si spacca dalla rabbia repressa che ti suscita. Si vede che il film funziona. È quando tu stai per fatti tuoi e questi ti devono bullizzare e non solo: la gente non alza 1 dito per aiutarti! Veramente, questo film è fatto bene. Per non parlare dei poliziotti che appena riescono a entrare nel vagone con chi se la vanno a prendere? No quello proprio non l’ho potuto soffrire! Bel film.
L’armata a cavallo” di Miklos Jancso è un film che fa venire il mal di testa. Siamo in guerra, è la guerra civile russa, ma non è importante, potrebbe essere una qualsiasi guerra. Qui non riusciamo a prendere posizione, la guerra fa schifo non importa di quale fazione tu sia. 10 minuti di film con gli occhi di una fazione e i loro progressi e le loro vittime, nemmeno fai in tempo a riconoscere i volti di queste persone che vengono fatte fuori dagli avversari, e Jancso ti trascina altri 10 minuti dalla loro parte, ti fa vedere i loro progressi e le loro vittime, i loro villaggi desolati e le torture. Ci rimani male, ma ecco che si passa all’altro punto di vista. E’ un film intelligente ed elegante.
C’è ancora lo choc incredibile di “Gangster Story” con il picco di bellezza di Faye Dunaway e il sangue che esplode sulla bianca pelle di Bonnie e Clyde, così come bianca immacolata è la schiena di Catherine Deneuve, perfetta protagonista di “Bella di giorno” di Bunuel, altro film simbolo dell’epoca, un’epoca in cui andavano i film di sexploitation tipo “Vixen” e roba del genere, pieni di tette e recitazione di serie b, ma che entravano a pieno nella cultura di fine decennio, che si sta avvicinando a quel ’68 di cui tanto spesso abbiamo sentito parlare come di una sorta di spartiacque culturale.
Per finire, è intelligente e complesso il volto di Bekim Fehmiu in “Protest” di Fadil Hadzic, ma che le h e le z non ingannino, il film si vede e si capisce perché parla di un’insoddisfazione che non ha bisogno di vocabolario. Poi c’è il cult camp “la valle delle bambole” con la sfortunata Sharon Tate, gli occhi penetranti della Mangano in “Edipo Re”, centomila spaghetti western, è l’altro drammone di Bresson “Mouchette”, con protagonista una ragazza che racchiude in sé tutto il bullismo subito da tutti gli adolescenti della storia della Pubblica Istruzione, veramente solo chi ha il cuore di pietra non si commuove con questa ragazza qui.
Non mi pare vero che sto scrivendo del 1968 perché è l’ultimo anno che ho finito di vedere e anche se questa carrellata non vale poi molto almeno l’ho portata a termine, il che per me vale molto.
Prima di iniziare una piccola deviazione: in quest’anno c’è l’esordio di Spielberg, col corto “Amblin’” da cui quindi deriva la sua casa di produzione che è la Amblin Enterteinment! Altro corto è lo sperimentale “Hermitage”, di Carmelo Bene. Tra le mini-serie esce quest’anno l’Odissea di Franco Rossi. Fu un clamoroso successo riproposto dalla tv nostrana per vent’anni. Il ritmo è lento, ma i volti di Bekim Fehmiu e quello di Irene Papas sono senza tempo. Grandissimo l’episodio con Polifemo e ovviamente il finale coi Proci. Prima di diventare nota come cantante e presentatrice, Loretta Goggi era una precocissima attrice e la “Freccia Nera” fu uno dei suoi più noti successi.
Ok, allora andiamo veloci veloci, con lo stiloso “Diabolik” che era il bel John Phillip Law; le torture che patisce Alan Bates nell”’uomo di Kiev” pochi altri nella storia; Sordi è medico nella muta e Franco Nero aveva gli occhi più celesti mai visti. Sellers fa pisciar sotto anche le statue in “Hollywood Party” mentre la Vitti prende in mano la pistola e si colloca nella sua dimensione comica dopo anni di Antonioni. Rod Steiger è un gay represso ne “il sergente”, mentre Terence Stamp non fa preferenze di sesso in “Teorema” di Pasolini.
Steve McQueen è l’essere più figo mai apparso sulla terra in “Bullitt” e “Il caso Thomas Crown” ma nemmeno Clint Eeastwood scherza e voglio vedere chi scampa a un impiccagione come in “impiccalo più in alto” e chi è scazzato come lui in “L’uomo dalla cravatta di cuoio”.
Fuoco!” di Gian Vittorio Baldi è la sorpresina nell’ovetto Kinder del 1968. Siamo in un paesello del sud Italia e un tizio spara alla statua della Madonna durante una processione, poi si barrica in casa, con la moglie e il bambino che se la fanno sotto, e col fucile in mano si rifiuta di uscire e di dare spiegazioni. Poche parole, un set poverissimo, nemmeno tante spiegazioni ma per 1 ora e mezza sei nella casa e forse nella testa di questo ragazzo. Bellissimo film!
La sposa in nero” di Truffaut è la storia della vedova nera Jeanne Moreau (quanto mi è piaciuto questo film) che si era sposata da 5 secondi che le ammazzano il marito sulle scale della chiesa. Pensa prima di buttarsi dalla finestra poi decide che invece le conviene dare la caccia ai killer del marito. La curva della bocca della Moreau è perfetta per questa parte e vi assicuro che il modo in cui si ingegna per far fuori quei quattro è incredibile. Purtroppo questo film mi fa anche venire in mente la storia di Marta Russo ma lasciamo perdere.
L’urlo del silenzio” è il film che Alan Arkin per me prima valeva 6, 6 e mezzo mentre adesso invece sotto il 9 non scende. Arkin è un sordo muto ed è così solo, ma così solo, che lui il lockdown ce l’ha di default. Mi fa venire la forchetta in gola. Comunque sia affitta una camera in una casa con una famiglia sgangherata ma tutto sommato ok, e fa amicizia con Sondra Locke. Ma nemmeno lei è il vaccino che può curare la sua solitudine. Malinconia a quintalate.
Duello nel Pacifico” di John Boorman ci sono 2 persone solamente e cioè Lee Marvin e Toshiro Mifune. Sono in guerra e sono da soli in un’isola sperduta. Ognuno dei due vuole far fuori quell’altro, ma alla fine prevale la voglia di sopravvivere, chissenefrega se devo chiedere aiuto al nemico. Il finale di questo film, io sottoscritto dichiaro che David Lynch l’ha visto e gli è piaciuto.
E ora acceleriamo su quel pacco gigante pieno di innovazione che è “La notte dei morti viventi”, sul sudore e il calore di “C’era una volta il west”, il mio Leone preferito, sull’indelebile statua della libertà del “Pianeta delle Scimmie”, sui brividi che fanno venire lo sguardo di Sidney Blackmer e i sorrisi di Ruth Gordon in “Rosemary’s baby”, uno dei film che più mi ha fatto cagare sotto in vita mia, per dire due righe in più su “Kuroneko” di Kaneto Shindo, che è la storia di una vendetta operata da due donne vittime di stupro e poi uccise da una gang di samurai. Le due diventano dei fantasmi e uno dopo l’altro, in un’atmosfera onirica e agghiacciante conducono i samurai nel loro nascondiglio per farli fuori senza pietà alcuna. Un film con le palle.
Mi rimangono 2 film, il primo è “2001: odissea nello spazio” e io ho paura a parlare di Kubrick perché su Kubrick tutti hanno un’opinione e sanno argomentare meglio di me, così mi limito a dire che questo film l’ho visto come quando giochi agli incremental e fai prestige. La prima volta 15 minuti, la seconda volta ho retto 30 minuti, la terza volta 1 ora e la quarta volta finalmente avevo le skill giuste e ho goduto da pazzi.
Il mio film preferito del 1968 è “The Swimmer” di Frank Perry e Sydney Pollack, con Burt Lancaster. Lancaster si mantiene bene anche se ha già i suoi anni sulle spalle, e un giorno compare nella villa di amici, si fa una vasca in piscina e poi dichiara che se ne torna a casa a nuoto, passando da piscina in piscina, di villa in villa, lungo tutta la vallata. Armato solo del suo costume, si incammina verso la seconda piscina: una vasca e due chiacchiere coi padroni. Le persone che vede sono inizialmente cordiali e felici di parlare con lui, ma a ogni villa qualcosa non sembra andare per il verso giusto: c’è chi sbruffa, chi gli rinfaccia qualcosa, chi esplicitamente lo manda a quel paese. Lancaster stesso perde lo slancio e un po’ il sorriso. Se a un certo punto si sentiva così bene da poter reggere il confronto con un cavallo, improvvisamente si fa male e inizia a zoppicare. La villa successiva pare più lontana, e più ostile. Ad ogni villa scopriamo un pezzo della vita di quest’uomo, e lui con noi. Non possiamo sentire l’acqua sulla pelle, ma ti monta l’ansia. Lancaster pare invecchiato, i suoi piedi sono sporchi, i suoi occhi lucidi, le sue labbra sofferenti. Un’altra villa, e pare trascinarsi, e una piscina ancora, e nuota a fatica, e finalmente casa.
Non ho dormito la notte perché non volevo fare il mio sogno ricorrente in cui sogno di partire dalla mia casa di bimbo per arrivare alla mia casa attuale, e parto di corsa per poi andare piano, sempre più piano, per poi trascinarmi, fino a che non vedo la porta in lontananza, e non riesco ad aprirla, mai.
submitted by yabluz to italy [link] [comments]

Chicago Outfit

The Chicago Outfit is still a major organized crime syndicate in the United States. The Chicago Outfit runs the Las Vegas casinos and use the cash flow for laundering their criminal profits. They control Vegas through the Nevada Gaming Commission and politicians like former Mayor of Las Vegas and defense attorney for the mobsters Oscar Goodman and his wife Carolyn Goodman who is the current Mayor of Vegas. The Chicago Mob have many organized crime associates who are Jewish and used as their front men to manage their businesses in Vegas and Hollywood like Frank Rosenthal who was from Chicago and ran various casinos in Nevada. They made a movie about it called Casino. Oscar Goodman worked as a defense attorney for mobsters including Frank Rosenthal and he was the mayor of Las Vegas from 1999 to 2011 and his wife Carolyn Goodman has been the Mayor of Las Vegas from 2011 until today. The Goodmans currently run Las Vegas and work for the Italian and Jewish mafias. Meyer Lansky II is a current top Polish-Jewish Mafia boss in the United States and he is working with the Chicago Outfit and he manages territories in Las Vegas today. The Jewish mobsters have always been subordinate to La Cosa Nostra which authorized their formation of Murder Inc. through their Commission. Most of the top Jewish gangsters like Mayer Lansky and even Al Capone served Italian bosses like Big Jim Colosimo. Louis Capone was a boss of the Jewish Mafia known as Murder Inc. The Capone family are really a branch of the Florentine House of Capponi which is currently headed up by Count Neri Capponi today. Some of the Florentine noble families originated out of ancient Babylon. The Chicago Outfit is primarily owned by the Colonna family and Florentine noble families like the House of Medici and House of Capponi. John Roselli was a top gangster in the Chicago Mob. The Rosselli del Turco family are a Florentine nobility with Marchese Niccolo Rosselli del Turco as the current head. The Colonna family also own the Colombo crime family of New York City. Both the Colonna and Colombo names mean column. Hollywood is a joint operation infiltrated by the Chicago Outfit and Five Families. Albert Warner was a founder of Warner Bros. and married to Bessie Siegel who was likely a relative of Bugsy Siegel. Bugsy Siegel was a co-founder of Murder Inc. and was friends with Dorothy DiFrasso a member of Hollywood. Dorothy DiFrasso married Count Carlo Dentice di Frasso and she even introduced Bugsy Siegel with Benito Mussolini. The Frasso family are Sicilian nobility that have residences around Rome. The Five Families are competitors with the Chicago Outfit and also business associates at times. The Colombo crime family are the link between the two mafia factions. Jerry Reinsdorf is a billionaire and an owner of the Chicago Bulls and White Sox and he is a Jewish crime associate of the Chicago Outfit and Colombo crime family. Arnold Rothstein was a Jewish mobster from New York that had 8 players for the White Sox throw the World Series for the mafia's bets. The mafia still rigs professional sports for bets. Anthony Riccio is the second in command of the Chicago Police and an associate of the Chicago Outfit. Riccio handles Eddie Johnson the head of the Chicago PD who was appointed by the white collar Jewish mobster Rahm Emanuel who has a portrait of himself as the Godfather. Tony Rezko is a financier from Chicago that was convicted of wire fraud, money laundering, and corrupt solicitation which was a watered down charge for extortion. Rekzo also helped to finance Barack Obama's Senate campaign and sold him part of his property above the market value while under federal investigation. Alexi Giannoulias is a banker and politician from Chicago who has worked for Broadway Bank which financed Tony Rezko and also Chicago mobsters Michael Giorango and Demitri Stavropoulos with tens of millions. Barack Obama is friends with Alexi Giannoulias and they are both associates of the Chicago Outfit.
Byline Bank is a bank based in Chicago created by the Fasseas family with Peter Fasseas and his wife Paula Fasseas. Several Mexican businessmen like the billionaire Antonio del Valle Ruiz and his son along with the group BXM Holdings has invested into Byline Bank which has been making a large amount of non performing loans. Antonio del Valle Ruiz is a high level overseer of Mexican drug cartels and he is worth over 3 billion. When banks make a lot of bad loans that don't get paid back it is usually for one of two reasons. The bank is using loans as a disguise for bribes and criminal pay offs which is what Byline Bank has been doing or the bank is using interest rates that are too high and that cannot be paid back. Roberto Herencia who was Jesuit educated at Georgetown has been Chairman of Byline Bancorp and Byline Bank and was President and CEO of BXM Holdings. Roberto Herencia was also nominated by Obama to serve on Overseas Private Investment Corporation’s Board of Directors. The Chicago Outfit have alliances with the Mexican drug cartels which the Five Families are in competition with. The Chicago Mafia's alliance with Mexican drug cartels is related to their owners relationship with cartel owners in Spain like the Aragon and FitzJames families. The Colonna family have family branches in Spain and ruled as Viceroys in Aragon, Valencia, and Catalonia. New York factions want a wall at the border to disrupt their networks. The Detroit Partnership work with both the Chicago and New York factions and the Balistrieri crime family are the Chicago Mob's reinforcement. Several top Mexican bankers went to the University of Chicago like Agustin Carstens the Governor of the Bank of Mexico and Francisco Gil Diaz the former Mexican Secretary of Finance. Robert Zimmer is the President of the University of Chicago and a very high level criminal associate of the Chicago Mafia. The Clinton and Obama families are in league with the Chicago Outfit and that is why Barack Obama was a professor at the University of Chicago. Rahm Emanuel is a Jewish mobster and associate of the Chicago Mob for the mob as the Mayor of Chicago and former Chief of Staff under Barack Obama. The Jesuit Georgetown educated John Podesta is from Chicago and the name Podesta is an Italian word for a high official or the chief magistrate of a city. John Podesta and his Jesuit Georgetown educated brother Tony Podesta founded Podesta Group a lobbyist racket. The Podestas and Hillary Clinton were caught using pizza as a metaphor for children and Hillary mentioned making a sacrifice to Moloch in these emails. The Podestas are involved with sex trafficking of children. Hillary Clinton was born in Chicago. Barack Obama was president under the ATF's Project Gunrunner which ended up supplying weapons to the Mexican Mafia and drug cartels which were used in various murders of Mexican citizens. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was killed by cartel associates and weapons found related to the crime traced back to the ATF's Operation Gunrunner also called Fast and Furious. Barack Obama promotes restricting the gun rights of Americans while supplying the Mexican drug cartels with guns that have murdered both Americans and Mexicans. The Chicago Outfit operate in Arizona which is located next to Las Vegas. This is why the city of Tucson, Arizona is really named after Tuscany. Florence is the capital of Tuscany, Italy. There is a Florence, Arizona about 40 miles north of Tucson. The Florentine nobility manage the Chicago Outfit and the remnant of the Jewish Mafia for the Colonna family. The Chicago Outfit is involved in weapons, drugs, and human trafficking across the US-Mexican border. John DiFronzo is a top boss of the Chicago Outfit along with his brother Peter DiFronzo. Joseph Andriacchi acts as a consigliere. John DiFronzo owns car dealerships in Chicago. They use car dealerships for concealing stolen vehicles used for criminal trafficking and for obtaining dealer plates which makes it easier to move around stolen vehicles. The Italian Mafia are also involved in waste disposal and construction companies which are both used for disposing of bodies. The Carey family own the Hawthorne Race Course in Cicero right next to Chicago. Jimmy Inendino is a Chicago mafia boss in Cicero. Salvatore DeLaurentis is the current acting boss of the Chicago Outfit. The mafia use racetracks as headquarters and launder their criminal profits through fixed wins. The Chicago Outfit specializes in infiltrating the Democratic Party through blackmail, pedophilia, and human trafficking.
submitted by AhuwahZeus to TopConspiracy [link] [comments]

Ayuda con mi "Bucket List de Argentina"!

