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First of all, there is no shame in being the victim of one of these sophisticated and predatory operations. If you come forward and make the required attempts, you may be able to recover some or all of your lost funds and also help protect others from being scammed by the bad people. Contact Fiduciadignacorp by sending an email to - [email protected] to get the required assistance in recovering lost funds of $50,000 and above.
Fiduciadignacorp has extensive experience in helping clients to recoup and recover funds lost to bitcoin, crypto, binary options, forex and investment scams. Our team have built up knowledge and experience in the workings of these schemes and the methods they use to target investors. We also understand how professional misconduct can cause you to lose money. Are you looking for a the best results to any of the search queries below;
Three People Shared How Fiduciadignacorp Helped People Recover Lost Funds
John shares his experience: “I made a mistake and invested with a crypto trading platform that is not regulated and not licensed. It was too late by the time I realized, the broker – MDX500 broker from Switzerland and the name of my account manager was Max Tillman. Max Tillman took 4.5 bitcoins from my wallet/account that I created here in Toronto Canada trough coin-smart account sold/ withdrew my bitcoins and took all of my money, and now they stopped responding and refused to get my money back. I got scammed for over $160,000, and even reported the case to RCMP Canadian police all to no avail. The experience got me depressed, but I didn’t give up. I kept looking for solutions, and I was lucky to have eventually found [email protected]
Jack: “I have deposited over $110,000 onto this trading platform – The platform ended up being fraud along with the broker. When the time came for me to withdraw my profit. The broker had me to open a blockchain account and the profit would be deposited. The blockchain account has addresses that can not be accessed. The account is locked. Now the broker is not responding. I have all of the transactions and correspondence between the broker and myself. Please help me recover the funds”
Antonia shares her experience: “I was scammed by videoforex. They stole my funds by manipulating price/spiking me out of the money/ using slippage/ and requesting me as well as giving me unwanted bonuses. I want to know if there is anyway I might be able to recover my funds. The offshore broke would hold my money hostage and manipulate price all which led to me loosing around 93k.”
Step to Recover Funds Lost to Bitcoin, Crypto, Binary Options, Forex Scam
Step 1: Keep track of your credit report Once you have put a fraud alert on your credit report, you are entitled to an additional free credit report for the year in which you filed it. Order these reports a month after the fraud alert to make sure everything looks like you expect it to, including your personal information, accounts, judgments, collections, and inquiries.
Step 2: Consider filing an extended fraud alert If after the 90-day period of the initial fraud alert you still feel compromised, consider filing for an extended fraud alert. This will last for seven years. Contact each credit-reporting agency individually. You may be asked to submit a copy of your Identity Theft Report.
Step 3: Think about filing a civil suit in court While the money from financial theft is often never recovered, it may be worthwhile to sue the company or individual that is responsible for your loss, if known. Contact [email protected] to help you with the funds recovery process.
Step 4: Don’t blame yourself Cons, scams, and fraud schemes happen to millions of Americans every year—you are not alone. Try not to blame yourself for being the victim. Share your story with others and be a role model for other survivors.
Step 5: Know that resources are available to help There are resources available to victims of cons, scams, or fraud schemes. Contact Fiduciadignacorp via [email protected] to get the required assistance in recovering lost funds of $50,000 and above.
This article was originally published on Inscribermag, and here is the link to the original article.
submitted by johnyeejus12 to u/johnyeejus12 [link] [comments]

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FP Markets Review- Everything you need

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What Is Capitalism?

Capitalism is an economic system in which private individuals or businesses own capital goods. The production of goods and services is based on supply and demand in the general market—known as a market economy—rather than through central planning—known as a planned economy or command economy.
The purest form of capitalism is free market or laissez-faire capitalism. Here, private individuals are unrestrained. They may determine where to invest, what to produce or sell, and at which prices to exchange goods and services. The laissez-faire marketplace operates without checks or controls.
Today, most countries practice a mixed capitalist system that includes some degree of government regulation of business and ownership of select industries.
Volume 75% 2:05


Understanding Capitalism

Functionally speaking, capitalism is one process by which the problems of economic production and resource distribution might be resolved. Instead of planning economic decisions through centralized political methods, as with socialism or feudalism, economic planning under capitalism occurs via decentralized and voluntary decisions.


  • Capitalism is an economic system characterized by private ownership of the means of production, especially in the industrial sector.
  • Capitalism depends on the enforcement of private property rights, which provide incentives for investment in and productive use of productive capital.
  • Capitalism developed historically out of previous systems of feudalism and mercantilism in Europe, and dramatically expanded industrialization and the large-scale availability of mass-market consumer goods.
  • Pure capitalism can be contrasted with pure socialism (where all means of production are collective or state-owned) and mixed economies (which lie on a continuum between pure capitalism and pure socialism).
  • The real-world practice of capitalism typically involves some degree of so-called “crony capitalism” due to demands from business for favorable government intervention and governments’ incentive to intervene in the economy.

Capitalism and Private Property

Private property rights are fundamental to capitalism. Most modern concepts of private property stem from John Locke's theory of homesteading, in which human beings claim ownership through mixing their labor with unclaimed resources. Once owned, the only legitimate means of transferring property are through voluntary exchange, gifts, inheritance, or re-homesteading of abandoned property.
Private property promotes efficiency by giving the owner of resources an incentive to maximize the value of their property. So, the more valuable the resource is, the more trading power it provides the owner. In a capitalist system, the person who owns the property is entitled to any value associated with that property.
For individuals or businesses to deploy their capital goods confidently, a system must exist that protects their legal right to own or transfer private property. A capitalist society will rely on the use of contracts, fair dealing, and tort law to facilitate and enforce these private property rights.
When a property is not privately owned but shared by the public, a problem known as the tragedy of the commons can emerge. With a common pool resource, which all people can use, and none can limit access to, all individuals have an incentive to extract as much use value as they can and no incentive to conserve or reinvest in the resource. Privatizing the resource is one possible solution to this problem, along with various voluntary or involuntary collective action approaches.

Capitalism, Profits, and Losses

Profits are closely associated with the concept of private property. By definition, an individual only enters into a voluntary exchange of private property when they believe the exchange benefits them in some psychic or material way. In such trades, each party gains extra subjective value, or profit, from the transaction.
Voluntary trade is the mechanism that drives activity in a capitalist system. The owners of resources compete with one another over consumers, who in turn, compete with other consumers over goods and services. All of this activity is built into the price system, which balances supply and demand to coordinate the distribution of resources.
A capitalist earns the highest profit by using capital goods most efficiently while producing the highest-value good or service. In this system, information about what is highest-valued is transmitted through those prices at which another individual voluntarily purchases the capitalist's good or service. Profits are an indication that less valuable inputs have been transformed into more valuable outputs. By contrast, the capitalist suffers losses when capital resources are not used efficiently and instead create less valuable outputs.

Free Enterprise or Capitalism?

Capitalism and free enterprise are often seen as synonymous. In truth, they are closely related yet distinct terms with overlapping features. It is possible to have a capitalist economy without complete free enterprise, and possible to have a free market without capitalism.
Any economy is capitalist as long as private individuals control the factors of production. However, a capitalist system can still be regulated by government laws, and the profits of capitalist endeavors can still be taxed heavily.
"Free enterprise" can roughly be understood to mean economic exchanges free of coercive government influence. Although unlikely, it is possible to conceive of a system where individuals choose to hold all property rights in common. Private property rights still exist in a free enterprise system, although the private property may be voluntarily treated as communal without a government mandate.
Many Native American tribes existed with elements of these arrangements, and within a broader capitalist economic family, clubs, co-ops, and joint-stock business firms like partnerships or corporations are all examples of common property institutions.
If accumulation, ownership, and profiting from capital is the central principle of capitalism, then freedom from state coercion is the central principle of free enterprise.

Feudalism the Root of Capitalism

Capitalism grew out of European feudalism. Up until the 12th century, less than 5% of the population of Europe lived in towns. Skilled workers lived in the city but received their keep from feudal lords rather than a real wage, and most workers were serfs for landed nobles. However, by the late Middle Ages rising urbanism, with cities as centers of industry and trade, become more and more economically important.
The advent of true wages offered by the trades encouraged more people to move into towns where they could get money rather than subsistence in exchange for labor. Families’ extra sons and daughters who needed to be put to work, could find new sources of income in the trade towns. Child labor was as much a part of the town's economic development as serfdom was part of the rural life.

