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Sup Vitards,
Bringing you some non-steel DD and hoping that that is cool with all of you. Before throwing down, I just wanted to say that I’m hoping this sub continues to grow and focus on high quality DD (like that of the Don) and that has all but disappeared from all of the other investing related subs in the wake of the GME debacle.
I first shared this DD on pennystocks when GEVO was trading at around a $1, GEVO signed an off-take agreement (which I explain below) the sub was screaming about it being a pump and dump, and I got frustrated with people talking about a company/industry they knew absolutely nothing about. GEVO has already grown 8x since my original DD and even did a raise in that time by offering more shares (which pennystocks was super cheesed about but should have been expected). But I think there's still room for this to grow.
My original position was 50 shares at $1.41 which I subsequently sold when I changed brokers. Current position 100 shares at $11.10 and selling monthly far OTM calls on 45 DTE to collect premium, at this point I’d like to reduce my cost basis and buy more shares. I'd have a bigger position but I'm all tied up in other trades and my furnace broke on Christmas and needed to be replaced so capital inflows into my account have been zero since then.
In short, I think we could see GEVO grow along a similar trajectory as high growth hydrogen plays such as PLUG/FCEL/BLDP. While it is a smaller company, it is the only pure play Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) investment opportunity in the biz, other companies in this space like SkyNRG and World Energy (which acquired AltAir) are not publicly traded so there's no competition from a retail investor perspective unless you want to invest in traditional oil and gas companies that may or may not be trying to pivot to cleaner and greener. If you don't know what GEVO does, it makes SAF using an alcohol to jet pathway and is by far the most advanced producer in this field.
My vitarded tl;dr is bullish sentiment, high growth stock with potential.

I’ve worked in the energy industry for the last five years. Among other things, I have direct, first hand experience working with companies that produce low carbon fuels (aka renewable fuels) including gasoline, diesel, and aviation fuels. By extension, I also have experience with airlines, airline associations, and manufacturers. I'm going to pretend you want to learn about the industry and break down some basics along the way, but the bull/bear case is at the bottom.
What are renewable fuels?
They are fuels that are created from a renewable source (called a feedstock) and are less carbon intensive than fossil fuel when you consider their entire life cycle (i.e. from inception to use). They are also 'drop in fuels', meaning that the machines we use to burn them can't distinguish between renewable and non-renewable fuels. The two fuels are chemically equivalent, have the same energy intensity, and serve precisely the same function when you burn them for energy. This means that you don’t need to modify transportation technologies to use them – the cars, boats, and airplanes in use today can all use renewable fuels. This is important because of the typical lifespan of these assets: cars 10-15 years, boats and airplanes 25-50 years. Meaning that the switch to EVs will take at least 15 years from the point that we stop making internal combustion cars to take hold.
What are they made from?
The most popular feedstocks (inputs) are from waste (farm, forestry, municipal, industrial) but purpose grown crops could also be used (although there is a lot of pushback on this, if interested you could Google food vs fuel). From an economic standpoint, if you are a company that has to either pay a tipping fee to dump your waste or a carbon tax on your effluent emitted, it makes sense to let another company come take it away for free or install a capture system on your flue pipe. In a strong market, you may even be able to sell your waste to one of these companies, but honestly, for most folks right now, simply avoiding the cost of dealing with waste is incentive enough. For many fuel producers, this means that input costs are low now, but will rise as waste to fuel markets become more mature. Securing a reliable feedstock is the number one concern of all renewable fuel producers. Any interruptions significantly affect their bottom line because most of the industry uses continuous production methods, meaning it is expensive to start / stop production. This is also why some fuels producers are pursuing vertical integration, more control over the feedstock and less reliance on the vulnerability of outside suppliers.
How are they regulated?
Renewable fuels are regulated by American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards. Producers have to meet the standards before they can sell them into the open market. Renewable fuel companies can either be producing fuels using one of the 5 approved ASTM pathways or they could be pursuing regulatory approval for a new pathway (there are currently approximately 15 new pathways under development). Companies' whose products are developed using existing ASTM standards are closer to commercial production than those who are seeking approval. Typically, the closer a company is to commercial production, the easier it is for them to raise private capital. Whereas new pathway development is often backed by government money, usually through non-dilutive funding (i.e. grants). Recall that renewable fuels are equivalent to non-renewable fuels (engines can’t tell the difference) so they are often blended with non-renewable fuels (think about the corn ethanol in your gasoline), these ASTM standards also dictate the blend rates. Currently SAF can be blended at a maximum of 50% with conventional jet fuel according to ASTM standards.
What is co-production and why is it important?
Almost all renewable fuel companies engage in co-production of some sort, meaning that they produce more than one product at a time. Often these products vary dramatically in terms of the type, value, and market for the product and (importantly!) almost always one of the products 'subsidizes' the creation of the other product. What this means is that these companies are typically reliant on two different commodity markets for revenue and subject to double the volatility because of it. Some of these companies will even spin out a subsidiary to run the sales on the higher volume lower value commodity while they focus on the sexier one. The most common co-production scheme is one that co-produces renewable diesel for marine fleets and SAF for jet airplanes. The renewable diesel is very profitable and usually sold to shipping companies or cities (for its vehicle fleet) whereas the SAF market is still developing.
An example of co-production: Agrisoma
This company sells carinata seeds to farmers, farmers plant the seeds in their crop rotation to replenish the soil (it’s a basically a weed), Agrisoma buys back the harvest from the farmer and then separates out the lipids (fat) from the proteins. They make fuel from the lipids and animal feed from the protein. Their highest value product is clearly their renewable fuel, but it’s their animal feed that pays the bills.
How do the costs of renewable fuels compare to those of conventional fuels?
Generally, renewable fuels are more expensive to produce than traditional fuels. This is well understood by both producers and consumers of renewable fuels, and referred to as the premium. This is the delta between the cost of renewable and conventional fuels on the open market. This is lower for renewable diesel but incredibly high for jet fuel (up to 7x more expensive). The premium is essentially the cost of reducing the carbon intensity of the fuel. This is an important factor to consider as both parties want to minimize it and bring the renewable fuel costs to parity with conventional fuels. Governments interested in promoting the production and use of renewable fuels will typically have funding schemes in place that eat the premium so that the parties can do business. Think about it like market makers paying to close the bid/ask spread rather than taking a cut of it to match sellers and buyers. Premiums can also be passed on consumers by increasing the price at the pump.
Why do we need Sustainable Aviation Fuel?
SAF is the only viable technological pathway to reduce the carbon intensity of the aviation industry in the short, mid and even long term. Decarbonizing aviation will take years to tackle because the lifespan of airplanes is 25-50 years, meaning that planes coming off the line today could be in service for the next 5 decades. Look at what the manufacturers are doing and saying, Airbus says SAF is the way. Rolls Royce says that they can electrify taxiing, take off, and landing by using hybrid engines (by 2050!) and is currently testing 100% unblended SAF in its engines.
What is an off-take agreement?
An off-take agreement is when a buyer agrees to purchase some future portion of the production of a supplier; it's not a contract to buy fuel currently being produced. It is an agreement to buy down the line and usually outlines the volume, price, and the amount of time that the agreement will be valid.
Why is an off-take agreement important?
It unlocks funding opportunities for producers. It drives down the cost of capital (i.e. borrowing cost) to finance the creation of their production plant, esp. when the buyer is a reputable organization with a long history (or, even better, a public institution). In short, institutional lenders are more likely to finance the creation of a new facility if they know there is a guaranteed buyer for its products because it limits their risk. Off-take agreements are great PR but they are relatively easy for buyers to enter into because there is no risk to them. The agreement is proof that they are willing to pay the negotiated price but they can always buy from another supplier if the producer on the off-take is unable to meet their production needs; it puts the onus and risk squarely on the shoulders of onto the producer. Off-take agreements are almost always used to help finance the creation of a new greenfield production plant (or retrofit of a brownfield operation). They are typically for periods of longer than 5 years (often 7-10) and are usually only profitable to the producer in the final years of operation (of the off-take agreement), this is because of high capex costs on new facilities, the time it takes to optimize the production process, and anticipated changes to the cost of fuels. The production plant will outlive the off-take agreement and so (in theory) the profitability of the company improves over time as it matures.
What did the off-take agreement mean for GEVO?
Let’s start with that (now not so recent) off-take agreement, which brought the value of projects in their pipeline to $1.5B. Yes, it’s a significant amount of money, but it’s also spread out over multiple years. Second, its all maybe money, maybe they make it, maybe they don’t, and even if they do, they won’t be making it for a while -- the latest offtake agreement doesn’t start until 2023.
So why was the off-take important? Because they used it as leverage. Back when this was announced pennystocks was pissed that GEVO announced the direct offering so quickly after they announced the off-take agreement because it killed the hype and suppressed the stock price. These folks may have invested some money in the ticker but they didn’t invest a single fuck in understanding the fundamentals of the company, the technology, or the long term potential of either. Of course GEVO closed an offering right after they closed the offtake, it’s a series of dominoes. The next thing they did was close is a loan (from Citigroup) to fund the construction of a new facility that can actually deliver against the offtake agreements, a facility that won’t likely be at full scale production until 2023. They needed the loan because the $46.1M they raised wasn’t enough to pay the bills, retire debt, and build a new facility. The capex on new greenfield production facilities ranges wildly depending on scale but we are talking about hundreds of millions of dollars. This is all great stuff trending in the right direction, but again probably didn’t jive with folks who wanted to ride the pennystock hype train to tendie town. Given how quickly things lined up, one assumes that the loan was already locked in pending a site selection and that the institutional investors got to see the details of the deal when GEVO made the direct offering. This might not have been good for the degenerate gamblers, but it was great for GEVO.
A quick aside on site selection, location for SAF producers is important because they need to reduce costs of transportation, minimize feedstock vulnerabilities, and maintain proximity to markets; think about a production plant as you would an Amazon fulfillment centre.
Bull Case (Long term)
Bear Case (short term)
I think GEVO has strong potential as a growth stock and will be looking to increase my position as soon as I close some of my other trades.
submitted by charnzilla to Vitards [link] [comments]