Hola redditors, tengo pensado recorrer el país hermoso, entero de punta a punta, esta es mi "Bucket List" que armé en un par de horas, separé cada provincia por región para que sea más fácil de leer; si me pueden ayudar con cualquier dato, opinión, que puedo agregar o sacar, cuál es la mejor provincia para hacer tal o cual cosa, desde ya gracias!,
*Visitar la Quebrada del Humahuaca *Visitar la Quebrada de Purmamarca al pie del Cerro de los Siete Colores *Celebrar el Carnaval Jujenho *Ver la fiesta del Toreo de la Vincha en Casabindo *Comer un plato de humita *Visitar el Cabildo en San Salvador de Jujuy *Comer empanadas Jujenhas *Visitar el pueblo de Iruya *Recorrer el Camino del Inca *Visitar la Yunga Jujenha *Avistar las parinas y flamencos en La Laguna de Guayatayoc *Pasar la noche en La Puna *Ver las salinas grandes
*Visitar el Cafayate *Visitar la Quebrada de las Conchas en los Valles Calchaquíes *Quebrada de Las Flechas *Admirar la arquitectura colonial en Ciudad de Salta *Visitar la Catedral Basílica de Salta *Comer empanadas Saltenas *Probar la gastronomia y el vino regional *Tomar el teleférico hacia Cerro San Bernardo *Montar el Tren de las Nubes *Avistar animales en el Parque Nacional El Rey *Ver un Yaguareté en el Parque nacional Baritú *Visitar el El parque nacional Los Cardones *participar de La tradicional Fiesta de la Pachamama de los Pueblos Andinos *Visitar los pueblos del Norte Andino *Visitar el Valle de Lerma *Pasar una noche en Cachi *Visitar el Museo de Arqueología de Alta Montaña
*Recorrer el circuito historico en San Miguel de Tucuman *Visitar la Casa de Tucuman *Ver las Ruinas de Quilmes *R ecorrer la Reserva Arqueológica de Los Menhires en El Mollar *Visitar las Ruinas La Ciudacita *Visitar la Yunga Tucumana *Recorrer el Parque Nacional Campo de Los Alisos *Probar la gastronomia local
*Visitar la ciudad de Belén en Catamarca *Banharse en las Termas de Fiambala *Visitar el volcán Galán en Antofagasta de la Sierra *Ver las vicunhas en la Laguna Blanca *Hacer aladelta en la Cuesta del Portezuelo *Ver las pinturas rupestres en el yacimiento arqueologico de La tunita *admirar los laberintos blancos y dunas de Campo Piedra Pómez *Atender la Fiesta patronal de la Virgen del Valle *participar de la CORPACHADA “Ritual a la Madre Tierra” *Tomar Catamarqueno en LA RUTA DEL ADOBE *visitar El sitio arqueológico del Shinkal de Quimivil
Santiago del Estero
*Visitar la ciudad de Santiago del Estero, la más antigua del país *disfrutar del spa natural de las termas de Rio Hondo *ver los tatú carreta en El parque Nacional Copo
*Viajar a Formosa Capital *Visitar el Museo Historico Provincial formosa *Comer comida local de Formosa *Excursion por el Bañado La Estrella *Visitar el Parque Nacional Río Pilcomayo
*visitar Resistencia en Chaco *adentrarse al Bosque impenetrable chaquenho *probar la gastronomia regional chaquena *Visitar el Parque nacional del Chaco *Ver las estrellas en el Campo del Cielo
*Visitar las Cataratas del Iguazú en Misiones *Ver la Garganta del Diablo *Montar en el Tren de la Selva *Visitar la Isla San Martín *Recorrer el Parque Nacional Iguazu bajo la luna llena *Visitar Las Ruinas de la Misión Jesuítica de San Ignacio Miní *Visitar la casa de Horacio Quiroga *Visitar la ciudad de Posadas *Atravesar el Puente Internacional Tancredo Neves *Explorar las Minas de Wanda *Caminar por las tierras rojas en Eldorado *Descubrir los ascentamientos Suecos en Oberá
*Navegar por los Esteros del Iberá *Ver un yacaré en el Parque Nacional Mburucuyá *visitar las playas de Paso de la Patria *caminar por la costanera de Corrientes Capital
Entre Ríos
*Pescar un dorado en el río Uruguay *Ir a la fiesta del Carnaval del País en Gualeguaychu *visitar las termas de Gualeguaychu *Esquí acuático sobre el río Uruguay *Visitar el Castillo San Carlos en Concordia *Visitar el hospital donde nací en Concordia *Visitar el Parque Nacional El Palmar en Colón *visitar las Termas de Concepción del Uruguay *visitar Isla Cambacuá *visitar el Balneario Drewans en la ciudad de Chajarí *motonáutica en el río Uruguay *Visitar el Palacio San Jose *Visitar la ciudad de Villaguay *nadar en Playas del Lago Salto Grande en Federación *Navegar por las calles de Villa Paranacito *Internarse en el delta del río Uruguay *Visitar La Catedral de la ciudad de Paraná *Caminar por la costanera de Paraná *Visitar Anfiteatro Héctor Santángelo *Kayak sobre el río Paraná *Visitar las aldeas alemanas
Santa Fe
*Visitar el Monumento a la Bandera en Rosario *visitar la plaza del Che *Comer alfajores Santafesinos *Tomar mate en el Parque Independencia *Visitar el Parque España *Visitar el Convento San Carlos *visitar las playas de El Banquito *Visitar la ciudad de Santa Fe
La Rioja
*Recorrer el Parque Nacionale Talampaya en La Rioja *Explorar el Valle de Famatina *Ver las murallas de fuego de La Cuesta de Miranda en Chilecito *Admirar el arte rupestre de Los Pizarrones *Tomar el Cablecarril la Mexicana *Visitar el cráter Corona del Inca *Visitar los pueblos silenciosos de La Costa Riojana *Ver las vicunhas y los flamencos en la Laguna Brava *Visitar las LAS ESTRELLAS DIAGUITAS en Vinchina *Asistir a la procesion del Tinkunako *Recorrer la precordillera *Visitar el Museo de la Ciudad de la Rioja *Recorrer el Corredor de los Llanos *Ver los condores en el Parque Nacional Quebrada del Condorito *Tomar vino y comer comida regional Riojana
San Juan
*Visitar el Parque Provincial Ischigualasto (Valle de la Luna) en San Juan *Ver las estrellas en el Parque Nacional El Leoncito
*Visitar la ciudad de Mendoza *Explorar el Parque Nacional del Aconcagua *Equiar en el centro de esqui Las lenhas *Visitar el Puente del Inca *Explorar las bodegas Mendocinas *Relajarse en las Termas y Spa de Cacheuta en la Cordillera de los Andes *Visitar la ciudad de Las Heras *Visitar La Pampa negra y los volcanes de la Payunia mendocina
San Luis
*Visitar el microclima de Villa Merlo en San Luis *Visitar el Parque Nacional Sierra de Las Quijadas *Caminar el Corredor Bio en las Sierras de los Comechingones
*Recorrer la Manzana Jesuítica en la ciudad de Córdoba Capital *Recorrer las calles de la Canhada *Tomar Fernet con coca en Nueva Córdoba *Ir a un baile de La Mona Jimenez *Festejar Oktoberfest en Villa General Belgrano *Visitar Mina Clavero *Ir al Festival Nacional del Folklore en Cosquín *Subir el Cerro Uritorco en Capilla del Monte *Visitar la casa del Che Guevara en Altagracia *Disfrutar de la gastronomía de Colonia Caroya *Visitar El Durazno en el Valle de Calamuchita *Ir al Festival de la doma en Jesús María *Acampar en La Cumbrecita *Disfrutar de la noche en Carlos Paz *Visitar Mayu Sumaj en el Valle de Punilla *Recorrer Tanti *Explorar el Valle de Calamuchita *Visitar la Reserva de pictografías del Cerro Colorado *Visitar la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Rosario en la ciudad de Ischilín *visitar la La Capilla de Sinsacate *Visitar el Hotel Eden en La Falda *Ver los flamencos en la Laguna de Mar Chiquita *Explorar Nono en la región de Traslasierras *Observar el valle de Traslasierra desde el cerro Champaquí
Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires
*Visitar la Casa Rosada *Ver el Obelisco en Av. 9 de Julio *Visitar la Plaza del Congreso *Visitar la librería El Ateneo en la calle Florida *Ir de compras en la Galería Pacífico *Visitar la Catedral Metropolitana *Explorar el cementerio de Recoleta *Visitar el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes *Tomar mate y leer un libro en Plaza Francia *Visitar el Cabildo en el microcentro *Ver la escultura Floralis Generica en Palermo *Ver el Ballet en el Teatro Colón *Paseo por Puerto Madero *Comer en un restaurante de lujo en Puerto Madero *Explorar la Reserva Ecológica *Visitar el Buque Museo Fragata Sarmiento *Visitar Colección de arte Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat *Comer un choripán en La Costanera Sur *Ir a una noche de Milonga en San Telmo *Ir de compras en el Mercado de San Telmo *Tomar mate en la Plaza Dorrego *Caminar por las calles de Caminito *Comer un asado en una parrilla tradicional en La Boca *Ver el superclásico River-Boca en la Bombonera *Visitar el Museo de Bellas Artes Benito Quinquela Martín *Tomar un café con medialunas en el Bar la Perla *Comer en la Pizzería Banchero *Visitar el Museo Histórico Nacional *Picnic en los Bosques de Palermo *Visitar el Jardín Japonés *Visitar la Biblioteca Nacional *Recorrer el Rosedal de Palermo *Visitar el Planetario Galileo Galilei *Visitar el Zoológico de Buenos Aires *Visitar el MALBA *Visitar el Barrio Chino en Belgrano *Tomar un catamarán por la región de Tigre *Visitar la quinta de Olivos *Visitar la Feria de Mataderos *Visitar el cementerio de Chacarita *Visitar el Abasto *Visitar el museo Carlos Gardel *Visitar el barrio de Boedo
Buenos Aires
*Visitar la ciudad de La Plata *Caminar por el Parque Ecológico Municipal de La Plata *Visitar el Museo de Ciencias Naturales de la Plata *Ver al Indio Solari en Tandil *Visitar Villa Gesell en la Costa Atlántica Argentina *Visitar Mar de Ajó y San Bernardo *Caminar en las playas doradas de Mar de las Pampas *Deportes Náuticos en Cariló *Visitar el casino de Pinamar *Visitar la ciudad de Mar del Plata *Visitar Bahia Blanca
La Pampa
*Visitar la ciudad de Santa Rosa en La Pampa *Visitar la Reserva Natural Parque Luro *Hospedarse en una Estancia Pampeana *Tomar vino en una Pulpería tradicional *Comer Asado Pampeano regional *Visitar el Parque Nacional Lihué Calel
*Visitar la ciudad de San Martin de los Andes en Neuquén *Explorar el Parque Nacional Lanín *Cazar un ciervo colorado o jabalí *Recorrer el puerto en Villa La Angostura *Caminar por la costa del Atlántico en Playas Doradas *Visitar el Parque Cretácico *Visitar el Salto del Agrio *Trekking en el Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi *Visitar el Parque nacional Laguna Blanca
Río Negro
*Recorrer la ciudad de Viedma en Rio Negro *Ver Primer Faro de la Patagonia Argentina en el balneario de Villa El Cóndor *Ver los lobos marinos en Reserva Faunística Punta Bermeja (La Lobería) *Visitar San Carlos de Bariloche *Visitar Villa Catedral *Esquiar en el centro de esqui del Cerro Catedral *Visitar la Catedral de San Carlos de Bariloche *Visitar el hotel Llao Llao *Visitar El Bolsón en la Comarca Andina *Visitar la Cascada Escondida *Comer chivito Patagónico *Banharse en el Río Azul *Explorar las chacras regionales en El Hoyo
*Avistaje de Orcas en la reserva Natural Península de Valdés *Ver el amanecer en Puerto Pirámides *Avistaje de la ballena franca austral en Puerto Madryn *Visitar las playas de Comodoro Rivadavia *Ver los pingüinos magallánicos en Punta Tombo *Visitar la cárcel de Trelew *Visitar el Puerto de Rawson *Avistaje de Toninas Overas en Playa Unión *Visitar el Bosque Petrificado *Visitar Museo Paleontologico de Astra *Ver el Argentinosaurus Huinculensis en el Museo Carmen Funes *Caminar por la Bahía Bustamante *Visitar el Parque nacional Los Alerces
Santa Cruz
*Visitar el Puerto de Santa Cruz *Visitar las playas de Caleta Olivia *Visitar Fitz Roy *Visitar el Glaciar Perito Moreno en El Calafate *Explorar la Cueva de las Manos en Perito Moreno *Banharse en el lago Carrera *Visitar Rio Gallegos *Trekking por la laguna Torre, glaciar Torre y cerro Torre en El Chaltén
Tierra del Fuego
*Visitar el Parque Nacional Tierra del Fuego *Visitar el Museo del Fin del Mundo en Ushuaia *Admirar el Monte Olivia *Disfrutar de la gastronomía local *Esquiar en el Cerro Castor *Explorar la ciudad de Rio Grande *Ver el Faro del fin del Mundo, en el canal del Beagle *Ver los cóndores en El Cerro Shenolsh *Tomar la aerosilla al Glaciar Martial *Tomar el Tren del Fin del Mundo *Visitar la Laguna Esmeralda
*Visitar las Islas Malvinas *Visitar las Islas Sandwich del Sur y Georgias del Sur *Ir en una expedición por la Antartida Argentina *Visitar la Base Marambio
submitted by yogurt1989 to argentina [link] [comments]

Subreddit Stats: uruguay top posts from 2011-04-14 to 2017-05-02 19:00 PDT

Period: 2210.77 days
Submissions Comments
Total 1000 9668
Rate (per day) 0.45 4.37
Unique Redditors 430 913
Combined Score 11460 24859