Mercantilism Replaces Feudalism

Mercantilism gradually replaced the feudal economic system in Western Europe and became the primary economic system of commerce during the 16th to 18th centuries. Mercantilism started as trade between towns, but it was not necessarily competitive trade. Initially, each town had vastly different products and services that were slowly homogenized by demand over time.
After the homogenization of goods, trade was carried out in broader and broader circles: town to town, county to county, province to province, and, finally, nation to nation. When too many nations were offering similar goods for trade, the trade took on a competitive edge that was sharpened by strong feelings of nationalism in a continent that was constantly embroiled in wars.
Colonialism flourished alongside mercantilism, but the nations seeding the world with settlements were not trying to increase trade. Most colonies were set up with an economic system that smacked of feudalism, with their raw goods going back to the motherland and, in the case of the British colonies in North America, being forced to repurchase the finished product with a pseudo-currency that prevented them from trading with other nations.
It was Adam Smith who noticed that mercantilism was not a force of development and change, but a regressive system that was creating trade imbalances between nations and keeping them from advancing. His ideas for a free market opened the world to capitalism.

Growth of Industrial Capitalism

Smith's ideas were well-timed, as the Industrial Revolution was starting to cause tremors that would soon shake the Western world. The (often literal) gold mine of colonialism had brought new wealth and new demand for the products of domestic industries, which drove the expansion and mechanization of production. As technology leaped ahead and factories no longer had to be built near waterways or windmills to function, industrialists began building in the cities where there were now thousands of people to supply ready labor.
Industrial tycoons were the first people to amass their wealth in their lifetimes, often outstripping both the landed nobles and many of the money lending/banking families. For the first time in history, common people could have hopes of becoming wealthy. The new money crowd built more factories that required more labor, while also producing more goods for people to purchase.
During this period, the term "capitalism"—originating from the Latin word "capitalis," which means "head of cattle"—was first used by French socialist Louis Blanc in 1850, to signify a system of exclusive ownership of industrial means of production by private individuals rather than shared ownership.
Contrary to popular belief, Karl Marx did not coin the word "capitalism," although he certainly contributed to the rise of its use.

Industrial Capitalism's Effects

Industrial capitalism tended to benefit more levels of society rather than just the aristocratic class. Wages increased, helped greatly by the formation of unions. The standard of living also increased with the glut of affordable products being mass-produced. This growth led to the formation of a middle class and began to lift more and more people from the lower classes to swell its ranks.
The economic freedoms of capitalism matured alongside democratic political freedoms, liberal individualism, and the theory of natural rights. This unified maturity is not to say, however, that all capitalist systems are politically free or encourage individual liberty. Economist Milton Friedman, an advocate of capitalism and individual liberty, wrote in Capitalism and Freedom (1962) that "capitalism is a necessary condition for political freedom. It is not a sufficient condition."
A dramatic expansion of the financial sector accompanied the rise of industrial capitalism. Banks had previously served as warehouses for valuables, clearinghouses for long-distance trade, or lenders to nobles and governments. Now they came to serve the needs of everyday commerce and the intermediation of credit for large, long-term investment projects. By the 20th century, as stock exchanges became increasingly public and investment vehicles opened up to more individuals, some economists identified a variation on the system: financial capitalism.

Capitalism and Economic Growth

By creating incentives for entrepreneurs to reallocate away resources from unprofitable channels and into areas where consumers value them more highly, capitalism has proven a highly effective vehicle for economic growth.
Before the rise of capitalism in the 18th and 19th centuries, rapid economic growth occurred primarily through conquest and extraction of resources from conquered peoples. In general, this was a localized, zero-sum process. Research suggests average global per-capita income was unchanged between the rise of agricultural societies through approximately 1750 when the roots of the first Industrial Revolution took hold.
In subsequent centuries, capitalist production processes have greatly enhanced productive capacity. More and better goods became cheaply accessible to wide populations, raising standards of living in previously unthinkable ways. As a result, most political theorists and nearly all economists argue that capitalism is the most efficient and productive system of exchange.

Capitalism vs. Socialism

In terms of political economy, capitalism is often pitted against socialism. The fundamental difference between capitalism and socialism is the ownership and control of the means of production. In a capitalist economy, property and businesses are owned and controlled by individuals. In a socialist economy, the state owns and manages the vital means of production. However, other differences also exist in the form of equity, efficiency, and employment.


The capitalist economy is unconcerned about equitable arrangements. The argument is that inequality is the driving force that encourages innovation, which then pushes economic development. The primary concern of the socialist model is the redistribution of wealth and resources from the rich to the poor, out of fairness, and to ensure equality in opportunity and equality of outcome. Equality is valued above high achievement, and the collective good is viewed above the opportunity for individuals to advance.


The capitalist argument is that the profit incentive drives corporations to develop innovative new products that are desired by the consumer and have demand in the marketplace. It is argued that the state ownership of the means of production leads to inefficiency because, without the motivation to earn more money, management, workers, and developers are less likely to put forth the extra effort to push new ideas or products.


In a capitalist economy, the state does not directly employ the workforce. This lack of government-run employment can lead to unemployment during economic recessions and depressions. In a socialist economy, the state is the primary employer. During times of economic hardship, the socialist state can order hiring, so there is full employment. Also, there tends to be a stronger "safety net" in socialist systems for workers who are injured or permanently disabled. Those who can no longer work have fewer options available to help them in capitalist societies.

Mixed System vs. Pure Capitalism

When the government owns some but not all of the means of production, but government interests may legally circumvent, replace, limit, or otherwise regulate private economic interests, that is said to be a mixed economy or mixed economic system. A mixed economy respects property rights, but places limits on them.
Property owners are restricted with regards to how they exchange with one another. These restrictions come in many forms, such as minimum wage laws, tariffs, quotas, windfall taxes, license restrictions, prohibited products or contracts, direct public expropriation, anti-trust legislation, legal tender laws, subsidies, and eminent domain. Governments in mixed economies also fully or partly own and operate certain industries, especially those considered public goods, often enforcing legally binding monopolies in those industries to prohibit competition by private entities.
In contrast, pure capitalism, also known as laissez-faire capitalism or anarcho-capitalism, (such as professed by Murray N. Rothbard) all industries are left up to private ownership and operation, including public goods, and no central government authority provides regulation or supervision of economic activity in general.
The standard spectrum of economic systems places laissez-faire capitalism at one extreme and a complete planned economy—such as communism—at the other. Everything in the middle could be said to be a mixed economy. The mixed economy has elements of both central planning and unplanned private business.
By this definition, nearly every country in the world has a mixed economy, but contemporary mixed economies range in their levels of government intervention. The U.S. and the U.K. have a relatively pure type of capitalism with a minimum of federal regulation in financial and labor markets—sometimes known as Anglo-Saxon capitalism—while Canada and the Nordic countries have created a balance between socialism and capitalism.
Many European nations practice welfare capitalism, a system that is concerned with the social welfare of the worker, and includes such policies as state pensions, universal healthcare, collective bargaining, and industrial safety codes.

Crony Capitalism

Crony capitalism refers to a capitalist society that is based on the close relationships between business people and the state. Instead of success being determined by a free market and the rule of law, the success of a business is dependent on the favoritism that is shown to it by the government in the form of tax breaks, government grants, and other incentives.
In practice, this is the dominant form of capitalism worldwide due to the powerful incentives both faced by governments to extract resources by taxing, regulating, and fostering rent-seeking activity, and those faced by capitalist businesses to increase profits by obtaining subsidies, limiting competition, and erecting barriers to entry. In effect, these forces represent a kind of supply and demand for government intervention in the economy, which arises from the economic system itself.
Crony capitalism is widely blamed for a range of social and economic woes. Both socialists and capitalists blame each other for the rise of crony capitalism. Socialists believe that crony capitalism is the inevitable result of pure capitalism. On the other hand, capitalists believe that crony capitalism arises from the need of socialist governments to control the economy.

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The offshore broker 10CFDS is situated in Belize. It provides many trading instruments, consist of more than forty FX pairs and binary CFDs. The leverage is up to 1:200 and is provided on a web-based trading terminal. However, it's regulatory and license status is not at all promising. If any of you are willing to trade with it, make sure to read this 10CFDS review first.

About 10CFDS:

The broker 10CFDS provides all sorts of trading instruments. It involves forty-six FX pairs viz SD/HKD, USD/MXN, USD/CZK, USD/RUB, USD/SEK, USD/NOK, USD/SGD, USD/PLN, USD/ZAR, USD/TRY, and USD/DKK. It also provides CFDs on natural resources, the farm produces, twenty-four indexes, shares, and cryptocurrencies.
The leverage offered by this broker is 1:200. Many Markets Authority has decided to allow the maximum leverage of 1:30. The broker's offerings miss on the regulator’s directives. The payment can be made by cards, wire transfer, PaySafeCard, Neteller, Skrill, and Western Union. Unfortunately, the broker does not accept payment via bitcoins. To start trading with 10CFDS traders are required to deposit $250 only. This requirement is acceptable but several regulated brokers in the market accept very low initial deposits.
The SPEED SOLUTIONS Ltd is the owner of the 10CFDS trademark and is registered in Belize. The firm claims to be regulated by the local International Financial Services Commission. The client's payments are processed by the Estonian firm named SPEED PAYMENTS OU.
The IFSC does not require strict prerequisites to offer regulation. It also loosely oversees such brokers. Hence there is no guarantee for the safety of funds. All reputed regulators have banned controversial trading bonuses but the broker under consideration offers several bonuses. These bonuses are merged with uncontrolled trading practices such as the requirement of the specified trading volume. If these conditions are not fulfilled, the broker can cancel your trading account, locking invested funds.
Furthermore, the withdrawal process at 10CFDS may take up to 21 working days to be processed. This time frame is lengthy. Also, the withdrawal is charged with a 3.5% service fee, $ 1.5 is charged as a profit clearance fee, and an additional $ 20 is applicable as a monthly maintenance fee. A regulated broker does not have such practices. The provided spread of 3 pips can be seen on EURUSD FX pair while checking the web-based trading platform. This spread is high and attractive but it raises the cost of trading. For higher profit, tighter spreads are anticipated. The broker claims to offer to trade on the MT platform but in reality, it offers some web-based platform.