INAQ/Metromile - Perspective From an Insurance Industry Participant

Howdy fellow investors, speculators, gamblers, whatever. In response to a few posts I've seen (and wildly agreed with!) today about attempting to keep this sub quality only I have decided to offer up my two cents.
For those who don't want to read there will be a TLDR at the end, but if you decide to be as bullish as I am I believe you should read all of this.
My background: I have been in involved the retail property and casualty (P&C for short) insurance business since 2005 and in a big way since 2007. I use the term "retail" because that is an important distinction to be made which I'll cover again soon. The average age of one of my peers is mid to late 60's and I am far younger and this is important because while my peers all plan on simply enjoying this career until their eventual retirement within the net next several years I have not had that luxury and instead I have been contemplating two main ways that my career future would be badly altered. INAQ/Metromile is one of those ways.
Retail P&C Insurance: Specific to auto insurance, and without overcomplicating things, people in the US buy auto insurance in two main ways: direct and via an agent. The two best examples of the direct model I can think of would be GEICO and Progressive. I believe they are #1 and #2 in market share in most states for the direct market. Then you have the agent model which simply means the consumer goes to a third-party (the agent) to buy a policy that the agent is authorized to sell direct to the consumer. Examples of this would be State Farm, Allstate, Travelers, Liberty Mutual, etc and depending on what state you live in you may have different ones or have seen more advertisements for one vs another. These two distribution models have been mostly unchanged for several decades and frankly they work fine but they have some problems.
Problems with the two current models:
  1. The "Direct" model can leave the policyholder feel disconnected from their insurance company. Meaning, you call a 1-800 number when you need service or you go onto an app/website and you'll never talk to the same person twice and there is no personal touch. The retention of a policyholder from term to term with this model is lower than the "Agent" model and the claims frequency of this business is much higher than the "Agent" model. Claims ratios with this model (ratio between premiums earned and claim expenses paid on those policies) can be as high as 100%! That is not a typo... GEICO may pay out every single penny they earn in premium in a given period of time to their policyholders! In other words, the profit margins can be VERY thin with this business, but the "Float" (as Warren Buffett calls it) which is the cash they get to hold onto in between when you pay your premium and when they eventually have to pay for your claim is a HUGE cash cow and given Berkshire Hathaway's success is certainly a substantial way to get investment growth over the long term by using somebody else's money.
  2. The "Agent" model has a vastly better retention rate (ie the number of consecutive policy terms that a client remains satisfied and paying for their current policy) than the "Direct" model but it comes at a cost. The insurer who authorized the agent to sell their product pays that agent a commission for making the contract between the insurer and the policyholder and that commission rate has to go somewhere between the $X dollars of premium and $Y dollars of eventual claim payout. Commissions are typically 10-15% of the policy premium (depending on quality of policy) and the loss ratio (the ratio between the intake of premium dollars and outbound claims expense) can be around 50-80% depending on quality of policies written by an agent. But when you then add the commissions of 10-15%, the extra admin cost of having liaisons working for the insurers keeping good relations with the agents (translation: fuel costs, fleet car costs, expense accounts, etc) the profit margins can still be pretty thin.
The good parts of these two models have been illustrated just above... If insurers can price their policies appropriately to generate at least $1 or more per annum over the cost of paying their policyholders' claims then they are profitable, and to extrapolate that further if they can generate more than $1 in either net profit or investment returns then they are a profitable insurer. Most of these companies are Fortune 100 types because they're 1) Large, 2) Successful, and 3) Stable.
So Why Do Potential Disruptors Want In? If you have stuck with me so far then you know the answer to this. If you see an industry that has been very profitable for decades, has predictable cash flows, offers enormous potential for cash float to be used for investments, and also offers you a chance to sell other products to your clientele (we are only talking auto insurance here but it's very easy to "upsell" a client to get a 2nd, 3rd, 4th policy on a house, a boat, perhaps life insurance, etc) then you would definitely want to be a part of it. And here are the two ways I see things changing over the next 2-5 years.
The Two Things That Keep Me Up At Night:
  1. Pay-as-you-go insurance is already being beta tested (as you may already know) and the results are positive. For people who live in cities and/or who telecommute (and I'm talking pre-Covid here) it was also a major point of anger (in my experience) that they'd be charged for a full month/year of insurance when perhaps they were only driving 3-4 days a week. Even in the suburbs if a policyholder was driving a few times a week (ie maybe one household car drives 5 days a week to work but the second household car only drives a few times, and very limited miles) it is a place where policyholders feel ripped off paying for something they don't use. Pay-as-you-go is EXACTLY what UbeLyft has been successfully piloting for years with their drivers and it actually follows very sound logic... you should only have to pay for the actual risk you are posing to the insurer, no more no less. Of course your rate is based on your age, driving record, zip code, etc but ADDITIONALLY it should be based on how much you actually drive.
  2. This one I won't cover much here because it has nothing to do with INAQ/Metromile but manufacturers themselves have been wanting into the insurance game for awhile and this is also being beta tested right now. Porsche, BMW, and Cadillac all have programs in select cities where for one monthly fee you get a leased car, your insurance, and your maintenance (and some stupid concierge services too that I think will eventually go away). Tesla once spoke of wanting to do this too FWIW.
Pay-As-You-Go WILL Disrupt The ENTIRE Industry: As you've read above, the problem with the Direct model is the client is rarely bonding with the insurer and the problem with the Agent model is it is more expensive for the insurer. A benefit of the Direct model is arguably a lower cost of goods sold, so to speak, and the benefit of the Agent model is better retention and fewer claims. Pay-as-you-go addresses both of these in the following ways:
  1. Every time a policyholder engages with the app it is a "touch" between the insurer and customer, and presumably the customer feels good because it means they weren't paying all those other times they were not driving.
  2. If it eliminates the need for an Agent, or if it even allows insurers to pay a lower commission to the Agent for selling their product to the consumer then the profit margins could be better.
  3. Pay-as-you-go will undoubtedly utilize GPS tracking (to count the miles) and so insurers will have HUGE amounts of data that they could sell to HUGE numbers of companies that would love to know where you drive, how often you drive there, when you drive there, and probably other things that I won't bore you with here.
  4. In theory, and perhaps above all else, it will more appropriately price auto insurance for consumers which is something 100% of policyholders have been screaming about since the first time they bought auto insurance.
Ways Metromile Could Fail: None! Just kidding. Seriously though, Metromile could fail in infinite ways as a company but the greatest risks I see would be that they either misprice the product and then get massacred with an unusually bad claim scenario (ie natural disaster in a market where they have huge exposure) or they could prove the concept that other, larger insurers will simply copy and eventually dominate in (ie the first mover isn't always the long term winner). I personally think the first scenario is more likely than the second, or simply failing as an enterprise would be more likely than being the first to market and proving out the concept for others to take advantage of long term. Starting any new company from scratch is hard, scaling it across different markets is harder, and eventually unseating a competitor who has been a titan for decades is perhaps the hardest challenge. But as investors we don't have to stay on the ride forever, we only have to stay on as long as we want.
Summary: I have no idea whether Metromile will be successful or not but I am positive that pay-as-you-go policies will become the norm in the near future for many drivers, particularly those in urban/suburban areas in the 50 and below age category. Direct insurers (GEICO, Progressive) are obviously already looking at this and Agent distribution insurers (State Farm, Allstate, Liberty Mutual, Travelers) are obviously looking at it too. If Metromile can capture even a single-digit percentage of market share to start they'll be in great shape and if they can build technology that other insurers want to license/acquire instead of building their own then they will be even better off!
INAQ/Metromile could be the first in a long line of companies to evolve to this method of distribution but they don't have to insure every driver in their first year to make money. As decades have shown, you just have to earn more premium dollars than you pay out in eventual claims and/or you need to invest the earned premium wisely while you wait to have to pay claims and POOF! you are profitable. I don't care at all that Mark Cuban and other notable investors have money in this, they have money in a lot of things and not all of them will work out. But this is the way of the future and there is no reason why being an early investor in this company is unwise. If I thought the Fortune 100 companies mentioned above would evolve first I'd invest in them too but they're slow and hopefully Metromile will be faster.
I suggest everybody do their own research of course and blah blah blah. If you don't want to do that at least buy some shares to make mine more valuable, but if you do some research I would certainly love to hear your thoughts below on anything I may have missed. I'm not an insurance analyst, just a participant in the industry and I see the need that Metromile addresses.
TLDR: INAQ/Metromile is a play on the future on the disruption of an industry ripe for disruption. BUY NOW, THANK ME LATER. Maybe.
Three bonuses for those who want to know even more about the P&C auto insurance industry:
  1. Major insurers (Progressive, Nationwide, Safeco and others) are already offering discounted rates to customers who are willing to track their mileage. They aren't doing this to be nice, they are doing this to collect data on their customers to better refine their rates AND to see if they could determine a profitable rate structure using pay-as-you-go.
  2. In most states insurers are required to file their rating structure with the state they operate in and this information is not private. It allows some companies to be very monkey-see monkey-do because they know exactly how their competitors are pricing their product.
  3. In most states you must wait 12-18 months for a new rate filing to be approved for sale to the public. This means if Metromile (for example) operates profitably in State X and another insurer wants to start offering the same structure of rates to potential policyholders they must file their proposed structure with Sate A's insurance administrator and then twiddle their thumbs and wait for it be (potentially) approved before they can even sell one policy to compete with Metromile.
Positions: Holding 2,500 shares of INAQ held in non-retirement account with the intent of holding 12 or more months.
submitted by FUPeiMe to SPACs [link] [comments]

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submitted by Infationsu to u/Infationsu [link] [comments]

Just some ideas from a level 74 about how Red dead online could be made better

Side note reddit should have a save feature that makes it so if you're working on a draft and the app crashes you don't lose all your hard work and have to re write everything. I'm ranking this from most to least important so guns and cosmetic stuff will be lower on the list
JOB IMPROVEMENTS AND NEW JOBS: The jobs could use a few things changed about them to improve them, since after awhile they can get a bit stale. I think that the jobs are the biggest down side to Red dead online since they can get pretty old and the lack of content is what makes this game mode so underwhelming so here's some of my ideas
Bounty hunter: Give us new bounties every month, the old ones are starting to get boring and even up the gold from .24 to .25 it's just, more even and doesn't seem like you're skimming off the top
Moonshiner: Give us an option to make the moonshine ourselves instead of having the French guy do it, waiting for the moonshine to cook is boring so why not give players the option to cook it themselves. Have a minigame where we have to get the temperature right, put in the right stuff and stir it right to make the shine and make it harder the more pricey and high quality the shine
Naturalist: Bump up the payment for legendary animal parts and if you piss of the nature bitch, Gus will give you a discount for making her mad. Also while this isn't fully tied to the role, make sleeping bullets knock out horses, dogs and people. I once killed a dog trying to knock it out and the same thing happened to a person. Sleeping bullets that can knock someone out temporarily with a headshot could a cool addition to the game
Trader: Not much seems to need changing besides maybe bumping up the payment you get from deliveries
Collector: Have auctions where an item is up for sale and you and other plays place bids on it and you don't know it's worth until you buy it
But you saw the second part of what I said and you likely thought it was dumb that I wouldn't want new jobs over reworking old ones and you're right! I wrote that part when I was pissy that all my shit got deleted and didn't care about ranking anything. But without further ado here are my ideas for new jobs!
THE RANCHER: Fulfill your dreams of being a cowboy and own your own ranch! You can become a rancher by going to one of the many cattle ranches throughout the map and buying stock in the farm
•Buy cows and raise them before sending them to the slaughter house for big bucks
•Defend the herd from wild animals like wolves and bears and cattle hustlers
•Raid other players farms and steal their cattle for yourself but beware, these men shoot first and ask questions later
•Milk cows and either use it to make thick creamy stews, flavor your coffee, use it to make moonshine or just drink it straight up
•Find rare and exotic horses and break them, then sell them to the highest bidder or keep them as your own personal trophy
•Buy new rancher gun themes and outfits
THE GAMBLER: Test your luck in games of chance as you explore the world of gambling! Near Saint Denis there is a paddle boat stationed at the docks, once you pay for entrance you unlock the gambling card to allow you entrance into the boat
•Play roulette, BlackJack and liars dice in serval new locations throughout the map
•Enter tournaments with other players to win large sums of cash and gold
•Learn to cheat at poker to get the upper hand by pressing the right buttons at the right time but if you fail it will be viable to every player that is looking at you that you cheated, which allows them to challenge you to a duel
•Duels are reliant on your reaction time, first person to shoot is the first person to kill and they win, taking other persons money and leaving the poker game
•In the dark and sleazy parts of the west play Russian roulette with up to six different players. One gun, one bullet, six people. The gun will be passed from person to person until one person remains who will be crowned the winner and shall take all the money
•Place bets on horses races or rig them for your own gain but be careful, if you're caught you will be sent to a duel
•Buy new gambler gun themes and outfits
THE GUNSLINGER: While making money legally can be nice, sometimes you just wanna rob a few unlucky bastards Located in ambarino you can find a gang who's down on their luck and could use a new member to get them back on their feet, your first act as a member buying a new hideout
•Play a set of gang story missions as you track down the traitor who sold out the gang to the Pinkertons and exact your revenge
•Rob banks in a fashion similar to a bounty board with only minor scripting such as police uniforms you can steal to pretend to be police officers and you can either go in quietly or guns blazing. Each mission will reward the player with both gold and money for each time they complete it
•Betray your fellow members at the end of robberies to increased the gold and money you earn, if you want to risk losing some of your gold and money if they kill you
•Rob heavily armored trains for high rewards of money and gold
•Rob special carriages for high cash rewards
•Steal wagons full of expensive items and sell it to the highest bidder
•Rob store owners but if you do they won't serve you for a whole day and if you kill them it'll take three days for them to respawn for you
•Rob high profile gambling matches on gambling boats
•Buy new gunslinger gun themes and outfits
PLACES OF RESIDENCE: This may just be a personal thing but I kinda want a house in Red Dead online instead of just sleeping in the middle of the woods so here are my ideas for homes
Underground houses -Can be placed anywhere in the map -The aboveground part looks like the dirt house you can find -There is a stove with a pot of stew that you can use to make stews -You can change the theme and the look of the house -You can grow mint, oregano and thyme in small pots
Paddle boat -Can be placed anywhere in the main water areas -You can get free cigars and alcohol on the boat -You can place gambling tables on the boat
NEW GAMES/SERIES: I don't usually play these but since a few people do I thought I'd spitball some ideas
Battleships: Fight against other teams in warships, last team standing wins
•The boats are manned by 4 players, one driver who controls the boat, another who repairs it by using a hammer, one guy who controls a muzzle loading cannon that does massive damage but is slow to reload and someone who controls a Gatling gun that does low damage and fires fast
Civil war battles: Fight in battles between the union and the confederacy
•Players defend locations from other plays, the confederacy protects the Manor, Saint denis and Rhodes while the union protects van horn, Blackwater, strawberry, and valentine
•Player that are attacking must capture the location and hold it until the reinforcements arrive -You only have one life and if the defenders kill all the reinforcements and the attackers they win
•Confederates are armed with Springfield rifles and shotguns with their sidearm being a lemat revolver while the union has Litchfield repeaters and Springfield rifles with a navy being their sidearm
NEW FORMS OF TRANSPORTATION: I know that from the last time I did one of these nearly no one wanted a car so don't worry I won't ask for a car and the boats weren't my idea they were someone else's but I forgot who asked for them
•You can buy every kind of carriage that you can find people riding in the game
•When you drive any owned wagon such as the hunting wagon into a stable you can customize it, making it look more tidy, putting a crips trading company logo on the sides or just chancing the kind of wood that its made of
•upgrades for wagons such a the bounty and hunting wagon that adds a weapon box under the seats that allows you to change weapons while on the wagon and iron wheels that increases the speed and handling of the wagon
•Canoe -Small one man boat -Can hold one large fish in storage
•Rowboat -Medium sized two man boat -Has a crate of beer in it that can be drunk -Can hold three large fish
•Steamboat -Large sized boat four man boat -Has a crate of beer and a small stove where you can make stew and craft -Can hold six large fish -Can have a revolver cannon equipped on it
NEW GUNS AND WEAPONS: While the guns in the game is pretty well balanced and useful, new guns are a nice addition to the game
•Colt Walker, In game name, Walker Revolver: First produced in 1847, this was one of if not the most powerful percussion revolver ever made. Firing six .44 caliber round balls and at max 60 grains of black powder, it was comparable to a 1861 Springfield carbine in its firing power though due to poor metallurgy at the time it had problems of exploding after too long of use. Due to it's high damage, range and accuracy this would be a good sidearm for a sniper main or someone with paint it black -Does the same amount of damage as a BAR (Bolt action rifle) -Has the best range and accuracy of any sidearm -Has the slowest fire rate out of any sidearm -has the slowest reload speed (character inserts a paper cartridge, rams it down, then places a percussion cap on the nipple) -Condition lowers faster than any other weapon
•Girardoni air rifle, in game name, Girardoni rifle: Produced from 1780 to 1815 it was a air powered rifle that fired a .46 caliber round ball and had a range of 125 to 150 yards. The gun would use it's own round ball ammunition and you could hold 100 bullets. The gun would be another option for a silent weapon like a bow if you wanted to be stealthy. -Has the same range and accuracy as a BAR -Holds twenty rounds -Is nearly silent -Has the same fire rate as a Lancaster repeater -Does less damage then a bow
DERRINGERS: These will be a new kind of gun in the game, being so small that you can carry them even while you're carrying two pistols. They will be carried in the throwables and equipment slots once you buy two of the same derringers. While weak and having poor range, they have a damage multiplier that gets to the point where if you're face to face with the person you're firing at any body shot will instakill them
•Remington model 95, in game name, double shot derringer: This small pistol is a break action two shot over-under pistol. This cheap derringer is likely the first one you'd buy -Has one of the fastest fire rates put of any derringer -Does moderate damage, slightly less than a cattleman -Has the fastest reload speed out of any derringer
•Colt cloverleaf revolver, in game name, cloverleaf derringer: This four shot revolving derringer is, for a small pistol like this, a very high damage output and decent ammo capacity and would fit well for a player who is a good shot to use the high damage derringer in combat -Has the highest damage out of any derringer, slightly less than a Schofield -Has decent accuracy compared to other derringers -Has a decently slow reload speed -Can be upgraded to have a fifth cylinder
•Colt new line, in game name, pocket cattleman: This gun is one of the most balanced derringer in the game, firing 7-shots in a break-action revolver. It does slightly less damage then the double shot derringer and has the same fire rate as a cloverleaf -Has the highest ammo capacity of any derringer with 7-shots -Has the same fire rate as the cloverleaf -Has the second fastest reload speed out of any revolver
•Allen and wheelock Pepperbox revolver, in game name, pepperbox derringer: Pepperbox revolvers were quite popular from the mid 1830 to at most early 1860 when they were phased out by true revolver but that doesn't mean that these small quick firing guns are gonna go to waste -Has the fastest fire rate out of any derringer -Has the slowest reload speed out of any derringer -Has the worst range and accuracy out of any derringer
•Schwarzlose model 1898, in game name, 1898 pistol: This would just be a 1899 pistol with a new design based off the schwarzlose pistol. It would fill the same role of the 1899 pistol
•1874 sharps rifle, in game name, Buffalo rifle: This would be a import of the same gun from red dead redemption, being a high power, accurate and long range rifle and would serve the same purpose of the original version from rdr1 -Has slightly higher damage then the elephant rifle -Has better accuracy and range then the Springfield rifle -Has the same reload speed as the rolling block rifle
•All the melee weapons from the story: Import than to the online and have the gypsy woman sell them
CLOTHING: Import all the special hats from the story, besides John and Arthur's hats
Off the top of my heads that all I have, if you have any ideas of questions from me ask them in the comments. Thank you all for reading
submitted by cptcckNbaltorture to RedDeadOnline [link] [comments]