Top Submitters' Top Submissions

  1. 898 points, 100 submissions: yorugua
    1. El Tribunal Supremo de Justicia venezolano decidió asumir las competencias de la Asamblea Nacional (20 points, 63 comments)
    2. Hace un año que no iba al Aeropuerto de Carrasco - Esta limpio y bien, pero hay algunas SSID que siguen como el año pasado... (20 points, 6 comments)
    3. Ancap cerró con ganancias por primera vez en cinco años (18 points, 11 comments)
    4. En fin... Forlán, 100 partidos (17 points, 2 comments)
    5. Murió China Zorrilla (17 points, 0 comments)
    6. Vos también te querés ir? (17 points, 34 comments)
    7. Proponen aumentar el IRPF para equilibrar las cuentas y bajar el déficit (16 points, 13 comments)
    8. Sendic dijo que sus inversiones en Ancap "prepararon" el actual superรกvit (16 points, 16 comments)
    9. Raúl Sendic ordenó que figure como "licenciado" (15 points, 7 comments)
    10. ¿Por qué Uruguay es un país caro? (14 points, 7 comments)
  2. 396 points, 26 submissions: tonterias
    1. Soy Despachante de Aduanas, AMAA (35 points, 96 comments)
    2. Hace instantes en Montevideo (34 points, 1 comment)
    3. me irl (32 points, 13 comments)
    4. 50 años de elecciones presidenciales en Uruguay: cómo votó cada departamento (31 points, 7 comments)
    5. Tormenta de verano en Montevideo (25 points, 2 comments)
    6. Tornado en Soriano genera destrozos (24 points, 13 comments)
    7. mapa con los nombres de los Barrios de Montevideo en inglés (23 points, 13 comments)
    8. ¿Qué opinan del "feminicidio"? (17 points, 69 comments)
    9. Pese a alerta de ciclón, hay locos corriendo en la pista de atletismo (16 points, 3 comments)
    10. "Esta vieja es peor que el tuerto" (14 points, 8 comments)
  3. 356 points, 25 submissions: enthius
    1. Spotted in Parks & Recreation. (42 points, 4 comments)
    2. Not even mad tbh (40 points, 13 comments)
    3. Significado de la bandera Uruguaya (X-post vexillology) (31 points, 1 comment)
    4. Arnold es nuestro, como Gardel. (29 points, 6 comments)
    5. How I'm feeling right now. (27 points, 15 comments)
    6. El agua en casa de mi madre (Maldonado) (23 points, 20 comments)
    7. Dammit Suarez (17 points, 5 comments)
    8. Uruguay perdio porque Brazil les saboteo el Dulce de Leche. (16 points, 3 comments)
    9. "bo" o "vo". Todos de acuerdo que "vos" se escribe con v. Pero cuando se usa sin la "ese" final en modo imperativo por ejemplo, es bo o vo? (11 points, 13 comments)
    10. Is there a lot of casual racism in Uruguayan media or have I just been out of the country for too long? Example image. (11 points, 28 comments)
  4. 280 points, 25 submissions: cmenghi
    1. Feliz año nuevo Uruguayo (31 points, 2 comments)
    3. Diario el País y el molesto registro para leer articulos (22 points, 8 comments)
    4. Felicidades a todos los redditeros yorugas! (21 points, 1 comment)
    5. Constanza Moreira “lo cierto es que el gobierno está poniendo impuestos nuevos todos los días” (16 points, 2 comments)
    6. Pasantías en USA para programadores Uruguayos: An Internship Program in Silicon Valley for Uruguayan Developers (14 points, 0 comments)
    7. Feliz Año (VASELINA) Suben las tarifas: 8% combustibles y ANTEL, 7,5% la electricidad y 8,2% OSE (12 points, 20 comments)
    8. Cuevas, al nivel de un top ten (11 points, 0 comments)
    9. Mides: aumento de $ 25.000 para los directores. (Esto se esta volviendo una joda.) (11 points, 4 comments)
    10. Presidente Vazquez: “Medios se convirtieron en un partido de oposición” (11 points, 23 comments)
  5. 277 points, 9 submissions: 5nowx
    1. Cuando tu post recibe mas de 1 upvote en /uruguay (xpost from /MadeMeSmile (70 points, 5 comments)
    2. Me Recordó a nuestro Pequeño sub (x-post from /me_irl (69 points, 3 comments)
    3. This is a Chivito, This is Uruguay!. (35 points, 8 comments)
    4. Murió el expresidente Jorge Batlle (24 points, 16 comments)
    5. La diferencia entre los uruguayos y como nos ven desde afuera(Inmigración-Emigración) (21 points, 12 comments)
    6. i hope nobody was in there (la rambla, tormenta 3/1)(Mención en /WTF) (17 points, 7 comments)
    7. Me_Irl (15 points, 10 comments)
    8. Global reddit meetup (14 points, 23 comments)
    9. Segundo Incidente: Otro taxista saca el arma contra un Chófer de UBER. esta vez dispara y le rompe el Parabrisas (12 points, 11 comments)
  6. 230 points, 15 submissions: 733138
    1. Hackeando el Sistema de Transporte Metropolitano de Montevideo (STM) (38 points, 21 comments)
    2. Uruguay es el país con mayor cantidad de ateos de toda América (23 points, 26 comments)
    3. TIL en Alabama también tienen "alfajores" (22 points, 42 comments)
    4. Urrutia fue elegido como el mejor piloto en Estados Unidos (21 points, 1 comment)
    5. Georgie Álvarez he ded (18 points, 20 comments)
    6. Firma ganó USD 740k en 2 días en negocio con IMM. Ningún equipo fue a ver el bien para estimar valor. (17 points, 5 comments)
    7. El costo de tener un auto en Uruguay (16 points, 29 comments)
    8. Mientras tanto, en la home de El Pais... (15 points, 3 comments)
    9. Un pequeño paso para el hombre, un gran paso para la humanidad: Jugadores no hablan más con Tenfield (11 points, 3 comments)
    10. "Los uruguayos vamos a desaparecer". Excelentísima nota al historiador Benjamín Nahum (10 points, 8 comments)
  7. 220 points, 18 submissions: tach
    1. :: Marcelo dijo que “pasa hambre” pero tiene 100 taxis, según SUATT (22 points, 10 comments)
    2. "... Uruguay no solo estaba entre los 15 países que más empeoraron en las tres materias evaluadas (matemática, lectura y ciencia), sino que además tenía “una tasa de mejora negativa” en cada una de ellas." (19 points, 33 comments)
    3. Me siento honorado. (18 points, 5 comments)
    4. Talvi: "El gobierno de Mujica dilapidó como si no existiera un mañana" (16 points, 0 comments)
    5. Uruguay, junto con otros iluminados gobiernos (Arabia Saudita, Iran, Uzbekistán, Venezuela...) votó por controlar los contenidos en internet. (16 points, 11 comments)
    6. Eliminan una aula en mi escuela de infancia al instalar un generador para el casino del estado que colocaron al lado. (15 points, 7 comments)
    7. Sabor de mi infancia, la galleta de hojaldre o de capaña, una especie en extinción. (15 points, 11 comments)
    8. "Financiaron al MPP con asaltos hasta 1998 ya dentro de la estructura del Frente Amplio. La banda era "orgánica" y se creó a propuesta de José Mujica y Eleuterio Fernández Huidobro" (12 points, 16 comments)
    9. Millonaria obra de interconexión eléctrica con Brasil, finalizada en 2015 para venderle energía a ese país, nunca se utilizó (12 points, 14 comments)
    10. Huidobro, Mujica, Bonomi, Topolansky: hasta las manos (11 points, 3 comments)
  8. 218 points, 18 submissions: BrunoSG
    1. Aplausos para tonterias, uno de los primeros Uruguayos en /all! (30 points, 16 comments)
    2. POKEMON GO (23 points, 39 comments)
    3. Y por esto decimos que estamos bastante mejor que Argentina: minuto 17:20 pero vale la pena mirarlo todo. (15 points, 13 comments)
    4. TIL que tenemos un sitio como (popular en /Politics) en Uruguay. (14 points, 10 comments)
    5. Anti-vaxxers en Uruguay? (12 points, 9 comments)
    6. Cuáles son las mayores implicaciones en nuestro país que tiene que haya ganado Macri en Argentina? (12 points, 21 comments)
    7. Estafa de 'Te arreglo la PC por TeamViewer' (11 points, 6 comments)
    8. Insesperadamente, Harold. (11 points, 6 comments)
    9. La Trampa vuelve a tocar en vivo – Video entrevista (11 points, 1 comment)
    10. Qué edad tienen y que estudian/en qué trabajan los redditors uruguayos? (11 points, 48 comments)
  9. 207 points, 20 submissions: MauBlackLagoon
    1. No aceptaron a Jihad Diyab en Sudáfrica y se vuelve pa' casita (16 points, 15 comments)
    2. Sí, alerta naranja... (16 points, 1 comment)
    3. TIL Que el nombre clave de un fusil antitanque polaco es "Urugwaj" (15 points, 4 comments)
    4. ¿Que escuchamos los uruguayos en la calle? (15 points, 3 comments)
    5. Chau Raincoop (13 points, 11 comments)
    6. Primer ómnibus eléctrico empezó a circular ayer (13 points, 11 comments)
    7. Se fue en cana Sanabria [Subrayado] (12 points, 5 comments)
    8. Al final entré al IAVA (11 points, 3 comments)
    9. ¿Qué estuvieron jugando/leyendo/mirando? (11 points, 26 comments)
    10. PSA: La ruta está re trancada (10 points, 28 comments)
  10. 165 points, 10 submissions: dude_in_the_mansuit
    1. Grutas de Salamanca, Maldonado (28 points, 0 comments)
    2. Evolución vs. Creacionismo en América Latina. Uruguay es el país con menos creacionistas. (25 points, 14 comments)
    3. Tormenta del 3, baño químico a exceso de velocidad (23 points, 4 comments)
    4. Uruguay legalises sale of recreational cannabis (de worldnews) (18 points, 12 comments)
    5. Metro de Montevideo: El combate de una utopía con creatividad y humor. (17 points, 10 comments)
    6. Estilo uruguayisimo en la cruz del Pan de Azucar (16 points, 5 comments)
    7. Parodia al comercial de Oca de Jaime Roos (12 points, 1 comment)
    8. TIL sobre el Valle de la Luna, en Rocha (11 points, 5 comments)
    9. Madrileños por el Mundo: Uruguay (2016) (9 points, 4 comments)
    10. Meditación (6 points, 9 comments)
  11. 164 points, 14 submissions: diskster
    1. Gaucho en Eject Mode [ex-post /PerfectTiming] (23 points, 5 comments)
    2. Oro Rojo: Roban morrones a productores uruguayos (19 points, 1 comment)
    3. ¿Lugares para atar el caballo en ciudad vieja? Sube el boleto $3 más. (16 points, 20 comments)
    4. "Cuando vinimos acá, no teníamos plata, ni nada y cuando nos vayamos de acá, tampoco nos llevaremos nada", dijo el Sirio (15 points, 17 comments)
    5. Suplemento O2 (El Observador) tiene una mala imagen de reddit, parece que no conocen 4ch (15 points, 12 comments)
    6. It's official Gringos, (a little late but) weed is available for sale in Drugstores of Uruguay (13 points, 13 comments)
    7. Aerolinea low cost conecta Montevideo y Santiago de chile por 177 USD precio final (10 points, 8 comments)
    8. Por qué los uruguayos somos tan punto medio? (10 points, 31 comments)
    9. A cuánto llega el dólar a fin de año? (2015) (8 points, 14 comments)
    10. Director del INJU desmintió mensaje que alerta sobre un "feriado bancario" (8 points, 5 comments)
  12. 163 points, 16 submissions: Fenris_uy
    1. No llegue a terminar el Corazón antes que se acabara /PLACE :( (25 points, 2 comments)
    2. Así es el decreto de la Intendencia que regulará Uber y otras aplicaciones (15 points, 1 comment)
    3. PISA muestra “mejora generalizada” en la educación respecto a 2012 (13 points, 15 comments)
    4. Por lo visto para Microsoft Uruguay no es un país, pero América Latina si. (13 points, 9 comments)
    5. Viendo los últimos post en /uruguay (12 points, 6 comments)
    6. 180: Aparece "imitador" de masacre de Newton en Paysandú (11 points, 2 comments)
    7. Boleto común a 28 pesos a partir del sábado (10 points, 12 comments)
    8. Estamos en la front de politics por la visita de Eric Trump (10 points, 11 comments)
    9. [x-post] Match Thread: Uruguay vs. Ecuador [World Cup Qualifiers] (9 points, 0 comments)
    10. 180: Mujica frena discusión sobre marihuana por encuestas (8 points, 6 comments)
  13. 159 points, 7 submissions: DrummerHead
    1. El dulce de leche es... (75 points, 23 comments)
    2. Nuevo cara para Uruguay (28 points, 23 comments)
    3. "Compartilo contigo mismo" parada de omnibus mod (19 points, 2 comments)
    4. Idiomas hablados en Uruguay, que piensan? (13 points, 36 comments)
    5. Pimp my Uruguay subreddit (10 points, 15 comments)
    6. Preguntas para la gente que ha vivido en Uy y en otro lugar, beneficios y detrimentos del país (8 points, 2 comments)
    7. Los beneficios de Uruguay (6 points, 52 comments)
  14. 151 points, 9 submissions: masaxo00
    1. El siempre trata de aparecer en todos lados, agamoslo llegar A ALL (50 points, 10 comments)
    2. Porcentaje de personas en América Latina que concuerdan con la frase "la mujer debe siempre obedecer a su marido" [x-post mapporn] tambien [X-post Argentina] (27 points, 22 comments)
    3. Llegamos a los 2300 suscriptores, Vamo arriba carajo!! (18 points, 4 comments)
    4. Cuando el subreddit es tan chico y se ponen a discutir de politica (14 points, 4 comments)
    5. Tamo en guerra con Japón? (11 points, 28 comments)
    6. Jugando con el /User_Simulator se me armaron estas frases de /Uruguay (10 points, 9 comments)
    7. Cual es el mayor foro Uruguayo? (8 points, 4 comments)
    8. Me parece a mi o esa playa es Punta del Este (repost /Funny) (8 points, 6 comments)
    9. ¿qué raro que nadie haya hecho un post sobre el cambio Nelson? (5 points, 29 comments)
  15. 138 points, 17 submissions: alquilarenmontevideo
    1. Uruguay entre los destinos recomendados de National Geographic (13 points, 5 comments)
    2. Injusticia de oro: ¿Por qué Suárez debería estar nominado? (11 points, 7 comments)
    3. Madre enviaba a sus hijos a la escuela con droga escondida en la mochila (10 points, 1 comment)
    4. Alerta máxima: se lesionó Suárez (9 points, 7 comments)
    5. Fuente oficial, salario promedio de la IMM: $73,000 (9 points, 16 comments)
    6. Trabajadores del Sunca a empresarios: "Les vamos a arrancar la cabeza" (9 points, 3 comments)
    7. Uber suma adeptos? En medio de la polémica por Uber, Rossi criticó el servicio del taxímetro (9 points, 7 comments)
    8. Hacia la nueva Ciudad Vieja - Que opinan de estos arreglos? (8 points, 6 comments)
    9. Marconi: Justicia dejó en libertad a todos los detenidos. No hay ómnibus y ni servicio de policlínica en la zona (8 points, 8 comments)
    10. Ola de memes en las redes tras la polémica por el título de Sendic (8 points, 2 comments)
  16. 132 points, 11 submissions: digitalice
    1. Uruguay: primer país del mundo que legaliza la producción de marihuana (32 points, 2 comments)
    2. Opinión en Reddit sobre los refugiados sirios en Uruguay. (16 points, 5 comments)
    3. La NSA está asociada con Antel desde hace años y nadie nunca le prestó atención. (14 points, 3 comments)
    4. ¿Cierre masivo de empresas? (14 points, 7 comments)
    5. Mujica viendo a Aerosmith en primera fila! (11 points, 1 comment)
    6. Los últimos días del tren fantasma (10 points, 4 comments)
    7. Se armó Piñata: Empleado de Uber y taxistas terminaron a los golpes (8 points, 0 comments)
    8. Uruguay sued by cigarette makers over anti-smoking laws (8 points, 7 comments)
    9. Udelar ratificó que el Santa Lucía está contaminado (7 points, 0 comments)
    10. ¿Cuanto eran 100mil pesos en 1947? (7 points, 7 comments)
  17. 124 points, 5 submissions: Schnackenpfeffer
    1. más de 2000 suscriptores en /uruguay (36 points, 13 comments)
    2. Basta de estandares injustos [x-post de /Argentina] (27 points, 6 comments)
    3. Banderas en Buceo (23 points, 5 comments)
    4. Los Teros derrotan a Brasil por el Campeonato de Rugby de las Américas (19 points, 4 comments)
    5. Street View ya está disponible en Uruguay. (19 points, 7 comments)
  18. 121 points, 9 submissions: DirkGentle
    1. Xpost from /gaming (32 points, 5 comments)
    2. Bueno, tratemos de hacer esta bandera. Modelo y ubicación en los comentarios (23 points, 34 comments)
    3. Cómo se llama un agua viva cuando se muere? (17 points, 13 comments)
    4. Quieren tratar de hacer una bandera de Uruguay acá? (15 points, 30 comments)
    5. Che, ayudemos a defender a nuestros aliados contra el void. Nos puede llegar a atacar a nosotros también (10 points, 7 comments)
    6. Si tabárez fuera un Cyborg, qué partes Robot se agregaría? (8 points, 13 comments)
    7. Alguno probó / piensa probar la nueva aplicación de pedidos? (6 points, 14 comments)
    8. Se acuerdan de un corto en el que torturaban a alguien obligando lo a comer sandía con vino? (6 points, 1 comment)
    9. Alguno ha ido al teatro Florencio Sanchez? Que tal es la zona? (4 points, 1 comment)
  19. 115 points, 12 submissions: NaBUru38
    1. Pablo Cuevas le ganó a Stan Wawrinka (nro 3) y avanzó a cuartos del ATP Masters 1000 de Montecarlo (18 points, 0 comments)
    2. Las Cimarronas de hockey césped se metieron en semis de la ronda 2 de la Liga Mundial (15 points, 0 comments)
    3. Santiago Urrutia pelea por seguir corriendo afuera (12 points, 0 comments)
    4. Ya hay 16 deportistas uruguayos clasificados a los Juegos Olímpicos de Río 2016 (11 points, 1 comment)
    5. Los Teros de rugby juegan tres partidos en Europa (10 points, 0 comments)
    6. Santi Urrugya hizo podio en la Indy Lights en la Florida (10 points, 0 comments)
    7. Desde el Cerro a Bella Unión: ya se vendieron 44 mil entradas para Uruguay - Brasil (9 points, 1 comment)
    8. Las Cimarronas preparan la Liga Mundial de Hockey en Vancouver (7 points, 4 comments)
    9. Pablo Cuevas avanza a octavos de final del ATP Masters 1000 de Montecarlo (7 points, 0 comments)
    10. Fiesta friki de emexem y Marvel Universe en Tristán Narvaja (sábado 22 de abril) (6 points, 0 comments)
  20. 105 points, 3 submissions: matiasebr
    1. [place] WE DID IT REDDIT! :) (65 points, 14 comments)
    2. [Place] Terminó! Logramos mantener nuestros diseños durante estas 72 horas! Gracias por participar de esta cruzada de píxeles! WE DID IT REDDIT! (33 points, 13 comments)
    3. [place] Uruguayos! Atención! Hubo un gran error, este es el modelo Original! Vamos todos antes que nos invadan la zona! (7 points, 10 comments)
  21. 104 points, 9 submissions: spacemate
    1. Que le pasó a El País? Cuando se volvió tan basura? Entro y esto es lo que me encuentro. Kim Lali Susana Giménez Fariña, wtf? (24 points, 12 comments)
    2. Cuando estas en Reddit como siempre, y de pronto empiezan a hablar de Uruguay (Nada del pepe) (18 points, 0 comments)
    3. Tabaré Vázquez firmó un decreto que prohíbe los piquetes en calles y rutas (18 points, 16 comments)
    4. Uruguay ofrecerá servicios de data center a empresas nacionales e internacionales (11 points, 11 comments)
    5. Alguien alguna vez probó el Reddit Secret Santa? Se inscribirán este año? (9 points, 6 comments)
    6. Venta de fuegos artificiales (8 points, 7 comments)
    7. Donde comprar una buena tele? (6 points, 13 comments)
    8. Carpooling (5 points, 7 comments)
    9. Taxis abanadonarán el 'cero ficha' entre las 12 y 18 a partir de noviembre (5 points, 10 comments)
  22. 89 points, 7 submissions: johnblanco
    1. Ahora con soporte de flairs! (20 points, 31 comments)
    2. ¿A alguien le gustaria tener clases gratis de programación? (18 points, 10 comments)
    3. Habra chance de hacer una reddit meetup en Montevideo? (13 points, 30 comments)
    4. Uruguay está en la posición 13 de los países mas rectangulares del mundo. (12 points, 9 comments)
    5. reddit uruguay, les paso un blog de cocina de una blogger uruguaya (11 points, 6 comments)
    6. 23 de junio, reddit global meetup, esta vez tiene que funcionar (9 points, 4 comments)
    7. Promocion de preservativos en groupon? Estan cayendo en picada (6 points, 2 comments)