Is 10CFDS scam or legit?

The above discussion indicates several flaws of this broker. The regulation of this broker does not cover investment refunds. The broker is also offshore. We are convinced that the broker is hazardous to the trader's fund and can be a forex scam broker. Staying away from this broker is advised.
submitted by fraudbrokers to u/fraudbrokers [link] [comments]


Bitcoin Table of contents expand: 1. What is Bitcoin? 2. Understanding Bitcoin 3. How Bitcoin Works 4. What's a Bitcoin Worth? 5. How Bitcoin Began 6. Who Invented Bitcoin? 7. Before Satoshi 8. Why Is Satoshi Anonymous? 9. The Suspects 10. Can Satoshi's Identity Be Proven? 11. Receiving Bitcoins As Payment 12. Working For Bitcoins 13. Bitcoin From Interest Payments 14. Bitcoins From Gambling 15. Investing in Bitcoins 16. Risks of Bitcoin Investing 17. Bitcoin Regulatory Risk 18. Security Risk of Bitcoins 19. Insurance Risk 20. Risk of Bitcoin Fraud 21. Market Risk 22. Bitcoin's Tax Risk What is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is a digital currency created in January 2009. It follows the ideas set out in a white paper by the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto, whose true identity is yet to be verified. Bitcoin offers the promise of lower transaction fees than traditional online payment mechanisms and is operated by a decentralized authority, unlike government-issued currencies.
There are no physical bitcoins, only balances kept on a public ledger in the cloud, that – along with all Bitcoin transactions – is verified by a massive amount of computing power. Bitcoins are not issued or backed by any banks or governments, nor are individual bitcoins valuable as a commodity. Despite it not being legal tender, Bitcoin charts high on popularity, and has triggered the launch of other virtual currencies collectively referred to as Altcoins.
Understanding Bitcoin Bitcoin is a type of cryptocurrency: Balances are kept using public and private "keys," which are long strings of numbers and letters linked through the mathematical encryption algorithm that was used to create them. The public key (comparable to a bank account number) serves as the address which is published to the world and to which others may send bitcoins. The private key (comparable to an ATM PIN) is meant to be a guarded secret and only used to authorize Bitcoin transmissions. Style notes: According to the official Bitcoin Foundation, the word "Bitcoin" is capitalized in the context of referring to the entity or concept, whereas "bitcoin" is written in the lower case when referring to a quantity of the currency (e.g. "I traded 20 bitcoin") or the units themselves. The plural form can be either "bitcoin" or "bitcoins."
How Bitcoin Works Bitcoin is one of the first digital currencies to use peer-to-peer technology to facilitate instant payments. The independent individuals and companies who own the governing computing power and participate in the Bitcoin network, also known as "miners," are motivated by rewards (the release of new bitcoin) and transaction fees paid in bitcoin. These miners can be thought of as the decentralized authority enforcing the credibility of the Bitcoin network. New bitcoin is being released to the miners at a fixed, but periodically declining rate, such that the total supply of bitcoins approaches 21 million. One bitcoin is divisible to eight decimal places (100 millionths of one bitcoin), and this smallest unit is referred to as a Satoshi. If necessary, and if the participating miners accept the change, Bitcoin could eventually be made divisible to even more decimal places. Bitcoin mining is the process through which bitcoins are released to come into circulation. Basically, it involves solving a computationally difficult puzzle to discover a new block, which is added to the blockchain and receiving a reward in the form of a few bitcoins. The block reward was 50 new bitcoins in 2009; it decreases every four years. As more and more bitcoins are created, the difficulty of the mining process – that is, the amount of computing power involved – increases. The mining difficulty began at 1.0 with Bitcoin's debut back in 2009; at the end of the year, it was only 1.18. As of February 2019, the mining difficulty is over 6.06 billion. Once, an ordinary desktop computer sufficed for the mining process; now, to combat the difficulty level, miners must use faster hardware like Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC), more advanced processing units like Graphic Processing Units (GPUs), etc.
What's a Bitcoin Worth? In 2017 alone, the price of Bitcoin rose from a little under $1,000 at the beginning of the year to close to $19,000, ending the year more than 1,400% higher. Bitcoin's price is also quite dependent on the size of its mining network since the larger the network is, the more difficult – and thus more costly – it is to produce new bitcoins. As a result, the price of bitcoin has to increase as its cost of production also rises. The Bitcoin mining network's aggregate power has more than tripled over the past twelve months.
How Bitcoin Began
Aug. 18, 2008: The domain name is registered. Today, at least, this domain is "WhoisGuard Protected," meaning the identity of the person who registered it is not public information.
Oct. 31, 2008: Someone using the name Satoshi Nakamoto makes an announcement on The Cryptography Mailing list at "I've been working on a new electronic cash system that's fully peer-to-peer, with no trusted third party. The paper is available at" This link leads to the now-famous white paper published on entitled "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System." This paper would become the Magna Carta for how Bitcoin operates today.
Jan. 3, 2009: The first Bitcoin block is mined, Block 0. This is also known as the "genesis block" and contains the text: "The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks," perhaps as proof that the block was mined on or after that date, and perhaps also as relevant political commentary.
Jan. 8, 2009: The first version of the Bitcoin software is announced on The Cryptography Mailing list.
Jan. 9, 2009: Block 1 is mined, and Bitcoin mining commences in earnest.
Who Invented Bitcoin?
No one knows. Not conclusively, at any rate. Satoshi Nakamoto is the name associated with the person or group of people who released the original Bitcoin white paper in 2008 and worked on the original Bitcoin software that was released in 2009. The Bitcoin protocol requires users to enter a birthday upon signup, and we know that an individual named Satoshi Nakamoto registered and put down April 5 as a birth date. And that's about it.
Before Satoshi
Though it is tempting to believe the media's spin that Satoshi Nakamoto is a solitary, quixotic genius who created Bitcoin out of thin air, such innovations do not happen in a vacuum. All major scientific discoveries, no matter how original-seeming, were built on previously existing research. There are precursors to Bitcoin: Adam Back’s Hashcash, invented in 1997, and subsequently Wei Dai’s b-money, Nick Szabo’s bit gold and Hal Finney’s Reusable Proof of Work. The Bitcoin white paper itself cites Hashcash and b-money, as well as various other works spanning several research fields.
Why Is Satoshi Anonymous?
There are two primary motivations for keeping Bitcoin's inventor keeping his or her or their identity secret. One is privacy. As Bitcoin has gained in popularity – becoming something of a worldwide phenomenon – Satoshi Nakamoto would likely garner a lot of attention from the media and from governments.
The other reason is safety. Looking at 2009 alone, 32,489 blocks were mined; at the then-reward rate of 50 BTC per block, the total payout in 2009 was 1,624,500 BTC, which at today’s prices is over $900 million. One may conclude that only Satoshi and perhaps a few other people were mining through 2009 and that they possess a majority of that $900 million worth of BTC. Someone in possession of that much BTC could become a target of criminals, especially since bitcoins are less like stocks and more like cash, where the private keys needed to authorize spending could be printed out and literally kept under a mattress. While it's likely the inventor of Bitcoin would take precautions to make any extortion-induced transfers traceable, remaining anonymous is a good way for Satoshi to limit exposure.
The Suspects
Numerous people have been suggested as possible Satoshi Nakamoto by major media outlets. Oct. 10, 2011, The New Yorker published an article speculating that Nakamoto might be Irish cryptography student Michael Clear or economic sociologist Vili Lehdonvirta. A day later, Fast Company suggested that Nakamoto could be a group of three people – Neal King, Vladimir Oksman and Charles Bry – who together appear on a patent related to secure communications that were filed two months before was registered. A Vice article published in May 2013 added more suspects to the list, including Gavin Andresen, the Bitcoin project’s lead developer; Jed McCaleb, co-founder of now-defunct Bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox; and famed Japanese mathematician Shinichi Mochizuki.
In December 2013, Techcrunch published an interview with researcher Skye Grey who claimed textual analysis of published writings shows a link between Satoshi and bit-gold creator Nick Szabo. And perhaps most famously, in March 2014, Newsweek ran a cover article claiming that Satoshi is actually an individual named Satoshi Nakamoto – a 64-year-old Japanese-American engineer living in California. The list of suspects is long, and all the individuals deny being Satoshi.
Can Satoshi's Identity Be Proven?
It would seem even early collaborators on the project don’t have verifiable proof of Satoshi’s identity. To reveal conclusively who Satoshi Nakamoto is, a definitive link would need to be made between his/her activity with Bitcoin and his/her identity. That could come in the form of linking the party behind the domain registration of, email and forum accounts used by Satoshi Nakamoto, or ownership of some portion of the earliest mined bitcoins. Even though the bitcoins Satoshi likely possesses are traceable on the blockchain, it seems he/she has yet to cash them out in a way that reveals his/her identity. If Satoshi were to move his/her bitcoins to an exchange today, this might attract attention, but it seems unlikely that a well-funded and successful exchange would betray a customer's privacy.