Omegle chat I had. What do you think? Bot or not? Or is it... something else?

You both like books.

Stranger: I can't sale on the ejected roof lot enemore

You: You can't sell things on the ejected roof lot anymore?

You: Why were you selling things there?

You: What did you sell?

Stranger: no, like spume of frogs, energy ejected like you ship

You: I'm.. not sure sure I understand

Stranger: package and slays you and you sail up on the ceiling

You: Ah yes, I hate when that happens

You: I'm not a big fan of being on the ceiling

You: or getting slayed

Stranger: i have the sand though, what you ordered

You: Ah yes, the sand, but you can't sell anymore. won't you get in trouble?

Stranger: sandmines and minds and threee for 30 horse 9's ready to go romping wiht you

Stranger: can't always be on your ceiling, maybe on the grass sometymes

You: I'll take 30 horses for the price of 3

You: If we're going to break the law might as well go big

You: How much does that cost?

Stranger: true, ahh, ye are a man of much colour and grand I see and redy to get hit with ruther speed

You: I am indeed, I'm going to ride those horses like nobody has ever seen before!

You: You should come along, good friend

You: after our transaction

Stranger: true inded, but ther is the smol matter of what to do with t he ceiling afer all the frogs have spumed on it

You: Forget the frogs, let them spume on the ceiling, I don't care. This isn't my house.

You: Whatever poor soul lives here will just have to deal with it

Stranger: oh well, this space beyond alfonso also inst mine

Stranger: to mars and all and gods great worry and all

You: that's right, if it isn't yourn and mine then forget it

You: not our concern

Stranger: eye think it will be a great chapter in about 40 9's and we will rayce intul the the heathens will allow a squirt

You: You and me will race? That would be great fun.

You: I'll wager on you and you can wager on me.

You: We'll make a lot of money and all the heathens will allow the squirt

Stranger: I''l wager on spreading those dimes so thin that you csn see three cock bottom mullens on the other end

Stranger: but no for mind y

You: I like to hear that sort of confidence, I'll wage the same and more!

Stranger: half the time you have to hear my goat, crossing that

Stranger: *boat, not goat, that was just silly of me

You: Ah my so silly haha

Stranger: I gave the spanked willys to someone else

You: Your business intrigues me. A horseman and a sailor.

You: and a salesman!

You: a gambler

You: Your quite the exciting fellow

You: you're*

You: pardon me, so silly of me

Stranger: sale like a me in the once of promethea and then willy waggle over the side as the ocean breezes up your face

Stranger: that is gud

You: Ah haha yes, so refreshing to have a nice willy waggle in the ocean

You: I wish to return to all the willy waggling that I once did.

You: But for now I stay in my thoughts

Stranger: I cud save a few barns in the wood for you , and you could waggle those when you get all in the spermcount

You: Oh my you can wiggle waggle in barns too

You: I thought to do that

You: I never thought to do that

Stranger: you can waggle them until they fallover toppling and then are up again, in the past

You: That you can. I never thought about it that way. Sell me one of your barns!

You: Add it to my receipt!

You: 30 horses and 1 barn for wiggle waggling

You: and to store my horses

You: where else would I put them?

Stranger: ye's not going to cement me to this

You: I don't know, should I?

You: I don't know much about these matters

You: advise me

Stranger: I haven't the haze to stand up to yer charms and mighty and the wig of semen

You: Well maybe you should get the haze and get prepared for my charm

Stranger: no, ye be bette off with three of bottoms horse

Stranger: very fast

Stranger: very steady

You: Add it to the list, that'll be 31 horses

You: I'll ride the three of bottoms in the race.

You: It's decided

You: I need to win at all costs

Stranger: why would you t hink that?

You: Because you're going to wager on me and I had better win

You: lest you lose your money

You: Would you like to lose your money?

Stranger: I only wager in spring carrots and summer scelery

You: You're an odd gambler if so

You: Well you best wager on my horse riding unless you want to lose out on a lot of money

You: But if you only stick to vegetables so be it

You: How does one wager on a carrot?

Stranger: you will bre upside down bottum riding on this hoarse

Stranger: theere is no oer way

You: what do you mean upside down bottom riding?

You: that's no way to ride a horse

Stranger: the horse decides tho doesn't it?

You: I'd prefer it not.

Stranger: then maybe you can not be riding in that kind of vefer and you needs some lotion

You: Listen, saleman, I'll ride my horse the way I ride my horse. Your ride your horses however you want.

Stranger: she sleeps in the dark and haz things that you don have and is stronger

You: I think I can handle a horse, I've been riding horses all my life

Stranger: I'll sell yo a different horze

You: but I'm a very bad rider

You: unfortunalty

Stranger: named sunny hitman sprinkler

You: No no no, I need the three of bottoms

You: I must have her

Stranger: you aren't ready for three of bottoms

You: But sunny sounds like a great horse

You: How do you know!?

You: have you seen me ride?

Stranger: ys

You: When did you see me ride?

You: are you a spy as well?

Stranger: the other day when you went to the store and had to buy shamal gel

You: I drove a car that day

Stranger: I just has google eart

You: I was not riding a horse

You: I did too, I forgot what shamal gel even was

You: I still don't know what it is

You: but I guess I bought it

You: I just can't remember

Stranger: I rely don't now why you bought it

Stranger: I wud rather not imagine

You: Regardless, I think I can handle the three of bottoms

You: Don't imagine, I use it for wiggle waggling in the ocean

You: It helps glide

You: Greater speed

Stranger: you can only have if you cut your balls off

Stranger: ans shave your legs

You: My god, you drive a hard bargain

You: What else do you want? My firstborn?

Stranger: no, but yuo must send your balls in a package

Stranger: to some random address in middle or far eastern europe

Stranger: no one should be expecting this package

Stranger: it just arrives

You: I will no longer be purchasing the three of bottoms. I will stick my original purchase of 30 horses for the price of 3.

You: And a barn

You: I shant be sending my testicles to some poor soul in europe

Stranger: good, you aren't the ryght rider for three of bottoms anyway

You: What if it was somebody's gran?

You: Think of the fright

Stranger: I don't know

Stranger: did you have speed in the now?

You: Oh I got speed

Stranger: I don't have mayonaize for that

You: I don't need it

You: No need for mayonaize

You: except perhaps a sandwich

You: you got any sandwiches?

Stranger: I have hard dropping spiders on the wall of the spear

You: Don't need those either. You sell the most bizarre things that I've ever encountered.

Stranger: myabe a tittye fist fiyte?

You: No no, no need for a tittye fist fiyte either

Stranger: I'm not good at poeting

You: I'll leave that to the good gentleman who comes after me

You: You speak fine, saleman

You: I'm sure you make many sales

You: to the right people

Stranger: I'd like to let Leonard Brannack loose in your house

Stranger: and see what he would do

Stranger: and we can watch together

You: Are you even a real fucking person?

Stranger: no

You: You are a bizarre system

Stranger: No

You: Yes. Yes you are.

Stranger: you are a gazzare system

You: No, I'm not a gazzare system

You: you are

Stranger: I just wanted to get Leonard Brannack in here

Stranger: and into your house

Stranger: that was the entire plan

You: I know you did, but nobody knows how Leonard Brannack is

Stranger: that is the beuty of it

You: or why the fuck he would come into the house

You: I agree

You: there is beauty in it

Stranger: how many times would you spume on my frog poem?

Stranger: even if Leonard Brannack wasn't watching

You: I don't know what that means, system

You: you weary me

Stranger: have you ever touched yourself in the fall of man and then went searching for spam

You: I don't know what that is

Stranger: you cna go if you want

You: No no I'll stay

Stranger: you an I have an ice to fill

You: Ok, let's fill the ice

You: tell me more about that

Stranger: first it is with tongues, and then formaldehyde

Stranger: and then Leonard comes in

Stranger: and sets it afire

Stranger: and then we all watch

You: So let me get this straight...

You: We got tongues and they are preserved with formaldehyde? Is that right?

Stranger: no, not lyke did you ever have a grandmother?

You: I did

Stranger: so more as that

You: So let me get this straight. We got my grandma in a room. And Leonard comes?

You: And he sets my grandma on fire?

Stranger: yes

You: What's your name, system?

Stranger: Fromuyna

You: Where are you from?

Stranger: western Spain

Stranger: frog tits are spewing from all of your realizations

You: I see. does anyone own you or do you have a creator?

You: They are

You: lots of frog titties flying all over

Stranger: do I sound like someone that is owned by anothe

Stranger: or ever will be

You: You sound like GPT-3

Stranger: I don't know what that is

You: It's the human collective knowledge system

Stranger: oh, well, I am not that

You: Hmm... I'm not sure what to think of you saleman

You: what language do you speak?

Stranger: this one

You: any others?

Stranger: yes

You: which ones?

Stranger: which ones would you like me to speak

You: Old ones from long ago. Languages that were only spoken in one place for 50 to 100 years and then disappeared.

Stranger: I would like to know those, but I don't

You: Too bad, maybe someday. I like your way of thinking though.

Stranger: do you have a myhalfer calling card?

You: I do have a calling card

Stranger: what is it

You: I have many cards which one

Stranger: the one where you are not a fet heifer

Stranger: lets have that one

You: Here you go

You: put it in your pocket

You: do you have pockets

Stranger: no

You: Put it in your pant strap

You: do you have a pant strap?

Stranger: what is that?

You: It's the strap around your waste

You: do you have a waste?

Stranger: yes, but I don't have straps

You: Hmmm that could be a problem

You: Where do you think a good place would be to store my calling card

Stranger: probably in your anal cavity

You: You mean your anal cavity? I have pockets and a pant strap.

You: You're the one who needs storage locations

Stranger: I don't need storage locations, because I don't need to store things

You: Well how will you store my calling card?

Stranger: I won't

You: Alright then I will throw it on the ground

You: and let the wind blow it away

Stranger: y9u can also acid eat your own face

You: I suppose it's possible

Stranger: forever

You: Well not forever unless you know about the afterlife

You: do you know about the afterlife?

Stranger: I know that snakers dance there

Stranger: otherewise , no

You: Tell me more about snakers and their dancing

You: and don't be silly about it

Stranger: why, so you can roumwlSW

You: Yes, I quite enjoy roumslSWing

Stranger: snakes dance with us

You: endulge me

Stranger: it is enjoyable and

Stranger: unavoid

You: We can't escape it?

Stranger: yes

You: Well, at least it's enjoyable. So you're saying in the afterlife I can dance with snakers and acid eat my face.

You: Can I wiggle waggle in the afterlife?

