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Inside Boston underground Poker Part 1

Seeing as the NY underground poker posts have been so popular, I figure I can give a bit of a different perspective on the underground scene of the mid 2000s. The Boston scene wasn't nearly as big as the NY scene, but there were still some big games and wild characters involved. I started off in small college games, so if you're only interested in the big mob associated games and stuff like that, this first part will probably bore you. I'm not going to bother changing names in the story. If you knew me from that time, it'll be obvious pretty early on who I am.
Back in 2005 I headed out from California to Boston for college. I'm still not sure why I was so set on going to school in Boston over the beautiful California schools that I had been accepted to, but there I was. Facebook was a really new thing at the time, and you needed a college email address to sign up. As soon as I got my college email in about April, I signed up for Facebook and added every cute girl who was living in the same dorm as me. I also signed up for a bunch of Facebook groups, several about poker games around the campus.
The Moneymaker effect was in full swing at this point, and I had an edge. My best friend at the time's dad had taught us poker when we were 14 or so. We got started playing mixed games, I loved 7 stud variants, but over time we transitioned to NLH. When I left for college I had been a regular in a $0.50/1 NLH game at a house in a rich area that played pretty big, and I had been winning regularly. Between that game and playing online, I had turned $200 I had made from my after school job into a $1500 bankroll.
So I arrive in Boston in August and start going to various games. One was in a nook in the school library, a weekly $50 tournament with no rake, unlimited rebuys and insane players. One was in a frat house with a bunch of drunk bros. Then I found Stevo's game. I think Stevo was a senior at that point, he lived in off campus housing, and he had a professional quality poker table in a side room of his apartment. Besides the nice table and personalized "Stevo's Card Room" chips, what set the game apart for me was that it was the first private game I had played in with a dealer, Erik.
I introduced myself to the other players by my real name, but as became my trademark, people knew me better by my card protector. Bubbles She came from a cake my friends had gotten me for my 17th birthday as a joke, and since her base was perfect for sitting on cards, she became my card protector. I knew some of the guys in the Boston scene for 3 years, and many never knew my real name, they simply knew me as Bubbles.
Stevo's was $1/2 NLH with 75% stack match if I remember correctly. So if the big stack on the table had $1600, you could buy in $1200. The game played pretty deep, and with the same players most nights. Many of them had been playing together for a couple of years, so they knew each other well. The first night I went, me and this other guy Chris were the only freshmen there. It turned out we lived 1 floor apart in our dorm, and we became fast friends.
I bought in for the $300 I had brought with me (lolbankroll) and played my normal, pretty tight style. There were a few crazy bluffers on the table, but one guy Phil really stood out for how often he'd try to steal pots. I played some small pots and was up to around $400 when I looked down at AA. Phil raised $8 from EP, I 3b from late position up to $25 and Phil called. The flop came unsuited low cards and Phil bet $30, I raised to $90 and Phil called. The turn came an 8s which brought a flush draw and Phil checked, I shoved and Phil went into the tank. He flipped up KJss and said he thought I had TT or 99 and so he had lots of outs with his 2 overs and flush draw. He asked me if I wanted him to call and I said absolutely. He eventually called and nailed his flush on the river. I headed to the nearest ATM and bought back into the game. I eventually left with about $500 for a $100 loss on the night, but I was hooked. The action was crazy, I had gotten it in great for an $800 pot and lost, and still only lost $100? I was going to make so much money!
The game ran twice a week, and I was always there. I still played in some random other games, but Stevo's was my main hangout. I became pretty good friends with some of the guys, including Stevo and Chris. Chris and I would regularly skip classes to play on Full Tilt all day. Often on Sundays about 5 of us would go to Stevo's place and grind Party Poker, especially when they had their monthly Party Millions tournament. One Sunday I was playing in a huge $50 online tourney on Party, and ended up going all the way and winning it for $22k. Suddenly I had a great big bankroll! I was consistently winning at Stevo's game, and I had picked up a crazy tell on Phil, the big bluffer. When I left Boston for good 3 years later, I'd finally explain to Phil how I had made so much money off of him, picking off so many of his bluffs he'd made against me. Whenever Phil would make a big bluff with nothing, he'd ask his bet as a question. "300?" He'd say, as if asking "is 300 enough to buy this pot?". I made thousands off of this tell.