Receiving Bitcoins As Payment
Bitcoins can be accepted as a means of payment for products sold or services provided. If you have a brick and mortar store, just display a sign saying “Bitcoin Accepted Here” and many of your customers may well take you up on it; the transactions can be handled with the requisite hardware terminal or wallet address through QR codes and touch screen apps. An online business can easily accept bitcoins by just adding this payment option to the others it offers, like credit cards, PayPal, etc. Online payments will require a Bitcoin merchant tool (an external processor like Coinbase or BitPay).
Working For Bitcoins
Those who are self-employed can get paid for a job in bitcoins. There are several websites/job boards which are dedicated to the digital currency:
Work For Bitcoin brings together work seekers and prospective employers through its websiteCoinality features jobs – freelance, part-time and full-time – that offer payment in bitcoins, as well as Dogecoin and LitecoinJobs4Bitcoins, part of reddit.comBitGigs
Bitcoin From Interest Payments
Another interesting way (literally) to earn bitcoins is by lending them out and being repaid in the currency. Lending can take three forms – direct lending to someone you know; through a website which facilitates peer-to-peer transactions, pairing borrowers and lenders; or depositing bitcoins in a virtual bank that offers a certain interest rate for Bitcoin accounts. Some such sites are Bitbond, BitLendingClub, and BTCjam. Obviously, you should do due diligence on any third-party site.
Bitcoins From Gambling
It’s possible to play at casinos that cater to Bitcoin aficionados, with options like online lotteries, jackpots, spread betting, and other games. Of course, the pros and cons and risks that apply to any sort of gambling and betting endeavors are in force here too.
Investing in Bitcoins
There are many Bitcoin supporters who believe that digital currency is the future. Those who endorse it are of the view that it facilitates a much faster, no-fee payment system for transactions across the globe. Although it is not itself any backed by any government or central bank, bitcoin can be exchanged for traditional currencies; in fact, its exchange rate against the dollar attracts potential investors and traders interested in currency plays. Indeed, one of the primary reasons for the growth of digital currencies like Bitcoin is that they can act as an alternative to national fiat money and traditional commodities like gold.
In March 2014, the IRS stated that all virtual currencies, including bitcoins, would be taxed as property rather than currency. Gains or losses from bitcoins held as capital will be realized as capital gains or losses, while bitcoins held as inventory will incur ordinary gains or losses.
Like any other asset, the principle of buying low and selling high applies to bitcoins. The most popular way of amassing the currency is through buying on a Bitcoin exchange, but there are many other ways to earn and own bitcoins. Here are a few options which Bitcoin enthusiasts can explore.
Risks of Bitcoin Investing
Though Bitcoin was not designed as a normal equity investment (no shares have been issued), some speculative investors were drawn to the digital money after it appreciated rapidly in May 2011 and again in November 2013. Thus, many people purchase bitcoin for its investment value rather than as a medium of exchange.
However, their lack of guaranteed value and digital nature means the purchase and use of bitcoins carries several inherent risks. Many investor alerts have been issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), and other agencies.
The concept of a virtual currency is still novel and, compared to traditional investments, Bitcoin doesn't have much of a long-term track record or history of credibility to back it. With their increasing use, bitcoins are becoming less experimental every day, of course; still, after eight years, they (like all digital currencies) remain in a development phase, still evolving. "It is pretty much the highest-risk, highest-return investment that you can possibly make,” says Barry Silbert, CEO of Digital Currency Group, which builds and invests in Bitcoin and blockchain companies.
Bitcoin Regulatory Risk
Investing money into Bitcoin in any of its many guises is not for the risk-averse. Bitcoins are a rival to government currency and may be used for black market transactions, money laundering, illegal activities or tax evasion. As a result, governments may seek to regulate, restrict or ban the use and sale of bitcoins, and some already have. Others are coming up with various rules. For example, in 2015, the New York State Department of Financial Services finalized regulations that would require companies dealing with the buy, sell, transfer or storage of bitcoins to record the identity of customers, have a compliance officer and maintain capital reserves. The transactions worth $10,000 or more will have to be recorded and reported.
Although more agencies will follow suit, issuing rules and guidelines, the lack of uniform regulations about bitcoins (and other virtual currency) raises questions over their longevity, liquidity, and universality.
Security Risk of Bitcoins
Bitcoin exchanges are entirely digital and, as with any virtual system, are at risk from hackers, malware and operational glitches. If a thief gains access to a Bitcoin owner's computer hard drive and steals his private encryption key, he could transfer the stolen Bitcoins to another account. (Users can prevent this only if bitcoins are stored on a computer which is not connected to the internet, or else by choosing to use a paper wallet – printing out the Bitcoin private keys and addresses, and not keeping them on a computer at all.) Hackers can also target Bitcoin exchanges, gaining access to thousands of accounts and digital wallets where bitcoins are stored. One especially notorious hacking incident took place in 2014, when Mt. Gox, a Bitcoin exchange in Japan, was forced to close down after millions of dollars worth of bitcoins were stolen.
This is particularly problematic once you remember that all Bitcoin transactions are permanent and irreversible. It's like dealing with cash: Any transaction carried out with bitcoins can only be reversed if the person who has received them refunds them. There is no third party or a payment processor, as in the case of a debit or credit card – hence, no source of protection or appeal if there is a problem.
Insurance Risk
Some investments are insured through the Securities Investor Protection Corporation. Normal bank accounts are insured through the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) up to a certain amount depending on the jurisdiction. Bitcoin exchanges and Bitcoin accounts are not insured by any type of federal or government program.
Risk of Bitcoin Fraud
While Bitcoin uses private key encryption to verify owners and register transactions, fraudsters and scammers may attempt to sell false bitcoins. For instance, in July 2013, the SEC brought legal action against an operator of a Bitcoin-related Ponzi scheme.
Market Risk
Like with any investment, Bitcoin values can fluctuate. Indeed, the value of the currency has seen wild swings in price over its short existence. Subject to high volume buying and selling on exchanges, it has a high sensitivity to “news." According to the CFPB, the price of bitcoins fell by 61% in a single day in 2013, while the one-day price drop in 2014 has been as big as 80%.
If fewer people begin to accept Bitcoin as a currency, these digital units may lose value and could become worthless. There is already plenty of competition, and though Bitcoin has a huge lead over the other 100-odd digital currencies that have sprung up, thanks to its brand recognition and venture capital money, a technological break-through in the form of a better virtual coin is always a threat.
Bitcoin's Tax Risk
As bitcoin is ineligible to be included in any tax-advantaged retirement accounts, there are no good, legal options to shield investments from taxation.
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Related Terms
The satoshi is the smallest unit of the bitcoin cryptocurrency. It is named after Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of the protocol used in block chains and the bitcoin cryptocurrency.
Chartalism Chartalism is a non-mainstream theory of money that emphasizes the impact of government policies and activities on the value of money.
Satoshi Nakamoto The name used by the unknown creator of the protocol used in the bitcoin cryptocurrency. Satoshi Nakamoto is closely-associated with blockchain technology.
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By Satoshi Nakamoto
Read it once, go read other crypto stuff, read it again… keep doing this until the whole document makes sense. It’ll take a while, but you’ll get there. This is the original whitepaper introducing and explaining Bitcoin, and there’s really nothing better out there to understand on the subject.
“What is needed is an electronic payment system based on cryptographic proof instead of trust, allowing any two willing parties to transact directly with each other without the need for a trusted third party

submitted by adrian_morrison to BlockchainNews [link] [comments]

[Forex Broker Exposure] GPAK Has Been Investigated by the Police

As the financial market with the most frequent transactions, the Forex market is favored by global investors due to its high efficiency, liquidity and flexibility. However, many illegal brokers also lurk around on this lucrative market, attracting investors with appealing yet misleading advertisement such as “starting trading with only US$5” and “speedy deposit and withdrawal”, or promising investors so-called “bonus” for successfully inviting others to open account at the platform. But behind the attractive “high profits” claimed by brokers, there are often great risks or even traps.