Top Commenters

  1. tonterias (1461 points, 557 comments)
  2. SVPPB (752 points, 209 comments)
  3. yorugua (621 points, 340 comments)
  4. Schnackenpfeffer (579 points, 134 comments)
  5. spacemate (545 points, 141 comments)
  6. nachof (480 points, 187 comments)
  7. dude_in_the_mansuit (480 points, 116 comments)
  8. Fenris_uy (470 points, 227 comments)
  9. cmenghi (424 points, 193 comments)
  10. diskster (403 points, 128 comments)
  11. enthius (388 points, 168 comments)
  12. alpargator (375 points, 118 comments)
  13. BrunoSG (361 points, 164 comments)
  14. condeelmaster (347 points, 96 comments)
  15. johnblanco (339 points, 136 comments)
  16. svc78 (330 points, 120 comments)
  17. martintcm (318 points, 103 comments)
  18. DrummerHead (280 points, 91 comments)
  19. MauBlackLagoon (269 points, 98 comments)
  20. russiancivisbestciv (259 points, 88 comments)
  21. Enchilada_McMustang (243 points, 95 comments)
  22. DirkGentle (242 points, 70 comments)
  23. whisperedzen (237 points, 94 comments)
  24. Seiknurt (234 points, 79 comments)
  25. tach (223 points, 114 comments)
  26. vpalengt (223 points, 74 comments)
  27. provinztruebsinn (220 points, 97 comments)
  28. 5nowx (219 points, 85 comments)
  29. poteland (203 points, 59 comments)
  30. masaxo00 (172 points, 42 comments)
  31. PeroMiraVos (171 points, 42 comments)
  32. BoTuLoX (168 points, 69 comments)
  33. loloh44 (164 points, 58 comments)
  34. kanirasta (163 points, 61 comments)
  35. NaBUru38 (159 points, 76 comments)
  36. irou- (157 points, 47 comments)
  37. glanchez (154 points, 51 comments)
  38. allthenamesaretaken0 (154 points, 47 comments)
  39. Cockygiftedguy (132 points, 45 comments)
  40. Auditor02 (131 points, 61 comments)
  41. Axxiss (130 points, 46 comments)
  42. Dreykan (129 points, 48 comments)
  43. elnano25 (128 points, 43 comments)
  44. Enamine (127 points, 52 comments)
  45. rovus (127 points, 46 comments)
  46. 733138 (127 points, 37 comments)
  47. Auditor01 (123 points, 38 comments)
  48. m4d_r0b0t (121 points, 45 comments)
  49. santiacq (121 points, 37 comments)
  50. lolligagger3000 (119 points, 34 comments)
  51. bijhan (113 points, 59 comments)
  52. maurocen (105 points, 46 comments)
  53. Thatzeraguy (104 points, 51 comments)
  54. calarval (104 points, 33 comments)
  55. kinslayeruy (102 points, 24 comments)
  56. argenpaul (100 points, 38 comments)
  57. TheCorporateBeast (90 points, 32 comments)
  58. shupala (85 points, 25 comments)
  59. Bruneti12 (84 points, 30 comments)
  60. bricktamer (80 points, 12 comments)

Top Submissions

  1. El dulce de leche es... by DrummerHead (75 points, 23 comments)
  2. Cuando tu post recibe mas de 1 upvote en /uruguay (xpost from /MadeMeSmile by 5nowx (70 points, 5 comments)
  3. Me Recordó a nuestro Pequeño sub (x-post from /me_irl by 5nowx (69 points, 3 comments)
  4. [place] WE DID IT REDDIT! :) by matiasebr (65 points, 14 comments)
  5. El siempre trata de aparecer en todos lados, agamoslo llegar A ALL by masaxo00 (50 points, 10 comments)
  6. Screenshot del juego Civilization VI para el Maracana. No creo que a los Brasileros les haga gracia. by Cabeza2000 (49 points, 3 comments)
  7. Gracias Uruguay! ♥ by thepigdrinker (44 points, 9 comments)
  8. Uruguay makes dramatic shift to nearly 95% electricity from clean energy by gustini (43 points, 15 comments)
  9. Spotted in Parks & Recreation. by enthius (42 points, 4 comments)
  10. You made this? by Enanoide (41 points, 34 comments)

Top Comments

  1. 37 points: dude_in_the_mansuit's comment in Tamo en guerra con Japón?
  2. 35 points: masaxo00's comment in Asking a los uruguayos, de parte de un hermano al otro lado del charco.
  3. 30 points: SkullBongus's comment in Loco es mucho pedir poder acostarme a dormir sin tener que escuchar murgas de mierda a esta hora un lunes o martes?
  4. 29 points: HeroicHeist's comment in [place] WE DID IT REDDIT! :)
  5. 29 points: bricktamer's comment in No aceptaron a Jihad Diyab en Sudáfrica y se vuelve pa' casita
  6. 28 points: gmuslera's comment in Uruguay es el país con mayor cantidad de ateos de toda América
  7. 26 points: condeelmaster's comment in Uruguay tiene la mayor tasa de suicidios de América Latina (25 personas cada 100.000 habitantes)
  8. 26 points: condeelmaster's comment in Conocí a una loca por tinder y vamos a salir por segunda vez, que se puede hacer de divertido en Montevideo?
  9. 26 points: sixbatterydroid's comment in Loco es mucho pedir poder acostarme a dormir sin tener que escuchar murgas de mierda a esta hora un lunes o martes?
  10. 26 points: tonterias's comment in What Cannabis Legalization in Uruguay Really Means for Tourists
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[FIGHT PREVIEWS] Adrien Broner vs Marcos Maidana, Josesito Lopez vs Mike Aranoutis, Martin Murray vs Sergey Khomitsky, Michael Farenas vs Jesus Rios, Serhiy Fedchenko vs Ignacio Mendoz + more

Wednesday December 11

From The Melbourne Pavilion, Flemington, Victoria, Australia

Sam Soliman 42(17)-11 vs Les Sherrington 33(19)-6

12 rounds
Middleweight division
This fight may have arleady taken place… but pretend it hasn’t. I mean, you probably haven’t seen the results so it’s pretty much the same thing. Anyway, Sam Soliman has the distinction of being one of the few to go into Germany and actually beat Felix Sturm by controversial decision. That decision was ultimately reversed and declared a no contest because 70 year old Soliman tested positive for an illegal stimulant. Soliman has since left Germany and returned to fight in the motherland. I’m curious to see if Soliman wins and calls out Golovkin after the match.

Friday December 13

From Solaire Resort Hotel and Casino, Pasay City, Metro Manila, Philippines

Michael Farenas 36(28)-4-4 vs Jesus Rios 26(20)-4-1

12 rounds
Super featherweight division
Hey, look what we have here, another former Gamboa opponent. This time it’s 29 year old Michael Farenas who managed to put on a pretty thrilling fight with Gamboa where he dropped a lazy Gamboa late in the fight. This is a Pacman (as in Manny Pacquiao) Promotions card so he’s got that going for him.

Ernesto Saulong 13(5)-0 vs Jimmy Aducal 6(5)-3-2

10 rounds
Bantamweight division
Nothing to see here. Just a bantamweight prospect being brought along slowly that I have my eye on.

From Ice Sheffield, Coleridge Road, Sheffield, Yorkshire, UK

Curtis Woodhouse 20(13)-6 vs Arek Malek 13(4)-62-4

10 rounds
Light welterweight division
Malek may have a record that may or may not be eerily accurate to what I expect the Brooklyn Nets record may be toward the end of the season, but come on! At least Malek doesn’t kick over the spit bucket to give his corner extra time to cover up their incompetence.

David Fidler 7(3)-0-2 vs Chris Jenkinson 6(3)-10-1

Joe Rodges 5(1)-0 vs Pavels Senkovs 4(3)-65-5

Senkovs called up Malek and said, “I want my gimmick back!” What does Rodgers’ manager tell him if he loses? Do you think Pavels’ trainer reminds him that his KO percentage is almost as good as GGG’s?

From Fantasy Springs Casino, Indio, California

Josesito Lopez 30(18)-6 vs Mike Aranoutis 24(11)-9-2

10 rounds
Welterweight division
Josesito Lopez is always must watch TV. This is a guy who can box pretty well, but just can’t shake the temptation to brawl and when he does, it’s usually high drama, as Lampley would say. If Lopez looks exceptional, he lines himself up to face a slew of opponents whose names include Lucas Matthysse and possibly a rematch with Victor Ortiz. Aranoutis is of Greek descent who currently fights out of Queens, NY and has fought and lost to Danny Garcia (KO), Demetrius Hopkins (UD), Delvin Rodriguez (UD), Victor Ortiz (TKO), Kendall Holt (UD), and Ricardo Torres (SD). He hasn’t won a fight in over a year and it will be a good fight for Lopez to get himself back in the win column.

Francisco Vargas 17(13)-0-1 vs Jerry Belmontes 18(5)-2

10 rounds
Super bantamweight division
28 year old Vargas has recently begun to pick up the level of competition by coming to America to fight. Belmontes is another step-up... although he’s lost 2 of his last 3. I don't know if this is good or bad, but Vargas could be fed to Leo Santa Cruz if he wins impressively.

Hugo Centeno Jr 19(10)-0 vs Angel Osuna 11(7)-4-1

10 rounds
Middleweight division
Centeno is a friend of /boxing. Check out the sidebar for the AMA he did a while back. Centeno Jr is coming off a NC with Julian Williams as part of a Golden Boy Live card put on during the Mayweather-Canelo fight week. The fight was stopped due to an accidental butt, which may have been a blessing in disguise. Centeno had previously beaten Julian Williams and was on his way to losing the rematch as he had lost the first 3 rounds on the judges scorecards. Centeno is an exciting fighter to watch, he fights in a crowd-pleasing style, and I’m hoping for the best for his career.

Errol Spence 9(7)-0 vs Noe Bolanos 25(16)-9-1

8 rounds
Welterweight division
Watch out for Spence. The dude packs serious power and carries an impressive amateur pedigree. Bolanos is another step up in competition for Spence who may someday be fighting for world titles. This card is stacked!

Gary Russell Jr 23(13)-0 vs TBA

10 rounds
Super featherweight division
OH YEAH! Get yourselves ready! The return of the fastest hands in the west, none other than TBA! TBA is back in action to face one of the premier super featherweight prospects in the world. Russell Jr is an exciting young fighter and the real test will be whether or not TBA actually shows up to fight. There are times when he can’t be bothered to get mentally and physically in the fight, but when he does rise to the occasion, it’s usually fireworks.

Jermall Charlo 16(12)-0 vs Joseph De los Santos 17(9)-11-3

8 rounds
Light middleweight division
The Charlo twins are 2 of boxing’s brightest prospects. They are big light middleweights that are a couple of fights away from fighting for world titles. Jermall is the more aggressive, heavier handed of the 2. Both are solid defensively and this should be an easy fight for Charlo.

Saturday December 14

From Jahnsportforum, Neubrandenburg, Necklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany

Juergen Braehmer 41(31)-2 vs Marcus Oliveira 25(20)-0-1

12 rounds
Vacant WBA word light heavyweight title

Kubrat Pulev 18(9)-0 vs Joey Abell 29(28)-6

12 rounds
IBF international heavyweight title
Pulev, by many, is considered to be the one to challenger and defeat Wladimir Klitschko. Pulev is a sneak fighter who does a lot of things well. He’s good defensively, mixes up offense very well, and is coming off the best victory of his young career after defeated Tony Thompson. This is an interesting match to see how Pulev handles Abell’s power. It’s been 6 years since Abell has won a fight by decision. Everyone else has crumpled under his power. If Pulev is for real, Abell should not last more than a few rounds. Arreola was able to KO him in 1 round in early 2011.