As time went on, I wanted more than just 2 nights a week of poker at Stevo's and the crappy other games around campus. Phil had mentioned that they would sometimes go to a game in Chinatown, so one day I asked if he'd take me along.
The Chinatown game ran in an apartment unit above, what else, a Chinese restaurant. It was run by a guy named Jay, who seemed pretty nice, but had a temper at times, and people said was connected to the Triad. Apparently Jay knew the game would eventually get broken up by the cops, but he figured he'd get a few years in prison, but the $500k he planned on making from the game before then would be worth it.
The Chinatown game had 5 tables if I remember correctly. They'd have a tournament at 6pm on most nights, and then a cash game would start around 7 from the people busting the tourney as well as others who came just for cash. At first you could just walk in as long as someone went and introduced you to Jay and vouched for you. They had big screen TVs all over the walls, constantly playing High Stakes Poker, they had food delivered in for the players, fridges full of beer and soft drinks, it was great. Eventually the game would get robbed (although some claimed they thought it was a setup by Jay), and a steel door with an electronic bolt and a security camera would be added.
The game itself was a $1/3nl game with $500 max buyin. It played extremely loose, and I started coming by nearly every night. The players were a mix from all walks of life. Since it was an underground room, there was no age restriction, so some rich high school kids were even in the games. There were tons of college students of course. The Harvard kids always thought they were hot shit, but they always seemed to want to be the table bullies, and I'd pick off their bluffs. The MIT kids were another story, they were nothing short of geniuses, and I tried to stay out of their way usually.
I got a reputation for hitting and running the game, because my goal was to make $1000 and then quit for the night. Often when I'd quit early, me, Jay and some of the others guys would play board games for cash or weird random poker variants. I was making a killing in this game. I went out and bought myself a BMW, I was taking girls from the dorms out to $100 a plate dinners, I thought I was the man. It was 2nd semester, early 2006, and I was also failing out of school. I managed to scrape by first semester with a 2.5, already putting me on probation for my academic scholarship, but I didn't care. I called my mom and told her I was going to make more money than her in 2006.
2nd semester, Chris and I had signed up for many of the same classes with the idea that we'd force each other to go, but instead we enabled each other to skip. One Wednesday morning we were supposed to be going to class, and I don't remember who suggested it, but we ended up instead driving up to Montreal for a 5 day weekend. I got a speeding ticket going 95 MPH through Vermont on the way there, Chris got a ticket driving back through Vermont on the way home, but overall it was a great trip. We played some poker at the casino up there, and I made a few hundred bucks which we blew at the bars and clubs.
A few months after the robbery, the Chinatown game got raided by Boston Vice Squad. Apparently having regular cops there didn't help us out any, they had their money taken along with anyone else there. Jay was arrested, but all of the dealers and players were let go after a bit of harassment. Luckily for me, despite being there about 6 nights a week, I wasn't there for the robbery or the bust. However, unluckily my favorite game and my cash cow was gone.
Now I was back to just 2 days a week at Stevo's. I had met a guy named Rich through the Chinatown game, he was often a dealer there but would also play sometimes. Rich hit me up one day and asked if I was looking for another regular game. I told him I was, and got an invite to a game called The Loft. The Loft was a game outside of Boston in Chelsea. It was in an upscale loft and run by a guy named Moon. Moon was a total character. He was probably around 30, had been an engineer for GE, but quit because he rejected the idea of paying taxes. Moon was a conspiracy nut, and as we became friends he'd tell me all kinds of crazy theories, often involving Jews. As a Jew myself, I told him I was sure upset that all of these fun Jewish conspiracies were happening without me!