As one of the victims suffering such broker scams, Mr. Wang reported GPAK to WikiFX and shared his experience of being defrauded to warn other investors against the illegal Forex broker.

Complainant: Mr. Wang
Forex broker: GPAK
Broker website:
Time of opening account: February, 2019
Time of withdrawal: June 20th, 2019
Withdrawal status: in process
Customer service: no response
Website status: inaccessible

Event Recap
I opened an account on GPAK in February, 2019 under the recommendation of a friend and made 2 deposits through Alipay. From February to June, I managed to make some profits which added up with the initial deposit to US$3,503.62.
I once contacted the customer service in April to withdraw, but was advised to wait, as he claimed my request won't be processed during the May Day holiday. On June 20th, I was informed that my application had been approved. But strangely enough, my trading account showed the application remained in process and I still didnt receive the money a week later. When I tried to log in my GPAK account, I found the website was no longer accessible and the customer service didn't reply any more.

Case Study
First persuade investors to deposit through “acquaintance's recommendation” , and then postpone their withdrawal applications to prepare for escaping, which is an old trick of illegal brokers.
In Mr. Wang's case, GPAK first got Mr. Wang to deposit through the marketing strategy of “acquaintance's recommendation” and further lured him into making more investments with attractive profits. When Mr. Wang tried to withdraw, the customer service began to pull up all kinds of excuses such as withdrawal can't be processed during the holiday in order to postpone withdrawal and perhaps win themselves more time for running away.

Case Summary
As more Forex scams have been exposed, the illegal brokers also become more sophisticated in their tricks. We conclude the following tips based on Mr. Wang's case:
  1. Investors should always check a broker's qualification and stay prudent about the recommendations of others, even from your friends.
  2. Think twice when you seem to be profiting and want to double down your deposit, as no investment comes without risks.
  3. Asset safety should always be your priority. Only deposits made through UnionPay or in escrow are under the regulation of the People's Bank of China, and there's still a chance of getting the money back even if you' re defrauded. However, if the deposit is made through Alipay, WeChat Pay or personal transfer, investors risk suffering great loss.

According to the information on WikiFX App, the licenses from FCA(UK) and NFA(US) which GPAK claims to hold are suspected to be cloned, while its AR license from FCA(UK) has been revoked. Currently without valid regulatory status, the broker is rated at only 1.93 on the WikiFX App and bears significant risks, please stay away from it.
submitted by jumpjumpskate to investing [link] [comments]

Global Restrictions Curbing the Unregulated FX & Binary Options

Global Restrictions Curbing the Unregulated FX & Binary Options

The year 2018 has brought serious restrictions for all Binary Options & Unregulated FX Brokers. The growing strict policies ensure the safety of the masses of clients which are promised astronomical returns on their investments by some unethical Binary & FX services provider.
These restrictions have come from some big giants such as Visa, MasterCard, Skrill, Google & Facebook. Let's have a look on how each affects the business of the aforementioned financial services providers.
MasterCard :
The industry giant and one of the biggest payment providers sent out emails to all payment processors informing them about the new changes made by the firm. MasterCard has singled out all binary options, CFDs, Forex, CryptoCurrency & ICOs and flagged them as "High Risk Businesses". Meaning that all business having operations in jurisdictions without licenses will be re categorized into a new risk category for which the clients will be able to execute the charge backs for up to 540 days. This came into effect from 12th October 2018 ensuring that all brokers now play by the rules and do their business in the allowed jurisdictions only.
Following the footsteps of MasterCard the payment provider has also decided to curb the unregulated FX,Options, Crypto & ICO business. Visa same like MasterCard will now be considering such businesses as Gambling Providers for the geos they are operating in without license. Acquirers will need to review the clients offering of said products and will immediately terminate all business activities in prohibited markets.This exempts Regulated Brokers however they must apply for being granted these privileges as carrying high risk firms which will still change many things for their business. The new VISA rules will come into effect from 1st December 2018.
Skrill :
Skrill which is one of the brands of the PaySafe Group and one of the widely used money transfer service in the FX sphere globally will now also be asking FX & CFD brokers to provide official copies of their license covering their operations legally. This rule comes into affect from 30th November after which customers from EU countries will not be able to transfer money to such firms. These brokers will however be given 2 weeks in which the company can use Skrill to return the funds of their clients. This move is expected to be followed by other payment companies in EU like Neteller, Webmoney, Fasapay, SoFort & Klarna.
Since July 2018 the giant Search Engine has placed restrictions over the advertising of Binary Options, Crypto, ICOs,Spread Betting and synonymous products. Brokers offering such services will now need to acquire a certification from google so they can advertise through Google Adverts one of the biggest advertisement platforms of the world.
In order to be able to get the certificate the broker must :
1) Be licensed by the relevant financial services authority in the countries they are targeting.
2)Ensure that their ads comply with googles polices such as the provision of legitimate contact info for a physical address of the business being promoted.
3) Comply with relevant legal requirements, including those related to complex speculative financial products.
At the start 2018, The Product Director at Facebook, Rob Leathern mentioned in a blog post that "Misleading or Deceptive Ads have no place on facebook". Many companies which were promoting ponzi schemes, crypto offerings and ICOs will now have difficulty in getting their adverts approved. The new rules state that the ''Ads must not promote financial products and services that are frequently associated with misleading or deceptive promotional practices such as binary options, initial coin offering or Crypto currency''.
Conclusion :
All these industry giants coupled together with the new ESMA ensure that small to medium sized investors are safe from losing their money to such firms. The safety mechanism of these big firms complements the new ESMA perfectly however one effect that can be seen from all this is the brokers and the retail investors looking for flexible legal alternative to counter the low leverages and no bonuses and as such only time will be able to tell if these new measures will be successful in limiting the deposits in offshore entities .
To keep up to date with the latest trends in Crypto, Forex & Stock Market updates visit Stratton Forex.
Subscribe to our blog for keep up to date with the latest market trends and opportunities.
submitted by StrattonForex to u/StrattonForex [link] [comments]

Global Restrictions Curbing the Unregulated FX & Binary Options

Global Restrictions Curbing the Unregulated FX & Binary Options

The year 2018 has brought serious restrictions for all Binary Options & Unregulated FX Brokers. The growing strict policies ensure the safety of the masses of clients which are promised astronomical returns on their investments by some unethical Binary & FX services provider.
These restrictions have come from some big giants such as Visa, MasterCard, Skrill, Google & Facebook. Let's have a look on how each affects the business of the aforementioned financial services providers.
MasterCard :
The industry giant and one of the biggest payment providers sent out emails to all payment processors informing them about the new changes made by the firm. MasterCard has singled out all binary options, CFDs, Forex, CryptoCurrency & ICOs and flagged them as "High Risk Businesses". Meaning that all business having operations in jurisdictions without licenses will be re categorized into a new risk category for which the clients will be able to execute the charge backs for up to 540 days. This came into effect from 12th October 2018 ensuring that all brokers now play by the rules and do their business in the allowed jurisdictions only.
Following the footsteps of MasterCard the payment provider has also decided to curb the unregulated FX,Options, Crypto & ICO business. Visa same like MasterCard will now be considering such businesses as Gambling Providers for the geos they are operating in without license. Acquirers will need to review the clients offering of said products and will immediately terminate all business activities in prohibited markets.This exempts Regulated Brokers however they must apply for being granted these privileges as carrying high risk firms which will still change many things for their business. The new VISA rules will come into effect from 1st December 2018.
Skrill :
Skrill which is one of the brands of the PaySafe Group and one of the widely used money transfer service in the FX sphere globally will now also be asking FX & CFD brokers to provide official copies of their license covering their operations legally. This rule comes into affect from 30th November after which customers from EU countries will not be able to transfer money to such firms. These brokers will however be given 2 weeks in which the company can use Skrill to return the funds of their clients. This move is expected to be followed by other payment companies in EU like Neteller, Webmoney, Fasapay, SoFort & Klarna.
Since July 2018 the giant Search Engine has placed restrictions over the advertising of Binary Options, Crypto, ICOs,Spread Betting and synonymous products. Brokers offering such services will now need to acquire a certification from google so they can advertise through Google Adverts one of the biggest advertisement platforms of the world.
In order to be able to get the certificate the broker must :
1) Be licensed by the relevant financial services authority in the countries they are targeting.
2)Ensure that their ads comply with googles polices such as the provision of legitimate contact info for a physical address of the business being promoted.
3) Comply with relevant legal requirements, including those related to complex speculative financial products.
At the start 2018, The Product Director at Facebook, Rob Leathern mentioned in a blog post that "Misleading or Deceptive Ads have no place on facebook". Many companies which were promoting ponzi schemes, crypto offerings and ICOs will now have difficulty in getting their adverts approved. The new rules state that the ''Ads must not promote financial products and services that are frequently associated with misleading or deceptive promotional practices such as binary options, initial coin offering or Crypto currency''.
Conclusion :
All these industry giants coupled together with the new ESMA ensure that small to medium sized investors are safe from losing their money to such firms. The safety mechanism of these big firms complements the new ESMA perfectly however one effect that can be seen from all this is the brokers and the retail investors looking for flexible legal alternative to counter the low leverages and no bonuses and as such only time will be able to tell if these new measures will be successful in limiting the deposits in offshore entities .
To keep up to date with the latest trends in Crypto, Forex & Stock Market updates visit Stratton Forex.
Subscribe to our blog for keep up to date with the latest market trends and opportunities.
submitted by StrattonForex to u/StrattonForex [link] [comments]

Infinite Binary Profits | Infinite Stupidity? | Which Comes 1st? | Sept.2015 Review

To be completely honest with you, I had every good intention to review this eye catching product. However, in identifying the hallmarks of a scammed promotional product, webpage and associated promoter (Mike) Infinite Binary Profits manages to ticks all the boxes. I'm thinking that Mike from Infinite Binary Profits is really relying heavily on the concept that good news, bad news, makes the news (or is it noise). Having reviewed this product there really is nothing fresh or unique about the way this promotion is launched.