Jack Culcay 15(10)-1 vs Dieudonne Belinga 11-3

12 rounds
Light heavyweight division

From Palau Olimpic Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona, Cataluna, Spain

Hassan D’Dam N’Jikam 27(17)-1 vs Anthony Fitzgerald 14(4)-5

10 rounds
Middleweight division

From Ice Palace “Terminal”, Brovari, Ukraine

Serhiy Fedchenko 33(14)-2 vs Ignacio Mendoz 38(23)-8-2

12 rounds
WBO European light welterweight title
Fedchenko is famously known as the guy who Marquez fought before his fourth fight with Pacquiao. Fedchenko was able to take Marquez 12 rounds and ultimately lost a wide decision. Fedchenko has no real impressive wins on his record, but he’s fighting a beatable opponent so he’s got that going for him.

Max Bursak 17(8)-0-1 vs Oleksiy Mazikin 14(4)-9-2

8 rounds Middleweight division

Vladimir Tereshkin 17(8)-0-1 vs Oleksiy Mazikin 14(4)-9-2

8 rounds Heavyweight division

Oleksandr Usyk 1(1)-0 vs Epifanio Mendoza 34(30)-15-1

6 rounds
Cruiserweight division
Usyk is another prospect in the same vein as Anthony Joshua. He had a decorated amateur career and won Olympic Gold in Beijing in the heavyweight division. Usyk is definitely someone you should add to your prospect list if you want to be able to say “I told you so” one of these days.

From ExCel Arena, Dockland, London, UK

Kevin Mitchell 35(25)-2 vs Brunet Zamora 25(11)-1-2

12 rounds
IBF inter-continental lightweight title

Leonard Bundo 29(10)-0-2 vs Lee Purdy 20(13)-4-1

12 rounds
EBU welterweight title

Martin Murray 25(11)-1-1 vs Sergey Khomitsky 28(11)-9-2

10 rounds
Middleweight division
Murray has recently come out and said he's willing to face Golovkin. Well, should he win this fight, it would put him at the front of the line in the Golovkin sweepstakes. The line isn’t long anyway. Murray is coming off a controversial loss against the reigning middleweight king, Sergio Martinez in Argentina. Many believe the decision to be a hometown gift, but to me, Murray didn’t do enough to differentiate himself from the champion. Still, Murray showed a lot of good things. He’s a great defensive fighter who knows when to counter out of his guard, and carries a decent bit of pop. I can’t see Khomitsky giving him too much trouble.

Khalid Yafai 9(6)-0 vs Ashley Lane 4(1)-3-2

6 rounds
Super flyweight division

Anthony Ogogo 3(2)-0 vs TBA

Middleweight division
Ogogo is one of my favorite prospects. I think Luke Campbell will probably be the most successful of the British Olympians, but Ogogo will be in the better fights.

From Resorts International Hotel & Casino, Superstar Theatre, Atlantic City, New Jersey

Amir Mansour 19(14)-0 vs Kelvin Price 14(6)-1

10 rounds Heavyweight division
Mansour is not exactly a prospect. He’s 41 years old and prison time has stunted a large part of his would-be career. Still, this is going to be on NBC Sports Network and should be a good fight.

David Rodriguez 36(34)-0 vs Darnell Wilson 24(20)-17-3

6 rounds
Heavyweight division
This is an interesting match… for a 36 and 0 fighter…

Manuel Quezada 29(18)-7 vs Steve Cunningham 25(12)-6

8 rounds
Heavyweight division

From Alamodome, San Antonio, Texas

Adrien Broner 27(22)-0 vs Marcos Maidana 34(31)-3

12 rounds
WBA world welterweight title
This is the /boxing fight of the week. Look here for an in-depth preview. If you want my opinion, it’s this: Broner has made himself to be the ultimate heel in boxing today, and he hasn’t done that by simply running his mouth. He’s been arrogant, and backed it up in the ring. Saturday, it will be seen if one of hardest punchers in the game can humble Broner, or will Broner have been right all along.

Keith Thurman 21(19)-0 vs Jesus Soto Karass 28(18)-8-3

12 rounds
Interim WBA world welterweight title
The WBA is a weird organization. This is for the interim ‘B’ level belt of their main belt which is called the Super World welterweight title. This is just the WBA world title. Anyway, what this means is that should Broner win the title and then vacate to go back down to 135, the winner will fill in as the title… Or the winners will fight to determine the real champion… before they face the real-er champion. Anyway, Keith “One Time in San Diego” Thurman is yet another guy on the cusp of breaking into boxing’s upper echelon. Standing on the other side is Jesus Soto Karass. Don’t let Karass’s 8 losses fool you. He’s claimed to have not taken boxing seriously when he was amassing loss after loss. Since losing to Marcos Maidana in a brutal 8 round war full of fouls, he’s won 2 straight. He’s a tricky fighter who does a lot of things well. He’s faced nearly every time of style there is and has never been completely blown out in any fight. If Thurman is not the real deal, or his power has been exaggerated to this point, Karass will bring it to light. If Thurman is the real deal, like many are projecting, Karass may have a tough time. Thurman has exceptional timing, patience, and power. This has all the makings of a trap fight for young Thurman.

Leo Santa Cruz 26(15)-0-1 vs Cesar Seda 25(17)-1

12 rounds
WBC super bantamweight title
Leo Santa Cruz is an all-action, torrential downpour of leather. Cesar Seda is a 27 year old Puerto Rican southpaw who hasn’t fought in a 12 round fight since 2011. That fight was for the WBO super flyweight title against long reigning Argentine champ Omar Narvaez. If Santa Cruz loses, this would be a massive upset.

Beibut Shumenov 13(8)-1 vs Tamas Kovacs 23(14)-0

12 rounds
WBA super world light heavyweight title
This is a real title fight. It’s the “super world” light heavyweight title as opposed to the “world light heavyweight title.” The WBA is weird. Anyway, here’s my theory on this fight. The winner is fighting Hopkins. Shumenov is from Kazakhstan and just turned 30. His only loss of his career was to Gabriel Campillo in 2009 and it was a MD as well. Tough luck considering it was in Kazakhstan too. He avenged the loss in a rematch and has fought sporadically since then. Shumenov, now with Golden Boy, is looking to build a name for himself in the light heavyweight division. Kovacs has never faced stiff competition and this shouldn’t be a tough fight for Shumenov.

Jermain Taylor 31(19)-4-1 vs Juan Carlos Candelo 32(21)-12-4

10 rounds
Super middleweight division

Rau’shee Warren 8(3)-0 vs Jose Silveira 15(6)-9

8 rounds
Bantamweight division
submitted by noirargent to Boxing [link] [comments]

[FIGHT RESULTS] Stevenson vs Bellew, Kovalev vs Sillakh, Chisora vs Pala, Zhong vs Kiatmungmee, Kameda vs Solis + more

Saturday November 30

From Colisee de Quebec, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Adonis Stevenson retained his WBC light heavyweight title defeating Tony Bellew by TKO6
Stevenson remained the legit, recognized light heavyweight champion of the world defeating the game, but outmatched Tony Bellew. Bellew fought valiantly for 5 rounds, but the natural athleticism and power of Stevenson allowed him to outwork and ultimately stop Bellew.
Sergey Kovalev retained his WBO light heavyweight title defeating Ismayl Sillakh by KO2
Kovalev, in Stevenson’s home country, stole the show from him and is now on a collision course to steal his title. Kovalev used a jab to the body to set up a lead right hand that put Sillakh on the canvas early into the second round. The referee allowed Sillakh to continue, but Kovalev, like a freight train, could not be stopped at that point.
Ionut Dan Ion defeated Kevin Bizier by SD
These 2 warriors submitted their bid for fight of the year. They threw everything they had at each other for 12 rounds and in the end Bizier found himself on the losing end for the first time in his career.
David Lemieux defeated Jose Miguel Torres by TKO7
At one point, Lemieux was a rising prospect that everyone had their eyes on. Following 2 losses, many may have abandoned the ship. On Saturday, he showed everyone once again why he was so highly regarded at one point. Torres, a durable veteran who’d never been stopped, found himself continually eating big shots from the hard punching Lemieux. After 7 trips to the canvas, the corner finally threw the towel in to save their man from any more damage.
Mikael Zewski defeated Ryan Davis by TKO3
Zewski is a prospect to watch. He lets his hands go nicely and attacks the body with intelligence.

From Maguan, China

Xiong Zhao Zhong retained his WBC minimumweight title against Lookrak Kiatmungmee by TKO5
Kiatmungmee was a late fill-in after Zhong’s originally opponent pulled out of the bout.

From Auditorio del Estado, Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico

Zolani Tete defeated Juan Carlos Sanchez Jr by KO10

From Coliseo Guillermo Angulo, Carolina, Puerto Rico

Thomas Dulorme defeated Hectora Velazquez by UD
Dulorme is, in my eyes, a highly rated prospect who’s sole detraction might be responsibility on defense. He was upset by a very capable Argentine and is on the rebuild. He was unable to stop Velazquez who with 19 losses was stopped 6 times. This, in my opinion, is a result of Dulorme fighting at welterweight when he should probably be at junior welterweight.
Luis Orlando Del Valle defeated Juan Jose Beltran by TKO4
Del Valle’s claim to fame was being beaten up by Vic Darchinyan. He, like Dulorme, is in rebuild mode and with some educated tweaks could be a player at super bantamweight.

From Copper Box Arena, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Hackney Wick, London, United Kingdom

Dereck Chisora defeated Ondrej Pala by TKO3
This was the main event of perhaps the weakest undercard of the month. Chisora looked a little worse than okay. He was lethargic in the opening rounds and was hit with some massive blows. In the 3rd, Chisora hit Pala with a solid blow and as Pala turned his back to Chisora, the referee stepped in and halted the action. It was a bizarre ending and certainly another blemish for UK boxing officials. Yes, I know the referee was Danish, but the bout occurred in the UK.
Frank Buglioni defeated Stepan Horvath by KO8
A fairly even fight that saw Buglioni put Horvath away with a vicious body shot. Buglioni, at 11-0, is a long way from leaving the domestic scene.
Bradley Skeete defeated Colin Lynes by UD
This was for the English welterweight title and a very disappointing bout.

From Belle of Baton Rouge Casino, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Jeff Lacy defeated Martin Verdin by TKO3
I don’t know why I put this here.
Travis Scott defeated Donald Clark by TKO5
Scott is simply an undefeated local fighter with a cool nickname. They call him Sweet Feet and at 33 is a dude who only fights the local boys. He’s better than them and that’s it.

From Mountaineer Casino Racetrack and Resort, Chester, West Virginia

Johan Perez defeated Paul Spadafora by MD
The end of the line may be here for Spadafora. Johan Perez was better defensively. That’s saying a lot for a guy who’s claim to fame was being a masterful defender.
Morgan Fitch fought to a draw with Darnell Boone
Fitch, previously undefeated, chose to take on Bad News Boone and what do you know? His first fight that he doesn’t win.

Tuesday December 3, 2013

From Bodymaker Colosseum, Osaka, Japan

Liborio Solis defeated Daiki Kameda by SD
Many believe it would be impossible to defeat Kameda by decision on Japanese soil, but Solis surprised everyone. Unfortunately, Solis didn’t make weight and Kameda will retain the IBF title. I believe the WBA is now vacant.
Katsunari Takayama retained his IBF minimuweight title against Vergilio Silvano
Takayama is now the likely opponent for Chinese WBC titlist Xiong Zhao Zhong who was also in action this weekend.
Tomoki Kameda retained his WBO bantamweight title against Immanuel Naidjala
The word I’m hearing is that Kameda is unlikely to look for a fight with any of the top bantamweight titlists, but rather is looking to move down in weight. Maybe he wants revenge for his brother and will face Liborio Solis (like Donaire did when he faced Darchinyan.)
submitted by noirargent to Boxing [link] [comments]

All of the MPAA/CARA-rated films of 2009 (out of the 7,004 films released worldwide that year.)