The Loft was a good game, but not as juicy as the Chinatown game. There were 2 tables, but usually just 1 ran, and it was often the same people every day. Many of them sucked at poker, so I was still making a bunch of money, but some of the shine had worn off. I completely stopped going to classes around this time, but was still living in the dorms and joined a fraternity. This frat was famous for crazy parties, and we'd sell cups for $5 at the door as admission. Eventually a party got busted up by the cops, and the frat president and a few other guys got arrested for selling alcohol to minors. The mayor of Boston went on TV and made an example out of us, calling us the negative Animal House version of a fraternity and calling for harsher regulations for serving alcohol to minors. The national fraternity revoked our charter, and that was the end of that.
The school year was coming to a close, and I was supposed to go home for the summer. I was done at the university, and didn't really know what I was going to do the next year. I drove the BMW all the way home to California and then went with a bunch of friends to Europe for the World Cup. We spent 5 weeks there, went to the 3 US games, and had a great time. I played some PLO in Barcelona despite not really knowing how to play (that was the only game they had there at the time), and I won $1200 by playing no hands for hours until I hit a full house, then getting paid off by the maniac players. When we stopped in Paris I played at the Aviation Club, the swanky poker club a few blocks from the Arc de Triomphe on the Champs-Elysees. They told me I couldn't come in wearing tennis shoes, so I went across the street and bought $200 loafers at Lacoste, then proceeded to win $5000 over the course of a crazy 24 hour session. My total expenses for the trip were $5500, and I had made $6200 in poker during the trip, life was amazing!
I ended up deciding to sign up for a program where you spend a year in Israel, get some college credits and volunteer. I ended up doing more drinking and partying than volunteering and studying, and got kicked out of the program halfway through.
I came back to California and went to community college for the semester, before deciding I missed the grind and that I was going to move back to Boston for the 2007-2008 school year and go to community college there (yeah right) but mostly get back to the underground poker grind. I had just turned 20, had about $80k and the BMW, and I was ready to jump back in. I talked to Rich, the guy who had gotten me into the Loft game, and he was still dealing poker around town and was looking for a roommate. I told him I was driving out to Boston the next week from California, and that he should find a 2 bedroom for us near campus. Little did I know, Rich was not to be trusted, and I was in for a shitshow of a year...
Part 2:
submitted by robswins to poker [link] [comments]

Something has marked my family. Part 4.

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3  
I am writing this entry on my fifth day aboard the Lodestar, a luxury cruise ship in the Mediterranean Sea. I’ve never heard of the cruise company before, and I hadn’t signed up for any contest to win either this or the other cruise I had won in the mail, but between the two, this one was farther from home, so it won out. I wanted to be away from everything familiar, away from myself if it was possible. Of course, the opposite has been the case.  
The trip started off well enough. I flew out of Atlanta, my heart thudding as the plane took off. I kept being haunted by the idea of all the flights that crashed where only a few people survived. I wasn’t very worried about myself, but I didn’t want to be responsible for the people around me being hurt or dying. I’d be lying if I said it was a pleasant flight, as I felt myself tensing at the slightest noise or shimmy of turbulence, but other than hearing several people complaining about small inconveniences like their phone dying or something being wrong with their meal, the trip was uneventful.  
We landed in Barcelona, and from there I took a taxi to the docks where the ship was boarding. After going through the initial check-in and handing over the suitcase I had brought, I went up the series of small ramps to the ship itself. It was beautiful, feeling more like a fancy hotel than a big boat until you looked out a window. The ship left the port, and while I could occasionally feel the slight motion of the water we were slipping through, I felt no signs of the sea sickness I’d had the few times I had been on the water growing up. I felt a combination of gratefulness and bitterness as I guessed the reason for the change, but pushing the thought aside I tried to focus on exploring the ship.  