Quick View Details:

Industry:........... Binary Options Website Link:..... Product:............ Automated trading system Promotor:.......... Mike Release Date:.... September 2015
Not a whole lot of fundamental analysis was required to debunk this one, five minutes into this investigative review, the prognosis is a no brainier. For that reason, I have awarded this product with a 5 star scam alert rating. Very commendable. If you have already checked out Infinite Binary Profits yourself, and/or you are still teetering on that fence, trying to determine, is this a scam or totally awesome? Splinters are inevitable.
To help you guys out both for both now and into the future, below I have generated a list, some blatantly obvious tell tail signs that scam promoters use to peddle their products across the internet.
For educational purposes, if you haven't already, click on the Infinite Binary Profits promotional video LINK, so we can use this as a test case example of what to look out for when identifying a scam.
Offical Link Site Promo Link .......
When reviewing this list, take this advice with a pinch of salt, one or two of the strategies used here and there are in part used commonly as part of general internet marketing, within such campaigns most products are legitimate, with associated legitimate internet sites.
The real kicker in identifying a promoted scam is the fact that all scam tactics listed below are jammed into a single campaign. Hence you get that dodgy vibe when you visit such sites. With a bit of savvy marketing here, a touch of illusion and misdirection there, finally with a swift stroke of the human greed factor, before you know it a blindside is taking place, these happen every 15 seconds across the globe. Scammers have earnt well into the billions each year preying on the needy, the statistics just climb higher from year to year.
SCAM TACTICS: 1. Unsolicited/Junk Emails i.e. an unsolicited email is addressed to you specifically (or not) giving you some benefit 2. Ludicrous, sounds to good to be true statements/assumptions i.e. You will generate money until the end of time! 3. Cannot freely leave a website, repeated popup windows pressuring/bribing you to stay 4. Malicious software, also referred to as malware, spyware, installed on your PC. 5. Crazy/ludicrous promotional names e.g. "Infinite Binary Profits" 6. Limited Time Countdown time expiry widgets i.e. they reset when you revisit the site. 7. Offer that speak to you directly reveling your county/local 8. False Actors i.e. If there background setting is not congruent with their success If there background or the actors looks to good to be true, most likely a $5 fivver actor. i.e. 9. If a site is littered with ads.
The list goes on, you get the general idea.
Remember you can greatly reduce the chances of being scammed on the Internet if you follow some simple precautions when researching any potential trading investment product or service. If you have signed up already with Infinite Binary Profits, comment below, share you experience with use. For anyone else wishing to zero in on Binary Options solutions, review my further warnings and recommendations below. I hope this review has been informative for you, thanks for reading.


1. Always remember when testing out any new trading ventures, manual or automatic, make sure you have a money management plan, once you have a strategy in place stick with it.
2. A FREE trading DEMO account is a great way to test out new strategies so you don’t go bust in the process.  
3. Not all brokers are made equal when it comes to great customer service, being able to withdraw funds, having a user friendly, easy to use trading platform to work with. I have traded with a countless number of brokers, some I have had nightmare experiences. I prefer to trade only using industry regulated brokers tick all the boxes, as above ( I have listed these below). If
you are not sure, try out one of the brokers listed below, do a background check as required, they will provide you with a demo account on request.


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The First Guide to Start with Binary Options Providers

Before choosing a broker to start binary options trading, the surfer which begins must learn some basics about binary options trading. To do this, here are some explanations and tips for successful future investments online. Trading binary options can be used to speculate on commodities like gold or oil, equities, equity indices or currencies. Unlike a direct investment in these assets, the binary option allows the novice trader to get a higher leverage and derive more gains if his position is winning.
Their success lies in their ease of use, and is therefore accessible even to the novice finance online. Indeed, they have several advantages which means that they are today the financial instrument most used by investors to the public, we will detail them later. They therefore attract more and more investors starting in binary option wishing grow their savings through their simplicity and the many privileges they offer.
Trader Online
Trading binary options and earn money not be invented overnight. However, be aware that the financial product is very simple to understand. This is to anticipate if the price of an asset will go up (or not) by a given date in the future. Behind this apparent simplicity, you still have to know that hides the hard law of the stock market, so you have to surround yourself well and form to generate significant revenue. How to profit? Several methods exist but to mention only the main ones, there are obviously technical analysis (analysis of the curves), and macro-economic analysis. These are the two most popular among traders binary option. Do not worry if you have never heard of, analysts a trading website will easily guide you and explain it to you with their simple words.
One aspect of the attractive trading digital options (another name for these financial products) essentially in accessibility to the majority of the financial markets that they allow to trade on a single trading platform. In this case, you must become if a stock, an index, a first or a material currency pair goes up or down. With all the global markets that are accessible, it is possible to place orders almost 24h / 24 and 7/7.
Why Start with Binary Options?
The main advantage of binary options is that they are transparent and anticipated. What does this suggest? This means that when opening a position, you know exactly how much you can earn and how much you can lose at maturity of the option. It is for example not the case when you invest in shares, or CFDs you can lose more than the capital you have invested. With binary trading, if you open a position of € 5, you can either win 85% (approximately) or lose that amount. But at least you are set, and there are no unknown on this point. This generally tends to reassure novice investors, who do not really know how to go about it. Again, a Customer of a platform regulated by the AMF (French regulator) will quickly explain how. This is the case of Trabic including which today shares the spotlight on training with Option Time. For only a deposit of € 100, you will have access to an analyst who will give you all his years of experience to earn quick money on the stock market.
The 10 basic commands to launch the options: • Read regularly... • Choose a regulated trust broker • Contact customer service for you to review • Get training (webinars, video tutorials, e-book, and counselors) • Follow the news of the stock market and financial in general • Make a minimum deposit to start • Beware of binary option bonus offered • Manage your trades carefully, for every 25 euros maximum • If you lose too much, stop and seek help from a counselor to reflect • If you win, reinvest prudently • The types of available stock market all
To recall a purse is defined as a place where exchange takes place securities of companies enjoying great popularity among investors, it is the place of listing of its large global firms. The Forex market is the most liquid currency with more than 4,000 billion dollars traded daily. The commodities market comprises products directly extracted from nature and unprocessed, such as gold or oil.
The binary options to speculate on all these different stock markets by giving access to their multiple underlying assets.
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The battle between the sellers and buyers organize the valuation of assets (the sellers are offering buyers and demand). Technical analysis is the study graphic courses and allows a more or less fine representation of the psychology of the market using technical indicators to anticipate future movements of an asset. The financial and fundamental analysis is the study of macroeconomic data in place to assess the real value of an asset. If it sounds unachievable in terms of vocabulary, it's much simpler than you think. We can recommend that you open a demo account with to really see what it looks like.
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submitted by SusanWilliam1 to BinaryOptionsProvider [link] [comments]

Virtnext Review - Best binary option trader

VirtNext Review : Read this VirtNext Review to know whether Virt Next Software Review is Scam or Legit ? VirtNext Trade Software has been discharged as of late .It have made a significant sensation with respect to its execution . Indeed, the most essential thing you should think about is whether this exchange programming genuine or one more add to the trick list? So for your mindfulness we have done a complete audit this product ,Read beneath to discover the conclusion.
VirtNext Software Review – Scam or Legit?


virtnext Review
Step by step instructions to Join the VirtNext Algo Trading Robot ?
Here's the way to join the VirtNext Trading. Take after the underneath Steps and begin Making Profits !
virtnext programming begin
Open An Account with the Signal supplier here : Open Virtnext Account
Round out your Correct subtle elements in the Members zone
Store a Min of 250$ to the Options exchanging Broker Account (All Brokers are Trusted)
Turn On the Autotrading ,Set the Risk Level to Low and Trade size to $25
My prescribed setting is above $25 per exchange , with that exchange size itself i have made a benefit of $1750 inside of 7 days .I began with $500 store .i have effectively pulled back $1200 Profits :)