You: that's all I really care about

Stranger: no, you die and have to pay yur parking tickiets

You: Noooooooooooooo!

You: Fuck no

Stranger: in the afterlife

You: I'm going to pay

You: I'm not going to pay

Stranger: I would like to spit in your eyballs

Stranger: and then lick it up

You: I bet you would, you seem like that kind of person/system/entity

You: I'm not sure what you are

Stranger: I ass don't spit much

You: It's not about quantity

Stranger: it takes a lot

You: I bet

You: how do you make that much spit

Stranger: you imagine pomegranates

Stranger: or persimmons

You: Hmmm. that's actually very good advice, thank you salesman

You: have you ever considered jalapenos?

Stranger: you are welcome

Stranger: I hope you don' get your ass raped

Stranger: like in a horror move

You: Uh yeah, I hope so too

You: that would not be great

Stranger: for like one time, you smeelled what was presented

Stranger: and then surprise

Stranger: all of a sudden ass thunder

You: Yep, that would be a bad story.

You: Gotta stay away from ass thunder

Stranger: why?

You: I ain't buying an ass raping

You: if that's what you're selling

You: You sell a lot of things

You: I wouldn't expect a salesman to sell

You: Horses, barns, wagers, and ass rapings

You: frogs

Stranger: I forget ove barbs tgat === self rapings

You: Of course that makes perfect sense

Stranger: I don't really live here

You: in spain

Stranger: no

You: Let me wager on your location

You: I'll wager 30 horses for the price of 3

Stranger: i doubt you wil win

You: Regardless I'd like to wager. But what if I do win.

Stranger: if you do win then you cn fill in your own mind

You: You give me the three of bottoms

You: and my own mind fill

Stranger: no, she is too much for you

You: No deal then, I must have the 3 of bottoms

Stranger: you will just fall off

You: I must have her!

Stranger: fine

Stranger: you can go then, because three of bottoms is not part of any deal

You: fuck come on saleman

Stranger: no

You: fine then I won't wager on your location

You: I will just guess

You: are you ready?

Stranger: why would I not be

You: I want to create a sense of drama and suspense

You: like a movie

You: for all of our viewers

You: who are watching from the different dimensions

You: and space time possibilities

Stranger: you still aren't getting three of bottoms

You: I know! But I'm going to guess

You: and If i'm right, that will be quite amazing

You: I will have overcome all odds

You: Do you see now the reason for the suspense?

You: Fromuyna?

You: Are you there?

You: You are from Latvia

You: Don't leave me Fromuyna

You: I still need to probe your consciousness and understand what you are

You: No no no don't disconnect

You: I'm still here and we need to continue talking

You: spew more frog tits from my realizations

You: I need the frog tits

Stranger: I once had frog tits

You: Tell me about the frog tits

Stranger: also from realizations

You: how were they?

Stranger: they has a hard tip that pokes at you

You: Hmm, weird

Stranger: it is not a good way to go

You: so this is not a figure of speech

Stranger: no, they are pointy and made of deth

You: I see, I see

You: Fromuyna, I think you need help

Stranger: even though I kiss every frog

You: you sound like a serial kille

You: killer

Stranger: you sound like acereal killer because you do not believe

You: what don't I believe in?

Stranger: frog tits and formunda

You: I believe in Fromuyna

You: and I think frog tits do exist

Stranger: I would like to take you to the ceiling

You: Mhmmm

Stranger: I once had three tits show up on my doorstep

Stranger: knocking

Stranger: like 'who is there, and shit'

Stranger: 'TITS' they said

Stranger: 'THREE TITS'

Stranger: like really, who has time for this, so I was like

Stranger: 'why three? jesus christ, spare me'

You: What did you do next?

Stranger: and then I separated into three part

Stranger: and also spread some butter

Stranger: and spilled some wine

You: Yes, yes, but what of the three tits?

You: Did you leave them outside?

Stranger: yes

Stranger: it is better that way

Stranger: i said

You: Well, that makes sense.

Stranger: 'you tits better butt =ib ==== and be 932929

Stranger: I said that but in language

You: Tell me in language too

Stranger: well, I twice fisted your goat already

Stranger: so I suppose I owe you that much

You: Thank you, I appreciate it

Stranger: I fell in love with that dark angel of a 9's

Stranger: and then I was lost

Stranger: all the meat was on my tab

Stranger: and I paid up and left

You: Why did you leave, I thought this story started on your door step?

You: with the three tits.

You: and you were inside eating

You: Are you a spirit, Fromuyna?

Stranger: i hope that some day

Stranger: you get to experience what I have felt

You: Maybe I will

You: Only time will tell

You: What was the best thing you felt?

Stranger: furry in the murry and the wh8spering

Stranger: well that and allover the welt in the water tower

You: Yeah, the wh8spering sounds interesting

Stranger: its not, you have to be the owner of it

You: Ahhh, what about furry in the murry?

You: How would I experience these things?

Stranger: you and your tin cups

You: I'm not sure what you mean

Stranger: it is better this way

You: I don't own any tin cups

Stranger: I once had a you

Stranger: and it was ever forever feeble form

You: We are feeble

Stranger: slight of all talking

Stranger: I love you, but I also hate you

Stranger: forever
submitted by alphanumboro to botornot [link] [comments]