The ship was truly massive, filled with rooms, three restaurants, a casino, four pools, and even a small ice rink on one of the lower levels. I considered trying to kill time in the casino, but my stomach turned at the idea of having the constant reminder of winning. Instead I went up to one of the upper decks and looked out at the water. It’s June as I write this, and the weather has been warm but not hot, with the cool air coming off the sea being both gentle and refreshing. I felt myself starting to relax slightly, and as the hours went by uneventfully, I actually started to enjoy myself, or at least not hate myself so much.  
The next day we landed in Italy near Florence, and while I debated getting off the ship at all, I was glad when I did. The city was beautiful, with such a weight of history and artistry around every corner. I started out with one of the ship’s tour groups, but I felt uncomfortable around so many people. Splitting off by myself, I traveled some of the smaller streets away from the main piazzas, dipping in and out of shops and grabbing a sandwich to eat as I walked. Being alone, with so many things to distract me, I actually felt good for the first time in months.  
The next two days were much the same. The ship stopped in Rome and then in Venice, and I had days of solitary sightseeing that were peaceful. The fourth full day at sea was actually called an “at sea” day, with the ship not landing at any port on its way to a stop along the coast of Croatia. Naturally, that led a lot of people to take the day to relax by the pools, and I was no different.  
I had set up in a lounge chair away from other people, my face barely shaded by a nearby umbrella. I wasn’t showing yet, and my old bathing suits still fit just fine, but it still struck me how little I cared how I looked anymore. Occasionally I would see a guy looking at me, weighing his odds if he came over, but clearly my expression told them all they needed to know. I reminded myself of my mother. Never truly laughing or smiling, just putting on faces as was needed for the task at hand. I had closed my eyes, trying to force those thoughts away and maybe take a nap, when the strong smell of cinnamon hit my nostrils. The smell was so strong and sharp that I sat up and opened my eyes almost involuntarily. That’s when I found the young woman standing nearby, her smile seeming genuine as she gave a light laugh.  
She gestured at the chair next to mine. “Is this taken?”  
I shook my head and she plopped down, spreading her hair out behind the top edge of the chair and settling back. I thought it was strange that she picked that spot when there were plenty of open chairs, but I was about to lay back down on my own when she spoke again.  
“So what smell is it?”  
I froze mid lay-down and turned back to her. “What?”  
She rolled on her side and propped her head on her hand as she looked at me. She looked to be about twenty and was on the beautiful side of pretty, but she also seemed strange. Not just what she was saying, but her…manner. Her movements, the meter of her words, they all seemed slightly off from what I would expect from someone of her age. Then she was speaking again.  
“When I came up. You smelled a strong smell, right? What was it?”  
I blinked. “Cinnamon.”  
She laughed and gave a nod. “That’s lucky. Sometimes you get a burning trash or dog shit smell, or strong cheese. I hate cheese, except for American, which is mainly plastic anyway, right?”  
I felt like I had stumbled into the middle of a conversation she was having with someone else. “I don’t understand.”  
The woman gave a shake of her head. “Sorry, not trying to be mysterious or weird. Just been looking forward to talking to you. Running off at the mouth.” She stopped a minute, looking around before continuing. “When I got near you, I smelled coconut. Those of us with…the luck is what most of us call it…we can smell when each other are near. You can’t ever predict what the smell will be, and once it’s smelt, it’s always the same for that person. So again, better you smelled cinnamon than dog shit when I showed up, because that can happen.” She gave another laugh.  
My mind was racing, and I wasn’t sure what to believe or what to say. I didn’t want to admit to anything in case this was a misunderstanding or a trick, but I also didn’t want to give up this chance to possibly learn more about what was going on. Ultimately, I just lamely blurted out, “I don’t smell my mother or grandmother.”  
The woman’s face grew more serious for a moment before lightening again. “Well, no it doesn’t happen inside your own family. I don’t know why, but I don’t know why the smells happen in the first place.” She studied me for a moment. “Did they tell you there were other families like yours?”  