Profiting in the Forex and Stock exchanging is difficult, which is conceivable just through high winning programming . You can trust the virtnext organization in light of the fact that they have demonstrated results with their product. It's having a triumphant rate of 86%
Is VirtNext Scam or Worthy to Use?
Vincent Bollore ,the CEO ensures best results with Virtnext .What you need to do is to enroll a record and initiate it. At that point making $1 K+ on exchanging days is conceivable with Virtnext in view of your beginning capital .
virt next survey
When you set Virtnext programming on autopilot, it purchases and offers resources like Stocks ,Currencies and so on ,the signs produced with their product are profoundly gainful. In this way, before the day's over you will be making decent benefits through their framework.
This product can be utilized on any stage, unequivocally Desktop, IOS and Android just. It makes the exchanging interface much smoother and consistently improved to exchange better for benefits. The Software keeps running on an Algorithm-Trading framework which by imprint utilizes high PCs which are quick to purchase and offer resources, monetary standards and more in the business sectors.
How does the Virtnext Software functions ? !
The VirtNext Software furnishes you with an Algorithm running on pace and top of the line PCs which permits you to offer and exchange quicker. The organization has just lost cash once in 4 years which is a significant achievement. You can utilize their framework on your desktop or Smartphone application for simple access with no limitations.
Yes you will need to put a store of cash or capital keeping in mind the end goal to setup your specialist account . The base store for VirtNext is around $250-300.
The great part is this product framework is not any tricks that you need to stress over. It is a genuine system keep running by author and proprietor Vincent Bollore who ensures min 80% + Win rate . Along these lines, my answer is entirely basic that you should attempt this signs App framework on account of it's productivity. Virtnext Review – The pitch
Virtnext scam reviewSo the reason we are getting free access today to Virtnext? Because the company wants to raise its shares price to 300% before the end of the year, as they want to go public.
Of course the access to Virtnext will be open for longer than a day we all know this. But they do not limit the places or say there are not many spot s left, once they have enough people they will close the doors but they have no limit on how many they will let in. If you’re interested, don’t delay and access your spot by clicking here. You can always fund your account later, but don’t miss out on the opportunity to enter if this is as good as we think it might be. Virtnext Review –


I really do not enjoy singing the praises of a product I have not actually even tested yet, but this Virtnext video has been very well made. A lot of time and effort has been put into this; it is Virtnext scam reviewnot just text and Voice overs.
I do believe that the people we see in the video are actors, but as I have said before this alone does not mean the Virtnext software is a scam. A lot of highly reputable companies use actors in the sales videos as they do not make silly mistakes on camera , they learn their lines and project the vision the company wants to portray.
The Virtnext video goes into a lot of detail about the company and what it does and where it came from.


The Sales Page
Virtnext Scam reviewThe Virtnext front page is a well designed smooth looking site. They have used simple colours that standout. There seems to be a lot of information on the front page but that really isn’t the case, it is all just large images to get the point across.
Green and Yellow seem to be very ‘in’ colours at the moment.
There are large images of laptops and screens, giving a modern feel, and also showing that this software will work on any device.
I especially like the Facebook feed towards the bottom of the page. This is a new layout I have not seen used before and is especially eye-catching.
There is a list of companies that use Virtnext for their investments. And there are some big names here.
Of course there are the Virtnext members testimonials. These never mean a lot to me as I think most video testimonials are contracted form the likes of The only one that is slightly believable in this bunch is the last guy Warren – the rest look like they are reading a script.
But this is neither here nor there. I do not recognize the faces from previous Binary Option scams.Virtnext scam review Virtnext Review – Page two
I am now through to the second stage of the Virtnext membership. This is the standard layout we have seen time and time again, but it still has the professional feel from the First VIrtnext page.Virtnext scam review
I do not think they have stopped their efforts here. The second video is just a simple well done and now register with one of our brokers and fund your account.
There is a timer on me now, I have 8 minutes to comply. I know that this is a little false scarcity but I am going to let it slide for now. The little things are not really adding up to ring scam bells with me here on the Virtnext page.
The rest of this Virtnext page has the news bulletin blasts and the testimonials like form the front page. A slightly different layout but essentially it’s all the same information. The news bulletins are different and displayed on a nice slider.
Under the Virtnext members testimonials we have a graph showing Virtnext members and their earnings. This is displayed in a new way, which looks really great, but once again not of any real benefit as how do we know if this is real? The Broker
Virtnext scam reviewI entered this review knowing I was going to sign up as the reviews from other binary options websites and information from other traders is just glowing.
I have been assigned Option Stars as a broker and will update you all on the progress following my initial deposit of 500€.
I am eager to see how the Virtnext software performs; having one of the most powerful computers in the Market place analyzing the data is a huge plus.
After not getting the software to link I requested a withdrawal no problems and have redeposited with 24Option, who is also regulated and widely considered to be one of the best around. Virtnext Review – Conclusion
So far I am impressed. The feedback on this software is just amazing, and the detail and effort that has been put into the Virtnext website is convincing enough.Virtnext scam review
Like I said earlier, I can forgive a few little things that are used as basic sales techniques like actors and a countdown timer. The positives have far outweighed the negatives here on my Virtnext review.
I will be back with an update in the next day or so once I am familiar with the software. Make sure you subscribe to my YouTube Channel to get the update on this Virtnext scam review, and see how it really works.
At the end of the day, a real test is the only way to know if it works or not. I will once again keep the identity of the account I use a secret from you and the brokers, just to make sure the results are genuine, as a lot of you out there think the brokers or software developers give me a better version of the software.
Stay tuned for the update and please share this Virtnext review so we can get the word out to others.



submitted by mkoinsadvy to Tradereviewse [link] [comments]