  1. Aussie + Ted’s Great Adventure (Director: Shuki Levy)
  2. Bomb! (Director: Antonio de Santos)
  3. Curious George II: Follow That Monkey! (Director: Norton Virgien)
  4. Hachi: A Dog’s Tale (Director: Lasse Hallström)
  5. Hannah Montana: The Movie (Director: Peter Chelsom)
  6. Jack And The Beanstalk (Director: Gary J. Tunnicliffe)
  7. Kikkerdril (Director: Simone van Dusseldorp)
  8. Mandie + The Secret Tunnel (Directors: Joy Chapman + Owen Smith)
  9. Opposite Day (Director: R. Michael Givens)
  10. Pelle Politibil går i vannet (Rasmus A. Sivertsen)
  11. Sam Steele and the Junior Detective Agency (Director: Tom Whitus)
  12. The Legacy (Director: Bernard Émond)
  13. The Mighty Macs (Director: Tim Chambers)
  14. The Princess And The Frog (Directors: Ron Clements + John Musker)
  15. The Strawberry Shortcake Movie: Sky's the Limit (Directors: David Mucci Fassett + Michael Hack)
  16. The True Story Of Puss ‘N Boots (Directors: Jérôme Deschamps, Pascal Hérold + Macha Makeïeff)
  17. The Velveteen Rabbit (Director: Michael Landon, Jr.)
  18. The Wild Stallion (Director: Craig Clyde)
  19. Tinker Bell And The Lost Treasure (Director: Klay Hall)
  20. Trail Of The Panda (Director: Zhong Yu)
  1. A Christmas Carol (Director: Robert Zemeckis)
  2. A Little Bit Of Faith (Director: Tiana Hailey)
  3. A Shine Of Rainbows (Director: Vic Sarin)
  4. Adam (Director: Joseph Minasi)
  5. Alabama Moon (Director: Tim McCanlies)
  6. Alien Trespass (Director: R.W. Goodwin)
  7. Aliens In The Attic (Director: John Schultz)
  8. Alvin + The Chipmunks: The Squeakquel (Director: Betty Thomas)
  9. Amargura (Director: Antonio de Santos)
  10. Amelia (Director: Mira Nair)
  11. Arthur and the Revenge of Maltazard (Director: Luc Besson)
  12. Astro Boy (Director: David Bowers)
  13. Babysitters Beware (Director: Douglas Horn)
  14. Bandslam (Director: Todd Graff)
  15. Bigfoot (Director: Kevin Tenney)
  16. Bride Wars (Director: Gary Winick)
  17. Bright Star (Director: Jane Campion)
  18. Broken Hill (Director: Dagen Merrill)
  19. C Me Dance (Director: Greg Robbins)
  20. Cairo Time (Director: Ruba Nadda)
  21. Call Of The Wild (Director: Richard Gabai)
  22. Cayman Went (Director: Bobby Sheehan)
  23. Christmas Angel (Director: Brian Brough)
  24. Christmas In Beverly Hills (Director: Neri Parenti)
  25. Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs (Directors: Phil Lord + Christopher Miller)
  26. Confessions Of A Shopaholic (Director: P.J. Hogan)
  27. Coraline (Director: Henry Selick)
  28. Coyote County Loser (Director: Jason Naumann)
  29. Disco Cops: The Movie (Director: Tanner Robbins)
  30. Dragonball: Evolution (Director: James Wong)
  31. Earthwork (Director: Chris Ordal)
  32. Faces (Director: Thomas R. Dickens)
  33. Fame (Director: Kevin Tancharoen)
  34. Fantastic Mr. Fox (Director: Wes Anderson)
  35. From Time To Time (Director: Julian Fellowes)
  36. G-Force (Director: Hoyt Yeatman)
  37. A Ted Named Gooby (Gooby) (Director: Wilson Coneybeare)
  38. Harry Potter + The Half-Blood Prince (Director: David Yates)
  39. Heiran (Director: Shalizeh Arefpoor)
  40. Hiroshima (Director: Pablo Stoll)
  41. Hotel For Dogs (Director: Thor Freudenthal)
  42. Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs (Directors: Carlos Saldanha + Mike Thurmeier)
  43. If God Wants (Director: Arthur Diennet)
  44. Jump (Director: Stephen Fung)
  45. Little Hercules (in 3-D) (Director: Mohamed Khashoggi)
  46. Looking For Jackie (Directors: Gangliang Fang + Ping Jiang)
  47. Lost In The Woods (Director: Jim Wynorski)
  48. Luke And Lucy: The Texas Rangers (Directors: Wim Bien + Mark Mertens)
  49. Mao’s Last Dancer (Director: Bruce Beresford)
  50. Minor Details (Director: John Lyde)
  51. Monsters vs. Aliens (Directors: Rob Letterman + Conrad Vernon)
  52. Nativity! (Director: Debbie Isitt)
  53. New In Town (Director: Jonas Elmer)
  54. Night At The Museum: Battle Of The Smithsonian (Director: Shawn Levy)
  55. Old Dogs (Director: Walt Becker)
  56. One Good Man (Director: Christian Vuissa)
  57. Party Time: The Movie (Director: Juanma Fernández-Paris)
  58. Paul Blart: Mall Cop (Director: Steve Carr)
  59. Pedro (Director: undisclosed)
  60. Planet 51 (Directors: Jorge Blanco, Javier Abad + Marcos Martínez)
  61. Princess Kaiulani (Director: Marc Forby)
  62. Race To Witch Mountain (Director: Andy Fickman)
  63. Raising Kayn (Director: Colton Tran)
  64. Right Hand Drive (Director: Mark Kalbskopf)
  65. Seafoam + Salmon (Director: Sarah Kim)
  66. Shadows Of The Past (Director: Warren Ryan)
  67. Shannon’s Rainbow (Director: Frank E. Johnson)
  68. Shorts (Director: Robert Rodriguez)
  69. Silent Nights (Director: Tom Poehlmann)
  70. Sticky Fingers (Director: Ken Scott)
  71. Summer Wars (Director: Mamoru Hosoda)
  72. Super Capers: The Origins of Ed and the Missing Bullion (Director: Ray Griggs)
  73. The Bee (Director: David Rountree)
  74. The Dolphin: Story Of A Dreamer (Director: Eduardo Schuldt)
  75. The Last Passport (Directors: Kent Smith + David Temple)
  76. The Lightkeepers (Director: Daniel Adams)
  77. The Lost + Found Family (Director: Barnet Bain)
  78. The Perfect Game (Director: William Dear)
  79. The Pink Panther II (Director: Harald Zwart)
  80. The Prodigy (Director: Robert D. Hanna)
  81. The Search (Director: Perna Tseden)
  82. The Stinkville Monster (Director: Tony Trombo)
  83. The Three Investigators and the Secret of Terror Castle (Director: Florian Baxmeyer)
  84. The Young Victoria (Director: Jean-Marc Vallée)
  85. Toys In The Attic (Directors: Jirí Barta + Vivian Schilling)
  86. Up (Director: Pete Docter + Bob Peterson)
  87. When North Winds Blow (Director: James M. De Vince)
  88. Where The Wild Things Are (Director: Spike Jonze)
  89. Wild Grass (Director: Alain Resnais)
  1. 12 Rounds (Director: Renny Harlin)
  2. 17 Again (Director: Burr Steers)
  3. 2012 (Director: Roland Emmerich)
  4. 3 Idiots (Director: Rajkumar Hirani)
  5. (500) Days Of Summer (Director: Marc Webb)
  6. 9 (Director: Shane Acker)
  7. A Secret Promise (Director: Fred Manocherian)
  8. A Serious Man (Director: Joel Coen)
  9. According To Greta (Director: Nancy Bardawil)
  10. Adam (Director: Max Mayer)
  11. After Last Season (Director: Mark Region)
  12. All About Steve (Director: Phil Traill)
  13. All Ages Night (Director: Nancy Montuori Stein)
  14. All For Liberty (Director: Chris Weatherhead)
  15. All’s Faire In Love (Director: Scott Marshall)
  16. Amor y Frijoles (Directors: Mathew Kodath + Hernan Pereira)
  17. Amreeka (Director: Cherien Dabis)
  18. An Education (Director: Lone Scherfig)
  19. Angels + Demons (Director: Ron Howard)
  20. Armored (Director: Nimród Antal)
  21. Avatar (Director: James Cameron)
  22. B-Girl (Director: Emily Dell)
  23. Better The Devil You Know (Director: Greg Augustine)
  24. Beyond A Reasonable Doubt (Director: Peter Hyams)
  25. Black Sheep (Director: Humberto Hinojosa Ozcariz)
  26. Black + Blue (Director: Jill Maxcy)
  27. Bounty (Director: Jared Isham)
  28. Bran Nue Dae (Director: Rachel Perkins)
  29. Carriers (Directors: David Pastor + Àlex Pastor)
  30. Chandni Chowk To China (Director: Nikkhil Advani)
  31. Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant (Director: Paul Weitz)
  32. City Island (Director: Raymond De Felitta)
  33. Coco Before Chanel (Director: Anne Fontaine)
  34. Cold Souls (Director: Sophie Barthes)
  35. Couples Retreat (Director: Peter Billingsley)
  36. Creation (Director: Jon Amiel)
  37. Dance Flick (Director: Damien Dante Wayans)
  38. Dear Lemon Lima (Director: Suzi Yoonessi)
  39. Did You Hear About The Morgans? (Director: Marc Lawrence)
  40. Drag Me To Hell (Director: Sam Raimi)
  41. Dragon Hunter (Director: Stephen Shimek)
  42. Duplicity (Director: Tony Gilroy)
  43. Echelon Conspiracy (Director: Greg Marcks)
  44. Endgame (Director Pete Travis)
  45. Everybody’s Fine (Director: Kirk Jones)
  46. Fanboys (Director: Kyle Newman)
  47. Farzaneh (Director: David Brokhim)
  48. Fast + Furious (Director: Justin Lin)
  49. Father And Guns (Director: Émile Gaudreault)
  50. Fighting (Director: Dito Montiel)
  51. Fire From Below (Directors: Andrew Stevens + Jim Wynorski)
  52. Fired Up! (Director: Will Gluck)
  53. Flying By (Director: Jim Amatulli)
  54. For Sale By Owner (Director: Robert J. Wilson)
  55. Forget (Director: Jacob Landis-Eigsti)
  56. Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel (Director: Gareth Carrivick)
  57. From Mexico With Love (Director: Jimmy Nickerson)
  58. G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra (Director: Stephen Sommers)
  59. Gentlemen Broncos (Director: Jared Hess)
  60. Get Low (Director: Aaron Schneider)
  61. Ghosts Of Girlfriends Past (Director: Mark Waters)
  62. God Send Me A Man (Directors: Emmbre Perry + Curtis Von)
  63. God, Me...HIV? One Man Show (Directors: Devin T. Robinson + Darien F. Rodriguez)
  64. Grilling Bobby Hicks (Director: Tommy Wood)
  65. H2O Extreme (Director: William Scharpf)
  66. He’s Just Not That Into You (Director: Ken Kwapis)
  67. Hell’s Fury: Wanted Dead Or Alive (Director: Alan Chan)
  68. HER (Directors: Tyrone Tann + Omega Kayne)
  69. Hillbilly Bob Zombie (Director: Ray Basham)
  70. Hurricane Season (Director: Tim Story)
  71. I Can Do Bad All By Myself (Director: Tyler Perry)
  72. I Hate Valentine’s Day (Director: Nia Vardalos)
  73. I Love You, Beth Cooper (Director: Chris Columbus)
  74. Imagine That (Director: Karey Kirkpatrick)
  75. Invictus (Director: Clint Eastwood)
  76. Irene In Time (Director: Henry Jaglom)
  77. It’s A Mismatch (Director: Ajmal Zaheer Ahmad)
  78. Julie + Julia (Director: Nora Ephron)
  79. Karma Calling (Director: Sarba Das)
  80. Knowing (Director: Alex Proyas)
  81. Labor Pains (Director: Lara Shapiro)
  82. Land Of The Lost (Director: Brad Silberling)
  83. Like Dandelion Dust (Director: Jon Gunn)
  84. Love Happens (Director: Brandon Camp)
  85. Love Hurts (Director: Barra Grant)
  86. Love N’ Dancing (Director: Robert Iscove)
  87. Lurking Under Life (Director: William Conrad)
  88. Mack Hanglider (Directors: Mark Macaluso + Peter Macaluso)
  89. Madea Goes To Jail (Director: Tyler Perry)
  90. Mega Diva (Director: Roberto Angel Salcedo)
  91. Mexican Gold (Director: Chuck Walker)
  92. Monster Beach Party (Director: Jay Wade Edwards)
  93. Motherhood (Director: Katherine Dieckmann)
  94. My Life In Ruins (Director: Donald Petrie)
  95. My One And Only (Director: Richard Loncraine)
  96. My Sister’s Keeper (Director: Nick Cassavetes)
  97. Nine (Director: Rob Marshall)
  98. Ninja Masters (Director: Xin Xin Xiong)
  99. No Greater Love (Director: Brad J. Silverman)
  100. Nobody (Director: Rob Perez)
  101. Not Easily Broken (Director: Bill Duke)
  102. Not Since You (Director: Jeff Stephenson)
  103. Nowhere To Hide (Director: John Murlowski)
  104. Obsessed (Director: Steve Shill)
  105. Ondine (Director: Neil Jordan)
  106. Oy Vey! My Son Is Gay!! (Director: Evgeny Afineevsky)
  107. Palo Pinto Gold (Director: Anthony Henslee)
  108. Paper Heart (Director: Nicholas Jasenovec)
  109. Partners (Director: Peter James Iengo)
  110. Passport To Love (Director: Victor Vu)
  111. Pastor Browne (Director: Rockmond Dunbar)
  112. Pennsylvania Is For Lovers (Director: Mickey Reece)
  113. Play The Game (Director: Marc Fienberg)
  114. Poema de salvación (Director: Brian Dublin)
  115. Poker Run (Director: Julian Higgins)
  116. Post Grad (Director: Vicky Jenson)
  117. Push (Director: Paul McGuigan)
  118. Ripples (Director: Marc Williams)
  119. Rock Slyde (Director: Chris Dowling)
  120. Royal Kill (Director: Babar Ahmed)
  121. Sabotage (Director: Reza Sixo Fafai)
  122. Sherlock Holmes (Director: Guy Ritchie)
  123. Something Blue (Directors: Sean Dillon + Curtis Krick)
  124. Spyware (Director: Grant Richards)
  125. Star Quest (Director: Jon Bonnell)
  126. Star Trek (Director: J.J. Abrams)
  127. State Of Play (Director: Kevin McDonald)
  128. Stay Cool (Director: Michael Polish)
  129. Steppin: The Movie (Director: Michael Taliferro)
  130. Street Fighter: The Legend Of Chun-Li (Director: Andrzej Bartkowiak)
  131. Sugarland (Director: Kenny Fisher)
  132. Surrogates (Director: Jonathan Mostow)
  133. Terminator: Salvation (Director: McG)
  134. That Evening Sun (Director: Scott Teems)
  135. The Blind Side (Director: John Lee Hancock)
  136. The Box (Director: Richard Kelly)
  137. The Boys Are Back (Director: Scott Hicks)
  138. The Break-Up Artist (Director: Steve Woo)
  139. The City Of Your Final Destination (Director: James Ivory)
  140. The Concert (Director: Radu Mihaileanu)
  141. The Deported (Director: Lance Kawas)
  142. The Fourth Kind (Director: Olatunde Osunsanmi)
  143. The Greatest Song (Director: Sarah Poindexter)
  144. The Gun (Director: Julio Alvarez)
  145. The Haunting In Connecticut (Director: Peter Cornwell)
  146. The Hole (Director: Joe Dante)
  147. The Imaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus (Director: Terry Gilliam)
  148. The Indian (Director: Ineke Houtman)
  149. The Invention Of Lying (Directors: Ricky Gervais + Matthew Robinson)
  150. The Jerk Theory (Director: Scott S. Anderson)
  151. The Least Among You (Director: Mark Young)
  152. The Lovely Bones (Director: Peter Jackson)
  153. The Maiden Heist (Director: Peter Hewitt)
  154. The Marc Pease Experience (Director: Todd Louiso)
  155. The New Daughter (Director: Luiso Berdejo)
  156. The Open Road (Director: Michael Meredith)
  157. The Proposal (Director: Anne Fletcher)
  158. The Shortcut (Director: Nicholaus Goossen)
  159. The Six Wives Of Henry Lefay (Director: Howard Michael Gould)
  160. The Smell Of Success (Director: Michael Polish)
  161. The Soloist (Director: Joe Wright)
  162. The Stepfather (Director: Nelson McCormick)
  163. The Storm Warriors (Directors: Danny Pang + Oxide Chun Pang)
  164. The Strip (Director: Jameel Khan)
  165. The Time Traveler’s Wife (Director: Robert Schwentke)
  166. The Twilight Saga: New Moon (Director: Chris Weitz)
  167. The Unborn (Director: David S. Goyer)
  168. The Uninvited (Directors: Charles Guard + Thomas Guard)
  169. The Way (Director: Vladimir Pasichnik)
  170. The Winning Season (Director: Jim Strouse)
  171. The Yankles (Director: David R. Brooks)
  172. To Save A Life (Director: Brian Baugh)
  173. Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen (Director: Michael Bay)
  174. Under The Mountain (Director: Jonathan King)
  175. Whatever Works (Director: Woody Allen)
  176. Where The Lotus Blooms (Director: Metrey Keo)
  177. Whip It (Director: Drew Barrymore)
  178. White Wedding (Director: Jann Turner)
  179. White On Rice (Director: Dave Boyle)
  180. Wild About Harry (Director: Gwen Wynne)
  181. X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Director: Gavin Hood)
  182. Year One (Director: Harold Ramis)
  183. You Are Not The Father! (Director: Gerron DelValle)
  1. (Untitled) (Director: Jonathan Parker)
  2. 21 + a Wake Up (Director: Chris McIntyre)
  3. 31 North 62 East (Director: Tristan Loraine)
  4. 44 Inch Chest (Director: Malcolm Venville)
  5. A Heavenly Vintage (Director: Niki Caro)
  6. A Perfect Getaway (Director: David Twohy)
  7. A Prophet (Director: Jacques Audiard)
  8. A Single Man (Director: Tom Ford)
  9. A Vampire’s Tale (Director: Drew Cullingham)
  10. A Woman, A Gun + A Noodle Shop (Director: Yimou Zhang)
  11. Accidents Happen (Director: Andrew Lancaster)
  12. Across The Hall (Director: Alex Merkin)
  13. Adopted (Director: Pauly Shore)
  14. Adventureland (Director: Greg Mottola)
  15. After.Life (Director: Agnieszka Wojtowicz-Vosloo)
  16. Against The Current (Director: Peter Callahan)
  17. Agora (Director: Alejandro Amenábar)
  18. Albino Farm (Director: Joe Anderson)
  19. All American Orgy (Director: Andrew Drazek)
  20. Alpha Males Experiment (Knuckle Draggers) (Director: Alex Ranarivelo)
  21. Amar (Director: Jorge Ramírez Suárez)
  22. Amar a morir (Director: Fernando Lebrija)
  23. American Cowslip (Director: Mark David)
  24. American Virgin (Director: Clare Kilner)
  25. Angel Of Death (Director: Paul Etheredge)
  26. Anytown (Director: Dave Rodriguez)
  27. Applause (Director: Martin Zandvliet)
  28. April Showers (Director: Andrew Robinson)
  29. Assault Of The Sasquatch (Director: Andrew Gernhard)
  30. Attack On Darfur (Director: Uwe Boll)
  31. Autumn (Director: Steven Rumbelow)
  32. Away We Go (Director: Sam Mendes)
  33. Baby On Board (Director: Brian Herzlinger)
  34. Bad Lieutenant: Port Of Call - New Orleans (Director: Werner Herzog)
  35. Baja Beach Bums (Director: Patrick Healy)
  36. Balls Out: Gary The Tennis Coach (Director: Danny Leiner)
  37. Bangkok Adrenaline (Director: Raimund Huber)
  38. Bazookas: The Movie (Director: Michael G. Leonard)
  39. Beautiful (Director: Dean O’Flaherty)
  40. Beautiful Kate (Director: Rachel Ward)
  41. Beauty + The Beast (Director: David Lister)
  42. Behaving Badly (Director: Juan Drago)
  43. Big Fan (Director: Robert D. Siegel)
  44. Bitch Slap (Director: Rick Jacobson)
  45. Black (Director: Pierre Laffargue)
  46. Black Dynamite (Director: Scott Sanders)
  47. Blackface Killer (Director: Michael Fredianelli)
  48. Bled (Director: Christopher Hutson)
  49. Blood Creek (Director: Joel Schumacher)
  50. Blood Night: The Legend Of Mary Hatchet (Director: Frank Sabatella)
  51. Blood + Bone (Director: Ben Ramsey)
  52. Blood: The Last Vampire (Director: Chris Nahon)
  53. Bob Funk (Director: Craig Carlisle)
  54. Boogie Woogie (Director: Duncan Ward)
  55. Book Of Blood (Director: John Harrison)
  56. Breaking Point (Director: Jeff Celentano)
  57. Broken Embraces (Director: Pedro Almodóvar)
  58. Brooklyn’s Finest (Director: Antoine Fuqua)
  59. Brother’s War (Director: Jerry Buteyn)
  60. Brotherhood (Director: Nicolo Donato)
  61. Brothers (Director: Jim Sheridan)
  62. Brüno (Director: Larry Charles)
  63. Cabin Fever II: Spring Fever (Director: Ti West)
  64. Calvin Marshall (Director: Gary Lundgren)
  65. Case 39 (Director: Christian Alvart)
  66. Chain Letter (Director: Deon Taylor)
  67. Chaw (Director: Jeong-won Shin)
  68. Chicago Overcoat (Director: Brian Caunter)
  69. Chloe (Director: Atom Egoyan)
  70. Chéri (Director: Stephen Frears)
  71. City Of Life + Death (Director: Chuan Lu)
  72. Clash (Director: Thanh Son Le)
  73. Coco Chanel + Igor Stravinsky (Director: Jan Kounen)
  74. Cold Storage (Director: Tony Elwood)
  75. Command Performance (Director: Dolph Lundgren)
  76. Cornered! (Director: Daniel Maze)
  77. Cracks (Director: Jordan Scott)
  78. Crank: High Voltage (Directors: Mark Neveldine + Brian Taylor)
  79. Crazy Heart (Director: Scott Cooper)
  80. Creature Of Darkness (Director: Mark Stouffer)
  81. Crimes Of The Past (Director: Garrett Bennett)
  82. Crossing Over (Director: Wayne Kramer)
  83. Crush (Directors: Jeffrey Gerritsen + John V. Soto)
  84. Crush (Director: Michelle Fridley)
  85. Cyber Ninja (Director: James Arnett)
  86. Damage (Director: Jeff King)
  87. Damned By Dawn (Director: Brett Anstey)