I shook my head and she reached over to pat my arm. “Well, this is even weirder for you then. I’m sorry.” She pushed herself up to a sitting position, folding her legs underneath her. “Ok. There are other families that have it too, just like yours. Not many, of course. I know about eight. Well, seven now.” She frowned but pushed on. “To answer some questions you might have off the bat, yes, it’s always girls. Yes, the rules are the same for everyone. Yes, a lot of it sucks, but you can learn to live with it and use the rules in your favor.” The girl beamed as though she had just finished a sales pitch, which in some ways she had. I shrugged in return.  
“I guess. I just am so tired. I’m so guilty feeling for all these people I’m hurting.”  
She nodded. “Understandable. Totally get it. But once you come to terms with people getting hurt and that you can influence who that is, it becomes easier to channel the bad into something more positive.” Noticing my confused stare, she went on. “Ok. Wow. They told you very little.” She swung her feet back onto the chair, turning to face out at the pool. “Alright, you see the little guy across the way, sitting next to bar? The one with the glasses?”  
I nodded. “Yeah. So?”  
She turned her gaze back to me. “So, he’s a convicted child molester. Two months after he got paroled, he got a letter in the mail saying he had one a free cruise. This cruise. Lucky, right?” She gave me a wink. “Now, during his trip, I’ve made it a point to talk to him for a few minutes. Make sure I have a clear memory and feel for him. And a few days from now, when he’s back home, lying to his parole officer that he hasn’t left the city, much less the country, he’ll have some really bad luck. And that will be the story of him.”  
“But how? I thought we don’t control it?”  
She waggled her hand back and forth. “Eh, we do and we don’t. It’s going to happen regardless, we can’t stop it, that’s for sure. But you can channel it to a large degree. If you go to sleep thinking about someone with deep anger or hatred towards them, most of the time, they’re going to get popped the next day or two. And you’ll find that very little other stuff happens if you give the bad a direction regularly.”  
I thought about Brad and felt nauseous, but pressed on. “So how did you pick him? How did you know about him in the first place?”  
The girl grinned. “Oh, this is my ship. My cruise line. It’s semi-profitable, but it’s real purpose is that once or twice a year I also take a cruise myself. On those trips, I make sure I have a dozen or so people show up that can go onto my list. Pedophiles, murderers, people that the world is better without. And I chat with them some, get enough so I can put some feeling behind it when the time comes. And then they go home. Then some time later, it might be a week or a few months, I’ll do my part, and they will feed whatever this thing really is.”  
I sat for a moment, thinking about all that she was saying. Was it true? And why hadn’t her mother or grandmother told her about it? About any of this? She didn’t know what to believe or whether she could trust this woman at all.  
“How long have you been doing this?”  
Her grin widened. “Fifty two years, give or take. My mother did it a little before she passed, and I know some other families do variations on it as well, but I like to think I’ve perfected it. I’m helping the world and myself too.”  
I sucked in a breath as she spoke. “How old are you?”  
“73.” She paused and raised a hand. “I know how it sounds with you being so new to it all, but I’ve been doing this pretty much since it came on me, and there are certain benefits to directing it beyond your conscience. You don’t really age, and your body can even get younger and stronger depending on how frequently you do it. Plus, it really does make you look better, or at least closer to how you would want yourself to look. You won’t look like a totally different person, but more like the best version of yourself. And believe me, some people have a very broad range they can travel in that regard. Before this stuff hit me, my face looked like someone took a shit from the top of the ugly tree.” She swung herself back around to facing me, her face serious again. “Look, I know this is a ton of stuff to take in. If not for all you’ve been through, you would think it was all made up shit. But I’ve been keeping an eye on you, and I think you’ve seen enough to know that what I’m saying is possible. You just have to decide how much you can trust you can put in it and me.”  
I frowned at her. “I don’t know how much I can trust. Why have you been keeping an eye on me?”  