XE TRADER Sept.2015 REVIEW | A Scam Review? | Under The Bonnet Investigation

I personally don’t have time or money to waste on anything that smells like a scammy product or service. That’s why in early September when this product first flashed across my screen, I was compelled to investigate. “What the……. is this?” was my initial response. This might sound harsh, however, if you, the consumer are looking for shortcuts to earn and learn how to get rich overnight using Binary Option Trading as your vehicle, you really need to ask yourself the hard questions before incinerating money on products that promise quick riches. Now, fast forward to today, my comments are still emphatic, however once you read this article and review my findings you will be surprised. Throughout this article we will identifying and asking the hard questions one should ponder before purchasing any type of Auto or Semi-Auto-Trader based software. Please read and pay special attention to this article, by the end you will be educated enough to decide whether or not this product is worth investing your time and money in.
WARNING: If you are a new or an existing Binary Options trader, you must be well aware that 90% of people trading Binary Options lose their money. To avoid black holes one should train their minds to acquire a tool set that will not only assist you identifying daily trades, but also provides you the the ability to read the markets, simplifying trend analysis and most importantly educating oneself to trade effectively. Don’t fall into the trap of receiving signals and resorting to blind trading, i.e. roll the dice, cross your fingers and hope for the best.
Q1. In a competitive market, what is the purpose and point of difference with XE Trader? Answer: As a trader you have a collection of tools you use to trade, to illustrate you may have a set of tools, i.e. a knife, screw driver, pick, metal file, corkscrew etc. XE Trader is packed with many all in one features similar to that of a Swiss Army Knife, features that will enhance your trading experience. XE Trader is delivered to you as a platform not an application with its versatility you can install third party applications within this platform. September 2015, the claim has been made that “XE Trader is the world's most advanced currency pair trend indicator and signals robot designed specifically for binary options trading”. How so? “XE Trader is packed with feature rich enhancements that improve your trading experience”. The main purpose behind XE Trader is to serve as an aid in assisting traders with their understanding of trades, where the information comes from, so they can spot opportunities on their own as they arise within the markets.
Q2. Who’s behind this product, what’s their history? are they known criminals/scammers? Answer: XE Trader is brought to you by the world's largest privately owned binary options trader education company Options XE. Education in the form of Trading Webinars is a core part of Option XE's business. Following 3 years of development EX Trader is now the successor of the worlds first binary options robot Optionbot 2, their first creation. Over the years many trading bots have been released into the market, within weeks/months they crash and burn, never to be seen again. Optionbot 2 on the other hand has been and still in circulation, very popular and profitable since day one. This in itself attributes to the success of OptionXE’s first live OptionBot. “In short the XE Trader platform is more than a trading tool, it’s an all encompassing service which will help you win more trades and learn how to become a more effective trader”. The brains and brawn behind OptionBot2 and XE Trader include.
Keith Wareing.............CEO of OptionXE Jack Travers................Services Director Ben Newman...............Operations Director
As a collective these guys have been in the trading and training business for decades. Now totaling 30 staff, and a trained based of over 20,000 students, these guy’s leave no stone upturned when it comes to providing great support and training backing a solid product. The XE Trader product is a culmination of all of that work that as company Option EX achieved to date. All of their trading experience have been encapsulated into a single computer Window so you the trader can learn how to trade more effectively from home.
Q3. What are the key product features and how will these prove advantageous to me? Answer: a. Trend Indicator in also build in across 15 currency pairs. b. Push signals are available across all 30 assets, All signals provided within this platform are passed on via proven leading signal providers. c. Copy trade signals are also made available. These are particularly useful when you are attending one of Ben Newman's webinars, all of which live trading is performed on behalf attendees as they learn how to become familiar with the XE Trader trading platform. d. SMS Alerts e. Economic trading calendar: To keep you apprised of market conditions ahead of time at a glance. f. Market opening times alarm clock g. Accurate Zoomable Price Charts h. Embedded trader insight videos and bulletins surrounding market announcements and events, videos and bulletins are available on the fly.
Q4. If this is a signal service how does it connect with my existing broker? Answer: As an improvement from OptionBot2’s costly and strict broker entry requirements of 3 to 5 must have registered brokers The entry requirement for XE TRADER is just the one broker. You can even use your existing broker.
Q5. How much does this product cost? Are there any hidden costs? What’s the catch? Answer: You can pay an all up lifetime licence of 2,999 pounds, includes 1 month subscription to their daily training webinars or you can opt in for the a Free Licence offer, how long this window stays open is anyone’s guess. If this product meets popular demand and takes off as a roaring success, or if it flops, either scenario will undoubtedly have a determination as to this product windows life-cycle period.
Q6. If this sounds like a “Too good to be true” offer, what's the angle, how do the promoters profit? Answer: If the OptionBot2 is anything to go by I don’t believe this product falls into that category.
Q7. What realistically can my expectations be by connecting with this product/service? Answer: Please view the product video. Here you will find reviews by beta testers.
XE Trader Product Video
WARNING: As video has been published by OptionsXE, a pinch of salt could be in order, unbiased content? Well you decide. Historical sales and ITM performance form OptionBot2, would suggest that after years of further research and development of XE Trader could be a promising in this industry. What we have here is now called a platform, somewhat more than a trading tool, an all encompassing service that will help you win more trades and learn how to become a more effective trader.
Q8. If I invest in this product and it all goes very wrong, what are my options? Answer: The XE Team behind the development and support for this product are very credible, collectively they have years of knowledge and experience. Ben Newman provides live assistance and training via his complimentary webinars as a service once you register with XE Trader.
To conclude it is refreshing to see a sold rounded product unlike the other scams on the internet. Thank You for reviewing this article, I hope you have found it informative. Please leave a comment below, all the best as you complete you own due diligence and move forward.

Click here to download and register for XE Trader right now



1. Always remember when testing out any new trading ventures, manual or automatic, make sure you have a money management plan, once you have a strategy in place stick with it.
2. A FREE trading DEMO account is a great way to test out new strategies so you don’t go bust in the process.  
3. Not all brokers are made equal when it comes to great customer service, being able to withdraw funds, having a user friendly, easy to use trading platform to work with. I have traded with a countless number of brokers, some I have had nightmare experiences. I prefer to trade only using industry regulated brokers tick all the boxes, as above ( I have listed these below). If
you are not sure, try out one of the brokers listed below, do a background check as required, they will provide you with a demo account on request.


Banc De Binary
Cherry Trade
Interactive Options
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Protected Profits Review 14th September 2015 - Some claim this is a scam others boast it’s a success story. What I unveil in this review will allow you to make up your own mind.

Just like a workman's tool, the honest truth can be tapped through experience. Read on, discover the facts for yourself, be your own person, your mind and choices are yours, and yours alone.

Quick View DETAILS:

Industry: Binary Options Website Link: Product: Automated trading system Release Date: 14th September 2015

How will Protected Profits BENEFIT you as a trader?

If you are new to trading binary options, or have been trading for quite a while as in my case, Protected Profits through correct use will step up your trading game. To assist you to this end ensure you read my “WARNING advice” below.
The Protect Profits offical site is live as of today, click the below Link to find out the specifics. As a cautionary measure please ensure you complete reading this article before registering with Protected Profits.
Protected Profits Official Link
Like any new flash and shiny product (also referred to as hot potatoes), approach with caution, make sure you read and heed my “WARNING advice” below.


Just like most experiences in life, a successful outcome is in part determined by how you challenge yourself and conduct yourself in the process. Whatever resources you have available to you capitalize on to achieve your desired outcome. Protected Profits as a trading tool responds in similar way. Optimal outcomes require ideal trading conditions. From my experience only use this tool during at peak trading times, i.e. at the OPENING oand just before the opening of each foreign exchange market, trade for no more than a two hour period, i.e. European market (6:00GMT), Asian market (23:30GMT) and US market (13:30GMT). During these trading times the markets are most volatile, i.e. major asset movements. These times are ideal for Protected Profit’s to do it’s job. Make sure you only target currency pairs specific to the markets times you are trading. i.e. US Session (13:30GMT) only focus on using currency pairs such as, USD/CAD, EUUSD, USD/JPY, NZD/USD, /USD/CHF.


1. Always remember when testing out any new trading ventures, manual or automatic, make sure you have a money management plan, once you have a strategy in place stick with it.
2. A FREE trading DEMO account is a great way to test out new strategies so you don’t go bust in the process.  
3. Not all brokers are made equal when it comes to great customer service, being able to withdraw funds, having a user friendly, easy to use trading platform to work with. I have traded with a countless number of brokers, some I have had nightmare experiences. I prefer to trade only using industry regulated brokers tick all the boxes, as above ( I have listed these below). If you are not sure, try out one of the brokers listed below, do a background check as required, they will provide you with a demo account on request.


Banc De Binary
Cherry Trade
Interactive Options


This sounds like sales speak to me. In my opinion using Protected Profits as a trading tool, you have more to gain than lose. The decision process, moving forward, you can either read and bounce off the differing opinions from countless internet bloggers, or you can air on the side of caution, keep my “Warning Advice” under you belt, approach with caution, register with Protected Profits, take baby steps, follow my advice, make some money. I hope you found this article informative, I wish you all the the best and successes along.
Please remember to comment below, look forward to your feedback so we can share in your experiences.

ACCESS LINK to Protected Profits:

Protected Profits Registration Link
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Gold Digger Trading BOT | Sept.15th 2015 REVIEW | Who’s digging what from who? | Mining for Truth

Don’t get a pick-axe stuck in the back of your head by not reading this article in full. This review could save you, or break you financially. Don't touch this product until you have completed this read!
Unless you are a full-time Forex or Binary Options trader, trading into the wee early hours of the morning can wear you down. Hence the invention of auto-trading, trading-bot software products. You sleep whilst they work for you, with money generation in mind opposed to money degradation as the case may be.
You may have had the experience in the past using auto-trading software to provide for you with a ROI (Return ON Investment), such as OptionBot2 or Michael Freeman's Auto Trading software, another highly rated ITM (In The Money) provider. Other auto-traders have proven to be quite defective, not even providing a ROI (Return OF Investment). Let’s not go there, wasting time and depress those readers who have already traveled down that scorching road. If you haven’t had such misfortune to date, just so you are not blindsided, be aware of a few existing Auto-Trading BOTs, paraded scams currently at play within the Binary Options industry. i.e. Binary Boom Rock The Stock The 50k Mission, the list goes on.

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Industry:..........Binary Options Website Link:...Gold Digger Promotion Product:...........Automated trading system Release Date:...16th September 2015
Moving right along, a product certainly worth a mention, a new auto-trading system, Gold Digger. Gold Digger is a very hot product right now on the internet. “Come on, how good is it, really?” I hear you ask. With the official launch just a day away now, claims have been made that this auto-trader has technically exploded into a hemisphere of its own, scientifically providing performance like no other, i.e. other rival bots are like a child toy and pale in comparison. Very high claims I say, however on closer inspection this product has two fold benefits as it turns out.
I have traded binary options for over two years now, I initially lost allot of money and learn allot both in theory and practice, wising up along the way. I’m happy to say I am now a profitable trader. If you are new or an existing Binary Options Trader and would like to fast track your learning curve and path, Gold Digger could be the product for you. Don’t take my word for it, do you own research, below is a link providing you with statistics relating to the Gold Digger auto trading software.
LINK: Gold Digger Poll Results
The next link below provides you with more information surrounding Gold Digger discover the people, the brains, the brawn and history behind this incredible product. There is a free licence available for you. Blowing past all of the hype, having tested this product consistency and reliability is way up there comparative to other bots on the market. With this limited time offer there really is little to lose and everything to gain. Checkout Gold Digger for yourself whilst you can.
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