  88. Dare (Director: Adam Salky)
  89. Dark Country (Director: Thomas Jane)
  90. Dark Fields (Director: Douglas Schulze)
  91. Dark Frontier (Director: Kriv Stenders)
  92. Dark House (Director: Darin Scott)
  93. Dark Moon Rising (Director: Dana Mennie)
  94. Daybreakers (Directors: Michael Spierig + Peter Spierig)
  95. Dead Man Running (Director: Alex De Rakoff)
  96. Deadland (Director: Damon O’Steen)
  97. Deadline (Director: Sean McConville)
  98. Death Warrior (Director: Bill Corcoran)
  99. Deep In The Valley (Director: Christian Forte)
  100. Defendor (Director: Peter Stebbings)
  101. Desert Flower (Director: Sherry Hormann)
  102. Diagnosis: Death (Director: Jason Stutter)
  103. Direct Contact (Director: Danny Lerner)
  104. Dismal (Director: Gary King)
  105. District 13: Ultimatum (Director: Patrick Alessandrin)
  106. District 9 (Director: Neill Blomkamp)
  107. Dolan’s Cadillac (Director: Jeff Beesley)
  108. Don McKay (Director: Jake Goldberger)
  109. Don’t Let Me Down (Director: Cruz Angeles)
  110. Don’t Look Up (Director: Fruit Chan)
  111. Dorian Gray (Director: Oliver Parker)
  112. Double Identity (Director: Dennis Dimster)
  113. Down Terrace (Director: Ben Wheatley)
  114. Down For Life (Director: Alan Jacobs)
  115. Dread (Director: Anthony DiBlasi)
  116. Drifter: Henry Lee Lucas (Director: Michael Feifer)
  117. Elsewhere (Director: Nathan Hope)
  118. End Game (Director: Bruce Koehler)
  119. Endless Bummer (Director: Sam Pillsbury)
  120. Evil Things (Director: Dominic Perez)
  121. Extract (Director: Mike Judge)
  122. Eyeborgs (Director: Richard Clabaugh)
  123. Eyes Of The Woods (Directors: Darrin Reed, F. Miguel Valenti + Mark Villalobos)
  124. Falling Awake (Director: Agustin)
  125. Fatal Secrets (Director: Meir Sharony)
  126. Finding Bliss (Director: Julie Davis)
  127. Fireball (Director: Thanakorn Pongsuwan)
  128. Five Minutes Of Heaven (Director: Oliver Hirschbiegel)
  129. Force Of Five (Director: Krissanapong Rachata)
  130. Forget Me Not (Director: Tyler Oliver)
  131. Formosa Betrayed (Director: Adam Kane)
  132. Four Boxes (Director: Wyatt McDill)
  133. Frankenhood (Director: Blaxwell Smart)
  134. Frat Party (Director: Robert Bennett)
  135. Friday The 13th (Director: Marcus Nispel)
  136. Frozen Kiss (Director: Harry Bromley Davenport)
  137. Funny People (Director: Judd Apatow)
  138. Fury (Director: Liz Lehmann)
  139. Gamer (Directors: Mark Neveldine + Brian Taylor)
  140. Ghost Machine (Director: Chris Hartwill)
  141. Ghost Month (Director: Danny Draven)
  142. Giallo (Director: Dario Argento)
  143. Give ‘em Hell Malone (Director: Russell Mulcahy)
  144. Glorious 39 (Director: Stephen Poliakoff)
  145. Good Guys Finish Last (Director: Riley Wood)
  146. Grace (Director: Paul Solet)
  147. Halloween II (Director: Rob Zombie)
  148. Handsome Harry (Director: Bette Gordon)
  149. Happy Tears (Director: Mitchell Lichtenstein)
  150. Hard Times (Director: Tom Reeve)
  151. Hardwired (Director: Ernie Barbarash)
  152. Harry Brown (Director: Daniel Barber)
  153. Heavy Weight On The Block (Director: F. Terrell Johnson)
  154. Helen (Director: Sandra Nettelbeck)
  155. Hellbinders (Directors: Mitch Gould, Hiro Koda + David Wald)
  156. Heroes (Director: Malcolm Brooks)
  157. Hidden (Director: Pål Øie)
  158. Hierarchy (Director: Michael Fredianelli)
  159. High Life (Director: Gary Yates)
  160. Homecoming (Director: Morgan J. Freeman)
  161. Horsemen (Director: Jonas Åkerlund)
  162. House Broken (Director: Sam Harper)
  163. Humpday (Director: Lynn Shelton)
  164. Hunger (Director: Steven Hentges)
  165. Hurt (Director: Barbara Stepansky)
  166. I Am Love (Director: Luca Guadagnino)
  167. I Do...I Did! (Director: J. Jesses Smith)
  168. I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell (Director: Bob Gosse)
  169. I Love You Phillip Morris (Directors: Glenn Ficarra + John Requa)
  170. I Love You Too (Director: Nerlin Stfleur)
  171. I Love You, Man (Director: John Hamburg)
  172. Ibrahim Labyad (Director: Marwan Hamed)
  173. Ikenhisu: To Kill With One Blow (Director: La’Mard J. WIngster)
  174. Immortally Yours (Director: Joe Tornatore)
  175. In Her Skin (Director: Simone North)
  176. In The Electric Mist (Director: Bertrand Tavernier)
  177. In The Eyes Of A Killer (Director: Louis Mandylor)
  178. InSearchOf (Director: Zeke Zelker)
  179. Infestation (Director: Kyle Rankin)
  180. Ingenious (Director: Jeff Balsmeyer)
  181. Inglourious Basterds (Director: Quentin Tarantino)
  182. Into Temptation (Director: Patrick Coyle)
  183. It’s Complicated (Director: Nancy Meyers)
  184. Jarring (Director: Ivo Raza)
  185. Jennifer’s Body (Director: Karyn Kusama)
  186. Johnny Boy (Directors: Mickey Reece + James Paulsgrove)
  187. Jordan Saffron: Taste This! (Director: Sergio Myers)
  188. Just Another Day (Director: Peter Spirer)
  189. Kicking The Dog (Director: Randy Scooter Lammey)
  190. Kill Peter, Pay Paul (Directors: Kenny Foster + Dustin S. Massie)
  191. Kill Theory (Director: Chris Moore)
  192. Killer View (Director: Brian James O’Connell)
  193. Knife Edge (Director: Anthony Hickox)
  194. Know Thy Enemy (Director: Lee Cipolla)
  195. La Linea (The Line) (Director: James Cotton)
  196. La Mission (Director: Peter Bratt)
  197. La soga (Director: Josh Crook)
  198. Laid To Rest (Director: Robert Hall)
  199. Last Day Of Summer (Director: Vlad Yudin)
  200. Law Abiding Citizen (Director: F. Gary Gray)
  201. Leaves Of Grass (Director: Tim Blake Nelson)
  202. Lebanon (Director: Samuel Maoz)
  203. Legend Of The Bog (Director: Brendan Foley)
  204. Lies + Illusions (Director: Tibor Takács)
  205. Life During Wartime (Director: Todd Solondz)
  206. Life Is Hot In Cracktown (Director: Buddy Giovinazzo)
  207. Little Fish, Strange Pond (Director: Gregory Dark)
  208. Little New York (Director: James DeMonaco)
  209. Lofty Intentions (Director: Gerard Jamroz)
  210. Lost Angels (Director: Justin Voskian)
  211. Love Conquers Paul (Director: Colin Bannon)
  212. Love And Other Impossible Pursuits (Director: Don Roos)
  213. Love At First Hiccup (Director: Barbara Topsøe-Rothenborg)
  214. Loyalty The Movie (Director: Samuel Wheeler III)
  215. Lynch Mob (Director: Byron Conrad Erwin)
  216. Malice In Wonderland (Director: Simon Fellows)
  217. Mandrill (Director: Ernesto Díaz Espinoza)
  218. Maneater (Director: Michael Emanuel)
  219. Manson: My Name Is Evil (Director: Reginald Harkema)
  220. Map Of The Sounds Of Tokyo (Director: Isabel Coixet)
  221. Merantau (Director: Gareth Evans)
  222. Mercy (Director: Patrick Hoelck)
  223. Micmacs (Director: Jean-Pierre Jeunet)
  224. Middle Men (Director: George Gallo)
  225. Midgets vs. Mascots (Director: Ron Carlson)
  226. Miss March (Directors: Zach Cregger + Trevor Moore)
  227. Moon (Director: Duncan Jones)
  228. Mortal Sin (Director: David Von Roehm)
  229. Mother (Director: Bong Joon Ho)
  230. Mother + Child (Director: Rodrigo Garcia)
  231. Mr. Nobody (Director: Jaco Van Dormael)
  232. Mutants (Director: David Morlet)
  233. My Bloody Valentine (in 3-D) (Director: Patrick Lussier)
  234. My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done? (Director: Werner Herzog)
  235. Mystery Train (Director: Dan Eckman)
  236. Mythical Creatures (Director: Mickey Reece)
  237. Neighbor (Director: Robert A. Masciantonio)
  238. Never Surrender (Director: Hector Echavarria)
  239. New Brooklyn (Director: Christopher Cannucciari)
  240. Next Day Air (Director: Benny Boom)
  241. Night Train (Director: Brian King)
  242. Night Of The Demons (Director: Adam Gierasch)
  243. Ninja (Director: Isaac Florentine)
  244. Ninja Assassin (Director: James McTeigue)
  245. No Boundaries (Directors: Violet Mendoza + Jake Willing)
  246. Not Forgotten (Director: Dror Soref)
  247. Notorious (Director: George Tillman, Jr.)
  248. Nowhere Boy (Director: Sam Taylor-Johnson)
  249. Observe And Report (Director: Jody Hill)
  250. Offspring (Director: Andrew van den Houten)
  251. Open Graves (Director: Álvaro de Armiñán)
  252. Orphan (Director: Jaume Collet-Serra)
  253. Orville (Director: Craig McMahon)
  254. Pandemic (Director: Jason Connery)
  255. Pandorum (Director: Christian Alvart)
  256. Paper Man (Directors: Kieran Mulroney + Michele Mulroney)
  257. Perkins’ 14 (Director: Craig Singer)
  258. Perrier’s Bounty (Director: Ian Fitzgibbon)
  259. Personal Effects (Director: David Hollander)
  260. Pirate Radio (Director: Richard Curtis)
  261. Powder Blue (Director: Timothy Linh Bui)
  262. Precious (Director: Lee Daniels)
  263. Protégé (Directors: Shannon Casto + Michelle Henderson)
  264. Public Enemies (Director: Michael Mann)
  265. Raging Phoenix (Director: Rashane Limtrakul)
  266. Rain Fall (Director: Max Mannix)
  267. Rampage (Director: Uwe Boll)
  268. Ratko: The Dictator’s Son (Directors: Savage Steve Holland + Kevin Speckmaier)
  269. Ready For Not (Director: Sean Doyle)
  270. [rec.] II (Directors: Jaume Balagueró + Paco Plaza)
  271. Red Hook (Director: Elizabeth Lucas)
  272. Red Sands (Director: Alex Turner)
  273. Redemption (Director: Robert Conway)
  274. Revenge: True Story (Director: Berenika Maciejewicz)
  275. Reykjavik Whale Watching Massacre (Director: Júlíus Kemp)
  276. RiffRaff (Director: Justen Naughton)
  277. Robodoc (Director: Stephen Maddocks)
  278. Rough Winds (Director: Andrea Olabarría)
  279. Running On Empty Dreams (Director: Nitara Lee Osbourne)
  280. S. Darko (Director: Chris Fisher)
  281. Saddle Up With Dick Wrangler + Injun Joe (Director: Todd Wolfe)
  282. Saint John Of Las Vegas (Director: Hue Rhodes)
  283. Saving Grace B. Jones (Director: Connie Stevens)
  284. Saw VI (Director: Kevin Greutert)
  285. Serious Moonlight (Director: Cheryl Hines)
  286. Shank (Directors: Simon Pearce + Christian martin)
  287. Shark City (Director: Dan Eisen)
  288. Shattered Focus (Director: Joshua Tolby)
  289. Shinjuku Incident (Director: Tung-Shing Yee)
  290. Shrink (Director: Jonas Pate)
  291. Shroud (Director: David Jetre)
  292. Silent Night, Zombie Night (Director: Sean Cain)
  293. Silent Shame (Director: Juan Frausto)
  294. Sin Nombre (Director: Cary Joji Fukunaga)
  295. Slaughter (Director: Stewart Hopewell)
  296. Slave (Director: Darryn Welch)
  297. Smalltimore (Director: Jeanie M. Clark)
  298. Smile Pretty (Director: Harry Bromley Davenport)
  299. Solitary Man (Directors: Brian Koppelman + David Levien)
  300. Solomon Kane (Director: Michael J. Bassett)
  301. Sorority Row (Director: Stewart Hendler)
  302. Splice (Director: Vincenzo Natali)
  303. Splinterheads (Director: Brant Sersen)
  304. Spooner (Director: Drake Doremus)
  305. Spread (Director: David Mackenzie)
  306. Spring Breakdown (Director: Ryan Shiraki)
  307. Stan Helsing (Director: Bo Zenga)
  308. Stolen (Director: Anders Anderson)
  309. Strangers Online (Director: John Huckert)
  310. Street Boss (Director: Lance Kawas)
  311. Street Dreams (Director: Chris Zamoscianyk)
  312. Streetballers (Director: Matt Krentz)
  313. Stuntmen (Director: Eric Amadio)
  314. Suck (Director: Rob Stefaniuk)
  315. Sugar Boxx (Director: Cody Jarrett)
  316. Summer’s Moon (Director: Lee Demarbre)
  317. Sundo (Director: Topel Lee)
  318. Survival Of The Dead (Director: George A. Romero)
  319. Sutures (Director: Tammi Sutton)
  320. Sway (Director: Sean Ireland)
  321. Sweet Karma (Director: Andrew Thomas Hunt)
  322. Sword Of War (Director: Renzo Martinelli)
  323. Table For Three (Director: Michael Samonek)
  324. Taking Chances (Director: Talmage Cooley)
  325. Taking Woodstock (Director: Ang Lee)
  326. Tanner Hall (Directors: Francesca Gregorini + Tatiana von Furstenberg)
  327. Tell Tale (Director: Michael Cuesta)
  328. Tenderness (Director: John Polson)
  329. Tetro (Director: Francis Ford Coppola)
  330. The 420 Movie (Directors: James Blackburn, Scott Flick, + Robert Nathan Gleason)
  331. The Answer Man (Director: John Hindman)
  332. The Assailant (Director: João Daniel Tikhomiroff)
  333. The Assassin Next Door (Director: Danny Lerner)
  334. The Beacon (Director: Michael Stokes)
  335. The Black Waters Of Echo’s Pond (Director: Gabriel Bologna)
  336. The Bleeding (Director: Charlie Picerni)
  337. The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day (Director: Troy Duffy)
  338. The Boxer (Director: Thomas Jahn)
  339. The Bridge To Nowhere (Director: Blair Underwood)
  340. The Broken Hearts Club (Director: Angelo Bell)
  341. The Brotherhood V: Alumni (Director: David DeCoteau)
  342. The Buffalo Son (Directors: Colin Davis, Bryan Felber + Sam France)
  343. The Butterfly Effect III: Revelations (Director: Seth Grossman)
  344. The Canyon (Director: Richard Harrah)
  345. The Casino Job (Director: Christopher Robin Hood)
  346. The Collector (Director: Marcus Dunstan)
  347. The Cry Of The Owl (Director: Jamie Thraves)
  348. The Crypt (Director: Craig McMahon)
  349. The Damned United (Director: Tom Hooper)
  350. The Dark Lurking (Director: Gregory Connors)
  351. The Descent: Part II (Director: Jon Harris)
  352. The Devil’s Ground (Director: Michael Bafaro)
  353. The Devil’s Tomb (Director: Jason Connery)
  354. The Director’s Cut (Director: Paul Komadina)
  355. The Disappearance Of Alice Creed (Director: J. Blakeson)
  356. The Donner Party (Director: Terrence Martin)
  357. The Echo Game (Director: Brian Feeney)
  358. The Eclipse (Director: Conor McPherson)
  359. The Fighter (Director: Javier Barbera)
  360. The Final Destination (Director: David R. Ellis)
  361. The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet’s Nest (Director: Daniel Alfredson)
  362. The Girl Who Played With Fire (Director: Daniel Alfredson)
  363. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (Director: Niels Arden Oplev)
  364. The Girlfriend Experience (Director: Steven Soderbergh)
  365. The Good Guy (Director: Julio DePietro)
  366. The Good Heart (Director: Dagur Kári)
  367. The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard (Director: Neal Brennan)
  368. The Graves (Director: Brian Pulido)
  369. The Greatest (Director: Shana Feste)
  370. The Grudge III (Director: Toby Wilkins)
  371. The Gunslingers (Director: Adam Oxsen)
  372. The Hangover (Director: Todd Phillips)
  373. The Haunting (Director: Elio Quiroga)
  374. The Hiding (Director: Ramon Hamilton)
  375. The Hitmen Diaries: Charlie Valentine (Director: Jesse V. Johnson)
  376. The House Of The Devil (Director: Ti West)
  377. The Human Centipede (First Sequence) (Director: Tom Six)
  378. The Hungry Ghosts (Director: Michael Imperioli)
  379. The Informant! (Director: Steven Soderbergh)
  380. The International (Director: Tom Tykwer)
  381. The Invisible Chronicles (Director: David DeCoteau)
  382. The Janky Promoters (Director: Marcus Raboy)
  383. The Job (Director: Shem Bitterman)
  384. The Joneses (Director: Derrick Borte)
  385. The Keeper (Director: Keoni Waxman)
  386. The Killing Room (Director: Jonathan Liebesman)
  387. The Last House On The Left (Director: Dennis Iliadis)
  388. The Last Resort (Director: Brandon Nutt)
  389. The Last Station (Director: Michael Hoffman)
  390. The Limb Collector (Director: Mark Daniel Foley)
  391. The Limits Of Control (Director: Jim Jarmusch)
  392. The Lodger (Director: David Ondaatje)
  393. The Lost Tribe (Director: Roel Reiné)
  394. The Loved One (Director: Sean Byrne)
  395. The Men Who Stare At Goats (Director: Grant Heslov)
  396. The Messenger (Director: Oren Moverman)
  397. The Ministers (Director: Franc. Reyes)
  398. The Nail: The Story Of Joey Nardone (Director: James Quattrochi)
  399. The Outside (Director: Ari Davis)
  400. The Perfect Age Of Rock ‘n’ Roll (Director: Scott D. Rosenbaum)
  401. The Perfect Sleep (Director: Jeremy Alter)
  402. The Pool Boys (Director: J.B. Rogers)
  403. The Private Lives Of Pippa Lee (Director: Rebecca Miller)
  404. The Rebound (Director: Bart Freundlich)
  405. The Revenant (Director: D. Kerry Prior)
  406. The Road (Director: John Hillcoat)
  407. The Scenesters (Director: Todd Berger)
  408. The Seamstress (Director: Jesse James Miller)
  409. The Secret In Their Eyes (Director: Juan José Campanella)
  410. The Slammin’ Salmon (Director: Kevin Heffernan)
  411. The Steam Experiment (Director: Philippe Martinez)
  412. The Taking Of Pelham 123 (Director: Tony Scott)
  413. The Thaw (Director: Mark A. Lewis)
  414. The Tomb (Director: Michael Staininger)
  415. The Tournament (Director: Scott Mann)
  416. The Truth About Average Guys (Directors: Ken Gayton + Jason W. Schaver)
  417. The Ugly Truth (Director: Robert Luketic)
  418. The Vicious Kind (Director: Lee Toland Krieger)
  419. The Waiting City (Director: Claire McCarthy)
  420. The Way Of War (Director: John Carter)
  421. The White Ribbon (Director: Michael Haneke)
  422. Thick As Thieves (Director: Mimi Leder)
  423. Thirst (Director: Chan-wook Park)
  424. TiMER (Director: Jac Schaeffer)
  425. Tidal Wave (Director: JK Youn)
  426. Today’s Special (Director: David Kaplan)
  427. Tormented (Director: Jon Wright)
  428. Trailer Park Boys: Countdown To Liquor Day (Director: Mike Clattenburg)
  429. Transylmania (Directors: David Hillenbrand + Scott Hillenbrand)
  430. Triage (Director: Danis Tanovic)
  431. Triangle (Director: Christopher Smith)
  432. Tripping Forward (Director: Marcus Nash)
  433. Two (2) Million Stupid Women (Director: Jamie Neese)
  434. Ultimate Heist (Director: Alain Tasma)
  435. Un tigre en la cama (Director: Rafael Montero)
  436. Underworld: Rise Of The Lycans (Director: Patrick Tatopoulos)
  437. Universal Soldier: Regeneration (Director: John Hyams)
  438. Up In The Air (Director: Jason Reitman)
  439. Vampire Killers (Director: Phil Claydon)
  440. Veronika Decides To Die (Director: Emily Young)
  441. Wake (Director: Ellie Kanner)
  442. Wake Wood (Director: David Keating)
  443. Walled In (Director: Gilles Paquet-Brenner)
  444. Watchmen (Director: Zack Snyder)
  445. Weather Girl (Director: Blayne Weaver)
  446. What Goes Up (Director: Jonathan Glatzer)
  447. Whiteout (Director: Dominic Sena)
  448. Wild Cherry (Director: Dana Lustig)
  449. Winter Of Frozen Dreams (Director: Eric Mandelbaum)
  450. Within (Director: Hanelle M. Culpepper)
  451. Within (Director: Marco Duran)
  452. Women In Trouble (Director: Sebastian Gutierrez)
  453. Wonderful World (Director: Joshua Goldin)
  454. Words Unspoken (Director: Ingeborg C. Eiland)
  455. World’s Greatest Dad (Director: Bob Goldthwait)
  456. Wrong Turn At Tahoe (Director: Franck Khalfoun)
  457. You Might As Well Live (Director: Simon Ennis)
  458. Youth In Revolt (Director: Miguel Arteta)
  459. ZMD: Zombies Of Mass Destruction (Director: Kevin Hamedani)
  460. Zombie Women Of Satan (Directors: Steve O’Brien + Warren Speed)
  461. Zombieland (Director: Ruben Fleischer)
  462. Zone Of The Dead (Directors: Milan Konjevic + Milan Todorovic)
  1. Easier With Practice (Director: Kyle Patrick Alvarez)
submitted by tombstoneshadows28 to movies [link] [comments]