The woman sighed, and for the first time she looked truly sad. “I used to be your mother’s best friend. She wasn’t introduced to all of this until just a few months before it came on her, but our families have always gotten along fairly well, so we were that introduction. Me and her became close really quickly. She always smelled like cotton-candy to me.” She smiled, her eyes glimmering. “I was with her when she met your father. He was handsome, and such a good guy. She loved him so much.” She stopped and rubbed her eyes. “But things happened, and she cut off ties from everyone. Even me. She was pregnant with you at the time, so I never got to meet you before now, but I’ve always kept an eye out.”  
“What ‘things happened’? I’m so tired of people not telling me everything. What happened back then that changed everything so much?”  
She was shaking her head before I even finished. “I’m sorry, Eliza, but I can’t go into that. I don’t know all the details, and even if I did, that’s for your mother to tell. It won’t be easy for her, but I think if you push her on it she will be honest.”  
I gave a bitter laugh. “She won’t even return my calls. The only person that will even talk to me anymore, aside from I guess you now, is my grandmother.”  
The woman’s face hardened, her expression dark. “Well, go to her then. Make her talk. After you have talked to her, I’m happy to talk to you again, to help any way I can. But please, if you take nothing else I’ve said to heart, listen to me on this: Do not trust that other woman, the one you call grandmother.”  
My eyes widened. “What? Why? She’s my grandmother. She’s always looked out for me.”  
She shook her head. “No. No she isn’t and no she hasn’t.”  
“What’re you saying?”  
She reached forward, gripping my hand tightly. “I’m saying that fucking bitch isn’t your grandmother and she is extremely dangerous. That’s what I’m saying.”  
Part 5
submitted by Verastahl to nosleep [link] [comments]

Living out of our car Travelling Europe

This is a continuation of information originally posted 4/2/2013 we will continually update this post. The American dollar amount has been adjusted for currency valuations roughly.
Break Down of Travel Expense for 1st Month in Kangoo
Sleeping Locations & Expenses: 6/27/13- Barcelona, Spain. Outskirts of the city, near a Holiday Inn Express in a industrial park. Amenities: None. Cost: None 6/28/13- Ax Les Thermes,France. Town center parking lot outside a church next to a casino. Amenities: restroom. Cost: None 6/29/13- Orleans, France. Outside of city at Shell station truck stop. Amenities: restroom, cafe, wifi. Cost: None 6/30-7/5- Folkstone, United Kingdom. Stop 24 truck stop. Amenities: restroom, showers, restaurants, wifi. Cost: $7.50 on Sunday & $9 per night the rest of the week. 7/5&7/6- Lepe Beach, United Kingdom. Side of the road just pass pay and display parking lot. Amenities: restroom. Cost: None 7/8/13- Greater London, United Kingdom. Roadchef service station in a pay and display parking lot. Amenities: restroom, shower, restaurants. Cost:$18.00 per night 7/9-7/12- Greater London, United Kingdom. AirBnB. Amenities: Parking, shower, restroom, bed, wifi, access to public transportation. Cost: $156 for 3 nights 7/12-7/14- Canary Wharf, London city, United Kingdom. At cousins boyfriends flat. Amenities: shower, restroom, free parking, wifi, bed. Cost: $0 7/14/13- Big Bur on Sea, United Kingdom. Farmer campsite. Amenities: None. Cost: None 7/15/13- Lands End, United Kingdom. Trevedra Farms campsite. Amenities: restroom, showers, laundry, cafe, wifi, beach access. Cost: $19.50 per night 7/16&7/17- Tintagel, United Kingdom. Outside King Arthurs Arms Restaurant in pay and display lot. Amenities: restaurant. Cost: $11.25 total for 2 nights 7/18/13- Longleat, United Kingdom. Outside the city of Bath near forest. Amenities: None. Cost: None 7/19/13- Birmingham, United Kingdom. In ASDA parking lot. Amenities: restroom, cafe, wifi. Cost: None 7/20/13- Ormskirk, United Kingdom. In parking lot outside Liverpool. Amenities: None Cost: None 7/21/13- Southport, United Kingdom. Velvet Trail parking beachside nature park. Amenities: Beach access. Cost: None 7/22/13- Ferry from Liverpool to Dublin. Traveled at night and slept on ship. Amenities: restroom, cafe, bar. Cost: None other than ferry cost 7/23&7/24- Outskirts of Dublin, Ireland in mountains. At Johnnie Foxes Restaurant in the overflow parking lot. Amenities: Restaurant. Cost: None just ask manager first. 