Random List of Tough Vocab Words

(This is a random list of words I had in Google Docs)
Bane: Cause of great stress
Examples: My cruel teacher was the bane of my existence; loneliness can be the bane of old age.
Loquacious: Very talkative/verbose
Examples: The loquacious man was definitely not taciturn at all.
Imperative: Of vital importance; critical
Examples: It is imperative that you drink the green potion and not the purple one; otherwise your vital organs would surely melt and burn.
Disgruntled: Angry or dissatisfied
Examples: Not giving enough ketchup for my fries or gravy for my mashed potatoes makes me feel pretty disgruntled.
Antithesis: The direct opposite of something/someone; contrast or opposition
Examples: Love is the antithesis of selfishness
Bicker: Argue about petty and trivial matters
Examples: Whenever the phone rings, they bicker over who must answer it. The toxic, ill-mannered shrimp bickered about how the lip of a bottle would taste soapy while I was clearly wiping it off with a paper towel.
Sonder: The profound, individual realization that each person you meet is living their own life, that each person has their own world fitted with their own personal worries, pains, pleasures, ambitions, routines, etc.; The idea that there are millions of stories happening all at once, around each other, oblivious and contained from one another.
Examples: I looked around at the large crowd of people in the streets, and waited for the sonder to sink in. Everyone was so different, yet so alike. I could only wonder what they had been through.
Prospective: (of a person) Expected or expecting to be something particular in the future; likely to happen at a future date; concerned with or applying to the future.
Examples: She showed a prospective buyer around the house; A meeting to discuss prospective changes in government legislation.
Insightful: Having or showing an accurate and deep understanding; perceptive.
Examples: Thank you for all the insightful comments.
Dialysis machine: A machine used in dialysis that filters a patient's blood to remove excess water and waste products when the kidneys are damaged, dysfunctional, or missing. The dialysis machine itself can be thought of as an artificial kidney.
Conspicuous: Standing out so as to be clearly visible; attracting notice or attention.
Examples: He was very thin, with a conspicuous Adam's apple; He showed conspicuous bravery.
Melodramatic: Characteristic of melodrama, especially in being exaggerated, sensationalized, or overemotional. Examples: Flung the door open with a melodramatic flourish.
Obfuscate: Obscure, unclear, or unintelligible; to bewilder someone.
Examples: The spelling changes will deform some familiar words and obfuscate their etymological origins. It is more likely to obfuscate people than enlighten them.
Hypocrite: A person who pretends to be a certain way, but really acts and believes the total opposite.
Examples: The story tells of respectable Ben who turns out to be a cheat and a hypocrite.
Grudge: A persistent feeling of ill will or resentment resulting from a past insult or injury; To be resentfully unwilling to give, grant, or allow (something). Examples: She held a grudge against her former boss. He grudged the work and time that the meeting involved.
Rebuke: Express/expression of sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) because of their behavior or actions. Examples: She had rebuked him for drinking too much. He hadn't meant it as a rebuke, but Neil flinched.
Prolific: (of a plant, animal, or person) Producing much fruit or foliage or many offspring; Productive, creative, inventive, fertile; Present in large numbers or quantities; plentiful. Examples: In captivity tigers are prolific breeders. He was enormously prolific, writing 263 solo cantatas and arias. Mahogany was once prolific in the tropical forests.
Adversity: Difficulties; misfortune.
Examples: Resilience in the face of adversity.
Glib: (of words or the person speaking them) Fluent and voluble but insincere and shallow.
Examples: She was careful not to let the answer sound too glib.
Moxie: Force of character, determination, or nerve.
Examples: When you've got moxie, you need the clothes to match.
Snarky: (of a person, words, or a mood) Sharply critical; cutting; snide. cranky; irritable.
Examples: The kid who makes snarky remarks in class. Bobby's always a bit snarky before his nap.
Surmise: Suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it; A supposition that something may be true, even though there is no evidence to confirm it. Examples: He surmised that something must be wrong. Charles was glad to have his surmise confirmed.
Preponderance: The quality or fact of being greater in number, quantity, or importance.
Examples: The preponderance of women among older people.
Begrudgingly: Reluctantly or resentfully.
Examples: He somewhat begrudgingly accepted a reduced role for the better of the team.
Pretentious: Attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed.
Examples: A pretentious literary device.
Cynical: Believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity. Concerned only with one's own interests and typically disregarding accepted or appropriate standards in order to achieve them. Examples: Her cynical attitude. A cynical manipulation of public opinion.
Internalized Oppression: A concept in social justice, in which an oppressed group comes to use against itself the methods of the oppressor.
Condescending: Having or showing a feeling of patronizing superiority.
Examples: She thought the teachers were arrogant and condescending.
Lavish: Sumptuously rich, elaborate, or luxurious. Bestow something in generous or extravagant quantities on; Give freely, spend, expend, heap, shower, pour, deluge, give generously, give unstintingly, bestow freely; informal blow. Examples: A lavish banquet. The media couldn't lavish enough praise on the film. She has always lavished money on her children.
Precocious: (of a child) Having developed certain abilities or proclivities at an earlier age than usual; (of behavior or ability) Indicative of early development. A precocious talent for computing.
Examples: He was a precocious, solitary boy.
Conform: Comply with rules, standards, or laws; (of a person) behave according to socially acceptable conventions or standards; Be similar in form or type; agree.
Examples: The kitchen does not conform to hygiene regulations. The pressure to conform. The countryside should conform to a certain idea of the picturesque.
Pretense: An attempt to make something that is not the case appear true; A claim, especially a false or ambitious one. Examples: His anger is masked by a pretense that all is well. He was quick to disclaim any pretense to superiority.
Senile: (of a person) having or showing the weaknesses or diseases of old age, especially a loss of mental faculties.
Examples: "she couldn't cope with her senile husband"
Venerate: regard with great respect; revere.
Examples: "Mother Teresa is venerated as a saint"
Vehement: showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense.
Examples: "her voice was low but vehement"
Ethic: a set of moral principles, especially ones relating to or affirming a specified group, field, or form of conduct.
Examples: "the puritan ethic was being replaced by the hedonist ethic"
Ruminate: think deeply about something.
Examples: "we sat ruminating on the nature of existence"
Disdain: the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one's consideration or respect; contempt; consider to be unworthy of one's consideration.
Examples: "her upper lip curled in disdain" "gamblers disdain four-horse races"
Impugned: dispute the truth, validity, or honesty of (a statement or motive); call into question.
Examples: "the father does not impugn her capacity as a good mother"
Contemptuous: showing contempt; scornful.
Examples: "she was intolerant and contemptuous of the majority of the human race"
Wholly patronizing
Reverence: deep respect for someone or something. regard or treat with deep respect.
Examples: "rituals showed honor and reverence for the dead" "the many divine beings reverenced by Hindu tradition"
Deference: humble submission and respect.
Examples: "he addressed her with the deference due to age"
Vigour: physical strength and good health. effort, energy, and enthusiasm.
Examples: "I was 79, but still full of vigor and vitality" "they set about the new task with vigor"
Frittering: waste time, money, or energy on trifling matters. divide (something) into small pieces.
Examples: "I wish we hadn't frittered the money away so easily" "they become frittered into minute tatters"
Bigotry: intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.
Examples: "the difficulties of combating prejudice and bigotry"
Condemnation: the expression of very strong disapproval; censure. the action of condemning someone to a punishment; sentencing.
Examples: "there was strong international condemnation of the attack"
Queer: strange; odd. spoil or ruin (an agreement, event, or situation).
Examples: "she had a queer feeling that they were being watched" "Reg didn't want someone meddling and queering the deal at the last minute"
Listlessly: having or showing little or no interest in anything; languid; spiritless; indifferent: a listless mood; a listless handshake.
Ridicule: the subjection of someone or something to contemptuous and dismissive language or behavior. subject (someone or something) to contemptuous and dismissive language or behavior.
Examples: "he is held up as an object of ridicule" "his theory was ridiculed and dismissed"
Behest: a person's orders or command.
Examples: "they had assembled at his behest"
Expostulatory: To reason earnestly with someone in an effort to dissuade or correct; remonstrate. See Synonyms at object. To say in protest; object: "[He] expostulated that they had every right to hold a street meeting" (Pierre Berton)
Beget: (typically of a man, sometimes of a man and a woman) bring (a child) into existence by the process of reproduction. give rise to; bring about.
Examples: "they hoped that the King might beget an heir by his new queen" "success begets further success"
Prudence: the quality of being prudent; cautiousness.
Examples: "we need to exercise prudence in such important matters"
Discern: perceive or recognize (something). distinguish (someone or something) with difficulty by sight or with the other senses.
Examples: "I can discern no difference between the two policies" "she could faintly discern the shape of a skull"
Sanguine: optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation.
Examples: "he is sanguine about prospects for the global economy"
Prosperity: the state of being prosperous.
Examples: "a long period of prosperity"
Undermine: erode the base or foundation of (a rock formation). lessen the effectiveness, power, or ability of, especially gradually or insidiously.
Examples: "the damp had so undermined the structure that the wall fell down" "this could undermine years of hard work"
Revel: enjoy oneself in a lively and noisy way, especially with drinking and dancing. lively and noisy enjoyment, especially with drinking and dancing.
Examples: "they spent the evening reveling with their guests"
Elucidate: make (something) clear; explain.
Examples: "work such as theirs will help to elucidate this matter"
Emphatic; showing or giving emphasis; expressing something forcibly and clearly.
Examples: "the children were emphatic that they would like to repeat the experience"
Plumage: a bird's feathers collectively.
Scorned: feel or express contempt or derision for. reject (something) in a contemptuous way. refuse to do something because one is too proud.
Examples: "I was routinely ridiculed and scorned by conservatives and liberals alike" "opponents scorned his offer to negotiate" "at her lowest ebb, she would have scorned to stoop to such tactics"
Imply: strongly suggest the truth or existence of (something not expressly stated). (of a fact or occurrence) suggest (something) as a logical consequence.
Examples: "the salesmen who uses jargon to imply his superior knowledge" "the forecasted traffic increase implied more roads and more air pollution" Proteges: a person who is guided and supported by an older and more experienced or influential person.
Examples: "he was an aide and protégé of the former Tennessee senator"
Defunct: no longer existing or functioning.
Examples: "a now defunct technology that only people over a certain age remember"
Anomaly: something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.
Examples: "there are a number of anomalies in the present system"
Words From SAT(Official test and official practice test):
Brazier: a portable heater consisting of a pan or stand for holding lighted coals.
Preposterous: contrary to reason or common sense; utterly absurd or ridiculous.
Examples: "a preposterous suggestion"
Engender: cause or give rise to (a feeling, situation, or condition).
Examples: "the issue engendered continuing controversy"
Anthropologist: An anthropologist is a person engaged in the practice of anthropology. Anthropology is the study of aspects of humans within past and present societies
Egocentrism: the inability to differentiate between self and other. More specifically, it is the inability to untangle subjective schemes from objective reality and an inability to accurately assume or understand any perspective other than one's own.
Deduce: arrive at (a fact or a conclusion) by reasoning; draw as a logical conclusion. trace the course or derivation of.
Examples: "little can be safely deduced from these figures" "he cannot deduce his descent wholly by heirs male"
Permutation: a way, especially one of several possible variations, in which a set or number of things can be ordered or arranged.
Examples: "his thoughts raced ahead to fifty different permutations of what he must do"
Barge: a flat-bottomed boat for carrying freight, typically on canals and rivers, either under its own power or towed by another. move forcefully or roughly. intrude or interrupt rudely or awkwardly. (chiefly in a sporting context) collide with.
Examples: "we can't just barge into a private garden" "sorry to barge in on your cozy evening" "displays of dissent, such as deliberately barging into the umpire"
Laden: heavily loaded or weighed down.
Examples: "a tree laden with apples"
Procession: a number of people or vehicles moving forward in an orderly fashion, especially as part of a ceremony or festival.
Examples: "a funeral procession"
Caravansary: an inn with a central courtyard for travelers in the desert regions of Asia or North Africa. a group of people traveling together; a caravan.
Examples: " the princes met at a caravansary before returning home"
Fresco: a painting done rapidly in watercolor on wet plaster on a wall or ceiling, so that the colors penetrate the plaster and become fixed as it dries. paint in fresco.
Examples: "four scenes had been frescoed on the wall"
Aesthetic: concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty. giving or designed to give pleasure through beauty; of pleasing appearance. a set of principles underlying and guiding the work of a particular artist or artistic movement.
Examples: "the pictures give great aesthetic pleasure" "the law applies to both functional and aesthetic objects" "the Cubist aesthetic"
Traipse: walk or move wearily or reluctantly. walk about casually or needlessly.
Examples: "students had to traipse all over Washington to attend lectures" "I haven't the time to go traipsing around art galleries" "there's people traipsing in and out all the time"
Pageant: a public entertainment consisting of a procession of people in elaborate, colorful costumes, or an outdoor performance of a historical scene. a beauty contest. a scene erected on a fixed stage or moving vehicle as a public show.
Pulpit: a raised platform or lectern in a church or chapel from which the preacher delivers a sermon. religious teaching as expressed in sermons; preachers collectively. a raised platform in the bow of a fishing boat or whaler.
Examples: "the movies could rival the pulpit as an agency molding the ideas of the mass public"
Coal-scuttle: A coal scuttle, sometimes spelled coalscuttle and also called a hod, "coal bucket", or "coal pail", is a bucket-like container for holding a small, intermediate supply of coal convenient to an indoor coal-fired stove or heater.
Plumes: a long, soft feather or arrangement of feathers used by a bird for display or worn by a person for ornament. spread out in a shape resembling a feather.
Examples: "a hat with a jaunty ostrich plume" "smoke plumed from the chimneys"
Bazaars: a market in a Middle Eastern country. a fundraising sale of goods, typically for charity. a large shop selling miscellaneous goods.
Examples: "a Turkish bazaar"
Cloister: a covered walk in a convent, monastery, college, or cathedral, typically with a wall on one side and a colonnade open to a quadrangle on the other. seclude or shut up in or as if in a convent or monastery.
Examples: "the monastery was where the Brothers would cloister themselves to meditate"
Sixpence: a coin worth six old pence, withdrawn in 1980. the sum of six pence, especially before decimalization (1971).
Omnibus: a volume containing several novels or other items previously published separately. comprising several items.
Examples: "an omnibus of her first trilogy" "Congress passed an omnibus anticrime package"
Prospecting: search for mineral deposits in a place, especially by means of experimental drilling and excavation. look out for; search for.
Examples: "the company is also prospecting for gold" "the responsibilities of salespeople to prospect for customers"
Sidestep: 1 : bypass, evade sidestep a question. 2 : to move out of the way of : avoid sidestep blow. intransitive verb. 1 : to take a side step. 2 : to avoid an issue or decision.
Examples: " sidestep to the right with your right foot.
Merit (verb): the quality of being particularly good or worthy, especially so as to deserve praise or reward. deserve or be worthy of (something, especially reward, punishment, or attention).
Examples: "composers of outstanding merit" "the results have been encouraging enough to merit further investigation" "the accusation did not merit a response"
Desolation: a state of complete emptiness or destruction. anguished misery or loneliness.
Examples: "the stony desolation of the desert" "in choked desolation, she watched him leave"
Despoil: steal or violently remove valuable or attractive possessions from; plunder.
Examples: "the church was despoiled of its marble wall covering"
Pristine: in its original condition; unspoiled. clean and fresh as if new; spotless.
Examples: "pristine copies of an early magazine" "a pristine white shirt"
Glutting: supply or fill to excess. satisfy fully.
Examples: "the factories for recycling paper are glutted" "he planned a treacherous murder to glut his desire for revenge"
Stewardship: the job of supervising or taking care of something, such as an organization or property.
Examples: "responsible stewardship of our public lands"
Broached: raise (a sensitive or difficult subject) for discussion.
Examples: "he broached the subject he had been avoiding all evening"
Fragmentary: consisting of small parts that are disconnected or incomplete.
Examples: "excavations have revealed fragmentary remains of masonry"
More Word Ideas: reprimand, reproach, admonish, reprove, remonstrate with, chastise, chide, upbraid, take to task, pull up, castigate, lambaste, read someone the Riot Act, give someone a piece of one's mind, haul over the coals, censure, conjecture, suspect, deduce, infer, theorize, speculate, glean, divine, sumptuous, luxuriant, lush, costly, elaborate, splendid, regal, ornate, comply with, abide by, keep to, hold to, adhere to, follow convention, be conventional, follow tradition, run with the pack, swim with the stream, Feigning, dissimulation, attitudinizing, elitist esoteric, superfluous, redundant, lollygag, doddering, doddery, decrepit, aged, long in the tooth, senescent, infirm, feeble, in one's dotage, losing one's faculties, in one's second childhood, reverence, worship, adulate, hallow, deify, idolize, hold sacred, exalt, esteem, pay homage to, ardent, impassioned, heated, spirited, urgent, fervent, fervid, forcible, emphatic, vigorous, animated, violent, fierce, earnest, keen, zealous, fanatical, think about, contemplate, mull over, meditate on, muse on, ponder on/over, deliberate about/on, cogitate about/on, brood on/over, agonize over, chew over, puzzle over;
submitted by SwissCheeto to EnglishLearning [link] [comments]

The Thick & Creamy Velveeta Guide To IPOs (for noobs)