[WEEKEND RECAP] Broner vs Maidana, Lopez vs Arnaoutis, Braehmer vs Oliveira, Fedchenko vs Mendoz, + more

Wednesday December 11

From The Melbourne Pavilion, Flemington, Victoria, Australia

Sam Soliman defeated Les Sherrington by TKO9

I believe Solimon commented after the fight that he was going to be challenging for a world title in 2014.

Friday December 13

From Solaire Resort Hotel and Casino, Pasay City, Metro Manila, Philippines

Michael Farenas defeated Jesus Rios by TKO2

Ernesto Saulong fought to a draw against Jimmy Aducal

And this will take Saulong off my prospect watch list.

From Ice Sheffield, Coleridge Road, Sheffield, Yorkshire, UK

Curtis Woodhouse defeated Arek Malek on points

Joe Rodges defeated Pavels Senkovs on points

Do not be alarmed. Senkovs was able to maintain his impressive record, improving to 4-66-5.

From Fantasy Springs Casino, Indio, California

Josesito Lopez defeated Mike Arnaoutis by technical decision

This was a very interesting fight on an ultimately unimpressive card. Lopez, a known action hero in the sport, fought a very crafty veteran southpaw who made Lopez miss a ton of punches and won way more rounds than anybody anticipated. In the end, Lopez won and that was an okay decision. In the 8th round an accidental clash of heads opened up a massive cut for Arnaoutis. Arnaoutis, in what I believe was a move motivated by the fact that he saw himself winning on the cards, chose not to continue and they went to the cards. Lopez won, rightfully, but unimpressively.

Francisco Vargas defeated Jerry Belmontes by UD

This fight resembled the Leo Santa Cruz-Cesar Ceda fight. Belmontes attempted to box, and at times I believe well enough to win rounds, and Vargas just kept coming forward. The judges saw a landslide but I saw Vargas winning 4 of the 10 rounds.

Hugo Centeno Jr defeated Angel Osuna by TKO9

This was a non-televised fight.

Errol Spence defeated Gerardo Cuevas by TKO1

This fight wasn’t exactly competitive. Cuevas had the look of a cab driver, despite the pedigree from the name he bore. Spence beat Cuevas from the opening bell, mixing punches up beautifully, and finishing him with a left hook to the body.

Jermall Charlo defeated Joseph De los Santos by TKO5

Charlo defeated his man with methodical precision. His jab was thrown like an overhand right. He landed it at will. Ultimately, he began to mix his punches and follow with an overhand right. He finished De Los Santos in the 5th with a looping right hand.

Joseph ‘Jo Jo’ Diaz defeated Carlos Rodriguez by TKO7

Diaz is an exciting prospect who fights like a 122 lb Canelo. He puts together beautiful combinations and broke Rodriguez down over 7 rounds. Rodriguez never went down, but the accumulated damage he took prompted the referee to end his night.

From Jahnsportforum, Neubrandenburg, Necklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany

Juergen Braehmer defeated Marcus Oliveira by UD

Braehmer won the vacant WBA world light heavyweight title, dropping his man in the 10th and ultimately leaving no questions left to be asked. Braehmer is still on the outskirts in the light heavyweight division. The only benefit he has is that at age 35, he’s nowhere near ‘too old’ for the division.

Kubrat Pulev defeated Joey Abell by TKO5

This was a good weekend for Pulev. Pulev not only added another KO to his fairly anemic KO% for a top heavyweight against a heavy handed opponent, but he’s taken another step to capturing a heavyweight title as Vitali Klitschko has chosen politics over boxing.

Jack Culcay defeated Dieudonne Belinga by UD

From Palau Olimpic Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona, Cataluna, Spain

Hassan D’Dam N’Jikam defeated Anthony Fitzgerald by UD

From Ice Palace “Terminal”, Brovari, Ukraine

Ignacio Mendoz defeated Serhiy Fedchenko by SD

These Ukrainians are cold blooded! How dare they not rob the outsider. Fedchenko apparently didn’t learn to much going 12 rounds with Marquez as he was upset in his home town by the Dominican journeyman.

Max Bursak defeated Gari Abajiani by UD

Bursak makes another stride in his quest at middleweight.

Vladimir Tereshkin defeated Oleksiy Mazikin by UD

Oleksandr Usyk defeated Epifanio Mendoza by TKO4

Usyk was impressive stopping his man and improving to 2-0. Usyk is a prospect to watch.

From ExCel Arena, Dockland, London, UK

Kevin Mitchell defeated Brunet Zamora by TKO9

Leonard Bundo defeated Lee Purdy by TKO12

Martin Murray defeated Sergey Khomitsky on points

Murray’s performance this weekend was every bit as disappointing as Josesito Lopez’s. In fact, Murray may have looked a bit worse. In an 8 round fight, I believe the decision should have been a split one. Each guy had a case for winning. The Murray that showed up Saturday would be brutalized by the top tier middleweights and it makes me question just how bad Sergio was injured in their fight earlier this year.

Khalid Yafai defeated Ashley Lane by TKO4

Yafai is a prospect to watch. Lane was highly overmatched, and Yafai definitely took advantage.

Anthony Ogogo defeated Dan Blackwell on points

Ogogo is a good prospect, but this fight did not really showcase how good he is.

From Resorts International Hotel & Casino, Superstar Theatre, Atlantic City, New Jersey

Amir Mansour defeated Kelvin Price by TKO7

Darnell Wilson defeated David Rodriguez by KO6

Steve Cunningham defeated Manuel Quezada by UD

From Alamodome, San Antonio, Texas

Marcos Maidana defeated Adrien Broner by UD to win the WBA welterweight title

As Jim Lampley always says, boxing is the theater of the unexpected. After Saturday night, who can say they saw that coming? Maidana winning… on the cards!? A unanimous decision that nobody could dispute. This fight had all the components of a fight of the year and then some. It almost played out like a wrestling match. So much has already been said about this fight, so to summarize this fight is to simply say: the good guys finally won.

Keith Thurman defeated Jesus Soto Karass by TKO9

Although Karass hurt Thurman in the 1st round, the outcome of this fight was never in jeopardy. Karass looked slow and lethargic for the duration of the fight and it seemed for the entire fight that the outcome was all but certain. A win over Karass looks good for Thurman, but this fight is not indicative of how good Thurman will truly be.

Leo Santa Cruz defeated Cesar Seda by UD

Not the usual Santa Cruz fight. Seda was slick for most of the fight and moved often. Santa Cruz won, no doubt about that, but one thing people are probably certain about now is that Santa Cruz will get demolished by Rigondeaux. (I’ve known this all along.)

Beibut Shumenov defeated Tamas Kovacs by TKO3

Shumenov is in line now for a shot at Bernard Hopkins. Shumenov isn’t particularly fast, but he carries a lot of power behind his punches. It should make for an interesting fight, although Hopkins will probably win.

Jermain Taylor defeated Juan Carlos Candelo by TKO7

Rau’shee Warren defeated Jose Silveira by UD

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