7/25/13- Wicklow NationalForest, Ireland. At Wicklow Gap view parking lot. Amenities: None Cost: None 7/26/13- Waterford, Ireland. Harbor Village Road cliffside car park. Amenities: None. Cost: None 7/27/13- Cork, Ireland. Outside city at Raddison Hotel parking lot. Amenities: None Cost: None Totaling 31 Days
Total sleeping expense: $92.25 without including AirBnB nights. = $2.97 per night (Not including cost of Kangoo per day) $248.25 with AirBnB nights included. = $8.01 per night ( Not including cost of Kangoo per day)
Total disel fuel expense: $785.70 = $25.34 per day Cost of Kangoo/Accomadation: $32.04 per day
Sum Up: For $1,870.35 we have experienced Spain, France, England, and half of Ireland. That's $60.35 per day and we are driving through Europe, living out of our Kangoo, and having the experience of a lifetime
Food is not included because degree of food satisfaction is relative. We eat mainly from grocery stores and limit our restaurant visits to about twice per week.
submitted by DownsPanda to travel [link] [comments]

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Restaurants near Barcelo Bavaro Palace, Bavaro on Tripadvisor: Find traveler reviews and candid photos of dining near Barcelo Bavaro Palace in Bavaro, La Altagracia Province. Check out the best restaurants, bars and shops in Barceloneta and the Ports with Time Out Barcelona's area guide. Casino Barcelona has joined forces with the best in European football on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings broadcasting FC Barcelona and Real Madrid matches on a giant screen. Participants in this football tournament can win dinners at the casino or tickets to Champions League matches at the Camp Nou. Wählen Sie aus 5 Millionen Restaurants weltweit mit 760 Millionen Bewertungen und Meinungen von Tripadvisor-Reisenden. The restaurants we list in this guide are only our favorites, not a list of all the restaurants in Barcelona. Another great option to avoid mistakes when eating in Barcelona is booking a food tour. On our page Barcelona Food Tour or Cooking classes in Barcelona you can find everything you need to choose the best food tour or cooking class in Barcelona. Restaurants near Casino Barcelona: (0.01 mi) Delicamon (0.01 mi) The Room Restaurant Terrace Bar (0.02 mi) Restaurant Oda (0.02 mi) Alhambra (0.02 mi) Restaurant Ají; View all restaurants near Casino Barcelona on Tripadvisor $ You can contact the Casino Barcelona at 900 354 354 . The Casino Barcelona is located at Carrer de la Marina, 19, 08005 Barcelona, Spain. Visit the Casino Barcelona information page for more details on this casino.. The second largest casino in Barcelona would be Royal Caribbean International - Vision of the Seas with 0 gaming machines / table games. . If you wish to make lodging ... Casino Barcelona is a world of entretainment where you can find high cuisine, shows, live music and games in a unique ambiance. Casino Barcelona property details page: This casino is found in Barcelona, Spain. Casino Barcelona has a total of 0 slot machines for your pleasure. World Casino Directory also books casino hotel reservations in Barcelona. Browse our gallery of photos of Casino Barcelona or read recent headlines about Casino Barcelona on this page. We also have a message forum dedicated to Casino Barcelona. One of the oldest restaurants in Barcelona, 7 Portes' eponymous seven doors open on to a restaurant kitted out in elegant 19th-century decor. Long-aproned waiters bring regional dishes, served in ...

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