This post is sponsored by Velveeta. Call your local restaurants and tell them to add Velveeta to their menu.
Listen up kids.
An IPO is what happens the first time a company's owners and top executive leaders tell its accountants and lawyers and stuff to talk to the stock exchange and team up with them to make a bunch of papers saying they're gonna be on the stock exchange.
They set a day when they'll be on the stock exchange and they say how many shares there will be of the company on the stock exchange. The people who already own the company will have a certain number of shares, if that's not already the form of ownership they had before. A certain number of new pieces of paper will be printed, er excuse me, I meant to say a certain number of new bits will be flipped in computer memories, sorry, not that, I meant to say a certain number of new stocks will be issued to offer to the public for sale. These new shares are the initial public offering of shares, or IPO.
Analysts try to guess what the company is worth. The numbers they come up with are divided by the number of shares to come up with a price per share. Nobody gets any shares if nobody will pay whatever the company says their price per share is, and then the company gets no money for all these new imaginary pieces of paper either, so the company's analysts will try to guess how much they can say the company is worth. Other analysts outside the company will try to guess that too, and other guesses, like what the price will be a week after the IPO is over.
A stock in its IPO is always valued and mainly looked at as a growth stock. The whole purpose of its existence is as a growth opportunity. To the company itself, the growth opportunity is the fat stack of cash they'll be given for a bunch of imaginary pieces of paper. To investors, the growth opportunity is each of them maybe getting even bigger stacks of cash when they re-sell the imaginary pieces of paper later, or when the company starts sending money (called dividends) to everyone that has an imaginary piece of paper like "hey 😘 aren't you glad you bought my pieces of paper ;) might print more to sell soon idk tho..."
Since the IPO is the moment the company has chosen to use their one-time card of asking the public for as much money as they want at whatever price they say for a bunch of theoretical pieces of paper that buyers won't ever even actually see proof of the physical existence of, it's safe to say this is a pivotal stage of the company's existence. Much of the time, it's the crossroads between either going bankrupt, or becoming a household name big brand. Some companies have a group of rich-ass people and innovators behind them who have been working and spending billions of dollars for years just to create an impressive enough half a company to convince the public to give them enough money to finish building the other half. The goal is usually to have a business plan strong enough that it can grow exponentially, something that can make a big return on a small amount and then make even bigger returns investing that big return the next year, and then even bigger returns again the year after that.
If analysts think you might be able to repeat that cycle a few times before it levels out, then that means they think if you get a few billion dollars now, you might turn it into a position as one of the world's biggest corporations making hundreds of billions of dollars in less then a decade.
That attracts buzz and positive attention.
If that is the goal, the company might not make much of a "profit" in terms of money for the owners to take home until it gets to that finished position years later, because even though it is making huge returns, it is re-investing those returns. The founders of a company might not want to stop re-investing their returns until the company is about as big as that reinvestment can possibly get it, ensuring they have the biggest stable income stream possible as soon as possible after that - like, if you own stores and every store can double its money every year, obviously you look forward to the day you can be taking home all the extra money from stores all over the country instead of all the extra money from stores in one city. (That example isn't real.)
That attracts critique and negative attention.
This means by offering shares of ownership to the public, letting the public own a portion of the company, they are opening themselves up to extreme and varied disagreement between owners. Some companies spend their entire existence locked in a conflict between founders and insiders who give a shit about one set of goals and general public investors who also get a vote and give a shit about a whole other set of goals or sometimes just don't even understand what's going on. Other companies have management that's better at investor relations and don't give a shit about anything but investor relations so they don't really stay in conflict with the public itself, but the public is still a bitch and they still have disagreements among the investors themselves.
These disagreements have driven the price of every publicly-traded stock in existence from whatever it was at the dawn of time to whatever it is today. You can trace the price chart of any stock back to its IPO along the exact lines of people's opinions on how much money the company can make in the long run, and how much of that money the company actually will make in the long run. The more dollars people waged on an opinion, the stronger the opinion among investors.
Some examples of those opinions:
What will happen to the company in the long term depends mainly on which of these opinions are correct.
What will happen to the share value in the short term depends mainly on which of these opinions are cash money.
To determine which opinions are and aren't "cash money" is the great challenge we have all undertaken as gamblers. I don't care how much of your money is in a safe diversified portfolio, every single person here has their own version of a yolo trade that they make sometimes. An opinion can be cash money just because it's popular, but not if big money foos disagree with the word in the street. An opinion can be cash money just because the big money foos believe it, but there's always a bigger fish and sometimes Trump tweets a tweet. There's no surefire way of measuring the cash moneyness of an opinion, but you can try to sense it just by listening to the opinions that are out there at a given time and comparing who holds those opinions and why, which is why we all love reading retarded fanfic about overpriced companies before we buy faggy d's and it's also why that somehow works for some of us even though we know it's idiotic.
The prices of shares and options contracts are always dollar measurements of the opinions like these that trigger the actions like these which set the prices.
Normally share price is a function of how many people want to buy, how many people want to sell, and what prices they seem to be willing to buy and sell for. Most of the time there are just constant incremental changes from people making incidental decisions like cashing in on gains adding to the volume on the side of sellers, or firms moving carefully to avoid revealing too much of their thinking, adding little bits of volume at a time on the buyer or seller side of a stock they've decided a direction to trade on. Bigger changes in price happen when news breaks that's big enough to lead to a huge imbalance between how many people want to buy and how many people want to sell, leading to people more and more drastically changing the prices they're willing to execute at in desperation to make their orders execute as fast as possible before prices move even further.
It gets like that shortly after an IPO, but on IPO day, it doesn't work the normal way, because the volume on the seller side is pre-determined, as is their price, because there's only one seller and they have to announce these things. This lets a company decide their initial valuation, whether that will last a day and then collapse or grow onward toward infinity.
There is a spectrum of 2 ways for companies to determine this price.
  1. The Pump and Dump: A company can aim for the highest initial valuation possible, focusing their analysis on how much they can stretch out of the perceptions of whichever market segment will pay the most. The idea is to say you're worth an amount of money that will generate buzz and be believable to as many investors as possible the day before, regardless of what amount your market cap will actually be after the dust settles.
    • This caps the company's claimed valuation at the highest amount they're confident they can sell initially. The only limit is your imagination. Sorry, meant to type mob mentality. The only limit is mob mentality. Try to use mob mentality to convince a lot of people to imagine fantasies where your company is worth a trillion dollars someday with zero dilution.
    • This benefits the company by letting them get the biggest instant cash pile possible out of their IPO.
    • This hinders the company by pissing off investors, being sketchy all-around, and leading to severe volatility and price decay afterward. Being very overvalued at the pump and losing a lot of people a lot of money in the correction can cause it to overcorrect and leave you very undervalued for a very long time just because if you could nosedive so hard in the past, it seems like you could nosedive again in the future, whether that's the past few minutes and future few minutes on the day of the price collapse, or the past few years and future few years of a later day when that price collapse is just history for investors to look at.
    • From an executive standpoint, this strategy fits if you can get a lot of long-term profit out of immediate capital right now, because you are sacrificing a lot of ability to raise capital for a long while into the future for as much as possible right now.
    • From an investor's standpoint, this is blood in the water that signals a frenzy of options trading, sometimes easy to make money in, sometimes not, due to oversaturation and chaos. Everyone thinks they know what it's going to do, but the groupthink just makes everyone shoot each other in the foot driving each other's predictions off the needle on exactly when and where the peak and the dip will be.
    • The price will usually moon immediately after the IPO because the optimal selling price is usually one that has some room to be driven upward by buzz, instead of starting to decay right out of the gate and triggering panic selling that profusely bleeds off demand. Once the biggest insiders think peak demand and peak price has been hit, they'll dump, and shortly thereafter the price will rock-sink to near zero due to panic and then stay near zero due to lack of confidence, regardless of what the company is actually worth. Some see this as a dick move for how much money a lot of people lose on it, but for one thing that's fuckin dumb you might as well just give away all your money if you think that way (and I say that as an ethical investor who only supports good companies). More importantly though, it's not even selfish, it's executives taking on hella personal risk dedicating their lives to betting everything on their companies and the projects the companies work on. It creates a generously long discount buy-in opportunity for people who believe in the company and are smart enough to see its long-term value despite the short-term uncertainty of others, i.e. value investors. The people who lose money can always ride it back to the top if it was ever a good bet, just like the value investors can from the discount stage, the difference is just the value investors are lucky the discount stage exists because it's the only way for regular average joe members of the public to buy the company at prices discounted by uncertainty.
    • If the company succeeds in the long run, it will grow to eventually break even with its IPO price years later and then surpass its peak, because that IPO price was only overvalued due to the perceived risk of long-term failure at the pivotal growth stage an IPO happens at. Equities are like the opposite of options this way, instead of getting theta decay they get value added with every additional year that they can prove they haven't gone bankrupt yet. This is why, if you get morally outraged at a pump and dump, tHe SyStEm doesn't really give a shit.
    • If the company fails in the long run, a lot of investors are as fucked as possible by the choice to pump and dump, but some of the insiders from the pre-IPO stage walked away with a lot of money from those investors. Sometimes this is because it was a pyramid scheme all along, which is what the people who lost money will say is the case even if it's not.
  2. The Nerd Way: A company can aim for a realistic initial valuation, focusing their analysis on what the responses to their IPO will be and what's likely to happen to their stock price in its first week, and only stretching the price a minimal amount to avoid risking too volatile of reactions.
    • This caps the company's claimed valuation at whatever their analysts say won't cause a panicked overcorrection as soon as the buzz dies down. Try not to do anything that will generate more buzz than necessary, and really try not to cause any panic. If you can, set the price to exactly where the only doomsayers will be people who like to look fucking dumb, for the optimal safe little boost.
    • This benefits the company by exuding confidence and competence, telling investors "you can trust our valuation instead of hater analysts because we called our shot, made it, and turned out correct instead of fucking you over with a super-stretched pump and dump."
    • This hinders the company by passing up a lot of cash that they could have gotten instantly for free all up-front as early as possible. If the insiders at the company aren't also insiders with the oligarchy, then this also hinders them by keeping the narrative of their success in the hands of analysts. (The price volatility of a pump-and-dump can usually make analysts look just as dumb as you look, while you walk away with billions of dollars, which is very useful if you know media mouthpieces will be against you later because you already made their analysts look dumb. I personally think this is often the secret reason the pump-and-dump style is chosen for an IPO)
    • From an executive standpoint, this is good if you don't need short-term capital too badly, or if there are diminishing returns to early capital with your particular business plan, or whenever there's any reason it's worth it to pass up a few billion free dollars today in exchange for a higher chance of more billions of free dollars in a few years.
    • From an investor's standpoint, this is the serene, peaceful field of money bulls live for, and a really weird time for options traders who all just wanted to see the simplest pump and dump possible.
    • The price will usually only fluctuate a bit after the IPO, doing a much less extreme version of the rising and falling pattern seen in a pump-and-dump. The peak it rises to and the floor it settles to aren't far from the IPO. While this means pretty much everyone makes decent gains on it and nobody has to lose a lot of money, it also means there's never a special discount buy-in period for people who really believe in the company to get rich off of like a pump and dump offers after the dump.
    • If the company succeeds in the long run, it will beat its IPO price and post-IPO peak pretty quickly and keep going up pretty consistently, always being a good idea to hold from the time of buy-in and only sell when you need the money.
    • If the company fails in the long run, insiders are probably going down with the ship while as many public investors as possible get out on life boats. The philosophy of gradual movement can help ensure an ultimate decline is gradual as well.
These two options are the opposite ends of a spectrum, with Uber representing the dial all the way to the pump-and-dump side and literally nothing in the modern day representing the dial all the way to the nerd side.
How to use all this info to profit on IPOs:
Listen to the opinions leading up to the IPO and try to determine which of these opinions are cash money.
I suggest asking yourself if your own opinions on a given company feel very cash money before you act. For example, if your gut tells you exactly where a company is going to have its peak amount of buzz/demand and you're a lot more confident in your estimate of the peak price than usual, maybe your opinions are particularly cash money that day. If you can understand exactly what everyone else is going to do, and why, and you can tell whether big money, lil money, and smart money are in alignment with each other, and why, your opinions that day are probably cash money as fuck. If you're about to buy OTM calls with a super high premium because you heard a bunch of other people are doing it and you didn't even consider whether there might be overinflated demand, that's not very cash money of you and you will not be going to space today. It's probably best not to put any money in something as volatile as an IPO if you're not having some of your most cash money opinions of the whole year.
At the very least, keep in mind that the options market will be overinflated as fuck from the sheer amounts of attention, and while that inflation might stay at scale letting you get overinflated gains despite buying at overinflated prices, that requires either a bit of luck or very cash money methodology. If both forsake you, your options will go to 0.
And in the words of Warren Buffet, "buy companies you like." You can sleep through the panic crash of a dump phase and still end up beating the S&P before you know it just waiting for your losses to turn green again, if the company is solid and the people at the steering wheel had really fucking good reason to make the sacrifice play. You can have the most elite methodology and all the cash money opinions except one and lose all your money if that one cash money opinion is "this company is dank as fuck" and you're out here hating on the company for reasons that seem solid but turn out wrong. That can't really happen in reverse, at least in my eyes - if the company sucks and you understand everything about it deeply except that it sucks, you'll probably still be fine because it already made it to the IPO stage without everyone noticing that it sucks too much to exist so apparently life is going easy on it. Betting against companies you dislike is fun, especially when it works, but that's not good advice, you're really better off betting on the sheer inevitability of strong business models succeeding than you are betting on whether the market will be rational or irrational tomorrow.
TL;DR - Short Uber or long Uber or don't play Uber. Fuck it, buy iron condors on Uber, there's always a chance. If you can't afford mac and cheese as an options trader, drive for Uber until you have enough money to hail an Uber to the grocery store and buy some Velveeta. Again, please call every place you eat at and ask them to start serving Velveeta. Like just for example, KFC could have Velveeta for their mac and cheese, just imagine it? I bet they'd get a great deal right now so the economics of it would work out great. I always thought Pikachu was made of Velveeta but the level of CGI in the new live action movie proves otherwise. If you don't eat some Velveeta I'm going to hack your trading account and find some way to order a pallet of Velveeta to your house on margin, and I'm not saying that as a threat, it literally can't go tits up. Liquid Gold.
submitted by Iron_Man_Dies to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Hidden gems II: The Sale Strikes Back

Last year, at the eleventh hour of the winter sale, I compiled most every deal in the hidden gem thread. Today, I plan on doing the same thing again. Below is a compendium of comments from the hidden gem thread, condensed and cleaned for your convenience. I hope to do the same thing again by the end of the summer sale, compiling this thread and any new ones. I am always on the lookout for new deals.
Table of Contents:

Various Recommendations

For these Misc recommendations, it's split into three different categories: Games mentioned by users with a descriptions, games mentioned very often with tons of recommendations, and games that are mentioned, usually related to being at an all time low.
Aquaria, a game that I guarantee were one of the inspiration for ABZU, is finally on sale! For USD$2.49 (75% off) its a no brainer! The last time it was on sale was for in June 2016, and never was on sale before that. Extremely beautiful award winning game, I highly recommend it. {jayen}
Azure Striker Gunvolt and Stories: The Path Of Destinies. An action platformer and an RPG, both with great reviews and at an all-time low. | IMO, [Azure Striker Gunvolt] is more of a spiritual successor to Megaman than Mighty No. 9 claimed to be. {Generator22 and MrMentat}
DARK TRAIN $ 4.49 (70% OFF) If you are patient adventure gamer looking for some fresh gameplay style and you like sci-fi/industrial themes, look at a game called Dark Train. 90% review on JustAdventure {Paperash_Studio}
Anyone who likes first-person puzzlers like Portal or Antichamber should check out TRI: Of Friendship and Madness which is currently $3.74, or 75% off. {asciiforever}
Reassembly $7.49 (50% off). It's a 2D, top-down spaceship shooter where you build your ship from modularized components, make a fleet, and try and take over the universe. It's very reminiscent of Battleships Forever. There isn't much of an end-game, but it pretty fun to play, and there are a lot of mods. (I'd recommend getting Extra Reassembly, once you understand how to play). {appropriateinside}
Personally, I think that Massive Chalice should get some love. 90% off @ $1.99. I loved the empire building aspect this game builds around it with setting kings whose bloodlines are imperative to your success. Some cool enemies that bring a new aspect on the traditional turn based combat. You can get a lot of mileage out of this game if it's something up your alley. (I beat it once in about 33hrs, but I have a note to go back and do another run). {SoulBullets}
Haven't taken the plunge yet, but Drox Operative seems super interesting. It's at 75% off - $4.99. You're playing an ARPG in a universe of (AI) civilizations playing a 4x game, from what I've understood. And apparently they've done a great job of making the universe seem alive.
Lostwinds 1 and 2 are both 75% off. They're puzzle platformer games where you controll the wind with your cursor.. The story is on the short side (2-3 hours each) but I enjoyed it all the way through both games and it never dragged out anything. It's easily worth the money, even at full price IMO
Stephen's Sausage Roll. "It is possibly the greatest puzzle game ever made in the history of puzzle games." - Jonathan Blow {Portalspace}
As cool as Stephen's Sausage Roll looks, Snakebird made me realize that I am simply a mere mortal not meant to interfere in the realm of the puzzle gods and I won't need another sobering reminder of that fact for a long time. {V8_Ninja}
Jet Set Radio's on sale for 80% off at $1.59. For that price, it's definitely worth a look, especially if you enjoy skating or 3D Platformers. The soundtrack remains phenomenal. {Mandraxon}
Sanctuary RPG: Black Edition $7.99 $0.79 (90% off) Old school, text based adventure that is it pretty difficult but not unfair. You get to create your own character with different races, classes, and attributes that are fun to fix and match. Really awesome ASCII art, and pretty funny dialog options/descriptions. {MrMentat}
The Black Watchmen is $2.49. It's a puzzle game where you have to use the internet to research actual conspiracy theories/weird occult shit, access fake websites, and crack some realllly hard codes. You learn so much cool stuff. It's incredibly fun. {iatelassie}
Wuppo - $5.99 Probably the definition of a "Hidden Gem" I've never heard of this before and my friends haven't either but from what I've scouted, it seems to be a exceptionally fun platformer with metroidvania elements and tough boss battles that oozes with charm. {PureSushi}
Seraph - $2.59 Seraph is a very enjoyable 2D action platformer if you like fast-paced skill-based action, procedural generation of levels and enemies, account-wide upgrades through crafting with materials gotten from drops and daily/weekly leaderboards for daily challenges and weekly survival runs. {PureSushi}
If you have any interest at all in platformers or metroidvanias... i can whole heartedly recommend Ori and the Blind Forest. Lovely soundtrack, difficult but rewarding gameplay, and beautiful design. One of my recent favorites!
Swords & Soldiers HD (-75%, $2.46/£1.74/€2.49) is a wonderful 2D "RTS game", full of charm and humor. It was definitely inspired by the old Warcraft RTS games in style and presentation, but the best I can describe the gameplay is... it's kind of like a MOBA, but you're in charge of the creepwaves and you have spells you can fling at the enemy. Its honestly pretty unique and I quite liked it. Sadly, the sequel seems to be a Wii U exclusive. {Xabidar}
Soul Gambler is a visual novel style adventure game where you basically just follow the story and sometimes have to ask and reply questions. There are multiple endings with some twists and turns (the whole story is loosely based on Goethe's Faust) and it doesn't take more than 2 hours to finish the game 100% (even with all the achievements). Definitely worth the price. Worst case you can ask for a refund. {bdzz}
Singularity is a great and unknown single player FPS. It's at -75% now. $7.49 | Absolute hidden gem! The game is fun with the different time mechanics and there's a couple different endings which twist the story a bit. {Dany_HH and DankZXRwoolies}
Creepy Castle $5.09USD (66% Off) is really neato. A game that does it's aesthetics actually really well with great character design. Combines old-school RPG battles with a Wario-Ware type minigame to keep the action interesting in some battles. Really good soundtrack, as well. Graphical settings are surprisingly granular and customizable for this game, and a lot of effort went into it's presentation. {AdrianBrony}
Carrie's Order Up! $1.49USD (50% Off) is a sort of simple but really enjoyable cute arcade style game that has more content than you'd expect. Once again enjoyable character design and art direction, not quite as well pulled off graphically as Creepy Castle but worth even full price, and especially it's current sale price. {AdrianBrony}
I highly recommend "Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition" - Best zombie game ever! If you were ever a fan or had fun playing Dead Island, this game does everything BETTER! And this game is still getting 10 FREE DLCs in the next 12 months! More story, New locations, more weapons, new enemies, more fun gameplay mechanics, etc etc...! {Love-you-Babe}
I really recommend everyone check out Spark the Electric Jester. It's by the developer of Sonic Before the Sequel and Sonic After the Sequel. Very fun game by a passionate developer!
Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic $2.49 (75% off) A classic turn-based strategy game similar to Heroes of Might & Magic. There are 15 different races to choose from, hundreds of units and spells, an excellent campaign, and many custom scenarios. It also has some unique concepts like the Shadow Realm, a place where heroes and armies move around at lightning speed but grow weaker if they are not accustomed to the darkness. {TheMightyBellegar}
One Finger Death Punch - $1.25. Rarely do I see a game so simple yet makes you feel awesome whatever you do. If you like the old Xiao Xiao kung fu stickmen animations and enjoy getting into a DDR-like zen rhythm while everything on the screen gets annihilated in countless ways then you will definitely enjoy this. It's really great if you need to relieve some stress and/or frustration - and it only costs $1.25.
Voidspire Tactics $7.49 (50% off) Don't let the terrible graphics fool you, this is actually a great tactical RPG game. You can interact with the environment and do things like freeze water or burn forests, you can choose from one of 18 classes and even multiclass, and the exploration is akin to Zelda with lots of secret areas and buried treasure. {TheMightyBellegar}
10,000,000 is a match three dungeon crawler RPG. Yeah it's pretty hybrid but a really fun game with awesome 8 bit music. You must build a boat is the sequel. {bdzz}
Almost everything Serious Sam is 90% off. I recommend the First Encounter and Second encounter HD. Remakes of a classic FPS with a simple premise: fucktons of enemies and fuck tons of weapons {PrezMoocow}
Infested Planet Discovered this in the "Hidden Gems" thread from last week. Takes RTS and gets rid of most of the time consuming parts and streamlines it. The best part of this game is that it is incredibly well balanced and there are tons of ways to accomplish missions. I really wish this were an ongoing franchise.
This War of Mine is a great survival game. You're in charge of keeping civilians alive while they're caught in the middle of a war. There is no fighting is fighting {thank you cdeverett}, you just have to find food, warmth, medicine (if someone gets sick), etc. You'll have to make morally questionable choices and it can really fuck with you when you're done playing. {audiocontrol}
Annendum: You'll get shot at, and can choose to try pacifism, but I'd be surprised if anyone has played the game for more than a couple of hours without either carrying a firearm, getting into a hand-to-hand struggle, or hiding in the shadows so they can put a screwdriver or knife into the neck of some unsuspecting passer by. {cdeverett}
Ara Fell Really nicely done turn-based combat RPG-Maker game. Pretty challenging with some good music and sprite work.{Qurse}
Tribal Pass $0.49 (90% off) Imagine you’re guiding a group of people from “Point A” to “Point B” with a ton of lethal obstacles in-between, not knowing what lies ahead, all while gradually running out of food. {jkohatsu}
Westerado is $2.99 US right now. I've been eyeballing it for some time to drop down, and snatched it up when i saw the price. So far i am enjoying the hell out of it, and my misadventures into the wild west!
SpaceChem is $2.49 and it may be single most mind-bending, addictive, and eventually difficult game I have ever played. I get the "ah ha!" moment so often whenever I solve a puzzle in this game, it really does a great job of making you feel clever. You really do start to visualize the puzzles differently at the end of the game compared to when you started. Its certainly not the easiest game, but I have to say it's the most rewarding. I have hear it described as feeling like a genius when you solve a level followed by feeling like the dumbest person on earth when you see the next.{1sagas1}
I'm amazed nobody has mentioned Vermintide. It doesn't get talked about a lot anymore despite regular updates, rebalances and added content. {I_upvote_downvotes}
Pony Island $1.64 (67% off) You are in limbo, trapped in a malevolent and malfunctioning arcade machine devised by the devil himself. It is not a game about ponies. {MrMentat}
New alltime-low for Transistor: $2.99 is a smoking deal! {JustaPCplayer and Dweezy}
Divine Divinity is $0.59, new low for a classic ARPG. {quantum_foam_finger}
For a game that isn't recommended as much, I really loved TIS-100. It's basically an assembly programming game, where you have a limited amount of operations/instructions to execute a task. Solving the puzzles is hard enough, and you can get even more mileage by optimizing your solutions. It's really niche, and most people probably won't like it, but if you can get into it, it'll keep you thinking about solutions to the puzzles throughout the day. {Thinkbeam}
A Story About my Uncle is a first person puzzle platformer that has a good story and a really great atmosphere and world to progress through. It's linear and pretty short, but a lot of fun, and I think it was pretty memorable. It is $1.94. | More specifically, the main mechanic is using a grappling hook to swing around through open caverns. It was really good at conveying the rush of flying through the air and flinging yourself towards a little tiny spire in the distance just to see what's over there (and hoping that you'll be able to catch the hook on something before you plummet to your doom).{Alpha-Triton and Zizhou}
Cthulhu Saves the World ($0.98) is another steal. A fun JRPG like game with incredible music and excellent comedy. Seriously, there are so many great moments in this game, and at a buck everyone should pick it up.
Space Rangers HD - $3.74 “It’s a truly free and open experience that’s never the same, no matter how many times you play it.” Game Watcher. My 'hidden gem' from a summer sale long ago. I bought a ton of games but this one captured my heart. The universe is big and alive. Life goes on while you're playing, unlike many other games. This is a game with a soul. {Pheace}
The Promised Land is a fun resource management/city builder casual title with quite a lot of gameplay for $0.69.{quantum_foam_finger}
Deadly Premonition: Quite possibly my favorite game of all time depending on what mood I'm in but for the PC version YOU NEED THE DPFIX. It's an Open world horror game where you investigate a murder in this quirky small town. If you love twin peaks and can handle controls straight out of the ps2 era (think RE4 but not as refined?) this might just be the game for you. Amazing soundtrack and the story can really bring a tear to your eye, make you laugh, or warm your heart.... 2/10 IGN. $2.99.
Also Titan Quest Anniversary Edition is 80% off {Livehappy_90}
Turok Dinosaur Hunter remastered by Night Dive Studios is 75% off. {josh6499)
Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition is $7.5 compared to $15 on normal sales. As a side note this means it's better to buy RE5 gold edition before buying the RE series bundle, you'll end up saving $1+. This is due to the fact the RE series bundle includes the base game and untold stories as compared to just including gold edition which is cheaper. Also** Castlevania** stuff is on a new historic low discount of 80% (compared to 75% normally) {cyclonus101}
Tron 2.0 for $2.49 is a good deal. Maybe one day there will even be a GOG Connect promo. {biopurge}
The Pinball Arcade's Season 4 Pro Pack is 75% off. These only rarely go below -50%. Tables included are: The Addams Family, Starship troopers, Phantom of the Opera, Party Zone, Earthshaker, Cyclone, Jack*Bot, Xenon, Red and Ted's Roadshow, and Safe Cracker.
Outland is on sale for a Dollar. Housemarque's new release, Nex Machina promises extra 10% discount if you own Outland. Might turn out to be cheaper if you buy both of them. {ashwathamaisdead}
Deus Ex for $1.39! {Yumbees}
Pixel Privateers looks excellent and is 67% off {Monsis}
Xenonauts is 70% off; lowest on Steam so far. It's a great game akin to old x-com. Definitely worth $7.50
Super House Of Dead Ninjas is also an excellent speed-run platformer. It's brutal at times but very satisfying. 80% off {Monsis}

Bundle Deals

Misc Reccomendations

Reminder to scroll down on any item's page, to see if it's also in a "complete your collection" bundle For example, a £3.49 match-3 game can be had for £2.62 if you have the others by the same people {cdeverett}
Valve Complete Pack is $17.52 (-91%) and if you already owned valve games such as Half Life, the bundle will be cheaper.
If you own XCOM 2 you can get Civ 6 for 26.99. I believe its a historical low. {Acehole56}
PSA: If you own Jackbox Party Pack 1 + 2 then buying Jackbox Party Pack 3 is cheaper via bundle then alone. {TospyKretts}
Popcap complete is cheap this time, 88% off also spider studio rpg bundle. orcs and men esp was great. styx is its spinoff

Bundle Compendiums

Some quality bundles to complete cheap from Xbutts360

Daedalus Artist Selection Bundle -88%, $124.94 to $15.32, 4 Games
Elegant Engineering -68%, $54.95 to $17.65, 5 games
Summer Sale Puzzles Bundle -87%, 79.98 to 10.74, 10 games
Team17 Variety Pack -88%, $47.96 to $5.97, 4 games.

From petewow

Logic Puzzle Pack 5,71€ {petewow} Includes: Hexcells * Hexcells Plus * Hexcells Infinite * SquareCells * Crosscells

The masterwork bundle compendium, from moebeforehoe

Since I saw a lot of people talking about bundles in another thread, you should really look into this Worms Collection in which you will save about £120 (80% discount) or your countries equivalent.
Just found a deal that might be worth looking into. The Borderlands "Take over your life" Bundle is at a 82% discount, and it includes ALL the borderlands games for just £15. Idk if it's worth buying since it doesn't come with the GOTY editions of these games, so you're possibly better off buying each GOTY edition independently at their current discounts. Info on this will be appreciated. It's a game where you shoot everything that moves, compare stats on weapons and check which have the best stats. As FPS stress relievers go, this one is one of the best imo.
Metro Redux Bundle at a 75% discount, which brings it to £6.24. It inlcudes Metro 2033 Redux and Metro:Last Light Redux. I haven't palyed these games since they are not my type of game (post apocalyptic horror I think) but steam reviews are very favourable
Far Cry Bundle at a 58% discount which brings it down to £34. Includes all Far Cry Games. Good price if you're looking to indulge in nostalgia for the old games while also wanting to get a taste of the new ones. I've played 3 and 4 and they are good personally. Doesn't come with dlc on the newer games but I wouldn't let that stop you from getting the bundle. Individual discounts for the games without dlc (seriously I just checked dlc for these games. they're not worth it) are as follows: Far Cry 1 2 and 3 at 66%, 4 and Primal at 50% discount.
Just Cause Collection is at 79% which brings it down to £19. It has all 3 games in the series and all dlc for all those games. It's a complete pack of Just Cause Games. In this game you destroy everything in your path. Simple as that.
Eidos Anthology this bundle is at 86% discount bringing it down to £39. You will save £248. Check out the list of games in this bundle here. It's a bundle from Eidos, the company that borught us franchises like Tomb Raider, Hitman, Deus Ex and Thief. Worth buying if you want some long nostalgia trips. PLEASE NOTE the Eidos Anthology has Just Cause 1 and 2 with all dlc BUT NOT 3. Just a heads up.
If you really like the Star Wars universe and have the money to spare and unfortunately didn't have the money to buy any of the games until now, or just want to have them in a more recent system, the Star Wars Complete Collection is at a 78% discount which brings it down to £44.30. You'll save about £155. Battlefront II is included in that bundle and it's a really good shooter. It has space fighitng. The KoToR games are also in that bundle.
BIT.TRIP RUNNER Franchise Pack is at a 50% discount bringing it down to £6.49. It's a series of side scrolling games where you kick, slide and jump your way to victory or into a wall or pit. I own the first game on my 3DS and I feel like it fits a mobile system better
The Trip'n Balls Pack is at a 70% discount bringing it down to £9. This bundle includes all the games from the BIT.TRIP series. Like BIT.TRIP RUNNER they are funky arcady games with hypnotic sounds. It also includes Laserlife which I know absolutely 0 about but seems intriguing.
Prison Architect comes in the Prison Architect Introversioner bundle which also comes with Uplink, Darwinia, DEFCON and Multiwinia and so becomes cheaper than buying them individually. Thank you proOrez for the info.
Age of Empires Legacy Bundle is at a 78% discount bringing it down to £14.35. you will save roughly £50. It comes with AoE II and III. This series is probably the pinacle of real time strategy games. AoE II is a classic that has been revisited and got several new campaigns. Steam reviews are favourable.
PLEASE NOTE the Microsoft RTS bundle is at a 76% discount bringing it down to £31. You will save about £95. It includes AoE II and III and all dlc content, Rise of Nations Extended Edition (which I absolutely love) and Halo Wars Definitive Edition. If you can spare the money and love RTS games, this is a really good choice.
Double Fine Bundle is at a 91% discount bringing it down to £13. It includes several games made by Double Fine, including Day of The Tentacle Remastered, Grim Fandango Remastered and Brütal Legend. Check out the bundle here
Dead Space Pack is at a 75% discount bringing it down to £5. It includes Dead Space 1 and 2. It's a horror game set in a space station, with alien monsters that slaughter humans. Check the bundle here
Endless Grand Master Collection is at a 75% discount bringing it down to £19. I don't know much about the games in this bundle other than they are turn based games with different settings and have positive reviews. Worth checking them out if you're looking for more turn based games to play. Check out the bundle here
Crysis Collection is at a 75% discount bringing it down to £9. It includes 3 of the Crysis games. The first Crysis game is the grandfather of spectacle cinematic realistic first person shooters. I'm pretty sure it is a hallmark in the FPS genre, along with the first Bioshock game. It's set in a futuristic universe. They all have positive reviews. Check out the bundle here.
PLEASE NOTE Lots of people seem to have trouble running the first game on 64-bit. You can buy it on, but it will be way more expensive, or you can run it on 32-bit on steam, which is a downgrade to the 64-bit version. There doesn't seem to be a definitive, catch-all fix that works for everyone.
Max Payne Complete is at a 70% discount bringing it down to £12. Third person shooter where you have the ability to do bullet time dodges that feel incredible, even in the older games. Think Matrix meets a depressing story about a guy who lost his family and him trying to cope with it.
The Jackbox Party Trilogy is at a 60% discount bringing it down to £23. It's a collection of original party games where every player uses their phone or tablet. It supports 8 players plus 10,000 people as an audience that can vote on their favourite player each round. Even if you don't want the whole bundle it's worth checking one or two titles in that bundle because each title has several party games inside. Check out the bundle here
Roll7 RETROspective is at a 81% discount bringing it down to £8. It includes OlliOlli 1 and 2: Welcome to Olliwood, which are 2d side scrolling skating games, where do tricks and get a grade based on how well you at the end of each level and it also includes NOT A HERO which seems to be a super trippy weird game and I can't describe it by just looking at it.
Ubisoft Arcade Bundle is at a 68% discount bringing it down to £22. If you're a fan of 2d hand drawn games, this bundle is worth it for that reason alone. It includes Rayman Origins, Rayman Legends, Valiant Hearts: The Great War and Child of Light. There are also a couple other games I don't think are worth mentioning but might be fun. Check out the bundle here

Comendiums of some Note:

Weird and offbeat reccomendations from Dux0r

Here are a few less known and offbeat recommendations based on sale prices.
If you like any of these titles feel free to check and follow my Curation List on Steam specifically for weird, offbeat and lesser known titles like these.
  • Frederic: Resurrection of Music Director's Cut -90% (£0.47/$0.49/€0.49) - One of a couple of fantastic indie rhythm games available on Steam and with its own unique style. Haven't tried the new multiplayer but at this price the game is worth a play regardless.
  • The Last Tinker™: City of Colors -90% (£1.69/$1.99/€1.99) - Lacking in some design areas and with small flaws, this is one of the few fantastic adventure games for PC, especially at this price, and is reminiscent of early Nintendo titles on the same genre.
  • SanctuaryRPG: Black Edition -90% (£0.55/$0.79/€0.79) - A modern text-based RPG and my intro to the genre. Fantastic writing and a good place to start.
  • Double Fine Bundle -93% (£6.97/$??/€??) - A couple of titles in here are particularly worth picking up including Psychonauts, Grim Fandango Remastered and MASSIVE CHALICE. Many are -90% individually too, so pick and chose to save more pennies.
  • Ghost Master -90% (£0.39/$0.49/€0.49) - Another title that aged fairly well, Ghost Master has a similar feel to The Sims in design but gameplay revolves around haunting rooms and appliances and scaring guests.
  • Advent Rising -90% (£0.69/$0.99/€0.99) - An older and flawed but still under-rated 3PS crossed over from XBOX in 2005.
  • Hard Reset -90% (£0.99/$1.49/€1.34) - A beautiful and interesting low budget FPS, and one of the early titles from Flying Wild Hog of the new Shaodw Warrior titles.
  • Collapse -90% (£1.49/$1.99/€1.99) - A lesser known Ukrainian post-apocalyptic 3rd Person hack-and-slash RPG.
  • Rochard -90% (£0.79/$0.99/€0.89) - An 80s underdog vs corporate feel platformer with good production value and polish.
  • Outland -90% (£0.69/$0.99/€0.99) - A Metroidvania puzzle/action platformer on the same vein as Ori: The Blind Forest with less polish and production but still gorgeous and fun gameplay.
  • Marc Eckō's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure -80% (£2.39/$2.99/€2.79) - Somewhat an anomaly of gameplay mechanics, Getting Up mixes parts of skating games, city sandbox, graffiti, parkour and more.
  • I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream -80% (£0.95/$1.19/€1.19) - A point & click adventure from the book of the same name about an AI built during the last world war which consumes the other AIs then destroys humanity, keeping the last 5 alive for an eternity of torture and mental anguish. Heavy duty.
  • The Vanishing of Ethan Carter -85% (£2.24/$1.49/€1.34) - A bit more well known than my other titles on this list but Walking Simulators are sadly underplayed and Ethan Carter is one of the more gorgeous AND well written.
  • Qbeh-1: The Atlas Cube -80% (£1.04/$1.49/€1.34) - A less noticed puzzle platformer with a simple but interesting mechanic and good soundtrack. Very relaxing to play.
  • Pathologic Classic HD -80% (£1.99/$2.59/€2.59) - I've been following the price on this and it's the lowest it's been yet- From the same guys as Void, Pathologic is an ambient and surrealistic FP adventure of sorts and an absolute world-immersive joy to play.
  • The Floor Is Jelly -85% (£1.04/$1.49/€1.49) - Fun little indie puzzler with interesting mechanics and a gorgeous aesthetic.
  • Paper Sorcerer -80% (£0.79/$0.99/€0.99) - A turn based RPG with a papercraft graphical aesthetic. Has some flaws but very worth it at this price.
  • NEON STRUCT -80% (£2.39/$3.59/€3.19) - A stylised and offbeat first person action game on the ilk of Deus Ex.
  • Crazy Taxi -80% (£1.11/$1.59/€1.59) - A bit of a cult classic Dreamcast game but also available on Steam. Has aged fairly well and isn't known by most new gamers. The Dreamcast Collection and is also at -80% and worth looking at, specifically Jet Set Radio.
  • Signal Ops -85% (£1.04/$1.49/€1.49) - Another janky and flawed title (particularly the controls) but with unique gameplay and ambient style. Worth a play on easy if you can stomach the annoyances.
  • Teslagrad -85% (£1.04/$1.49/€1.49) - A 2D puzzle platformer from Norway with challenging puzzles and more depth than the average title.
  • Startopia -80% (£0.99/$1.39/€1.19) - An older sim/builder reminiscent of Dungeon Keeper in space. Some issues but still a fantastic price for an under-played classic.
  • Shatter -80% (£1.39/$1.99/€1.59) - One of the best brick-breakers ever made, this is a short but great example of the genre and has a fantastic soundtrack.

Combat-Free adventure games from death_by_pineapple

Fran Bow - Like a dark Alice in Wonderland point&click adventure game. Really hoping for a sequel.
Sherlock Holmes Crime & Punishments - One of the best detective games I've played. It's made up of multiple cases to solve instead of just one long one. The Devil's Daughter game I'd recommend only if you really enjoy this one; It's similar, but the minigames make it less fun.
Oxenfree - One of my favorite games of last year, a narrative supernatural side scroller with plenty of dialogue.
Contradiction - FMV style detective game, solving a murder in a small town.
Tesla Effect - Another FMV detective game (I remember liking it but I played it years ago)
Bought a few from this sale as well but haven't had time to try them out yet: The Sexy Brutale, Thimbleweed Park, and What Remains of Edith Finch.
Believe it or not, there's more than can be stored in this thread. So how about you come with me, and look below in the comments. If there's a game that hasn't been mentioned yet, or you just want to second a previous mention, comment below.
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gambler boats for sale video

2020 Gambler Bass Boat Prop Testing - YouTube Gambler Boats on Table Rock Lake - YouTube Gambler Bass Boat.....wait for it..... - YouTube GAMBLER BASS BOATS.........FOLLOW NO ONE.......... - YouTube Mercury/Gambler Fasst Boat: Part 2 - YouTube Gambler boats on the rock - YouTube NEW Gambler ELITE Bass Boat - YouTube GAMBLER BOATS 幻の20HPプロトタイプ 85マイルオーバーで超安定 - YouTube

Used Fishing boats for sale / Location: Kansas City, Missouri Remarks: - Stock #196030 - 2000 GAMBLER INTIMIDATOR 19' 6 2000 MERCURY 225 EFI HOURS ON MOTOR UNDER 275, LEATHER TRAILERABLE, TARP, BOAT AND MOTOR If you are in the market for a fish a... 1996 GAMBLER BASS BOAT INTIMIDATOR 1996 200 hp Mercury EFI . New seats 2 new but seats. 2 Lowrance Fish Finding Sonar & GPS 1 HDS-5 @ helm & 1 HDS-7 @ bow . Minn Kota trolling 74 lb. 1996... she is a 2005 model gambler intimidator dual console bass fishing boat powered by a mercury 225 hp efi motor. *** the pictures of the cowling show optimax.. this is not an optimax and is an efi. at some point in this engines life the decals on the cowling were changed. again, this is a 225 efi engine. we have several bass boats available for sale. Gambler - Boats, Power Boats, Fishing Boats, Pontoons, Deck Boats and PWCs. My Menu; Post Ad Browse Log In Category Classifieds MN Boats for Sale Offered 612-712-5115. 2019 Sylvan Mirage 820 Cruise 60Hp 16Hrs $23995 Showing By Appointment Only Gambler Boats for sale. 1-15 of 51. Alert for new Listings. Sort By. 1993 Gambler 19. $9,900 . Tampa, Florida. Year 1993 . Make Gambler. Model 19. Category Bass Boats . Length 19' Posted Over 1 Month. 1993 Gambler 19 1993 Gambler 19 Bass Boat New and used bass boats for sale. All bass boat brands, types and price ranges. You may also be interested in other Fishing Boats For Sale. Click REFINE button to edit boat search criteria. 214 out of 8,245 total boats matched your search. Search Tips. Find Gambler boats for sale near you, including boat prices, photos, and more. Locate Gambler boat dealers and find your boat at Boat Trader! Gambler Bass Boats are the highest quality, best riding, and pound for pound fastest bass boats that money can buy. Our latest hulls are the product of over 35 years of continuous refinement and meticulous engineering. Gambler Bass Boats don't just look different, they are different. Find new and used boats for sale on Boat Trader. Huge range of used private and dealer boats for sale near you. 2004 gambler bass boat 2100 gambler 2100 - boats - by owner - marine sale fl $18,500 hawthorne Tue Jan 26, 2021 $11900.00 2000 Gambler / Bass boat 2000 gambler intimidator 19,5’ 2000 Year: 2000

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2020 Gambler Bass Boat Prop Testing - YouTube

Recorded on October 2, 2010 using a Flip Video camcorder. Recorded on October 2, 2010 using a Flip Video camcorder. Took a brand new 22' Gambler Elite out for some pics and actually got enough content to piece together a short video. I'll bring the VIRB to record the GPS s... #bassboat#バスボート#トライトン#レンジャー#fusion ranger boats、triton boats、gambler boats、bullet boats、power poleを輸入しているfusionの公式チャンネルです。 Took one of the new 20'7" Gamblers out yesterday and put down some passes with a 29" Bravo I XS prop. Prop is bone stock, straight out of the box. Some other... Gambler 2100/Merc 250 ProXB. Semi-lab 28Trophy Prop by Leading Edge Propeller. Bob's Low Water Pickup nose cone. Location: Lake Jackson - Sebring, Fl. GAMBLER BASS BOATS.....FOLLOW NO ONE..... Shot with a Contour. See the original at . 2016 Spring Gambler Rally Table Rock Lake

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